Are You Good at Analyzing Things? Derek Randles Needs Help With This Footage

Jonathan Brown and the Olympic Project team has presented their evidence. Now, it's your turn to see if the evidence supports the claim. Is this footage of Bigfoot? If so, what else can you observe? If you think you have something to share, now is the time to help out the community. For the raw information and footage, you may want to send the Olympic Project a message letting them know you're interested. OP project founder Derek Randles released the following statement not too long ago on Facebook:


Just wanted to get a message out. We do want people to analyze the still shot and video we've released. For those purposes please feel free. Many eyes are a good thing, and maybe something will be noticed that we missed. We do have a few people working on it, but by all means please do so if you want to. We very much appreciate the help. We are a volunteer Org and we're doing the best we can with what we have. We are very excited about this, but even more excited about the potential of this study site, and we're just getting started there. Hopefully this will be the worst footage we release. We've also been doing a ton of audio work there spearheaded by David Ellis, and we are getting an amazing amount of knocks, vocals, screams as well as a myriad of other noises. We have decided to take this approach of quick release for many reasons. It gives everybody a chance to weigh in on evidence produced. There are a lot of qualified people out there, and we appreciate the help. Also, We are tired of researchers sitting on evidence for weeks, months or even years. It's obviously a researchers right to do so, but it's also one of the fastest ways to loose your credibility. So we decided to do this one differently. I stated years ago that when the Olympic Project had something good to put out there, it would be put out quickly, and that's what we're doing. Its should also be noted that we will not engage in a pissing match with anybody. We will stay on the high road and live and let live. Everybody's entitled to their opinion and we respect that. Thanks..and very hopefully...more coming soon.

Derek Randles.
Oly Project.


  1. Replies
    1. They should have thrown a rock at the squatch.

  2. Replies
    1. Thermal footage is 100% useless as evidence for the existence of bigfoot. It is easier to fake than regular footage. Thermal footage like this will never do anything but perhaps convince those who already believe that bigfoot exists. As for proof, thermal imaging is and always will be absolutely useless.

  3. Derek Randles is mater of the 'quick release'.

    1. He definitely has that Mater buzz going.

    2. Yep, whatever anyone says we can't fault the speed that he shares his evidence. Gotta hand it to him there.

  4. slug is not wanted as first
    slug is perfect:(

    1. I liked your 13 point presentation on why slugs are better buddy

  5. FLIR lacks sufficient resolution to serve as evidence for the existence of Bigfoot. End of story.

    1. Not sure anyone was claiming that this footage would crack the case.

      It does potentially display a large hulking creature in the forest however.

      Stacey Brown's therm footage is very strong due to the excellent analysis that accompanied it. If Derek can pull of something similar then we could be onto something.


    2. The case has been cracked MMG. No bigfoot.

    3. The little lights aren't twinkling, Clark.

    4. Very compelling 4:24

      You should discredit and belittle more often. You are simply a natural.

      I'm pwned and smoked badly.

      Thank you.


    5. ..Well, I can imagine an anthropology professor at a seminar presenting a really good capture from a well documented field trip or expedition..He\she would need to account for everyone's whereabouts.. They must also show or explain why they think it is unlikely humans were not in the area...
      The probability bigfoots exist is very small, but I think thermal could change my and others opinions given circumstances similar to the above..

    6. Check out sykes work MMG. No bigfoot from the very best samples.

    7. Don't waste your breath MMG is a fuckin retard.

    8. So says the guy with the protective helmet on^

  6. Derek Randles is one of the most credible voices in blobtherms.

    1. Don. This is a 'Bigfoot House' please remain respectful at all times.

      Thought I'd catch you here. There seems to be a clampdown on calling folks out across the way.

      DR is around here somewhere so he will enjoy your forthright comment.

      Hide! Here comes BIG GINGER!


    2. I can understand Dons frustrations when having to deal with the likes of DWA and sweati yeti, it is VERY difficult to bite your tongue to save yourself from getting banned

    3. "If the subject moved ! it would have added alot more cred to the therm video,,, That bieng said,, it could be A fake mock up with a artificial internal heat source !!! & the cow showed NO reaction to the squatch, FAKE ! FAKE!! " BIG DORIS" xx

    4. BIG DORIS VS BIG GINGER !! hot oil wrestling .. THE WINNER GETS TA SNAPPER LAP !!


    6. Hey now, Ginger is a fine mod. She's always been pretty polite and fair with me even if she's handing out a warning point. I rather like her as a BFF mod.

    7. "it could be A fake mock up with a artificial internal heat source"


    8. The Hive Mind is busy over there. Buzz Buzz.

    9. Lets face it, this thermal sucks. It could be explained 10 different ways. Could be possums, could be coons, could be a cow laying on it's side curled up, could be samsquanch but it doesn't matter because you can readily have a variety of things it could be.

      Brown's thermal is not like that. It captures probably the best thermal to date of either a man or a bigfoot. No speculation is needed beyond man or bigfoot.

      Thermal isn't going to be what pushes bigfoot into reality though.

    10. I'm about to go drop some Brown Thermal. The results should be forthcoming.

    11. " The only thermal vids ,that I find "SIMI" credible are chris noels wood pile therm,,, and stacy browns,thermal,,, THIS ONE JUSTS SITS THERE !!! TOO EASY TO FAKE!! U DIGG? BIG DORIS !!

    12. It's left shoulder does seem awfully hungry though

    13. shut the fuck up BIG DORIS !! U SUCK !! DIGGITT ??

  7. its a bigfoot with a possum on its back...end of discussion

    1. No, it's a possum getting taterholed by a Wooly Booger

  8. I think that's an image of the hot steaming load I left in the woods last week. Please put it in a jar for me Derek. TIA.

  9. The figure is clearly sleeveless based on the heat signature of the arm. This is most likely Matthew Johnson creeping around the edge of camp leaving huge loads of gift sperm for the Squatches.

    1. Dr J is the Peter North of the bigfoot community.

  10. Let's start with "It's definitely not a Sasquatch" and move down the known animal chain from there.

    1. Either mama possum with baby OR could be MMG riding on PJ's back.

  11. The complete lack of ANY evidence for bigfoot combined with the fully verified and proven evidence for hoaxes, misidentifications and liars shows exactly what this bigfoot business is all about.

    Got monkey?

    1. The problem is cryptozoology is not formalized; there are no textbooks or academic programs or anything at all that can tell me what the definition of evidence(with respect to cryptozoology) even IS...What you, I think, would call evidence I would probably call proof..I.e the

  12. I am the most credible voice in the Bigfoot Community.


    1. Here is my 7 second analysis of all things related to Sasquatch.


  13. Bigfoot playing statues, let me guess! The battery ran out before it moved off?

  14. Why no unambiguous photos of bigfoot?

  15. Replies
    1. Are you sure its not a bigfoot instead? All those monkeys running around america have gota show up in some photos right?

    2. ..Check out some Roger Patterson!!...Hahahahaha Schooled!..ahahahaha... aiiieeeeeee...kill me......zzoooomm..Sykes is human..Zaana..zana..Dans balls...

    3. ^Middle finger sucker... Schooled

    4. ^..Another good mystery: Did Ali's trainer Angelo Dundee visit the ring the night before the fight and loosen all the turnbuckles? He denied it till his dying day..A great old book about the Rumble in the Jungle is "The Fight" by Norman Mailer...

    5. ^ Gotta love it, ,,,,However, I still believe ,Neil armstrong DID set foot on the moon !

  16. AKs beez da shits - fo bigfoot huntin

    1. AKs got no akuracee to much chop, chop, no gud,,, AR got betor akuracee NO chop, chop, only ,bah bah bah bah ,,,, way more gud .

    2. ^ quit playin big doris you, you, fin bitch,,, ! you !

  17. It must be cheap tard night in here this evening.

    Not heard 'Got Monkey' since I was a kid.

    One of the trolls actually calls himself JREF!

    He wears his badge of Mong with pride.


    1. Guess mmg ain't got monkey then

    2. he is the raging butthurt footer for a reason

    3. ...MMG, on the habituator thread a few of the mainstream type believers ask the quirky friends of the forest people basically the same question: Got Evidence? Are you one of those who challenge Apehuman and Co?

      This is an open blog by editorial decree, while that thread is a place where believers are to share "experiences" unchallenged.."Got Monkey" guy was invited here, but people who challenge Safooty and Apehuman are rude, if not mean....

    4. Sasfooty has produced the best bigfoot evidence to date. You could practically feel the steam coming off that baby!

    5. ...Lol..That was gross and funny as hell..And yes, now that all the dna studies have crapped out, the prize for best physical evidence must go to Safooty and her light brown turd....

    6. but people who challenge Safooty and Apehuman are rude, if not mean....

      Maybe because they are insane and should be on meds and under profession care? Because that Ii was I make fun of them.

    7. Just caught this, and thanks to the defender. To the anon above, your post says it all, it is a mirror in which your reflection shines brightest.

  18. Replies
    1. Mind blast. I woke up hungover in a jail in Tijuana.

    2. Towards what....the TaterCavern?

    3. Got thrown in rosarito beach jail (mex) in 78 ,," some drunk passed out bum", was sleeping it off on the floor,, as I walked up to the bum in the holding cell,, I noticed a mouse" on the bums chest ! it was on its huanches WASHING ITS FACE !! ,, all I could was to Start laughing,, which made me to start convulsing PUKE from all the freekin mezcal, I drank that night !! MY BOSS had to pay 50 bucks to get me out in the morning,,, SO THAT BIENG SAID !!! YEA THIS THERM VID IS FAKE !!! BIG DORIS ,,,

    4. Better'n wakin up hog tied in a Texas jail. Never did find that tooth.

  19. When that Mongolian Death Worm ate my Flir I thought, well, I'll never catch bigfoot now. I get so fucking tired of being wrong all the time...

  20. looks like a mother bigfoot holding a baby jesus. o and a cow. don't use the hair samples in this area we already know what it will come back as.

  21. I'm a little confused by the cow. It's unfazed as is the stationary subject????

    1. The cow is much closer to the camera, maybe isn't aware of other's presence. The "other" would disregard presence of cow.

  22. let me be the first to bust this hoax. there are some stabilized views and a daylight comparison shot of the site. the flir has a slanted tree. in the daylight view there is no such tree in sight. BUSTED,
    o the humanity.

    Dr. Anonymous

    1. you so smart can we be friends?

    2. You had to "bust this hoax?" You didn't know it was fake before watching it?

    3. Well, 7:48, assuming this is true, after its all released there still will be people who will argue the thermal shows a bigfoot..Dr. Anon, do you have a link?

    4. the link is on the daylight view is on this page or the previous blog page. something is fishy

  23. Replies

  24. If you can't produce the cow suit, then the cow is real.


    1. That is actually quite accurate.

      Congratulations with blowing both your fat feet off with that comment.

      There's nothing like a slack-jawed skeptard's comment to brighten the day around here.

      #TooneyTard approved

    2. #glorydays #notoldenough #remember #takeState #miley #wreckingball #moneymaker #mustbe21orolder #Santorum2016 #JesusOrBust #Zoloft #redwine #hebrewschool #vicodinwednesday

  25. Haven't we been through this already? Are the posts now coming after the comments? This walkback from Randles was already properly ridiculed in the prior post. How bout some of those comments from his zombies:

    "Thanks for raising the bar Derek, and for sharing this significant and exciting evidence" [presumably raising the bar by asking for help to get out of this mess]

    "Your a class act!!"

    "Great job Derek. you and the O/P are leaders in ethics and reputation and I cant wait for you to release more evidence and results." [*cough* canine *cough*]

    Pure Awesomeness!! Love the OP!

    "See? My favorite thing about working with you is your character. Doesn't matter if someone proves that creature is an abnormally large, naked man or a bear without ears-you've never been dishonest about it. You're the man!"

    "That's why your one of the best researcher's out there Derek Randles."

    "Derek for prez!!!!"

    "Here Here....."

    So...a "researcher" shows a photo saying he "strongly believes" it is a Bigfoot. After a day of ridicule, he walks it back, saying he doesn't know what it is, please, can you help?

    Aren't you the researcher? You guys are supposedly doing stabilizations and (*cough*) comparison images (let's see...there's a tree and here's a tree). Why do you need our help?

    We told you here two days ago, it's two possums. Stop trying to save your reputation with this "please help us" crap.

    1. Researcher asking for help from the peanut gallery after two days of trying to do it himself is the least credible voice in Bigfootery.

    2. Cry for help is more like it...changing the subject, throwing dollar bills into the crowd.


  26. Hey boys and girls! Are you good at figuring out stuff? Maybe you can help us figure out what this is!

    We said it was a Sasquatch but we aren't so sure now...we tried to figure out where he was exactly, but it's tough getting trees to match up! They're all so darned alike!

    We think he's 40 feet tall, or maybe two feet tall...we just aren't sure! This ree-searching is hard! We thought people would just agree with us that it looks like half of a really in-shape Bigfoot, wouldn't you?

    Yes, the head squirms around a little, and one shoulder is foraging for grubs, but we think we're still right! Or not! Draw us a picture of what you think it is, or are, or whatever, and send it to:

    Carwreck Randles
    O'Limpest Project
    Somewhere in the woods (there are SO many trees here, who knows exactly?)
    Washington (We think! Can you help us with that too?)

    Oh, and I get to present your answer before you do, OK? Then you can. If you still want to!!

  27. So long as your answer agrees with his preconceived notions.

  28. First up, props to Derek for getting the video up ASAP, I wish more people in the field would follow that example.

    Secondly, that's NOT how you stabilize a video. The aim in stabilization is to reduce the shakiness in handheld footage and to present the scene as it would have appeared to an observer. You need to stabilize the background, not the figure. In this video you stabilized the 'Sasquatch' and the surrounding trees were all jumping around. If you'd based the stabilization on the trees then we would have seen that the 'Sasquatch' was actually moving around quite a bit.

    Anyone wanna try and stabilize this properly so we can see what was really happening??

  29. Best thermal image ever of a "who the fuck knows what". Seems like he uses the tree to crop out the some detail of whatever is there, making it appear like the silhouette of shoulders and a head. This is a joke Derek. The only reason they waited a couple days to look at the footage is they new it was a cow or some other known animal and didn't realize it could be interpreted differently.

  30. This whole thing just exposes what's seriously wrong with Footers. On the forums and blogs they're falling all over themselves to congratulate Randles, taking all his initial estimates as Gospel and doing the Whoa dance. This is the Footers' need to have a Saviour because they feel repressed, so their lionizing of Randles and their immediate, uncritical embrace of, 'footage'...go way off the charts. Then when things start to fall apart, they just redouble in their protection of Randles and use the experience to confirm their victimhood. Someone needs to write a book about this phenomenon, or more appropriately a paper, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry.


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