The New Finding Bigfoot Season 4 Trailer Is Frickin' Intense, Almost Too Intense

We've seen every season of Finding Bigfoot, and by the looks of things to come, season 4 may be the scariest, most terrifying season yet. All new episodes of Finding Bigfoot will begin airing on November 10th (Sunday) and Matt Moneymaker and his crew will kick off the new season with a special trip to Fouke, Arkansas, the scene of the infamous 1972 documentary "The Legend of Boggy Creek." Check out this brand new trailer showing a thermal-hit at the end:


  1. Sasquatch is considered an anomaly. "Anomaly" is used to describe events that are "impossible" in the cultural framework of the person who experiences them. An anomaly is an event that is not supposed to happen. Accordingly, the person who experiences such an event is likely to see it as problematical. they may actually have difficulty recognizing its anomalous character in the first place. Even if they do recognize it as an anomaly, they may try to check their own perceptions in various ways.

    The event can fall into one of three categories. It may be a rare event, which is known to science, an event, which is unknown to science, or an event which is unknown to science and which does not conform to current scientific theory. Events of the first type are to be considered anomalies only because the witness does not believe they are scientifically acceptable. Some examples of the first type would be meteorite (1) and ball lightning (2) sightings by persons who did not realize that these events are known to science.

    Anomalies of the second type might include Sasquatch, sea serpents, and in fact the whole area that Bernard Heuvelmans has referred to as "Cryptozoology." (3)

    The appearance of a number of reports in the press is almost certain to awaken another reaction: the desire to demonstrate the gullibility of the public. For this reason, a number of hoaxes are likely to be mounted. These take essentially three forms: false witness that an anomaly has been observed; fabricated evidence (such as photographs or physical traces); and the attempt to make others believe that they are witnessing an anomalous event. For instance, in regard to Sasquatch reports, we find persons making up stories that they have seen "Bigfoot," making false tracks, and occasionally running around in costumes that will fool an observer. Doubtless a study of the persons who thus fabricate anomalous events would be interesting from a variety of perspectives. In the first place, it is evident that many hoaxes are likely to be exposed.

    In contemporary society we have given to scientists an important task which in previous times was frequently given to the clergy: the management of our "sense of reality." It is science that decides what is real and what is not, what exists and what does not exist. When the reality of creatures like the Sasquatch is put to the question, science has the final say. Even Sasquatch advocates who have nothing good to say about science would be delighted if science would admit these hypothetical creatures are worth studying. Perhaps, therefore, we ought to consider for a minute just how science might go about making such an admission.

    In the eighteenth century, it was common for savants to poke fun at the "absurd" belief that stones could fail from the air. After such a fall of stones at Julliac in France was witnessed by three hundred persons in 1790 and attested in a legal affidavit, the witnesses were ridiculed in the scientific press. An "obviously wrong fact....a phenomenon p

    hysically impossible," said one editor who felt nothing but pity for the witnesses. However, by 1803 the scientific men of the time had done a complete turnabout and decided that the falling stones were real after all.

    When they will finally reach scientific acceptance depends in part upon the intellectual inventiveness of Sasquatch advocates in devising a theory. But it also depends on an observation, which cannot be ignored; in other words, it also depends upon a lucky break

    1. In b4 PJ breaks the right click button on his mouse with 17 paragraphs and resumes no one is going to read.

    2. No one cares about you Daniel. You're a idiot!

    3. Idiot? Nah. Dickhead? Sure. Realist? Absolutely. Pessimistic? All the time.

    4. Eyewitness #1 - "I saw a Bigfoot".

      Skeptic - "Though I wasn't there, no you didn't".

      Eyewitness #2 - "I saw a Bigfoot".

      Skeptic - "Though I wasn't there, no you didn't".

      Eyewitness #3 - "I saw a Bigfoot".

      Skeptic - "Though I wasn't there, no you didn't".

      Eyewitness #4 - "I saw a Bigfoot".

      Skeptic - "Though I wasn't there, no you didn't".

      Eyewitness #5 - "I saw a Bigfoot".

      Skeptic - "Though I wasn't there, no you didn't".

      Eyewitness #6 - "I saw a Bigfoot".

      Skeptic - "Though I wasn't there, no you didn't".

      Eyewitness #7 - "I saw a Bigfoot".

      Skeptic - "Though I wasn't there, no you didn't".

      Eyewitness #8 - "I saw a Bigfoot".

      Skeptic - "Though I wasn't there, no you didn't".

      Eyewitness #9 - "I saw a Bigfoot".

      Skeptic - "Though I wasn't there, no you didn't".

      Eyewitness #10 - "I saw a Bigfoot".

      Skeptic - "Though I wasn't there, no you didn't".

      ... Skeptic - "If these creatures were real, people would be seeing them all the time!"

      Joe - (Sigh)

      Just who the hell do these people think you are? Who the hell are they to tell someone what they did & didn't see? They claim we should go out and find them evidence of a 'monkey', then condemn the people who have come back with information. Any wonder why enthusiasts haven't got time for them? It's the cheapest trick in the book to claim that people who go and to look for this creature, who turn out successful, are then just hoaxed or seeing things. Pathetic and obvious. I can easily say that skeptics are simply scared of the truth... why else would they deny something so desperately without any facts except their version of what happened? Anyone can see what their problem is; they are simply scared and blogs like this are the best means of bypassing waiting for that reassurance from someone else and getting a little bit of that on their own accord that they require so badly to explain the unknown. We require closure as a human race, even if it means denying something is there when the answers are that little bit more difficult to attain. These people regularly avoid explaining any of the sources of evidence enthusiasts provide and resort to bullying and claiming people are being made fools of; they are the fools, thinking that for the last ten thousand years people have been part of some secret society dressing in gorilla suits (when these cultures had no idea what monkeys or gorilla's looked like) and jumped out at people and said boo... Ha! I can easily claim they are nuts... Why else would these people prioritize their time in such a way with such claims? Nuts with fear...

    5. Skeptic - "Surely if they exist, there should be something more than prints and testaments from believers. There ought to be some bodies, bones, hair, poop, something left behind. Far as I can see, there's not a bit of that to be found."

      Samples like scat and hair have been sequenced as DNA and then people like the guy above claim it's not there... Ha! It's like the dumb example up top where people condemn two, three, four, five, TEN eyewitnesses after another, and then come out with 'if these things were real we'd see them everywhere'... Only someone as stupid or as desperate to censor information would request it in a debate and then deny it's ever been there without bringing so much as a decent counter argument; that tends to be the way skeptics like to work.

      I know hunters of 30 years that have never come across bear bones. Why should we come across Bigfoot bones? Are bears real because we don't find bones? Secondly, Bigfoot bury their dead; that is why I can call them giant hairy people because that implies culture and a higher intelligence to that of a dumb animal.

      The message here? Skeptics demand things as evidence and then play them down because asking questions... the PROPER scientific method, is too much of a task for them.

      ... But Sykes is coming.


    6. When you have the frequency of sightings that are in complete conjunction with what one would expect to see from a highly intelligent nocturnal creature, paired with the amount of evidence there is to suggest there 'could be' something to it... The decision to not investigate is far from the scientific method that skeptics keep implying is keeping this subject in the realms of 'reality'. When that doesn't happen, and you have numerous reasons to suspect that the economy would have to suffer for habitat, then it is not too unrealistic to those who wonder why this subject doesn't move out from dogmaville.

      People make things up, yes... But implying that all witnesses that have seen this creature do, is trying too hard to dismiss them and is again... Not in line with the scientific method skeptics claim is right in keeping this subject back. If these people really would 'love this subject to be proven', then they wouldn't dismiss every account as either money making schemes or lies. In their effort to dismiss people they consider liars of swindlers, they forget that the majority of researchers are just that to replicate experiences they have had that have changed their lives.


    7. Who has the bigger claim to mental illness? a group of people backed by ten thousand years of native culture, with hundreds upon hundreds of written media sources up and down the States in libraries, with footprints, DNA, a piece of transcribed language... people who consist of wildlife biologists, costume experts, forensic experts, forensic artists, forestry officers, doctors, lawyers, police officers, teachers, psychologists, historians...

      ... or the people trying to deny those sources with nothing except mental illness claims?

      Hhhhhmmmmmmmmm... tough one that.


    8. And there's the 15,000 word's only 2 people are going to read!

      Let me save everyone and summarize what PJ probably said:

      "Bigfoot's not real but I fantasize that it is from across the pond."

    9. Enjoy Campz... That was for you.


    10. Daniel just smoked you joe

    11. Joe, you fail to understand that anecdotal evidence is worth squat to science and the educated public. Try bringing some organic evidence and we'll talk. Peace.

    12. Yawn on science and bollocks to peer reviewing, yay on pseudoscience, ghosts, and spaceships!

      We'll show those pesky scientists!

    13. It is so easy to lessen the magnitude of acknowledgement of this species as 'anecdotal evidence'... explain multiple person sightings then pal? Again you duck and swerve and ignore explaining things and just offer what comes so easy to you; cynicism. To go with the ten's of thousands of eyewitness testimony, we have a transition in white settlers' diaries that for the time, had no way of contacting each other... This is what lends credibility to the natives, because more believable (in your eyes), Europeans saw these creatures as well. These accounts were then taken from diaries and written up in the news media of the day and are now in libraries up and down your great country... Hard to debunk eh? We have thousands of years of Native American culture. Thousands... wall paintings some 8 feet tall true to size and if you know anything about indigenous culture, you would know that ceremonies, dances, utensil designs like baskets, all these things indigenous people do to pass down historical events, identity and culture because, as some may claim; written texts can be manipulated and misinterpreted. There is an easily attainable timeline of Native American culture by the determining the age of settlement sites. Burnt wood and other means have been used to carbon date areas where indigenous peoples who maintain the Bigfoot culture have resided. I have friends that have seen Bigfoot square on for a number of minutes, am I to take your anonymous opinion over there's? Bring something more to counter our expert backed sources or you are simply as believable as the people who claim to have sightings. Implying that all witnesses that have seen this creature make things up or have misunderstood what they have seen, is trying too hard to dismiss them and is not in line with the scientific method skeptics claim is being utilised properly regarding this subject.


    14. Goddamn you need to learn to become more concise in trying to make your point. 7,000 word post and all in one paragraph.

    15. Have a read bro... Go on, you know you want to.

      ; )

      Gotta go back to work Campz, catch you later though bro.


    16. Until you address the absolute absence of scientific evidence, it's everyone else who yawns at you.

    17. I'll just go ahead and not read it. I just got over the nausea of seeing a 4 mile long runon sentence.

      There is literally nothing you could ever write that you haven't been pasting for a daily basis for 6 months or could be heard in a much more concise manner by watching a couple shitty YouTube clips.

    18. 4:14...

      Until you actually bring something more than denialism to the table, then I'm afraid our scientific evidence is there for us to celebrate. There is nothing more boring that someone avoiding that and dribbling all over the keyboard that there isn't anything to counter. Yawn, yawn, triple yawn.


      Failure to delve into a counter argument, is denialism Campz. Nothing more and if you had nothing to be wrong about, you would.

      See you later bro.


    19. Failure to get sucked into your assbackward flawed logic is not a recognizable 'win' there, PJ. You may like to think so, it just goes to show how unstable you are.

      PS - you have ZERO scientific evidence. Blobsquatches, ambiguous films, campfire stories, and cackles in the night are not considered legitimate scientific evidence, ya dunce.

    20. Dermals, an accumulation of accounts ie. written news media, diaries & tens of thousands of eyewitness testimony (much of it multiple person), along with ten thousand years of acknowledgement, a transcribed complex language... scat, hair, unknown primate DNA... Is in fact reason enough for mainstream science to respond.

      Wait a minute... Someone has in fact chosen to break the mold and investigate?! Who's that gain... ???!!!

      ; )


    21. "It is so easy to lessen the magnitude of acknowledgement of this species as 'anecdotal evidence'... explain multiple person sightings then pal?"

      When we say that anecdotal evidence isn't acceptable data we don't just mean it in the sense that the person might have hallucinated the entire experience (although that might explain some of the crazier reports) but that the person could have been mistaken and incorrectly identified a different creature, or that the person might be remembering the incident incorrectly. The fact that there's multiple person sightings doesn't erase this problem. For example: there's many many court cases where several eyewitnesses have all identified a totally incorrect person. In the case where several people witness an indistinct furry creature in the woods this might actually contribute to misidentification occurring when they talk about it afterwards since one person's recollection might influence how the others reinterpret their own memories of what they saw.

      Anecdotal evidence is not acceptable scientific data. Whether the anecdote involves one person or several is incidental.

    22. There's also court cases where murderers have been convicted without a body. Type in 'April Jones of Wales murder case' into Google search for this. Can you provide me with an example of such a case that you suggested?

      Now your example of multiple person misidentification is not accurate when considering that a human could be misidentified having plenty more rational explanations compared to that of seeing a giant hairy person at full frontal in the wilderness, which is what people are reporting; a BIPEDAL hairy creature. It is not an equivalent and is again maintaining a convenient assumption... You might as well just say; "because people have the ability to misunderstand, Bigfoot is therefore not real"... That wouldn't be quite accurate would it? That's unless you were too quick to dismiss that is. There are circumstances to accounts that simply can't be bracketed under such claims and to state otherwise is merely maintaining an effort to lessen what reports we have, in the same way that you suggest ten thousand years of acknowledgment is mere 'anecdotal evidence'.

      I am an advocate of the theory that 90% of eye witnesses are actually being mistaken, but that doesn't mean that the 10% left over aren't worth acknowledging, that is twisted logic and all too a convenient means of closure to someone with an agenda to scoff at this subject.


    23. Furthermore, we have an accumulation of other sources that render these innumerable anecdotal accounts more credible.

      This is conveniently forgotten.


    24. Seriously Joe, how much time do you have in your life to be able to write these poems about bigfoot in every single post?


    25. (Sigh)

      We live in an age where we have desktops at our disposal in work environments, and smart phones where email is possible at the twitch of a fingertip.

      If you got out and about... You would know this. I would highly recommend you listen to your own advice.


    26. Good. Then work instead of trolling with your smartphones/non-your-desktops. If you're at work, you're supposed to do your job, not this sh*t.
      But I suppose your job is laying on a sofa!

    27. What's wrong with going online while you work i do it all the time.

    28. Actually I thought his job was collecting poops from the ground and keeping them in some jars

    29. Because you're not working. Especially when your writings probably cost you hours and hours. Now I have to go. I have to work.

    30. What's the worst that's going to happen if you go online while you work.

    31. You know Joe. Only the low ranking workers don't have the luxury on internet while they work.

    32. Only serious people have internet at work but use it only to do their work. We call the others parasites of society.


    33. Good point MJA!

      Oh and 7:34... You need to climb the ladder a little I think bro! Knuckle down and kiss some ass! HA HA HA HA!!


    34. Parasites of society? So who exactly am i leaching off then?

    35. 7:34
      Do not talk with footers. They do not understand. They live in a magic world.

    36. Parasites of society are the ones that collect the money that every one else works for. So common who am i leaching off while i go online while i am working?

    37. 7:34 and 7:42...

      Go somewhere else then guys. You are coming on to a Bigfoot blog and telling people who want to discuss Bigfoot to go away? There's a very simple answer for making yourselves feel better, remove yourselves from the blog, hating is bad for you.

      Go and fins something else to do.

      HA HA HA HA HA!!

      (Head shake at the sheer stupidity of these people?)

    38. Little does the guy calling me a parasite realize when your the boss you can do what you want. If i want to do nothing for a week i can do nothing for a week. In no way am i leaching off anyone in doing so.

    39. Exactly bro... And what exactly are these clowns up to that they can afford to troll? I know you work hard MJA, I can vouch for myself also.


    40. great. I missed dinner because I was reading joe's comments!

    41. If you've read them once don't bother with them again,Joe, hows things at hogwarts?

  2. Thermal hit!
    Cue the scary music!
    Cut to commercial.
    Come back from commercial.
    Recap the entire show, up to the thermal hit.
    Cue the scary music!
    Turns out the thermal blip was Cliff!

  3. 4 seasons. No monkey. Go figure.

    1. budget! Chris packham! Red suit! Taterholes!

    2. Indeed. The bbc made an intentional bad suit to keep the gravy train rolling. And roll on it does.

      The worst argument footers have is patty is real because there is no replication.

      Well that doesn't quite work does it.

      No monkey is way more of a problem but mulder et al don't understand that.

      Roger spending 5 years creating a bigfoot suit is still more reasonable than saying roger just happened to film a bigfoot, first try, and without ever happening again in 50 years.

    3. Hmmmmmm... Let's see what we have here;

      No explanation for a 'suit'... And there is a pretty heavy burden considering the technological advances since 1946, means that the argument that there is a 'monkey' in PGF, pretty much stands up.

      You can't suggest there's no Bigfoot when you snake around explaining one of your biggest obstacles that provides you with one... It's laughable.

      If I was to request evidence that Bigfoot doesn't exist, you provided that and I dismissed it without providing an explanation, you'd be all over it and that is the biggest contradiction and hypocrisy in the world the reason why you fall flat on your face.

      You have a chip on your shoulder that makes you feel you don't have to explain your theories, but in the world of scientific research, you must provide at least an equivalent level to dismiss research.

      Matching specimen? Leaping Russian Yeti.

      Glad I could help.


    4. Not only those 50 years in cinema but not a single shred of scientific evidence has ever been procured. Smells fishy!

      Hearsay out the ass but no replicable genetic evidence or a body.

      We can discover a transitional fossil showing how dinosaurs evolved, we can trace genetics to modern Adam and Eve, we can follow human evolution for millions of years...

      But we can't find bigfoot or a simple organic molecule that relates to it.

    5. And who's to say that the evidence brought forward is whack Campz? You??

      I would suggest you actually read my comment up top... Essentially, requesting evidence and then condemning it is censorship or denialism. That is a fact bro.

      We all know you used to back this evidence Campz, leave the bitterness go bro, just because you have heard every skeptical counter argument in the book does not mean by blurting it out on here that anyone who knows your situation believes you REALLY believe it. Why else would you be here?

      Campz -

      "To laugh at people"?


      (Your nose just got a little longer and made that noise)

      ; )

      Gotta go back to work, see you later Campz bro.


    6. Case study in crazy. You're part of it, PJ. Severe delusions of grandure, stealing of other people's work, canoodling with trannies, emotional outbursts, self-deprecation...

      That and calling bullshit on the lies continuing to be perpetrated in the community, especially by people who've never set foot in bigfoot country nor actually done anything but watch some Monsterquest episodes and some YouTube videos.

    7. Who's the more crazy Campz?

      Someone who has a transexual as a friend...

      Or someone who publicly exposes himself?

      Hmmmmmmm, tough one that bro????

      ; )


    8. Still have my balls in your mouth, I see. Now I see why you like pre-op trannies so much! You can still smoke your poles while attempting to publicly save face.

      There's a vast difference between 'haha crazy' and mentally ill crazy.

      I do have to trim up my bush today though, does that excite you? I can mail you the clippings if you want.


    10. The laughter was at Campz... I found that quite funny.


    11. I love you Joe. Lets not fight any more.

    12. I have been trying to manufacture a situation where we could share ideas in a productive sense for the benefit of the blog for some time.

      Like I said... I think you're funny Campz.


    13. HA HA HA AH AHA!!

      Someone ripped you off Campz?! Well my statement still stands... I think you're funny.


    14. Daniel,can't you go one day without mentioning me,i starting to think you might have the hots for me,well i'm afraid your out of luck i only like intelligent men with balls bigger than pips bw xx

    15. HA HA HA HA!!

      I genuinely find it awful, you have never been horrible to anyone... But remember, the more they attack the more it means you are representing what they detest; truth.

      Don't worry about Campbell... He doesn't like people. Misanthropic is the term I believe; a trait of psychopathy.

      You have friends here Eva.

      Peace. xx

    16. Paranoid skeptard now admits BBC's/Hackham's Patty replication attempt was poor, but intentionally poor?

      Just watch those skeptards moving and swiveling those goalposts like lightning!!!

      After attacking anyone else over a conspiracy theory, this skeptard's new counter-theory-explanation is that the BBC intended to FAIL in its replication of Patty.

      OK, sure, that falls right in with you bleeving that Ketchum attacked and brought down her own computer network in order to blame it on outside forces. Ketchum helmed a False Flag Operation, sure.

      This skeptard is Reggie the Reacher . . .

      Reach reach reach . . .

      Reach reach reach . . .

      Reach reach reach . . .

    17. Campbell then, if your budget is greater than that of the BBC, surely you can do a better job of replicating Patty convincingly.

      If this whole topic is so dismissable, then surely it should be a bloody breeze to duplicate Patty. After all, skeptards try to dismiss Patty daily. Let's instead see them put their money where their mouths are and create a decent duplication using the same camera and film and 1967 technology.

      Skeptards daily dismiss something which has not been credibly duplicated for 46 years. That is rather self-contradictory, that claim; it's oxymoronic.

      The silence and hypocrisy are flat deafening.

    18. Godzilla is freaking huge,I saw him smash a building and breath fire

    19. You like Godzilla Shawn?

  4. Great editing. Love the black and green theme. Unfortunately what actually takes place in the show or reality is always something different

    Type O rules


  5. Hey Joe. Recently translated the subjects watching me in day blind using Scott Nelson Handbook. As they went through my Camelback ruck, Subject one said "look over there " and pointed at me. Meanwhile subject 2 violently shook my Vicodin bottle and said "there's something on some pills!" Have a great day. Cutting Hay and going squatching in Texas Hill Country. MKB

  6. Why Danny Campbell. Did you just smile. You know you did. Opioid Hominim joke. C'mon. Let it out!


    2. Campbell is my favourite footer just now.

      He has the intensity of Fasano and the sheer delirium of Dyer.

      Can we keep em Shawn? Awww please!


    3. Only if he gets a new doo

  7. Let the healing (and the pain management) begin. My name is MK Brookreson. And I thank you for your time......

  8. Finally I'd like to close with the Sasquatch Prayer, our father, who art Matt Moneymaker, hallowed be thy name. Thy Show it comes...thy will be done day it is in thermal. Give us this day....our daily that we may make our jokes.....Matt you count your money....I'll smoke my dope and well all meet In Bigfoot Heaven. M

  9. If you have a friend in the Sasquatch community. Pass it around. And forward the joke too!!!!

  10. Mike Brookreson's reading of Joe Fitzgerald 's recently unearthed. "Early White Settlers Journal Entries" : "Emma. Don't bring the children yet, Lord God Almighty...went out to the corn crib this mornin and a god damn, well.. Two legged walking Buffalo was just out there a grinning at me like a possum eating persimmons. I beseech you to stay in Connecticut. I knew I should not have consumed that Cactus flower with Cecil. Your Beloved. Herschel. "

    1. I love Joe. I don't want to fight any more.

    2. I beg you to help me complete the recently unearthed white settlers journals. Please Daniel. The world needs this evidence.

    3. My darling Joe will help you mike.

    4. I have been trying to manufacture a situation where we could share ideas in a productive sense for the benefit of the blog for some time.

      Like I said... I think you're funny Campz.


    5. HA HA HA AH AHA!!

      Someone ripped you off Campz?! Well my statement still stands... I think you're funny.



    Just in the last few months and weeks, I’ve discovered some new details, such as mouth/eyebrow movement, and independent movement of the right and left sides of Patty’s buttocks (gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles). The main reason I’ve been able to find these is because of a special version/copy of the film that I received from Bill Munns, called ‘Copy 8′. Several months ago, Bill sent me a CD-Rom with the ‘Copy 8′ version and I’ve been spending a lot of time looking over the frames, and putting together short animated-gifs to find any movements on Patty that I can. The ‘Copy 8′ version has a better level of clarity than the Legend Meets Science version, which is the most commonly used version, for analysis.

    1. Wow! I really pissed off some footer!

      To create a new google plus account under my name just to masquerade as me!!

      I'm flattered! I thought you actually cracked my email account until I saw your google + avatar was added 20 minutes ago.

      Probably the cut & paste footer, if I had to guess.

    2. So you are the new MK Davis.

    3. Eat cat shit, PJ. Your copy paste footer friend created a fake account to follow me around like he did before. Same guy who made post after post about stinky balls.

    4. HA HA HA AH AHA!!

      Someone ripped you off Campz?! A taste of your own medicine no doubt. Well my statement still stands... I think you're funny bro.


    5. Wow, what a scream! Y'all are too much this morning!

  12. Dude. I just found out yesterday that one of my photos has been enhanced and verified by 2 unrelated photography experts as containing a live subject. Man. I just haven't shared that. But there is something out there isn't there. It just blows my mind. And when I'm out there now. I admit I show fear.

    1. So does this fear reaction include any sort of Puckering?

    2. Is this a fact Mike. Would like to know more. Have you considered having it sent to Dr. Bruce Maccabee, the optical physicist who was employed by the Navy and analyses mostly UFO footage. He worked with Cliff Barackman on the Vermont footage of the alledged bigfoot gathering apples, that many thought might be an owl and came to the determination that because of the shadow cast, whatever it was was close to the ground and not close to the camera, and was definitely not an owl.

      Also are you able to measure the height and width of the live subject?


    3. Also I told my wife of your invite to come to your ranch and am seriously considering it if indeed it is genuine.
      The cost would of course be mine and I would have to clear a few business and family hurdles first, but I am so intrigued and the opportunity to get close to one again for the first time since Sept. 1, 1996 is overwhelming.


    4. Chuck. I already have an enhanced negative from my second guy. It's never the photo you think it is until contrast is boosted or wiped. I'll give you an example. Remember the Kentucky Garden creature that was almost assuredly a large raptor landing close to camera. Well there was your Bigfoot. As for me. I'll send my photos to pretty much anyone. There's something unsettling to me about adventurous truth seekers who hide their evidence for fear of ridicule. Now lets be clear. I don't mean government employees or small town people who depend on economic goodwill. No. I'm Talking specifically about me. If I didn't turn them over. There wouldn't be much to discuss. M

    5. I never bought into the Kentucky garden crow. If it was a crow it would have shown up much smaller with the camera that was used, unless it was much closer which it was not.

      Wait to hear more.


    6. I know. But the strangest part was the second figure in the photo. Birds in flight produce much larger images than you or I would imagine. As I sit here now and think about how a giant with that posture would walk. Only one image comes to my mind. I hate to be glib, but the more I think about it the more Paul Freeman's footage is an almost uncanny motion replica of "Big Boy on a Hill". M

    7. What's going on here tonight dan seems to have changed abit

    8. Better hold off on the plane tickets Chuck. They haven't come near me since I went back out to gift. I'm starting to think no Kids =s no Foots. School started and I lost my best partners. And I miss them very much.

    9. Someone's done to him the same as what happened to me... They've stolen his avatar and pretended to be him!

      HA HA HA!!


    10. I'm a local government employee but its nice he still shares with me,you can always trust your local government,to fee and ticket you

  13. Replies
    1. You do realize someone is masquerading as me, right?

      It'd be a cold day in hell before I spoke about PJ in such a positive light.

      Pay attention and ease up on the assuming.

    2. HA HA HA HA HA!!!

      I love you too Campz!

      HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!


    3. My best friend is a Sasquatch. I have only been pretending to not believe in them to protect him. His name is Ralph do you want to meet him?

  14. People like you. You have charisma. They want to trust you too it's human nature. But when shit goes down like that. It just reeks of cynicism and sarcasm. Two of the most useless tools in writing. Hasn't been used with effect since Oscar Wilde. Ok then. No more coffee breaks for me. Man. I wanted so bad for that to be true. Oh well. Peace.

    1. Dan does mean it Mike. We can all see this by the way he comes on here it argue with Joe like husband and wife.

  15. Joe fitz what's your thoughts on Melba Ketchum ???????????

    1. I think that she has probably done what she claims to have done... This has been done before on Monsterquest where they isolated unknown primate DNA. But, unfortunately, I think she may have done a coup,e of naughty things which may have tarnished her reputation.

      This would explain why she is so adamant to see this out.


    2. Good.
      What is your knowledge of DNA and genetic, Joe?


    3. Not very much if I'm honest buddy. I need to brush up... But I do listen to both sides of the story, or at least have done of late... And some of the people I admire and listen to the most have come to the conclusion that I used up top, to which I now go by.

      Peace bro.

  16. This cut and paste Troll is pretty good. I'm gonna stick around a while. Hey Daniel. Last time I cut Hay and blogged "The Rodfather" made me wreck my tractor by claiming the Band was Canadian. You stil owe me $8.50 for a Kotter Pin.

    1. Heh. Yeah. As far as PJ's 'taste of my own medicine' goes, I never masqueraded as someone's personal identity and certainly didn't create a whole new gmail and steal their avatar.

      It seems I've really upset the copy paste footer or a know someone whom always uses xx in their post...

    2. Do you want to meet Ralph Mike?

    3. Better hold off on that. Right now I have a dream girl. I see her now in my minds eye. White lab coat glittering in the fluorescent light. Blue powder gloves gently holding a yielding sample.....sorry. Ummm what were we discussing ??

    4. My Sasquatch friend Ralph do you want to meet him.

    5. His IP will be banned shortly, I'd imagine and Google will terminate the false account.

      Basically, if it seems like something I wouldn't say then it's butthurt footer doing it.


  18. Replies
    1. Stay away from Joe he's mine.


  19. Replies
    1. I'm trying not to troll here... But yes, he did.


    2. Until you have conclusive scientific proof of Sasquatch, you are perpetually smoked, PJ. It's not like I'm the one running around spouting unfounded wild claims that haven't been proven true for 200 years.

      As far as the real world is concerned, Bigfoot is just another legend until proven by science.

      That is the ultimate smoke job.

    3. It's not like you're the one running around spouting unfounded wild claims, no... But you also haven't contributed to disproving any wild claims either; merely repeating knock backs you've received over the years whilst you were a Footer... Oh I forgot, you still are a Footer.

      Being misanthropic has it's drawbacks.

      Peace bro.

    4. Again, it's not my job to disprove all of your hearsay because 95% of it contain no way to prove or disprove.

      I'm not making extraordinary claims which require extraordinary proof.

      I just laugh at how futile footers have been for 200 years to find anything remotely Sasquatch, how terrible evidence gathering has been done, how kooky as shit most footers are, and how paranoid the whole community is as they constantly stab each other in the back.

      How about instead of crawling about asking people to disprove old pasture journals and ambiguous films, you actually uhhhh get one shred of scientific evidence to prove even a fragment of your unfounded claims.

    5. But Campz...

      There is evidence that requires a collective effort to at least debunk on mainstream science's part, instead it denies it's there. That is not the way it should be.

      Hiding behind the fact that science wont acknowledge the evidence we have doesn't mean we have no evidence Campz and doesn't make it go away, it's just as bad as you claiming Footers hide behind conspiracy theory as a last resort.

      There is a branch of science that now determines new species bu the tracks they leave... For example.


    6. Yet you still can't get bigfoot recognized...

      PS - All of your so called evidence is circumstantial at best, most of it being hearsay. In Science, EVERYONE starts out wrong and it's your job to prove your claims valid. It takes hard data, organic compounds, or an actual body to consist of scientific evidence and even then must go through rigorous peer reviewing. It's always been this way, it's not like you woke up this week and suddenly scientists became more stringent to shaft the footers,

      Bottom line is you can't prove conclusively your claims of a wild giant hominid roaming North America...or the world for that matter.

    7. for Mr. Dam Campbell, My Name is Frank Evans, I am an ex-partner in business with my good friend John w. Jones who is away right now on a 3 week big foot expedition in upstate New York . I understand He offered to take a skeptic with him, but no one accepted. Why didn't you go? and if he offered it again would you go?

      I am on the fence about big foots exsisting but being around native american Mohawks all the time and seeing their displeasure when John goes looking for them, I really think there is something to this. Plus Joey P who is Mohawk and is away right now with John, showed me a Video, with a very large animal running along a ridge top, that I couldn't explain and I know my wildnerness animals.

    8. ^^
      Good try Jones. We know that was you.

    9. Campz...

      The decision on mainstream science's part to not act upon mounting and accumulative evidence doesn't mean that the stages you have just listed couldn't happen if it was to collectively investigate. Science doesn't want to acknowledge this subject, it's too easy for you to suggest that means we have nothing to shout about... It's the same 'cop out' you claim we use when we state that there is a conspiracy and doesn't prove our evidence is whack because science hasn't bothered, so in essence, the refusal to investigate doesn't prove anything we have is debunked and is backfiring on a field that is essentially censoring this species. If it had nothing to lose; prove it's all a hoax!


      Much respect sir, I am a friend of John's and anyone who knows John and his work is instantly respected by me.

      You are very welcome around here.


    10. If the Mohawks are displeased about going in the woods looking for it., Then why is a Mohawk going in looking for it ?

  20. Mike Brookreson's second reading of Joe Fitzgeralds early white settler journal entries: "To Mssrs Leonard and Goetel, please forward Sharps rifle to Colorado address as posted. Apparently my neighbor Simms has trained a large Shepard mix to stand upright as a man and howl outside my door come evenings. I have set my mind to kill the rotten bastard just as soon as I sober up". John L Coats.


    1. Ahaha nope. Nice try! I don't use Facebook.

    2. Don't lie. Those bathroom pic's are the same bathroom as the "Mike Honcho" pic

    3. Ain't lyin' son, believe what you want. Only picture I can see is the profile picture anyway, did you friend this kid?!?

      People like you are exactly why I don't use Facebook or twitter. If I did they'd be set to fully private too.

    4. It has only just been set to private. It's you don't lie you have just bee snapped idiot.

    5. I have dirty blonde hair, white skin, and blue eyes. That kid you linked is some half breed mutt.

    6. Does your mommy know that you play with your balls while rockin her phone,Daniel?

    7. To the real Daniel Campbell,
      If you believe that you are a bigshot in the science world, then you should be able to contact Stephen Hawking, right? Why don't you make this your life's goal. Why? Because in the fall term in 1974, at U.C. Berkeley, Stephen Hawking was on sabatical in the U.S. but clandestinely visiting Berkeley during the weekdays. While there, he was studying the video and report of the Bigfoot captivity that took place in the early 60's, at nearby Lawrence Livermore National Labs. He ran his wheelchair around campus giving impromptu lectures on Bigfoot. Berkeley kicked TIME out of the 4th dimension slot in spring of 1975, as a result of Stephen Hawking studying that report and giving his blessing. Many Berkeley staff also participated as both observers and analyzing the characteristics of that phenomenon that you cannot even imagine. Professor Graham Powell in Engineering is still there and also viewed that evidence. You can probably reach him with a phone call, if you are a bigshot. For that video and report to exist, Bigfoot has to be real. If you were a real scientist, you would do your due diligence before visiting this site again.

    8. You've posted this before a few months ago, and it fascinated me, has to be said.

      Where can I find more reading on this??


    9. The blue're bringin up OLD cryptomundo stories now? Claiming bigfoot is an interdimensional prankster is a classic!

      You're aware Stephen Hawking was only involved in the latter stages of the spacetime continuum decision, right?

      Can't believe you think this astrophysicist studied 2 seperate bigfoot in the 60's and that somehow led Hawking to studies in '75.


      Ps - I never claimed to be a big shot scientist, ya dolt. I must really have your panties in a wad today.

    10. The only reading on the captivity study is on cryptomundo under "invisible bigfoot". The real report is top secret and buried so deep in the defense departments vaults that even they could not find it.

  22. Mike Brookreson's third and Final reading of Joe Fitzgeralds early white settler journal entries: "Molly my dear, enclosed please find a Union note of twenty-five dollars. As your father I should have encouraged you more. But when I heard you try and sing and yodel last night behind the barn it brought a tear to my eye. Honey you must pay a music teacher and vocal coach. I say this now so the other students will not laugh or cry out when you perform. Your father, LeMay August. "

  23. The first two....maybe three episodes will have some interesting "evidence". From then, it will be like so...

    "Wait......what's that?!?!"

    Crazy, creepy music andddddd....commercial

    Come back to find it was a raccoon.

  24. Joe. This Is serious. And I've been dicking around so much I almost forgot. I have to run in for lunch and send SBJR $. I need you to remember while I'm In FLA we have to account for all streaming vids I have taken. Knowing now that we have two subjects, we have to determine at which frame of what film and in how many frames for how many seconds do said subjects appear. This is beyond my capacity. As is knitting and chewing gum. Will you help me curate and assemble all forest footage and will you check your email? Thanks bro M.

  25. Joe, Dan and MJ A are parasites. You have job's for a reason do them. What would your bosses say if they knew what you were doing while you work?

    1. I would say I'm glad I work for myself?

    2. I bet you guy's don't make much money

    3. I bet i make more money in a day than you do in a year

    4. I get $40,000 a year more than both of you put together.

    5. Nah, not even close.

      Gotta love trust funds!

    6. 40 grand a year you say. Both of us together would be in the millions a year

    7. Ok guys enough jerking around, just whip it out and compare sizes. That, or just grow up.

  26. Shawn, you are losing a lot of folks who enjoy this site because of these boneheads (Joe, Mike, MJA, etc.) You probably don't care but once these idiots tire of posting hundreds of comments per story (and they will), they will fade away, and you will find that the good people that really supported your site are nowhere to be found. I am deleting my BE bookmark as soon as I finish this post.

  27. ^A final comment: Shawn, take a look at the posts where these morons are off doing whatever they do when they aren't flinging feces at the world--I see stories with less than 10 posts. What does that tell you?

    1. That it's 9am on a Monday....with about 3 actual bigfoot evidence related posts in the last week...

      Apparently you've never been to other BF blogs because at best they have 5 comments. The worst on here will have at least that.

  28. Days and days of talking and still no pictures... blah blah blah blah blah blah = noisy rants arguing the same points over and over again.. ssdd. Its a shame this site's gone downhill so bloody fast..

  29. Well. We have you to resurrect it. Don't we ?? Ummmm no. Contribute entertain or don't hit Publish. The button you seek is whine.

  30. This show serves to keep idiots off the streets; wifebeaters otherwise occupied, etc.

  31. I forget what this article was about in the first place

  32. Well, those vocals sounded pretty boss. I bet this season includes improved use of thermal recorders...hopefully that was not a production assistant taking a leak or some such.

  33. Bravo, to those that earned it. Not that it will matter to most, but some of you really helped to educate, entertain, and inspire at least one onlooker with these comments.

  34. Bigfoot is like the rattle in my car. I ask the Pros to find it but they can't ! 5 mins down the road and the rattle mysteriously reappears ! To quote Bobo, my car is "as Squatchy as hell!" :0)

  35. Looking forward to the new season,but they should change the name of the show to: Never Finding Bigfoot...


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