Cliff Barackman's Field Notes on Florida and Stacy Brown. Jr's Bigfoot Footage

Did Stacy Brown Jr. and his father film a Bigfoot in Florida? On last week's Finding Bigfoot episode, the team traveled to Florida to investigate the Brown thermal footage. Cliff Barackman has released his field notes on the investigation and here's what he wrote about the footage:

For much of the footage, the figure is hiding behind a tree. It seems to be peering out from behind this tree, probably watching the two men as they stood on the nearby trail just over 120 feet away. It shifts its weight to the left foot, which is slightly away from the trunk of the tree, and steps out with its right foot while still touching the tree with its right hand. One very long step puts the creature nearby a stand of trees and bushes, behind which it disappears never to be seen again. This fleeting glimpse of the creature is brief, but more than enough to distinguish its shape from any other known animal in the woods. It can only be a human or a sasquatch.

Check out Cliff Barackman's Florida field notes here:


  1. Replies
    1. For DWA.

      My favorite skeptic.


    2. DWA strikes me as the NSA security monitor clerk on South Park.

      **security breeeeeaaachhh**

    3. Lol.

      He's mostly harmless Dan. I can visualize the steam coming out of Don's ears during their frequent exchanges!

      It's clear his passion for the subject perhaps clouds his perception at times but if it leads to a yelp of 'Got Monkey' then it's worth it right? :o)


    4. Harmless? Physically, sure. I'm not sure perpetuating half of the things he does is harmless in the long run of footery.

      He's a classic example of not taking ownership of his words and speculations, therefore he is never wrong.

      But hey, I was banned at BFF days after being accepted well over a year ago so I don't see much there. I was permabanned on all devices so I can't even surf it.

      That's dmaker and jerry territory. They can play nicer than I can. If you act like a faggot, I'll call you a faggot. People frown upon brutal honesty in favor of tongue-in-cheek pseudo nicety.

      In the words of Bob Dylan, "it ain't me babe."

    5. Dan. You have good taste in music. I'd like you to DJ my funeral. Heavy John Prine and Waylon Jennings rotation. Sprinkle in some Beasties and Chili Peppers. Thanks. M

    6. John Prine is the shit. Saw him live in '76. He had a bad bout with cancer, I think--Haven't been keeping up with him the past few years.

    7. Todd. I have common sense on vinyl. I was just commenting the other day that, "jahosefat, the mongrel cat jumped off the roof today, god bless his soul he was a tootsie roll, but he's a dead cat just the same !" Just Great Music. Have a great holiday my friend.

    8. John Prine is one hell of a songwriter. Bonnie Raitt did wonders for 'Angel from Montgomery'

      And Waylon...Waylon should be on the Rushmore of country music.

  2. Don't call me 'babe'!

    You banned from the BFF Dan? Surely not! Lol!

    There is something satisfying about calling someone out but as I contribute/blight to several forums all with differing rules and expectations I have to temper my posts to suit my environs. It's not always successful however. I've been given several bans and warnings on BFF and really need to reel myself in when posting there. Incidentally all of my warnings have stemmed from disagreements with other 'footers'.

    The BFF has had a long tradition of harboring excellent skeptics such as Saskeptic, Parn, Cervelo and not forgetting our old friend Kit who offered much to the classic PGF debates.


    1. I dislike false niceties and pretenses to start with, couple that with overbearing administrative authority and extension of all rules to private message systems with a spice of footer delusions and it's a bad combo for me.

      I got into a big spat with see-te-cah NC and told him exactly what I thought about him. Went from 1 warning point to full blown permaban on all devices in the span of a couple minutes.

      Bullshit they want you to pay them for the loosened rule Tar Pit, especially when 95% of the threads located within have zero bigfoot subjects. It's all religion and politics instead, if I wanted to discuss those two topics then I wouldn't so such with footers.

      Your favorites like DWA wouldn't pony up for the tar pit anyway when they can play a comprehensive rule book like a chess champion.

    2. The tar pit is not for either Dan.

      I'm more of a BFF onlooker these days. I need to avoid the fringe tinfoil hat threads altogether as I find it difficult to hold my peace on the magical or supernatural abilities of the creature in question.


    3. More and more habituation and paranormal claims, yet still a complete lack of any hard evidence despite all the increased 'activity'.

      Grand delusions, MMG, it's all it is.

      I just get a chuckle over some footer out eatin PBJ sammichs with raccoons and black bears while listening to owl and coyote calls.

      To be honest, I've only posted at JREF 3 times anyway so those comments are equally entertaining. Dickheads on both sides but one isn't chasing ghosts at night for 50 years with zero hard evidence.

    4. I Abhor the BS Dan but every so often there is a nugget that makes me sit up and take interest. Stacey's footage is one of these. This has been around for about a year now and I'm delighted it's getting the coverage it deserves.

      It also showcases Cliff's talents as he is often ridiculed for being part if team FB. A worthy researcher but spending time with Moneymaker cannot be helping his cred. Just close your ears Cliff.


    5. Interesting? Maybe. It's either a human or a bigfoot. Thermal isn't exactly going to push BF into reality though.

      A thermal hit doesn't erase the 80 fails in just the last year.

      Sorry but a little nugget of interesting once every decade doesn't equate to a 9ft wild man in Lexington, Kentucky backyard.

    6. I can't disagree more. Finer details are used in favour of the skeptics when it suits them and ignored when it leans in favour of being contributing factors to the sources in question being classed as legitimate evidence.

      The Randles thermal for example. You have tracks that were left by the subject. Now I don't agree with the way this was put out, I can understand why people would slate it... I myself would have preferred more investigative measures before releasing it, like Cutino did... But you have two sources of evidence, and at what point would any one expressing denial actually conclude that you have an accumulation that lends to credibility?



    7. A thermal hit is desperately significant... Any effort to play that down is simply proving what skeptics are accused of doing so well.

    8. 'Desperately' significant. For once Joe's right. It;s only significant if you are completely desperate.

    9. Your the one running around word play instead of explaining the footage... Old boy.

    10. Joe there is nothing to explain. Brown Footage is legit

    11. Why do the hands look extra large? And isn't there an angle of the upprr to lower leg that is meaningful in some way?

    12. Fingers being spread while in motion .

  3. Seen a bf yesturday follow steps in the snow for 5 km then it got to dark going to go back today with coffee can't wait!

  4. You saw a Bigfoot of saw the tracks?


  5. Morning Joe. with Carl Olinselot investigated this took pictures of the area and ridge and tracks and wrote it up on their site. It give much more info. than was is released. with just the thermal. Randles wanted to get something out quick and I am sure more info. will be released. Also went to view all of Cliff's updated field notes on the Brown footage. The side by side comparison with Bobo is their. However the still out take from Finding Bigfoot is poor at best. I do not know if Cliff was in a hurry or recording device is poor but it simply did not do justice on what was on screen this past Sunday. On the TV when I paused the side by side, both shots were clear as hell, in the same posture. My wife and I were truly amazed at the size difference as the Bigfoot absolutely dwarfed Bobo. Cliff's measurement he is most confident with puts the creature at 8' 4'' and considering Bobo is 6' 4" it is hard to argue with that height.


    1. Wow!!

      And those were the finer details I was referring to!! Thank you Chuck!

      Now to me... Stacy's thermal is groundbreaking and very conclusive. To the skeptics?

    2. Let's see, it's either a bigfoot or a human. My guess, based on recorded history, is that it's a human.

    3. It is very conclusive. It conclusively proves that Joe is retarded.

    4. If you went by anything 'recorded history'... You'd conclude that with it's height of 8.5 feet, it is without a doubt a Bigfoot.

    5. Four whores and seven beers ago today I set out on a journey of discovery. Now I am dying if pneumonia. To Joe Fitzgerald, I leave all my worldly possession with intent citations. To Dan I leave my sense if humor. To MMG I leave nothing. He's already smarter and way funnier than me. To Harry i leave my future tickets to all good music events. And Chuck can have my equipment. Goodbye cruel Squirrel!

    6. I have to call bullshit mike cause I vividly remember it being 11 1/2 whores you can't count that one midget as a whole whore so I believe you're bullshitting I was there too you know

    7. I'll drop you a Mikey B. memorial deuce in honor of your shitty videos.

    8. ACTUALLY, If you went by anything in 'recorded history'... You'd find there are several humans of that height but no Bigfoots.

      Stomped !

    9. Exactly... Put some hair on the dude and way to go...there's your Bigfoot.


    10. not a type of people. people freeze to death in the winter. clearly your fantasy is more animal than man. You freak.

    11. Not if you've evolved long hair all over your body.


    12. Nice answer 7:54...for a child.

      Double Stomped !

      HAW HAW HAW !!!

    13. Joe, what is the size of the population? These giant hairy humans must have considerable numbers.

      You always dodge this question. Give us a number that is your estimation or shut the fuck up.

    14. Harry. I never measured her height. But my grandfather did comment that she played handball on the curb and had to get on a stump to kiss a duck's ass.

    15. I have answered this every time, exactly the same... How do I know?

      I find it funny you should talk of dodging things when this pages subject matter is regarding one of the most remarkable documentations a of a Bigfoot since PGF.

    16. 7:21. There's a Bigfoot John Green Memorial circulating about now with footers and believers depicted to music. My shitty videos and evidence may have been what compelled the makers to put me in it. To them I say thank you but I'm unworthy. To you I say, why troll me?

    17. Cause I'm The Booger With The Sugar. I am the blonde bandit. I am one with nature. The proto human. I'm with Harry Dean Stanton. I was there in the Missouri Breaks when the dog licked the butter. I was there when McEnroe tossed a tantrum while Bjorn Borg partied his ass off. I'm old school. So whether you like me or not here is my advice to you. LEARN TO LOVE IT. Cause Im the Nature Boy. WOOOOOO! And I'm here to stay.

    18. IF PGF was real, that means 1.

      hardly a breeding population

      dance fucker dance

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. I would like to apologize to Mr Johnny Manziel and his family. I realize my comment may have been construed as offensive. In that regard I apologize to you all. I am simply a Mssouri Fan. Deepest Regards. M

    21. Dance?

      It seems the dancing is around everything except the subject matter up top...

      Is it possible to tell a breeding population from a piece of footage then?

      Oh dear.

    22. Don't know what you said Mike but what burns me is that Johnny Football has all this talent but has no class.

    23. As Rudy from the Cosby show was chided, "he's like summer vacation, no class!"


  7. Replies
    1. Free of storms but I live in the woods so still tons of ice and breaking branches. Been an average of 19 degrees here during the daylight this week.

  8. Takes a lot to get banned from the BFF

    1. Not really. Every BF website has it's own hidden agenda, it seems. If you disrupt that agenda, then you're outa there.

    2. Not when you get into a private messaging war with the head administrator (was at the time) and basically shove his head up his own ass.

  9. We could find out what exactly is required. I could sign up and get banned in one day. Thereby settling just exactly is required to get booted. As I lay dying, I don't have much else to do.

  10. Replies
    1. 7:12. Ill be ok. I swear on The Beard of Bob Titmus to try and beat tnis cold.

    2. I've had this cold now for a month.Just when you start to feel better it seems to whack you back down. Sorry if I'm not making sense but the Mickeys in me is making sense.If ya know what I mean.;-)

    3. Indeed I do. Bigdad. I'm giving my stuff away in light of my pending deise. Like Quint in jaws, the boat is rocking now. I'd like you to have my Tony Llama Crocodile Boots Bigdad. And my .44 / 410 shotgun pistol. It's mainly for pheasant hunting. But I've proven it's also effective for out the window protection in my dealings with wht Cornbread Mafia. Ill make arrangements to have them delivered. M

  11. I can't even get accepted over there. Tried numerous times. Plus you can only read some of the threads if you're not a member. Unable to read what must be a jizzfest over Randles' thermal. He's probably got to wear a raincoat when he goes in to answer questions.

    Hmmm, I guess I wouldn't last long there anyway.

  12. MY THERMAL IS BETTER! Derek for prez!

  13. As someone who has recorded a lot of Thermal images over the early years of our research, and we shown them to a well known primate expert here in New York. His analysis was though impressive, they just cannot be conclusive evidence that Big foot exist.
    Me and my team, has thoroughly studied the Brown Thermal, and all of us are very impressed with it! We also looked at the Randall's thermal, and concluded (by just the Thermal image) that one is a Joke!
    We would never present anything as poor as that one.
    As I write my book, I'm deciding which "still" pictures and "still" thermals we will show. I find myself throwing out 90% of them, even though we know they are of a real Big foots! If I used them in my book, most readers will say Fake or Blobsquatch. It's hard and very frustrating, to get a good clear picture of them, when out in the field.
    They just don't stay still long enough.
    If you haven't done it, you have no idea, what it takes to get a good photo.

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. Hey John!

      What do you think of the analysis that determined Stacy's subject was around the 8.5 foot mark? Quite impressive eh?

      Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

    2. B.S. you might as well have said he was 4 feet tall. Perspective is easily deceiving with no clear fram of reference.

    3. Chuck...

      "On the TV when I paused the side by side, both shots were clear as hell, in the same posture. My wife and I were truly amazed at the size difference as the Bigfoot absolutely dwarfed Bobo. Cliff's measurement he is most confident with puts the creature at 8' 4'' and considering Bobo is 6' 4" it is hard to argue with that height... "

      ... Unless you are absolutely terrified and in denial.

    4. 'well known primate expert'

      Who? guy who cleans out the chimp cage at the Bronx zoo?

    5. John. I can't wait for the Book. Hope you send an advance copy. Whatever you use of mine brother. It was an honor and a privelage working with you.

    6. Hey Anon 8:43, Don't comment on something you know little about. My Primate Expert is very well known, but of the Fence when it comes to Big foot.

      He and I have been friends for over 20 years, as my first wife worked with him.

      Every time we get material or supposed evidence from our expeditions we send them to him for anabasis.

      I've asked him many time to come with me on one of our expeditions, but due to him working for a well known museum, who's policy is like all mainstream Academics, he has declined.

      Since I started writing here, I've noticed a lot of Jealousy. That's to bad. Not everyone if free to do what Me and my team does.

      Life is what you make it. When you get old enough and acquire the financial means to retire, do you sit around and relax and do nothing, Lay out on the sunny beach, swim and fish? Or go out 3-4 times a year, for 3-4 weeks at a time, roughing it up in the back country of the Wilderness,being on an Adventure of a lifetime, looking for an animal that most people say don't exist, but I know better, I love the Ocean, I really do, but my calling is looking for Hairy giants.

      You Anon 8:43, probably would rather be on the beach.

      John W. Jones Spoke

    7. Quite beautiful John!

      Kudos my friend!


  14. Joe, while the Stacy Brown Thermal is impressive at first glance, Anon 8:17 is right. To determine it's size, we need a height reference point, without that, it could be of any size, and possibly of human size.

    If these researchers were just a little smarter, when a sighting/Video recording occurs, before they present it tyo the public, they should have "All their ducks in a row'. Immediately, after the sighting/Video occurrence, they should take measurements, sight distance, weather condition, type of Terrain, Type of equipment used etc. In other words, Document everything.
    Then they show asked themselves, If/when we present this, what will be the viewers of it their questions, their criticism they will ask. Will we be ready for the answers?

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. ooohhh you done did it now joes gonna be mad

    2. Mad? Me and John are friends, numpty.

      I can understand the level of questioning the Randles thermal is having... Though they found tracks on location. However I just think Stacy's thermal is one of the best things I've seen. I've not seen The Finding Bigfoot episode yet, but from all accounts the analysis is pretty conclusive.


    3. Joe. Quick. Go to The Davis Report and look at the stabilized lit up Patty walk and note nothing but the sheer size of the hands. Then quickly glance over the Brown Thermal subjects hand size. These are the same creature. And let me tell you getlemen there are NO modern humans walking around with hands and digits that size. There's your proof. Check it out.

    4. I thought the actual height reference point was the tree that it was hiding behind. Not to say the distance covered by Boobo stride and the subject at hand..Being on the fence I must say,interesting ,very interesting..

    5. Yes hmmmmmmmm, very interesting ........basically no human could cover that stride. Not walking normally. Only by leaping or dancing like Faaaandaaangooo could you cover that stride. I have heard that the reason you often come to a point and a trackway stops its because the subject makes a leap of its own. And let me tell you brother. Where they plant next is hard to locate.

    6. I would like to sign off today with a shout out To The Bigfoot Patriot. BFP has invited me to California and I have accepted. I'm going West Coast. And get this. Fitzies flying over. Why when Joe hits town it'll be like The Beatles they'll all be screaming at the airport and shit. Have a great day Fitzie.

    7. Hey Joe/ Mike! Our state Fish and Game (The D.E.C.) officially states that "Wolves" are not present in New York state! Same with the "Cougars"! (We now proven that to be wrong)!

      Now my Native American friends are in hot pursuit after a pack of Wolves that so far killed 1 horse, and 16 sheep. One was caught in a Leg hold trap (#3 size for Coyotes) It totally destroyed the trap. We had some snow for a little while and they were able to track them for about 20 miles. They were very smart! With snow on the ground, instead of them heading higher into the mountains, they turned back down into the Beaver Pond valleys where there was no snow, so they lost them.
      Every night now, you can hear them howling out the Coyotes. The D.E.C. of course says were "delusional" ( Did we hear that before)! they don't exist. So Native Americans, now don't know the difference between a Wolf and a Coyote!
      Here we go again!
      If/when it snows, then we'll get them!

      John w. Jones Spoke

    8. Ha ha ha!! Love ya Mike... Get some rest, feet up and get well soon!!!

    9. John!

      Great post again buddy... Another example of people being told exactly what to think.


    10. cookin up some bacon puttin it outz waitin fo da bigfeet to takin da bait.......

  15. Replies
    1. You're barking up the wrong tree there fella.

  16. So they got or found a 8 foot person in the woods and recored it just for fun. Tell ya what if you can find the "person" they used to fake this let me know. I'm sure I can find him a basketball team that would love to sign him. Since ya know all the 8'4 people walking around....look next time your out I'm sure you will spot one.

  17. bacon - bullets - rifle scope = bigfoot.......

  18. is there any reason why this isn't a guy with thick clothinon and gardening gloves?

    'the best footage since p/g' I hear.

    lol its getting desperate if a couple of odd balls filming their mate on flir is considered best evidence


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