Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Matt K., a Sasquatch enthusiast. Visit his blog, Bigfoot Crossroads.

This past weekend was the official screening of Dead Bigfoot: A True Story by Ro Sahebi starring and documenting the story of Justin Smeja, a man who claims to have shot both an adult and juvenile bigfoot in the Sierra Nevada mountain range of California.

Click here to continue reading at Bigfoot Crossroads.


  1. First for the Trolls!

    Now do a good and click on an ad for fucks sake

    1. where's all the broads with fake boobs?

    2. ...Shawn unmasked last Thanksgiving and introduced himself and his family..Now he is the most credible voice with a recognizable but hard to pronounce name in bigfootery today...Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Shawn and to all of Trollandia,,,,

    3. one of the reasons there are so few stories of interest, they are all on facebook and protected by privacy




  3. So let me get this straight... there is zero evidence that this ever happened just like every other bigfoot story?

    1. Multiple witnesses are good enough for a court of law, aren't they?

    2. There's also court cases where murderers have been convicted without a body. Type in 'April Jones of Wales murder case' into Google search for this.

    3. And that makes bigfoot real how exactly?

    4. It doesn't, it just highlights how much of a closed mind people have... Especially when eyewitness accounts have happened over many thousands of years, that also have physical evidence to back it up. If a creature wasn't real; it wouldn't leave tracks.

      You're welcome to your opinion though.

    5. Physical evidence?

      Plenty of evidence of hoaxers and liars. None of an actual bigfoot anywhere ever?

    6. You have film footage that remarkably everyone denies and requests more of... You have tracks with dermal ridges that are found 50 miles into wilderness areas. These tracks also have toe bending and scaring, that also show a consistency in species traits that are found in different States, many years apart... Pretty hard to hoax eh?

    7. This isn't law Joe, its zoology..For me, cryptozoology is potentially(it isn't really recognized by academia yet) a branch that incorporates methods and knowledge from other disciplines such as cultural anthropology, psychology, folk lore etc..It mixes with these other disciplines with the aim of determining whether or not animals not recognized by traditional zoology(animals not on the taxonomic lists) exist..

      Justin is just one more guy with an anecdote..Some people think he may be telling the truth and are doing what should be done in that case : go to alleged area and look for evidence.So far nada, and even if the entire universe believed him, it will not make a bigfoot magically appear or tell us a single fact about them should they exist..
      Again, for me cryptozoology is about the search.. For many(including you, I think), it is the study of unrecognized animals and the underlying tenet is that anecdotes count as data. They then draw conclusions, talk about what they do, and talk about what they are..Its fun, but the bottom line is, without the animal all they have is opinion, not facts.No offense to anyone, btw...

      .. I think Sykes will have something to say about all this and may on balance end up giving the subject a much needed shot in the arm....Have a good one...

    8. Once you change the mindset that everyone is lying or hoaxing, then you can look at the evidence and have a more open mind, which you need to have or it doesn't matter what anyone says. Suggesting that people are doing that is trying too hard to deny those sources, and is not being a proper skeptic, neither letting something breath for the sake of it being able to have any credibility what so ever. Step back, relax and put yourself in the wider picture.

      Surely people can't have been lying for ten thousand years?

    9. 3:54... Great post...

      Ok... Let's look at like this, if there were more scientists like Sykes pitching in; who's to say we wouldn't have found the holy grail by now? There is plenty of reason for science to investigate; look at the relict hominid research by the Russians for example... Amazing science and I suggest everyone take a look at it. Thankfully we have Sykes looking at DNA, but there needs to be more, more of a collective effort.


    10. I'd also like to add, that anecdotal evidence is just part of the puzzle... And the frequency of that regarding this subject is too high to label as JUST anecdotes. I am an advocate of the theory that 90% of eye witnesses are actually being mistaken, but that doesn't mean that the 10% left over aren't worth acknowledging, that is twisted logic and all too a convenient means of closure for the majority of people with an agenda to scoff at this subject.

    11. The sheer volume of anecdotal evidence is actually a hindrance for footery. With a lack of a bigfoot despite the large number of reports, it shows we are dealing with a psychological and cultural phenomenon and not an actual creature.

    12. People have been lying since day one. Buncha damn crooks and liars. That is why I escape into the magic forest.

    13. When you have the frequency of sightings that are in complete conjunction with what one would expect to see from a highly intelligent nocturnal creature, paired with the amount of evidence there is to suggest there 'could be' something to it... The decision to not investigate is far from the scientific method that skeptics keep implying is keeping this subject in the realms of 'reality'. When that doesn't happen, and you have numerous reasons to suspect that the economy would have to suffer for habitat, then it is not too unrealistic to those who wonder why this subject doesn't move out from dogmaville.

      People make things up, yes... But implying that all witnesses that have seen this creature do, is trying too hard to dismiss them and is again... Not in line with the scientific method skeptics claim is right in keeping this subject back. If these people really would 'love this subject to be proven', then they wouldn't dismiss every account as either money making schemes or lies. In their effort to dismiss people they consider liars of swindlers, they forget that the majority of researchers are just that to replicate experiences they have had that have changed their lives.

    14. Thanks for the response Joe..I agree some of the sightings must come from honest experienced outdoor types and that can merit an expedition by scientists into the deep forests of the PNW ..
      .I think Joe agrees with you 4:15--he said 90% are mistaken...Its clear to all a much smaller number of sightings (then 40,000 in 50 years?!) is more in tune with the thus far lack of discovery..Then, how do I separate the good ones from the bad? I guess that is where the people who know some psychology and criminology come in...

    15. Thanks and you're welcome...This is an open blog so people are coming from all angles.. Its more productive to either talk broadly about crytpozoology and footery(even if its critical-there was a good post about pseudo science yesterday) or about very specific topics like the thermal capture from the OP...Everyone from habituators to the JREF guys have an interest in these things for whatever reasons..

      Nobody ever changes someone else's mind within the course of a thread about their degree of probability for existence, but I guess people will always try...

    16. If only there were more people commenting like yourself, the place would be a far better place.

      Very much enjoyed your comments.

    17. and less cut and paste trolls who try and dominate every single thread. right dingus?

    18. Here's a Thanksgiving cut & paste... Just for you Numpty;

      "A pair of Tipp City women reportedly have the definite answer as they claim to have seen…Bigfoot. Terri Bessler and Crystal Krieger were driving through West Virginia when in the clear of day they spotted the behemoth mythical figure. It was walking up a truck ramp, off of the highway, up into the wooded mountains.

      “It was huge, there is no way it was a person,” said Bessler, owner of Midwest Memories. The figure was a solid shade of black, and showed no definition of any clothing lines.

      Krieger is in agreement that the ever elusive Bigfoot was seen. “If it was a real person, it was the biggest person in the world. And where would they be going? There is nothing up there but woods,” she said.

      Unfortunately, Bessler could not tame her anxiety ridden hands enough to get a picture. By the time she maintained enough control of her phone to take one, they were around the curve and out of viewing distance.

      The purpose of their excursion was to pick up Krieger’s son Cody, a 2011 graduate of Tippecanoe High School, from North Carolina and bring him home for Thanksgiving. In the U.S Marines, Cody is stationed at Camp Geiger for the School of Infantry.

      They were enjoying just a typical drive through the mountains of West Virginia, when Bigfoot was clearly spotted and could not be anything else. The women estimate they were less than half a mile away from the Sasquatch and its size was in no way proportionate to a human. Neither their vision nor judgment was impaired in any way. “We weren’t sleep deprived or juiced up on caffeine,” said Bessler.

      They expect that not everyone will believe their story, but they are certain of what they saw and urge everyone to keep an eye out for Bigfoot next time they travel through West Virginia."

      Source: Tippecanoe Gazette
      Written by Mike Woody

    19. Yawn. Coupla dingbats. bigfeets in WV would be bagged and tagged in a heartbeat. I lived there.

    20. Oh, and for further Bigfoot stories around Thanksgiving... Here is a BFE page with stories of just that...

      ... Enjoy!!!

    21. That's right, zero evidence save Justin's and a buddie's word.

    22. If only, if only the lonely wolf cries. If only the world accepted my stories as fact although I have no evidence as to back up my claims of 9 foot wild man (then gorilla accounts after the turn of the century) in the woods.

    23. You've never claimed to have had such an encounter. The world will accept it when it's allowed to do so, so far it's evidently being covered up. The fact you're here yapping about it every other day, though claiming not to believe it's real can't possibly give you anything of use anymore when you know as well as I do the proof is hidden away. You're not changing people's minds either and they're not changing yours so you're wasting your time talking about something which is under wraps.

  4. On this day of Thanksgiving it has been a pretty good week for us folks where the world of Bigfootology holds an important position in our lives. First on Sunday night the show Finding Bigfoot was aired showing the famous thermal of the outstanding Squatchers, Stacy Brown Sr. and Jr. The recreation of Bobo and the computer side by sides showed without doubt to us that the Brown thermal was and is a huge Sasquatch. Then a couple of days later Derek Randles, another outstanding researcher of the Olympic Project with help from an able crew brought forth a several minute clip of yet another one, backed up by 16 1/2 inch tracks where the creature was situated during the filming.

    I give thanks for many things, but I give a special thanks to people like this that put forth so much energy and effort, overcoming disdain and ridicule to pursue a passion that has been shunned by too many in the science, academia, and media field. Job well done guys and gals.


    1. Here, here! Hope you're having a good one Chuck!!

      Much respect.

    2. The "backed up by tracks" is textbook footery. Patterson knew that to seal the deal on a good hoax it was important to hoax a set of tracks to go with it. He set the precedent and now it is the standard for any hoaxing of bigfoot evidence.

    3. ... For those who think that 'hoaxed tracks in the 50's & 60's started off the 'Bigfoot myth'...

      "In 1932, Ellis Wright found human tracks in the gypsum rock at White Sands, New Mexico. His discovery was later backed up by Fred Arthur, Supervisor of the Lincoln National Park and others who reported that each footprint was 22 inches long and from 8 to 10 inches wide. They were certain the prints were human in origin due to the outline of the perfect prints coupled with a readily apparent instep."

      "During World War II, author Ivan T. Sanderson tells of how his crew was bulldozing through sedimentary rock when it stumbled upon what appeared to be a graveyard. In it were crania that measured from 22 to 24 inches from base to crown nearly three times as large as an adult human skull. Had the creatures to whom these skulls belonged been properly proportioned, they undoubtedly would have been at least 12 feet tall or taller."


    4. I love Sanderson! My Favorite book is Invisible Residents: The Reality of Underwater UFOs.

      Peace Out!

    5. He became famous as the most credible witness to see a Kongamato, after being attacked by a creature he described as "the Granddaddy of all bats".

    6. 5:52...

      You have touched on a topic I very much like, USO's are wicked stuff! Advanced civilisations that have evolved, left our planet and are only visiting ancient cities that are submerged due to pole shifts???


    7. Hey Joe. Big holiday here in the states. Family, turkey and food galore, football and beer (or ones preferred beverage ) Hope the day treats you well.

      Speaking of USO someone spoke of Jimmy Carter yesterday. One of his sightings was a USO while a lieutenant aboard a Naval vessel in the 50s. What I really want to touch on was a fantastic episode last night on the SCI FY channel on the show Paranormal Witness. This one involved what in my opinion is the best case ever and it happened Dec. 26, 27 1980 on the other side of the island from you. I am sure you know about the Bentwaters RAF base incident. It involved so many eyewitnesses and the important ones have all come forward over the years. Reconisance vessel with strange geometric makings and black glass type shell with no visible propulsion system that was totally walked around and touched by two base personnel. Three triangular indentations left in ground with radiation on the ground and trees that spiked off the geiger counter. Actual recordings of the Deputy Base Commander Lt. Co. Charles Halts analysis and sightings on Dec. 27 while witnessing a round eyeball type round structure spewing off light that gave the effect of metal spewing off chasing the soldiers through Rendlesham Forest then going into the sky and splitting off into five distinct orbs that flew in formations and zig zags at tremendous speeds.
      One of the Air traffic controllers also came forward, saying he could not keep his silence anymore, saying how they tracked another inbound object that what far faster than anything they had ever heard of until it parked itself in the air with no sound right outside of the air traffic control tower. It was huge. After a while it beamed a light ray down over the nuclear weapons storage bunkers for some time. This was witnessed by many soldiers. Then like that it disappeared into the sky before they could blink.

      Watch it if you can.


    8. I am very familiar with Benwaters, what a case!! The way they brainwashed them afterwards was pretty scary... To this day there are hazy spots in there experiences where they were taken through various episodes of interrogation, brainwashing them more severely with every technique and there were many. I absolutely love Stephen Greer and the Disclosure Project... I'm not sure if there's anything better. When looking at the accounts in the Disclosure Project, much of the interaction of UFO's occurs around nuclear weapons... What a lot of people don't know is that at Benwaters the British government were storing American missiles.

      Hope you're having a great time Chuck, give my best to your dearest.

    9. Joe, I hope you realize the Bigfoot truth is being covered up just like UFOs, ridiculed and denied is how they manage it from the government with media help (i.e. silence). Bigfoot because of - not timber - but the species' origins, just like ETs in general. Proof is already there those saying it's not (like mainstream science) are hiding it from us, it's an agreement pact not to reveal it. I Wonder how long that contract of cover-up is supposed to run, and what it'll take to break it and corrupt their power game that's only damaging the Earth's health by denying us new technologies/energies.

  5. I would just like to interject into this rambling discussion that I don't rely on any person's testimony for my determination that the PGF is authentic. The film itself is a turthful testiment to that fact in itself, and I would endorse it as authentic even if nobody was saying anything about it. So while I do listen to what Mrs. Patterson and Bob Gimlin say about it, I base my analysis and determination of authenticity entirely on the film image data evidence. 


    1. lol....What wins if they fess up to a hoax? The film data or the repentant senior citizens....

    2. When you have witnessed these grand being you realize that the hoax is those that don't believe. Your average person that sees one won't even talk about it. Us that do are labled as liars and hoaxters. J Semja may have shot a couple of sasquatch, so where are the bodies. If this is not a hoax I hope he rots in hell and labelled what he is a mother and child killer. To and all you that want a dead body to believe as you have many words to slander those that know the real truth, They exist and Joe I'd bet 90% are real and 10% are hoaxes. The above is my opinion, believe it or not.

  6. Replies
    1. Watching the parades. I heard the cast of FB had it's own float to promote it's new FB On Ice Extravaganza.

    2. Happy Thanksgiving Harry.Football Beer and Family. What a violent way to spend the day.I'm just going to sit back in the recliner and watch all play out.

    3. it*

      Too much Wild Turkey last night.

    4. Frying turkeys and smoking a drunken turkey with a Mickeys 40oz up its taterhole. The wife has a Butterball in the oven.Shit,I left myself wide open on that Bud Light and waiting on the games.

    5. Lol the wife and I do the honey ham on the holidays

    6. Dammit man that sounds good.So did you bring the Lemans to Florida?

    7. Of course I just have to go get it from the body guy he's got a farm where he keeps the cars

    8. Got a butterball and 2 wild turkeys almost done here!

    9. Good deal.I'm an old motor head myself.To many cars to remember.What's the lift and duration on the cam?Does it have the stock gear in it?

    10. Lol Dan
      The cam is 500 lift the duration I don't remember it's the whole edelbrock 454 set the cam intake valve springs and carb I put in a 4:11 posi Dana set it has a Pete Jackson noisy timing gear set and the blue demon I think they were 1.7 roller rockers

    11. I made it a dry sump oil system too to reduce the drag on the crank cause those splash guards can only do so much so it was better to just go dry sump

    12. Sounds like it should leave hard.Does it bog or light em up out of the hole?
      Stall or transbrake?

    13. Dan the Wild Turkey lit me up like a Christmas tree last night.Feeling the after effects.But the beer is helping.

    14. Oh yeah I put in a tci th400 streetfighter with a 2500 stall

    15. It does feel like it bogs a little to start is that from the cam

    16. More than likely. Maybe bump the stall up to 3000-3200.Had a 76 Elco with 2/4s with same gear and cam.Put the B&M stall in and helped it big time.
      Have a 79' Ford f-100 SWB with a 68 SCJ 429 stuck a 3:51 True Posi from Ford with the B&M 3000-3200 stall.The cam is 670 lift and it leaves hard.I've tried the TCIs converters and they don't perform like the B&Ms.But that's just my opinion. Gotta go and visit the family or I'll be the talk of the day.

      Happy Turkey Day to you all.Mike.

    17. Oh the reason for the bigger stall is to help the can work.

    18. Yeah that I do know you want the stall to kick when the cam is creating max hp

  7. Replies
    1. Justin Time dude!

      Hey Joe. Ready for some Sierra Squatchin?
      Mike said he's in.
      You know I've invited Dan, but I think he's too CHICKEN to go squatchin. What the hell would he do if a nine footer screams at him --------- your not real, your not real (then pees down his own leg).

      Joe, What month are you coming to the States?

    2. HA HA!!

      Well I'm gonna have to put some prep work in and it all depends on work what month, my friend. It's still very much in it's infancy but the ball is rolling and you'll be the first to know... I'm gonna try and hit at least four places; Texas, California, upstate New York and Florida.

      I loved your post the other day describing the burial mounds and stuff.

      Love your posts Patriot, you are one of the few people I look out for every time.

    3. If you need a place to stay in fl joe you're welcome here

    4. I don't know about all that just an average dude with extra space

    5. Yep, I just spent the last 3 days in the frigid North woods hunting for bear but I won't walk into the Northern California Sierra's...sure.

      Maybe going into the woods with a fundie Christian footer, a Limey Brit, and a blonde haired smooth talking Texan in search of something that doesn't exist just doesn't interest me that much?

      But yeah, no bear this year. Our county actually had an all time low, less than 100 bear in 3 days...usually have more than that on just the first day.

      Did have a cinnamon phase checked in though.

    6. maybe dem bigfeets done ate em all up daniel

    7. Fuck that you gotta come down here to the fun and sun Dan

    8. Dear heavenly Father(God, Ya-weh,I am) I praise you and ask for forgiveness for my shortfalls and sins. I ask you today to grant me a favor. The next time Dan goes bear hunting, will you please give him a huge bear. Maybe after he's taken the bear and he's field dressing it, could you please send a BIG OLE SQUATCH by to sneak up on Dan and pee down his Back and laugh at him. Dan needs a sign lord that you are who you say. Maybe you could make that bear a world record so Dan has to tell the story. Lord, please mark that bear with a white cross of fur on his chest so Dan will understand.

      Thanks God, the fundie christian.

    9. Pray all you want but I wouldn't waste them on me in a snarky fashion. Maybe pray for those going hungry today, pray for our troops, pray for broken families...but way to show your faith in making a snarky prayer toward me.

      PS - Bear season is over.

    10. Hey Harry, is that car going to be running, Maybe I'll get on a Plane with Joe and hit my Home state of Texas and then come see Florida and check out that car. Where you at in Florida. Might plan it to see some NASCAR / NHRA. while there. I like deep sea fishing in Florida better than Cali ----- smoother waters! I dont like turning green!

    11. Yeah all the building is done it's just needs the body work finished but that's another story but yeah I just have to get it plated/registered

    12. Dan, God has a sence of humer, look at your hair, relax.

      I said the Next, time you go DAN. Calm down, take a deep breath, read slower. I do pray for those things Dan, but it has been my experience that the ones who snarl and nashes thier teeth at God are useually the ones he's bringing around. He say's he has planted the knowledge in everymans heart, some just choose to reject.

      As usual,

      You don't have a clue about bigfoot, but you think you can educate me!

      You don't have a clue about God, but you think you can educate me!

      What subjects do you have any actual experince in where I should find your advice worthy?

      Otherwise, your talking out your ass!

      p.s -----I'am not a fundamentalist. I have never joined a church. I think that the vast amount of the TV preachers you see are crooks and con-artists. The modern church is full of those decieving others and themselves. I simply have read the Bible numerous times, found verification all over the world and try live by what Jesus said. I have experienced many things in my life that confirm it for me.

      Dan, you said you where out walking the woods, that is church to me, his creation?

      Do whatever you want Dan. My belief is-- that is between you and him!

    13. Of course there's great fishing up north to before I moved down here

    14. You aren't the only person who has read the bible. Book of wisdom and circumstances, not factual.

      God has a sense of humor...except in the Old Testament.

      I don't walk into the woods and see Jesus in everything like you do.

      You may not be Westboro Baptist fundie but you still spout off about your religion here enough, even making fun of Rictor over his gay lifestyle.

    15. Read Slower, I don't see Jesus in the creation, but intelligent design.

      God is the Creator!

      Jesus is the redeemor!

      The book says, if a man has eye's, let him see.

      I guess he has not Granted you that kinda of inner wisdom.

      Lord, scratch the bear, just open DANS EYES.

    16. And DAN, I normally don't bring up the Bible unless;

      1. I am referencing something about harry men, giants, nephilim or something that may shed some light on this mystery.
      2. someone makes a claim from a scientific standpoint that is absolute BULLSHIT.

      3. somebody spouts off a stupid remark (dan) like calling somone a fundamentalist when in actuallity------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They don't know SHIT FROM WILD HONEY!!!

      have a taste DAN!

    17. Atheist Campz attributes to self godlike properties:

      "Book of wisdom and circumstances, not factual."

      Requires all-knowing powers to make that statement with knowledge.

      To atheists, there are no gods, except themselves.

      Funny, that.

    18. Harry, you got some good places to shore fish. Find a good spot where we got blue water / good fishing in front of us and Squatches at are back.
      We'll fish all day and do some Squatching at night, ha ha ha ha.

    19. YOU GOT IT 12:01


    20. Did I say I was atheist? Don't think so. Just because I don't believe in your space God doesn't mean I may not celebrate my own space God!

      Well, if God created man in his image and in turn man scribed the bible, I'd say defacto that man is Godlike.

      Absence of evidence makes your claims no different than mine.

      Man is faulty in all he does, I don't trust a handful of middle eastern herders thousands of years ago and all subsequent revisions of the book anymore than I trust Matt Moneymaker, Joe Fitzgerald, or that guy in the white van down by the river.

      You are serious in your attacks of Rictor and gay people, you single those people out specifically...

      I make fun of everyone regardless of creed, color, sexual orientation, or ethnicity.

      I don't single just one group out because it is considered an abomination in my chosen faith.

    21. First, it wasn't me who called you an Athiest, just so you know.

      2ND, THE ONLY THING I'VE SAID, IS TAKE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE OR TAKE THE CRITSISM. So exacvtly what are you referring to that I've said?


      When I see a bunch of gross / ridiculos comments, I often just pass on that thread.

      I have not EVER been the person who called you racist, athiest, gay or anything like that.

      I do call people retartded, stupid, asshole, morron, Scientific zealot. And that is directed at people who claim with certainty,........................things uncertain!

      My invatation for you to come to CALI was and is fully sincere. I wouldn't invite someone out here just to start shit with them.
      I fully believe that I can take you up the Sierras for a night or two and get a reaponce that.
      1. you know is not an identifiable creature
      2. that I could not have planted.
      3. that will exhibit a volume that will give you extreme pause.
      4. It will be fun and you'll leave wiser.


      You won't because right now, you just enjoy being anti!

    22. I'd the for you to sit at my family dinner table if you think the things that I've wrote here is disgusting and vile.

      If you find occasional curse words that reprehensible then I'm sorry for you. To me they are just words of emphasis, it's not like the tenth commandment is thou shalt not say fuck or asshole.

      If I come to northern Cali (spent time in SoCal a cpl years ago) then it's going to be for killing something and smoking great bud. I believe Cali banned hunting bear with dogs in 2010 though, shame.

      If I really bleeved in Sasquatch then I'd already be out in the woods spending all my money to look for them. It's entertainment for me. Some people watch TV, some people drink, I watch a bigfoot blog.

    23. IT is only a difference in since of humor, I probably enjoy dark, gritty humor less than the average person, thats on me and why I just normally excuse my self from the threads, often we all say the worst of what we say when we have to defend ourselves. All of us.

      People drink, with drinkers.

      TV is solitary.

      Blogging is interactive and allows one to decry the beliefs of others ------ Bullying , no?

      If you want to know bear hunting in Cali, ---- Justin! ha ha ha ha

    24. Well I hang with the Poopster but that doesn't mean I keep my poop in a jar.

    25. Let's all pity poor Danny, finding his only joy in visiting blogs on stuff he doesn't think exist so he can joke about it.

    26. See I love lowbrow and gritty humor, the Andrew Dice Clay, Dangerfield, Sam Kinison, Bill Burr, Joe Rogan, Joey Diaz' of the world make me laugh harder than anyone.

      Product of an evangelist born again mother, I guess.

      A fart is always funny just like seeing another man get hit in the balls is funny.

    27. Kinison, ya man, a true rebel! Dangerfield, good old school. Dice, not so much ha ha ha ha ha ha.

      Rogan, thats another dude I'd like to have see a Squatch. He is a badass though, besides his humor!

    28. Sam Kinison - Best Comedian EVER


  8. where is the free link to the doc.?

  9. Ps Dan. The world of bigfoot is the same

    It is full of the greedy, hoaxers, liars(footer nuts)con-men, and religio-scientific zelots. It does not change the fact the people are experiencing SOMETHING!

    The drawing is on the wall, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tule indian cave painting, est 5000 years old, ha ha ha ha ha.

  10. Remember about 4/5 days back when you were smashing on GAY PEOPLE.

    My point is and always has been, if somebody wants to offer up there sexual preference on a bigfoot site, thier going to take flack.

    I don't care to hear what anbody here is doing in thier bedroom. I throw up a little when I see men making goo-goo eyes at another man.

    So if Rictor wants to up his viewership, he'll stop. Otherwise , I avoid his stuff. I think he is a great artist and not bad at interviewing. I just doint see the point in bringing it here. If someone is taking unwanted sexual advances from anyone, well it's fucking rude--------------------------------- so if I were BART, I'd have warned him once. It's no difference if some asshole guy is all over some girl who is not interested.

    I think what he does to people in that regaurd is kinda sick. He doesn't respect people who aren't Gay. I don't go dropping shit about him for no reason. Public forum, you dig!

    1. Where the hell did that come from?

    2. Sorry, see Dans comment about me above.

      Sorry to you Rictor if you come along and view, Iam not trying to throw crap at you personally here, but by default, you are the DEFAULT person of the subjsct.
      I enjoy your work when i don't have to view the issue.

  11. Wow. How did I come up? Bigfoot Patriot until you tell me who you are, I'm not gonna care what you said. Not that I am worried about gaining viewers. I made it big time. So I'm cool. Maintain course and heading. And for your information Bart is a big tease and has no issue with homosexuality. If only you were the same.

    1. I initially brought it up because when you do your openly gay stuff it makes TBP goes crazy inside with contempt for gay people.

      My point was I trash talk everybody and not just pick out one specific group because it goes against my religion of choice.

    2. So you really are crazy, thanks for confirming it yourself.

    3. Anyone who thinks about bigfoot more than 1 minute a year is crazy.

    4. Dan... You are truly incredible. How many times a day would you say you think you think about Bigfoot?

    5. Rictor, I don't know Bart. He seems like a fine upstanding, truthful person. I've heard nothing but good things about his work. Met him extremly briefly (said hi, like your work) in Montery. He seems like a complete gentleman. I listened to him, at least in public, he is the personification of polite! Do you think he might not tell ya,--- so as to not offend you?

      You really like him, kinda a man crush? How much crap do you think he has heard (even in fun) from his friends? Your still a guy, you know guys are cruel as hell to eachother about stuff like this.

      So really, If you like Bart on any level, why would you cause him pain or distractions from his efforts and work. I'm sure you mean to be harmless, but do you walk in another mans shoes before you act in thier life?

      I surely hope that what you mean about "making it" is your artwork. Because if being on the TV is your deffiniton of success, well thats pretty shallow(your artwork is awsome!) Are you familliar with the character Token on Southpark? ---------------------------
      Now really, why don't you explain to us why YOU think you got cast on this show. Do you really think it is about your long history and understanding in the lunatic world of footery, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

      So short of it ------ are you an Expert or a Southpark character?

      Could I have learned more if someone else had the slot, Bart for example?

    6. And hey Rictor,about your show. I mostly like your line of questions, and your eager to learn about it. You'all get pretty good guests. So i guess you got plenty viewers there, keep it up.
      I just vote with viewership. It is a free country keep it up if you wish.
      From a purely STATISTICAL STANDPOINT. You will "tune out x 10" more conservative / redneck / salt of the earth types who want to learn about bigfoot, than you will ever get gay guys to be interested in bigfoot.

      But success (like beauty) is in the eye of the beholder! Do your thing!

  12. And Leon for he record, I give great head. Always swallow. Never a dissatisfied Bigfooter.

    1. Really, you suck big toes...?

    2. And you think your Famous, I even got Gay dudes in Vegas that know my Name. i GOT A MENTION FROM FASANO IN FLORIDA

      If your real nice to Shawn and have him go back through the records, I offered to come kick the shit out of Dyer for paying you a visit, cause I really don't like bullies. But like I said, doing that to people who don't like IT is being a bully YOURSELF.

      My you were crying like a bitch when Dyer came by your shop, but you push crap in peoples face. Different how?

      Factoid, people have VOTED down gay marriage in every state, LIBERAL JUDGES SHIT ON THE PEOPLE --- SO YOU CAN FUCK OFF!

      IT'S NOT THE FACT THAT YOUR gay that bothers me, it's your lack of class and tolerence for people who don't agree with you!

    3. Ps. Rictor, if you gave great head, you'd have a study Boyfriend. He would probably tell you to knock off all the open flirting.

      I mean it really just comes off as the ugly fat girl who throws herself at anybody hoping somone will want her. And what she is doing is degrading herself in everyones eyes, and thereby, nobody wants her!

      Put simply, appears as low self esteem!

      Can'T offer quality in subject and thought ---------------------- Go shock jock, thats what your doing.

      What you really know and have to say about bigfoot wood probably fit in a thimble, so you act ridiculose. IT'S OK. THERE ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE MAKING ASSES OUT OF THEMSELVES RIGHT NOW.

    4. Further, you and I may hae a grievence going, but now every minor that comes by this blog can read your descriptions above, see. No class!

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Can't believe anyone is listening to this twit. If you shot and killed two sasquatch, then left them for dead without bringing back the smoking gun, all you have is a story. That's it. No story is going to prove the sasquatch exists. Smeja, why not kill just one more? Might as well after all this attention we're giving you and your story.


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