$10 Million Bigfoot Bounty EXCLUSIVE Team Photos

Spike TV will premiere its new hit reality series "10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty" this coming January. The show is set to air January 10th, with host Dean Cain (Lois and Clark, Ripley's Believe It or Not) leading the way. The show will pit 9 teams against one another as they attempt to be the first to prove the existence of the legendary creature known as Bigfoot. Up for grabs is a Sasquatch size prize of $10,000,000!
Click here to continue ready at Bigfoot Crossroads.
Team bill munns and sweati yeti will take the winnings
ReplyDeleteYea like when they take your mommy.
ReplyDeleteSign right here on the dotted line_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ReplyDeleteAnd then Spike TV's owns you...
ReplyDeleteGeorge Noory on top of IT!
DeleteHey POOP IN THE JAR GUY, You must also keep your brains there too!
ReplyDeleteIf this had actually been our illustrious leader you would have been drawn & quartered and then stomped upon repeatedly.I pee on your key pad and bumble hand your wife.
Delete..Well said Randy..This comment, although it is directed at an obvious imposter, is highly offensive...Where is the cock sucking moderator!!..
DeleteI'm rooting for those two brauds. The one on the right should win.
ReplyDeleteIs this biggest loser??????
ReplyDeleteReally picked the cream of the crop!! Lol
ReplyDeleteCream of the average
Delete..I wish them well, but I gotta root for the NYC contingent: There is(supposedly) a team from Coney Island comprised of a fat lady and midget that work at the freak show...
DeleteThe size of most these guys wow! Come on !! There going to walk in the forest ???
ReplyDeleteWhat's a matter?Scares to walk in the woods?
Deleteya puss
I'm saying buy there size they probably can't get out of there car lol never mind walk any ki d of distance! Never mind there probably hubituation eaters buy there size? Right?
DeleteYeah seriously, a lot of those guys probably find stairs difficult to overcome, never mind a walk in the woods.
Delete...Any team with Justin has to be the heavy favorite; fat chance anyone else can topple his weighty experience..Its a big waist of time for the others to even enter...
DeleteSmeja in sleeves????
ReplyDeleteYou've changed man.
I just back from hunting Deer with several friends. We shot a BIG FOOT! It was 13 feet tall when we measured it, and it broke our scale. so it must weight over 1000 lbs. It took us 6 hours to get it out of the woods. We called in 5 more friends to help us.
ReplyDeleteWe have it hanging right now in our Barn. We called many rewspaper reporters and other news out lets. Over 100 locals showed up to see it!
But. . . as several reporters showed up, Several Troopers showed up, plus a 1/2 dozen Fish and Game officers also showedup! They issued us 5 violations. As We were being written up, A Black SUV with government plates showed up, and 4 MIB'S got out.
They ordered the Fish and Game guys to take it away.!
This is a TRUE story! There were over 100 witnesses prsent and saw everything! We got FUCKED! Yes! It does happen!
Sterling Hayes Suffern, N.Y.
Joe will buy it no doubt.
DeleteMy name is sissy, My sister was present when the Fish and Game people came to take the dead Big foot away.
ReplyDeleteThey got everyone that was present their name and addresses.
They took all computers, Cameras, Gun etc. from the original 6 that brought in the Big foot!
They also took the 4 reporters that were present their cameras and field notes! They argued alot and the reporters were threatened with arrst if they didn't comply!
They arrested the six, but a big argument broke out over jurisdiction. The local Cops and troopers were cool, but the Fish and Game people were like the Gestapo!
Sterling Hayes live in Suffern, N.Y. (Rockland county), but shot it way up by Livingston Manor area, near Roscue N.Y. and was put up in a Barn of a local Farmer. They was going to arrest him to, his name is Lloyd Bernstein.
All I can tell this story is 100% legit! To many people this time involved, they ain't going to keep this quiet!
You're allowed to shoot bigfoot in NY,they do not recognize the species...I just said V A G I N A to cheer up Bigdad,quit blocking me already
DeleteTodays modern cameras not only take great photo's, they send them(the photos) as well.
DeleteSo you would have us believe that so many people were around taken pictures and they weren't getting sent off to friends , relatives, and home computers.
Good story though!
I could see Cuomo grabbing a bigfoot for himself
DeleteThose damn MIB's spoil it for everyone.
DeleteSo close guys. Just get the pics and footage out before making a fuss next time!
Yeah MMG,first Dyer's and now this one,is this what they put in dog food?
DeleteYou screwed up when you said " We called many rewspaper reporters and other news out lets."
DeleteEven if that whole scenario was true, this would be all over the news. I mean the bigfoot would be gone and all, but MIB's would have grabbed some media attention lol
Nice try though..
I would have taken some photos cuddling, maybe spooning with him
DeleteThat cheered me up rumfer.It's good to laugh.
DeleteRemember we took part of the skull, leg etc from are kill so no MIBs or who ever can get it! Hope u did the same!!!
DeleteAnd we're just waiting for the right offer$$$ cheers everyone!
DeleteI have $10.If that'll help.
DeleteYou should have taken a picture of it! Damn!!!
ReplyDeleteoh well....
Will Justin eat Ro's porkpie hat? Tune in next week.Will Ro find gainful employment or move into Justins leanto?Watch the next thrilling episode to find out
ReplyDeleteEpisode two. Dax has to go it alone after Rictor is booted from show. He put on a female Bigfoot costum and backed into the tent of those two big-boys and started screaming "Sqeal like a Bigfoot, Sqeal like a Bigfoot!" Homey don't play that shit and they comminced to whoopin his ass!
DeleteTune into episode three watch Merchant go running naked around the campfire yelling ------------- " I'm the real Turtle-Man!"
Look at Ro and Smeja,you can stack crap pretty high after all
ReplyDeletePart 4 we shot a large male two Sundays ago and hung it up! We've had zero problems mind u we never got any reporters involved why would u do that? And we saved a couple parts for our selves just in case, why didn't u do the same???
ReplyDeleteAKs my choice - gotz firepower and can take wear and tear and keeps on shootin ....... : )
ReplyDeleteWhatever U use lots of ammo and mags
DeleteOld platoon Sergeant told us when in doubt shoot……
DeleteFor the $$$ AKs will do the JOB!
DeleteWell Shaun, As a marketing guy, let me forecast that this show will be an absolute boom to your blog. May I suggest setting up a blog game or two like guessing how many times they have to "bleep" merchant and Ro. Or How many times you hear the word Bigfoot. The show was obviously Cast for Politicaly correct intertainment Vs. Success. But I see a few Good Minds in thier.
ReplyDeleteGood luck Justin, Ro, Merchant and Brown -------- The rest of you I have not followed or know of ----- Hope you all had / have the time of your life!
Hey Rictor, I don't think you stand a chance so I'm going to try and help you. Ist Camo means nothing unless your going full Sniper dug-in -- you cant even see me move. Durring the day -- where bright cloaths, thier more likely to check you out. You absolutely have to keep your mouth shut in the woods and LISTEN! I always laugh when I see people out searching and talking over sounds. You cannot hear well when your making sounds.Thier is a popular vid online right now that has good Bigfoot yells in the background and Nobody has pointed it out. USE your ears Rictor. Don't ever knock more than once in an area where you believe you heard a responce. Then switch over to calls. Using a pair of ski poles or walking sticks is a great way to move at night in the dark! You can even tape Mini -mags on the bottom of the poles if you have to have light. Try and walk some roads at night, if you think your getting flanked, just jog a little, don't run. The goal is to get him to make some noise kepping up with you as you speed up. Then stop suddenly. Don't do it to much though cause when your harts punding and your breathing hard, it becomes harder to hear external noises.
I still think your going to twist your ankle. And if you do run into Bigfoot, don't slap him. ha ha ha Good luck Rictor.
entertainment, there, sorry again for my spelling,
DeleteIt's already been filmed, so you're a little late with the advice
DeleteDuck Dynasty is an Fing hit, this will be too, with the lowest order of fans. The best thing that happened to the serious researcher was Moneymaker on Finding Bigfoot where everyone can see he is just entertainment. It will be the same for these people, and a good thing. Whoring around.
Delete^^^And they all have T.V. shows and you don't. you must really be bottom of the barrel!
Rictor only did this so he could look at other men's junk.
DeleteThis show won't be a "boom" to this website. Look at the traffic now. 50-something responses. BFD. NO body cares anymore espcially about Ro and Justin. LOSERS. They barely had 40 people at their premier of the silly documentary, which sucked by the way.
Wow, Ok dude. Who pissed in your cherrios?
DeleteRo said,"I haven't had a bite in weeks."Justin grabbed his arm and bit him.
ReplyDeleteneed 12 gage shotgun – with followed up shots – slugs rounds and take that bigfoot down.
ReplyDeleteNot enough range you fucktard.
DeleteAKs work da best......
ReplyDeleteAKs are shitty. That's what ppl who can't afford good rifles use. U dont know anything abt weapons obviously.
DeleteSo true I had two jam after a little over 600 rds at the range glad they were a friends
DeleteSO if U looking for stopping power AKs over ARs for sure - AKs take lots of duty/grime in da bush and still keeps shootin. ARs get a little duty in it and U done. Used a AK after getting out of the Army and never had a problem in 10 years of use, so AKs for sure….. dependable 7.62 instead of .223 AR rounds.
DeleteFor the $$$ AKs will do the JOB!
DeleteThese guys will never, ever get close to a Big foot cause they dislike Vaseline odors, B.O. and Justin's farts Not including Shampoo, after shave lotion, bug repellent etc.
ReplyDeleteI can see it now, every branch, leaf, overturned rock a big foot did that.
They SHOULD call in Matt MoneyMaker because he knows everything about big foots! He married one, just look at his Nazi wife.
Question: Which one will put out the smellest FARTS, Bobo? or Justin?
^^^^ Had Sas fil out a survey about repugnant odors!
DeleteMaybe he smells it and say's "What the hell is that?"
Just because someone is German dosen't make them a Nazi. Makeing statements about someone you have never met does make you a full-blown asshole!
Also, were here trying to figure out a great mystery!
DeleteYou Idiot are concerned with FARTS. This is why you skeptards are as use as used toilet paper. You serve no purpose. I'll bet you can't step out on the freeway and kiss the logo of a mack truck.----- idiot!
I love my Jewish Farts, and hate Nazi's!
DeleteWhere is Mien Fuhrer? Please come and bring peace and happiness to our troubled community!
ReplyDeleteIs it me or does Dean Cain look like Peter North?
ReplyDelete..Tim, how many rounds of cuts did you get through before the final cast was selected? No offense meant, we all know a lot of people tried to get on... Steve Alcorn posted his experience the other day....
DeleteWho's Peter North Tim?
DeleteSo whats your beef with them. I think i got Ro pissed at me, but i kinda smarted off to him for some shit he said over the phone, twice, for no earthly reason? So what-ever. Shaun doesn't call anymore cause i called a couple morons out and they don't send in vids anymore-$ See what happens when people get popular, ha ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteJustin is my Cal -Tex brother. He killed a couple monsters unwisely, but hey they were monsters.
Have a shot of Rum!
^^^^Question for Rumferlife?
DeletePass the rum and the gifting bowl pls
Deleteten million can buy the best bigfoot costume like ever !