Exclusive Interview With Jonathan Brown, The Person Who Filmed This Thermal Footage In Washington (Updated: Video)

Over the weekend at the Sasquatch Summit and Washington, Olympic Project founder Derek Randles revealed one of the most impressive thermal footage of Bigfoot ever. Randles had already set out to do a thorough investigation of the location and from what we're hearing, more evidence will be made public as soon as they are ready. We contacted Jonathan Brown, the person who contacted the Olympic Project after filming a massive sasquatch observing him and his brother from 117 ft away. Here's our conversation with Jonathan about the footage and the on going investigation:

Shawn Evidence: Hi Jonathan. Really impressive footage. When did you film it?

Jonathan Brown: Thank you. It was taken 3-4 weeks ago.

Shawn Evidence: How many people were with you that day, if you don't mind me asking?

Jonathan Brown: During the picture and the video, my brother Joel Brown. My wife was at the site not long before.

Shawn Evidence: Did you find any tracks when you checked the location?

Jonathan Brown: Yes. We cast a 16 1/2 inch print where he was standing.

Shawn Evidence: I was wondering if there are any more details you can give us to share about your footage. I think you have the best thermal footage any researcher can ever ask for. In summer of 2012, The Sierra Evidence Initiative team, Bart Cutino and I, recorded what we believe to be at least 2 sasquatches on thermal. I have to say, your footage is pretty amazing.

Jonathan Brown: I saw your footage a couple weeks ago, and loved it. When we filmed it we were unfamiliar with the flir, as we had only had it for a short period of time. We had the medium lens of the 3 on, and we didn't know about the zoom or how to adjust the lens for clarity. We also didn't know about the auto shut down or how to prevent it. It was 117 feet away, and I started browsing and took the first still. I didn't know how to record and my brother Joel brown, took the camera and figured out the record option and filmed the video. There were about 30 cows by us, and I was browsing them and when I saw the head, I thought it was probable that it was a bigfoot because the heat signature was so different. Through the view finder it was not nearly as clear as on the computer, and it wasn't until a few days later my wife pulled out the sd card. I was in another room playing my guitar and when I first saw the look on her face I thought someone died. I couldn't believe how good it ended up being. In the last year we have recorded 150 plus audio recordings of the wild men in the woods, and we have had 2 night time sightings of them and I had a daylight encounter. With that being said I wasn't in a hurry to watch what I thought was going to be a blurry blob that could have been a bigfoot.

Jonathan Brown: The audio with the parabolic began in September and that is where the majority of the audio is from. Prior we had a few taken from our iPhones.

Jonathan Brown: My wife Sara had contacted Derek Randles. After meeting him and David Ellis, we knew that it would be the perfect partnership. We brought them to the site, and walked them through the key areas, and our base camp where we do our general night observations. David Ellis set up his recording station with a parabolic microphone, and introduced my wife to a spectrographic analysis software program and worked together on the recordings. From there our site gained momentum.

Shawn Evidence: What an incredible find Jonathan. Do you mind if I post something about this conversion? I can just mention your first name and leave your last name out of you prefer to stay private.

Shawn Evidence: When was the last time you've been back?

Jonathan Brown: The location of the site is very secure, and nothing about our names will link anything or anyone to the location. I was at the site last night with Joel AKA Ben (goes by Middle name). I'm also not concerned of people thinking I'm crazy for what we share. What would be crazy is to deny what you know for fear of what others may think. That would be the mindset of a coward. The only thing I can say to the skeptics is that I'm sorry that you don't know what I do. If you don't believe that's you're issue, not mine. We believe in bigfoot the same way people believe in bears.

Shawn Evidence: Well said. I'm looking forward to sharing your story and investigation. Also, in the video that you filmed, how long is the video and how did the Bigfoot behave?

Jonathan Brown: I believe the raw footage is 4 minutes, and the raw and enhanced will be shared at the same time as long as Derek and the team agree. We talked with Derek, and we came to an understanding that we need the Olympic Project to release all evidence first, and then we can share individually. So I will get you a picture of the footprint after it goes through the Olympic Project. We have been doing the field work, but it's a team effort between Derek, Sara, Joel, David and myself. If any of us were out of the equation the project wouldn't be what it is and we share equal importance, just in different roles.

Shawn Evidence: Again. We appreciate you sharing your story with us, Jonathan.

Sasquatch to human size comparison

[Update] Here's the footage:


  1. Replies
    1. the thing being 117' away it lost all the detail because the cow was clear as a bell because it was a lot closer.

    2. ^boy scout leader (likes boys)

    3. How much poop would a poop chucker chuck if a poop chucker could chuck poop

      Apparently a lot

      That's why my question never got an answer yesterday cause thermal will never give us shit as far as advancing the field the only thing it'll give you is shit evidence to fleece a die hard footer the same ones who bought platinum memberships this is a complete fuckin disgrace and an embarrassment to Bigfootin researchers everywhere tryin to bring actual evidence to the table trying to prove the creatures existence and they work hard at it like my friend Stevie Strings

    4. wait a minute...i can see it now...it's...it's Dancing Bear from the Captain Kangaroo Show!

    5. Sorry I'm havin a bad day did you not read that I'm feelin very uninspired

    6. On the bright side we were long overdue for a new story

    7. Feelin' uninspired
      Think I'll start a fire
      Everybody run
      Bobby's got a gun
      Think you're kinda neat
      Then she tells me I'm a creep
      Friends don't mean a thing
      Guess I'll leave it up to me

  2. I always knew Sasquatch was a C.H.U.D

  3. Target acquired – fire for effect ………. : )

    1. pray and spray Achmed! Allah snackbar!

    2. if U gotz a AK U good to go - on da fire mission shootem-up : )

    3. U be an idiot....go to some other blog and be an idiot.

    4. target aquired at 505- light em up Spooky!

    5. too many video games......................

    6. Old platoon Sergeant told us when in doubt shoot……

    7. drum mags and ammo...... : )

    8. AKs beez da shits - fo bigfoot huntin

  4. Olympic Project ? Ummm....

    Why ?

    Didn't watch it for a couple of days ? Umm...

    1. The Special Olympic Project.

    2. Come that was funny I may go to hell for laughing but in context it's funny

    3. I donated 17,5000 dollars to this project and this is the kind of return I get?

    4. That's disheartening you should get 12,5000 back first chance you get like the coming tax season

    5. Once that blimp is up and running, we'll get possum pics by the thousands. No Squatches, but plenty of possum and other credible animals from the Bigfoot community. Money well spent!

    6. Phew alright buddy at least you'll have something to show for the 17,5000 donation it not a complete wash

  5. Shwan 'scoop' Evidence gets all the latest news and wears all the latest fashions.

  6. So you have 150+ audio files of the big guy in the last year, a few on your iPhone and the bulk from your parabolic received in September?

    So the bulk of 150+ from the parabolic is recorded in a span of less than 2 full months?

    But not one clear picture or video, even the thermal is blobbysquatch territory. Not one giant Sasquatch turd, not one hair in places you KNOW it has been...

    But I bet you have a nice gifting bowl...

    1. He has a copy of your ball pic in the gifting basket.

    2. No wonder they leave the basket alone.

  7. I just found the full video, pictures, tracks, and story about this on another blog called Team Big.com - You can see the face. Makes this article kind of useless really.

    1. I saw that to alredy. Here a link http://team-big.com/ridge-watcher-bigfoot/

    2. It's like...it's like i'm seeing it from inside my own taterhole! repressed memories are flooding back.

    3. 'The eye sockets, nose, mouth, and ears are detectable'

      on the cow that walks by. That's what a real creature looks like. Not like this immobile, out of focus heat blob. At no time did the photographer attempt to close the distance or better yet flush the beast out.
      Crap like this makes even a rodeo clown like Mike B seem legit.

    4. ^^^Illegitimate rodeo clown


  8. This article is pointless. Nothing new.

    1. You read it so not completely pointless. . . okay yes it is. Waste of time.

  9. Hey PJ,

    Here's some stuff to add to your copy/past clipboard.


  10. Why not ask him the obvious question: how is this 8-foot Bigfoot only visible chest up just behind the base of a tree??? Is there a cliff edge there?

    This go-through-Derek-first BS is such ambulance-chasing crap. No way any legitimate researcher would have released this without photos or diagrams of the site and terrain.

    1. Early settlers diaries spoke of 8-foot Bigfoots being only visible chest up just behind the bases of trees.

    2. I'm reading about an 18th century Welshman named Enos Heath. An unfortunate childhood experience with a 'wildman' turned this 7 foot tall fur trapper into a sasquatch killing machine. It is very disturbing.

    3. The article linked above has all that. Whoever Team Big is, they know how to present a case.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. oh fuck me, derek didn't say some anon sent this in to them. what a crock of shit

    1. 10 Million dolla....make you holla. I get paid to do the Possum thing.

  12. Most embarrassing piece of thermal footage ever taken. Time for the Olympic Project to just go away.

    1. Preliminary reports suggest that it may be a freshly deposited colostomy bag discarded by the old dairy farmer.

    2. Preliminary reports also suggest that a clear photo or video of an undeniable hairy monster man will never ever ever ever be produced...and we will all like it.

    3. Melba Ketchum tested this piece of thermal footage and it was positive for Bigfoot.

      Nuff said. Game set match.

      - Mulder and TimB

  13. Oh my God...that video is a fucking joke. You can see the little one's head moving around at 3:30-3:35 or so, and the mother's head is bobbing up and down the ENTIRE time...foraging or something. Does Floor Bigfoot have a twitchy left shoulder? That little baby is moving all around too...and you can clearly see its legs. Can't you tell an animal's butt when you see one? And their tree-comparisons don't match up at all...you been had, guys, or you're having us.

    1. You must be new here. Welcome.This type of Steamy Turd Sandwich is served up on the menu daily around here. Eat up.

    2. It's an osasquatch. They have a pouch!

    3. Possum mama with baby on her back is the most credible Bigfoot of all time, or at least since last week.

    4. I wonder what a Deep Sea Self Aware Disembodied Taterhole Fish would look like on a FLIR....probably a pretty solid heat signature near the brown eye.

    5. (clive squashy)

      This story may have legs.

    6. Hey Clive realistically how much ground can be gained with only a thermal image of any unknown species without I am gonna say visual evidence for lack of a better term like ir or a daytime shot for example

    7. (clive squashy)

      How much ground can be gained ?

      With eight legs quite a bit..,.

    8. Holy crap all this time I thought you were serious and Clive was Trollin everyone no shit

    9. (clive squashy)

      Sorry Harry, dunno what came over me.

    10. I was gonna give up all together if you wouldn't even have a serious discussion about this with me I just don't understand the point of how thermal will get us anywhere or add to our knowledge

    11. (clive squashy)

      Obviously we are all interested in the BF legend.

      Obviously serious discussion is difficult.

    12. Micro-voltage ground sensors and pop-up "Jack in the Box" HD cams. Deadly....

  14. "we came to an understanding that we need the Olympic Project to release all evidence first, and then we can share individually. So I will get you a picture of the footprint after it goes through the Olympic Project."

    That about says it all. Got some bear, canine, or possum? Derek Randles of YGNALI Public Relations will wrap up your 'Nothing' in a pretty bow so everyone will 'Like It', as long as he gets to be the one 'You'll Get' it from.

  15. Look at all the Tards in defense mode... Ha ha ha ha!!!

    I can feel the fear... Don't worry, the video is coming...

    1. Hate to say it Joe but so was a lot of stuff that you said was coming.It came and went without proof of Bigfoot.Just saying.

      PS.You have to admit to that.

    2. Hate to tell you, the video is here, and it's a joke. Have you seen it?

      Bigfoot with morphing head and twitchy shoulder = Baby possum scrambling on back of mama with foraging, bobbing head.

      Clear as day. The video proof may be coming, but it ain't of this Squatch.

  16. Now we all have a new saying, THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE HOLE!

  17. Why would a serious Researcher present this as any kind of evidence? I'd be embarrassed! Derek must be getting desperate, now that his mentor Rick Dyer pulled another hoax! Which he fell for.

    Also we have the new Oscar-winning movie of all time, staring Justin as the 2nd best liar in the world! Thousands of people will pay to see it, and guess what? NO FUCKING BODY!

  18. Art Bell all over it............ : )


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