Bigfoot In Oklahoma?

Whatever this is, it's not a bear! YouTuber Mark Anders did not describe how or where this photograph was taken, but his conversation about it is pretty interesting. The creature in this photograph appears to be bipedal, and it seems to have a coned head, but without much detail about the location, it's just another inconclusive photograph.


  1. Replies
    1. How could anybody believe a comment like yours?

      Custom ?

    2. This is a small toy set out in the weeds.One of the easiest fakes.When I catch this nimrod I will cheese grate off his skin and douse him with fresh lemon juice......Then I'll get really mad and eat his left hand while he's wearing it.

  2. When you footers gonna realise bigfoot don't exist and it is blokes in suits or bears

    1. There's a lot of difference between looking at a bear, or a hairy man. More credible still when you have multiple eyewitnesses seeing the same thing at the same time, miles and miles into wilderness areas.

      Got monkey suit?

    2. right after i bang your moms
      and its REALIZE!

    3. A monkey suit you want?

      Well lets see.. monkey suits do exist, even you cannot deny that. Now further to that there is of course off the shelf suits which will amount to a finite number. A large but finite amount.

      Further to that we can then go into the realm of tailoring a custom suit. Now this is where it gets interesting because there could be infinite ways a monkey suit can be tailored. Obviously it is down to the suit maker what the final suit looks like but the end result is certainly infinite possibilities. Much like items of clothing which have infinite possibilities of design style colouring patterns etc.

      To sumarise: with the complete lack of a bigfoot specimen or even a single piece of verifiable evidence, the conclusion to the pgf is its a man in a suit.

      You can cry about it all you want but that is the bottom line.

    4. too much evidence that bigfoot does exist.
      sorry you lose again

    5. The plural of anecdote is not evidence

    6. No the plural of anecdotes is "anecdotes" get it right lady

    7. A magic monkey suit made by a broke amateur film maker that can out do 46 years of costume and special effects?

      You see... If you can't show me a suit half as good today, and people HAVE tried; then there is your Bigfoot and that is just one part of the acclimation of evidence there is to prove Bigfoot is real.

      Got magic, miraculous, amazing, expert defying monkey suit?

      Got weird out of proportion human being to fit into that magic suit??

    8. Inumerable anecdotes over ten thousand years with film footage, tracks and language is evidence.

    9. Dickhead^

      I can show you better suits.

    10. "Inumerable anecdotes over ten thousand years with film footage, tracks and language is evidence."

      Ah ha ha ha ha, no.

    11. Show me a suit then???

      Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha, yes.

    12. Joe. What's up. Happy Holidays. Don't know if you guys celebrate thanksgiving or not. Here in America. We will commercialize and eat and watch football, for just about any reason. The good news is I'm off all week and very glad to be back for a few days. The picture above is interesting no doubt. There was an old school researcher named Bear who used to roll with a group called the Oklahoma Monkey Chasers. These were hard core dudes. Not above taking feminen napkins, used mind you, and hanging them In trees for scent cues. They say Bear could call with the best of them. One of the guys in my research group used to roll with those dudes. They got some good stuff. And were pretty wild. M

    13. It always amuses me when you tell me about the Monkey Chasers... You can just imagine how nuts the smell of that would send the resident big guys... To me, I couldn't think of anything worse.

    14. Dude. The guy I go out with. And you know who he is. He said Bears got this mating call. Some ululating moan that makes the Big Males get aggressive. You know about the Atoka / Caddo area and how damn squatchy it is. Oklahoma has some surprising habitat. Atoka Wildlife Management Area is one of the Squarchiest places you'll ever want to visit.

    15. Well Mike, you know I'm coming ober next year (fingers crossed), we can make a few visits to these places and see what we come up with.

    16. I know one spot where some teenagers shag assed outta there and a little old lady called the Sheriff and fired at one. Good place to start. I lost that Atoka Picture of the sign. Hope you kept it. M

    17. I'm pretty sure I've got it... How did you lose it??

    18. Hey Mike and Joe. When I was in my teens and lived in Texas, I used to go ride dirtbikes with a family that had a cabin up in the Kiamichi Mountains. Twice while there, I remember waking up to a discussion of "what was that hitting the cabin wall last night?"
      I slept through it. Joe, you stopping in cali? I can take you up to where some Big-boys live?

    19. Bigfoot Patriot!!

      I would love to my friend!! Love your posts and if you wanna ever chat off this blog, you let me know.

      Much respect.

  3. Well sweati yeti has posted another smiley face meaning bigfoot is real for another day

    1. It's still real to me dammit!

      insert crying wrestling fan.

  4. Check out his other videos, there's a whole bunch of obviously faked footage in a lot of them and some debunked hoax photos in some others. This is a crap youtube channel full of crap videos.

    1. Seems all you can do is be told what is real and what is not...follow the crowd eh ? capability to discern most of the nay sayers,LOSERS.

    2. Seems to me he decided that on his own MMG.

      Seems it is you who must follow a crowd to have your beliefs vindicated.

    3. You ain't talking to me dude.

      If it ain't signed it ain't MMG.


  5. Not needed.  More than one way to get from point A to B.

    Again: scientifically ANALYZED.  

    Scientifically ACCEPTED.  

    Scientifically PUBLISHED.

    Exactly as Skeptics always demanded.

    Bigfoot proven.


    1. talkin' about living in another world

    2. better if you keep your poop in a jar, deluded loser!

    3. Mulder, you really are the stupidest twat on the face of the planet.

    4. A bunch of random words won't school anyone, only fools will believe they have actually schooled someone doing this. Oh, schooled.

    5. ^ You must have a lot of experience playing an idiot

    6. Keep acting like RHI is a vetted scientific publication..,

    7. ...He can't really believe Munn's paper, even with the assumption it is well argued and compelling, can prove the existence of bigfoots...Mulder is so over the top about this paper it comes across like he is trying to convince himself...

  6. I bet Patty could bitchslap the lot of ya........

  7. I ran across this yesterday thanks to a heads up from a guy named Clayton. There are more pics of this on Mark Anders youtube channel. The filmed subject is impressive and these guys are obviously looking at pics that have not lost some resolution being transferred to computer as they discuss muscular definition not apparent in what I am seeing except for the bicep area. It would be nice to know who took these and under what circumstances and a human comparison before any final judgement is made. Any knower knows how extremely difficult it is to get one single good pic, let alone several.


    1. Extremely difficult.... I would go as far as impossible. You can't take a pic of something that don't exist.

    2. ^ was convinced of this when tried to take a pic of his weener

    3. Chuck. Interesting. The dude is getting some day time shots with definition. Showing biceps etc. probably a tri pod fixed on a travel route. With a decent Zeiss Zoom Lens. Damn. Technical difficulties. I have two Tin Cans with string. I keep ringing. He doesn't answer. Take care man.

    4. Hey Mike. Mark Anders and buddy are discussing definition seen all over including gluts, back, shoulder, chest and the bicep can be clearly seen. Sure would like to know who is taking the pictures. Maybe your friends at GCBRO know. Only thing I know is from Rogers County, OK area. Keep calling, he may have stepped out of his office for awhile.


    5. I can call the Georgia Man. He's in my group. He's been pretty busy on his audio project. I've listened to 3 compilations they put together Chuck. Let me tell you. It's some wild shit. One audio clip sounds like, what's that Australian Instrument called ? The second sounds like hump back whales fighting. But the third has some aggressive call blasting responses that make you really sit up straight. There's a response call to the Ohio Moan Blast made in the big thicket area that sounds a like a Big southern Bubba Squatch challenging the interloper. Finally. The most gruesome one came from our biologist. It's a field audio of a Bigfoot allegedly scooping a Beaver out of the water and killing it. It sounds awful. I had wild dreams after that one. If anyone doesn't believe in infrasound. And I didn't. Two people we were listening to the tapes with on high def speakers got sick to their stomachs. Pretty wild Ill give him a shout. See if he knows who this cat is. M

    6. Gentlemen...

      We need more details about this picture but it looks good to me.

      Details are key. Did you say this guy has more pictures on his channel or something Chuck?

    7. Hey Joe. I did. Just go to his youtube channel and you can find more including a back side as it is entering into the brush that is very reminiscent of Patty. Go to youtube and enter Mark Anders. You have to sort through them as there is no order. At least 3 other photos and they claim to have about 10 in all. I find the amount to be highly suspicious as it is extremely rare to get one good one and that is why I need to know who is getting them and see an interview with this individual, but what I have seen is impressive.


    8. Fantastic Mike. Like to hear these recordings some day. Just for the record I believe the infra sound to be real. It has happened to many people I feel are credible. The bigfoot that screamed at my friend Mike and myself was a high pitched scream without any infra sound, but it was extremely nerve shaking. I listened to an infra sound recording a couple of years ago and my stomach got a little queasy.


    9. Mark Anders also has a bunch of obviously fake videos onhis channel which do not bode well for these photos. It seems to be a parody channel but even if he claims these photos are real he'll be tarred by the hoax brush for his other crappy videos.

    10. So Joe... are you saying that the picture is true and that the guy shown is a 100% modern human? Wow, are you for real or what?

    11. When this is proven a hoax,which honestly it already has been,Joe will just backtrack and call us all liars. Bookmark this.

    12. What's the matter boy... Upset you got schooled about Munns?

  8. I guess part 4 has to come now!!

  9. Hey Joe. Finding Bigfoot had a fantastic recreation of the Brown family dark thermal last night, something I have been eagerly awaiting to see for months. When I first saw the Brown thermal last spring it was quite convincing to me since the Browns are highly reputable folks and just the way the creature bolted from behind the tree, although brief is exactly how a bigfoot moves.

    However I needed to see a recreation and last night we got it. Bobo who is 6' 6 or 7" with an extremely large torso was absolutely dwarfed by the creature who was easily a 1 1/2 taller or more, twice as thick with arms and hands that were massive. Bobo tried to replicate the creatures step and could not come close. It took Bobo two elongated steps to cover the same distance to cover and he looked clumsly doing it where the creature was natural and fluid. The side by side comparison is so telling that even Renee knows this is a bigfoot.

    I am 100 percent convinced now that the Browns got the real deal and hats off to these guys, they should be very proud of themselves and prove that it can be done.


    1. Hi cbrippee,my name Hop Sing. I live in Korea. I have no interest in bigfoot. I want to know If I could purchase you're 2 dogs? Me want to make them into stew to feed my family.

    2. Sorry Hop Sing. The golden on the right passed away two years ago from old age and I would no sooner sell Rush on the left than I would my son Charlie.


    3. Right on, Chuck. Some good evidence there. Bobo seems more like 6' 4" to me, though.

    4. Chuck. You are right. The Browns have the gold standard as to form. And that individual Is big. I never heard if they got scale on its size. But I heard it was over. 8 feet. Barackman helped with recreation.

    5. Hey Mike. I am sure Cliff will post his field notes soon, not up yet though. Cliff spends a lot of time with people that never makes production, and I am sure he will come up with a good appx. size. I do not know if you saw the side by side computer comparison, but the comparison is as profound as would be a comparison of me next to my 11 year old, probably more. I am sure this site will put it up soon.

    6. Chuck. I have found two sets of tracks in separate locations that measure 19". They are 71/2 " across at widest point with a 4" heal width. Our biologist goes right to Fahrenbachs chart and gives an approximate height of 8'5" or so and a weight well over 750. It just seems incredible to me that these big fellas aren't seem more. That Brown subject would have to leave a huge track. Ill wait for Cliffs notes, good idea

    7. You are right Mike. A track that size would be at least and 8 1/2 footer. They are seen more, much more than most people realize, it is just that people do not talk about it for the obvious reasons. For every report to any authority or bigfoot site you can times this by at least five and probably over 10. Of all the witnesses I have talked to, only one made a report.


    8. Hey Chuck!

      I've sent a congratulating email to Stacy and his team. Thermal is definitely proving to be the way forward.

      If you have the height of the subject to which can be clarified with recreation, then that's good enough for me!


    9. The sightings reported are the tip of the iceberg, to quote Meldrum. I truly feel that the fear of ridicule will erode in the next few years and more credible sightings will become the norm.

      This picture is good... WE NEED DESTAILS!!


    10. Hey guys, Cliff has had the analysis on his site for nearly a year. Height approx. 8'5". He's had it in presentations too.

    11. Thanks Anon 7 29. I had forgotten this and went back and looked. However Cliff did this from home with info and recreations Stacy had sent to him. I would be very surprised if Cliff did not spend a lot more time of this during their visit and update his field notes soon with new calculations, but I am quite sure 8' 5" is in the ballpark.


    12. Hey Joe. I believe Meldrum and you are right since bigfoot is becoming more main stream and people will feel more free to talk. An example that happened to me three weeks ago today.

      I was on my way home from my largest client, Honda Mfg. of America in Marysville, East Liberty, OH area and took the back roads home, as they go through the highest area of Ohio in Logan County and it is very hilly and woodsy, unlike most of the adjacent counties that are flat and total agricultural, and thus affords me a better opportunity to see a possible bigfoot next to the tree lines, and there have been some excellent sightings in this county in the past by mostly farmers.

      I stopped at a speedway station in West Liberty, Oh. There an ordinary gentleman inquired about the Alpha Dog lettering on my van as he was into coon hunting an there was product out by a similar named company that could keep track of a dog up to nine miles away. The gentleman said he spends a lot of time coon hunting in this area and recently won a competition in the Kalamazoo MI area. Me being quite comfortable I showed him my golden, Rush who frequently travels with me, (left one on my avatar) and said my dog only looks for bigfoots with me. He immediately said most people do not believe in them but he does. He told me of an incident a few weeks before in the forest about ten miles away. He had gotten his dogs back and in their cage in his truck and all at once a tremendous scream/roar filled the forest and shook him up, from a couple of hundred yards away as it was moving away from him that was unlike anything he had ever heard. He also told me of a probable sighting in his youth in WV along a power line. It was large, hair covered and was walking bipedal. At that time he thought bear, but looking back with what he knows now, he said it could not have been a bear.

      What I am saying is their are probably tens of thousands of these encounter outdoorsmen have had, and if you just ask they might just tell you.


    13. By the way Joe or Mike. Please send me Stacys email and I will also congratulate him. He deserves it.


    14. Hey Chuck! Thank ms for that response that was amazing!!

      Ill drop you an email now.

    15. I am sure there are NO large,black,homeless,former athletes in Florida. None. And they would never creep around in the dark looking to steal of scavenge.

      Dumb as rocks all of you footers.

    16. Got a question. Where are all these black, homeless former athletes that ate 8 1/2 tall and 800 lbs staying? Myself, the NBA, and the NFL would like to make contact with them.


    17. Not every large man can make it at the pro level. Many do not. In Florida there is nice weather and lots of open space. Not to hard to understand this.

    18. Stacey's therm footage is very interesting. Along with Bart's at the Sierra site possibly best of the year.

      Last I heard Stacey was toying with the idea of giving it to MK to complete analysis on. The problem being that MK is no longer as trusted as he once was due the the Sells fiacso...

      Hope Stacey concentrates on the research and not the paid expeditions. Once $$$ become involved then your integrity can always be questioned.


    19. Salutations MMG:

      I like to take the time to respond to your comment. The Sasquatch Hunters is based on the research and discovery of what it is that's out there. The team consist of over a dozen hard working and dedicated men and women who sole purpose is to bring the subject to the realism that it does live among us.
      The Browns have dedicated nearly a decade of serious in the deep woods investigations to gather every thing that relates to Sasquatch. Each and every member had to deserve their spot on the team thru work and efforts put forth. We use the hunter ways with modern equipment and technology that will assist to our advantages. This alone with travel and time spent on expedition that may be thousand of miles away cost so much especially the price of fuel these days. I know most of my Myakka outings come from our own pockets. Stacy jr. has stated in the past that why wouldn't any researcher want to add to his research to cover cost and to advance our findings.Testings of evidence is also a cost issue. We also use satellite imaging, computers, audio listening device, recorders ,walkies, protective gear, food , supplies,ect, ect.
      I definably see you point and can see how one would abuse anything when profit could be obtained.
      As for analysis, the thermal was handed over to Cliff Barackman and was his indepth input that lead to where it's at today thru his hard work on it.
      I talked to Stacy jr. ealier and he as usual is in the woods as we prepare for our coming investigations and what we have been working on around the states. I my self live in in Fla. along with the Browns. Myakka(where I reside) which is in itself a near 6 hour drive from them. Other members are also in different parts of Florida and Georgia. So you can see the cost to gather in a hotspot.

      Once again I am glad of people like you and others here that support their views on both sides in which I learn so much. I truly believe there are no experts in this field, but experience and hard devotion in the woods will prevail.

      I don't get to get on here very much since my accident but still love all who donate imputs like you and my friend Joe and of course Harry Bandini. And of course all the headbangers and music lovers that amaze me here so go out and make the day count and if you don't want to, then that's fuckin ok too..!

      And with that :Mitakuye Oyasin = we are related.

    20. STEEEEEVE!!!!!!

      Great to see you post bro. Congratulations to Stacy and all of you from Sasquatch Hunters!!

      Stacy and his family deserve to have their name to one of the best pieces of evidence there is, which is what this footage is being suggested as.

      Can't wait to see it. Hope all is well with you my dear friend. Look forward to talking to you off this blog.


    21. Hey SS.

      I hope your recovery is coming along just fine.

      Yeah I've seen the stuff that Cliff has done with very important footage. Cliff gets flak for FB but is a stand up guy.

      Not sure what MK would bring to this party but I'm sure he'd find an 'angle'.

      Myakka looks like a great spot. Just keep Fasano out the picture and you guys will be fine!


    22. Thanks sir..And all due respect to Mr. Brown Sr. for his astuteness and quick thinking on an almost dead battery on the Flir and able to capture what was needed and head to safe ground. Stacy Brown Sr. is highly regarded in this field along with his son and the rest of the team, especially the ex- military on the team.

    23. There is a guy named Thinker Thunker who is doing some work in this field also. Did pretty good job on the Mississippi tree ripper a few weeks ago. Has his own youtube channel.


    24. Thanks Chuck..I will give it a checking.

  10. It seems a 100% modern human to me

  11. The Stacy Brown Video, will be proven a hoax too, they always do!

  12. This latest episode of FINDING BIG FOOT was the best so far! Wow! Stacy Brown finally made his bones! Now comes the Book deals, The DVD sales, and Expedition consultation fees, WOW! in a year, he will be rich and famous!
    I was disappointed that TF wasn't on FB! Damn! I love that fat slob, I can just smell his BO, but it's better than JF'S BS!
    Anyway Matt MoneyMaker was in Fine form, and Bobo wanted to make out Ranae (He should make out with Cliff, he's the other GAY one who plays with puppets)

    1. Matt Moneymaker seems to be bending to pressure of not producing evidence because in this episode, he pretty clearly misidentified a bear, as a Bigfoot. And he repeated that outrageous claim, given the obvious quadrapedal stance and round head of the subject captured on thermal. Apparently, Moneymaker believes that he is immune to criticism for misidentifying a bear as a Bigfoot, and that nobody will be the wiser. This show proved that MATT MONEYMAKER IS A HOAXER.

    2. I had never seen the Browns' video on a TV screen. I sent an email congratulating them. It was a damn good shot. As for MM. It was pretty tough to just call Squatch on that blob. Agreed.

    3. How much is Matt making per year? I want in on some bigfoot gold.

    4. The episode last week he said something about squatch and bobo even looked at him like are you fickin retarded

  13. Dudes.....I think Renea is bonable.

    1. I agree. Ranae is definitely boneable.

    2. You'd have to rassle her first. Like Andy Kaufman used to do as the self proclaimed inter gender champion. Then if you won, claim the prize. :).

    3. Not sure I'd want that prize.

    4. I would. Been with 2 lesbians in my life and I must say it was fun. Renea is very doable.

    5. your sister and cousin don't count

    6. She is a six footer and rail thin, built like an Ethiopian. I'd pass

    7. Renae is creepy. There is something quite odd about her.

  14. Pic is of a fucken GORILLA assholes...

    1. i think you're right. who would of thunk it.. show it on a bigfoot channel all of sudden it is the finest photo of a bigfoot..

  15. This is why the bigfooters are mocked by the scientific community.
    Another hoax.

    1. Soppy is not a hoax,you moron.

    2. Well, the Scientists are stupid then, they should be mocking the Hoaxer community,---- which is people who believe in the Science!

  16. Kitekazes patty suit bombshell

    1. There is no suit...never was,never will be...get over it.

    2. go back to your lunch break sandwiches,Office boy.

  17. Another bunch of nothing for stupid bigfooters.

  18. time to get a huntin going! Game ON!

  19. 7.62 gotz lots of stopping power : ) should doin da big guy and getz U da proof ...... lots of ammo and mags....

  20. Short arms, bare chest... gorilla suit.
    You do realize if you don't repost people's obviously fake crap they won't get as many hits on their youtube channel and they won't be encouraged to continue making fakes.

    1. SO if U looking for stopping power AKs over ARs for sure - AKs take lots of duty/grime in da bush and still keeps shootin. ARs get a little duty in it and U done. Used a AK after getting out of the Army and never had a problem in 10 years of use, so AKs for sure….. dependable 7.62 instead of .223 AR rounds.

    2. put enough lead into anything and its DEAD

  21. Was up in Granby Colorado all weekend visiting some family and friends. Lived up there myself for 5 years. Huge hunting business there. It really does support the entire county along with all the mountain tourist stuff. But come hunting season we would get people worldwide in our small town. I worked at a grocery store there and they would bring in there kill to be dressed by the meatcutters,the meat department manager was/is my uncle he has done this for 30+years now and lived there for about as long.

    Not one story ever about seeing a bigfoot or any evidence of anything unusual. Not one.

    1. Meant to add asked my uncle and friends about this specifically. I asked the old timers at the bar. I asked various hunters I ran into. Everyone of them responded with a laugh and a no.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Is this the same family that are sfx experts Muir?

      You do ask a lot of folks about Bigfoot boy. Leave it be. It's not for you.


  22. Aks my choice - gotz firepower and can take wear and tear and keeps on shootin

  23. 12 gage shotgun used – with followed up shots – slugs rounds and take that bigfoot down.

  24. Another bunch of nothing for stupid bigfooters. I also think Renea is bonable.

    Mangosteen Juice


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