Dead Bigfoot: A True Story Is Now Available Online, Watch It Now

Ro Sahebi's brand new documentary, Dead Bigfoot: A True Story is finally available online. Watch the review below and hit the link to watch it online:

10/10 Stars
"The Best Bigfoot Film Ever Made!" - Bigfoot Evidence Blog

Click on the following link to watch the documentary online:

Watch review of Dead Bigfoot below via Rev. Jeffery Kelley:



  2. Pooping out this movie for trying to charge us $4 to download the POOP of a reenactment that sucks BIGFOOT BALLS .The End

  3. Art Bell to track down the big guy and get da proof

  4. Imagine if you will, the sound of a giant reverberating fart. That is my opinion of Smeja and his story.

  5. I have seen this documentary and it is very intense. I haven't seen anything this good Bigfoot related in a VERY long time. Watch the flick and make your decision. Did Justin kill two Bigfoot in October of 2010?

    1. " ODD DAMNED" HE DID !!!!!!! BIG DORIS !!!!!

    2. Hmm..let me think about it.. Justin killed 2 bigfoots, an adult and child with the latter dying in his arms..Shocked into inaction by their borderline humanity(the animals, not Justin and friend) they did the obvious thing and left a cool million on the forest floor...
      Luckily, the web is infested with footers and one happened to be on the taxidermy site where Justin sheepishly hinted at the zoological find of the millennium..The seasoned veteran convinced Justin of the importance of his actions and, after weeks of persuasion, convinced Justin to take part in field trips to locate evidence..Amazingly, a bear up and died and left a little piece of itself at the very same spot where Justin killed 2 bigfoots...In the end, then, the only proof is that people with megaphones like Shawn, Ro, Bart and yourself think he is a good dude..I'm sure that is true but I ain't buying the story...Good luck on the show, btw..looking forward to it....

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. I don't have to watch this flick at all, I already know the TRUE ending, IT'S ALL A LIE! a big FUCKING BULLSHIT STORY!

      Next they'll be making a flick about Dr. Johnson! It's all going down hill from here. Your all getting desperate! now look at Randalls THERMAL! Are you kidding me? Your accepting THAT as a possible BF?
      Like I said your getting desperate!

    5. ^^^^ Speaking from ignorance? Ive seen one, your a retard!

  6. Rictor you think anyone gives a shit you what you think? Everyone knows you do "bigfooting" to get close to men. Obviously you can't find any on your own and everyone knows you didn't win the Spike TV thing. You're no bigfoot celebrity. You got nothing, you do nothing and you are nothing. Go back to giving BJs to your cook in the back of your low life Vegas restaurant you work at. YOu are one of dozens who give this whole thing a big black turd of bad reps.

    Oh and nobody cares about this "documentary" LOL. Pay ME to watch and maybe I will.

    1. ...lols..Are you Matt Monyemaker? I think I read that you two had a lovers quarrel, but its hard to keep track of all the bigfoot gayness...What's a TBP, Dan?..

    2. Not Me Dan ------ You comin Squatchin Dan? Great BIG Squatches here in Cali. I'll bet you if you come Squatchin ---- I won't promiss a sighting ------- but you'll hear one!

    3. whhoooooo-aaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, whopp, whooop!


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