Mitch Waite Catches Something Strange, Possible Paranormal on Game Cam

Oh, heck. It's almost that time of year again, and in the true spirit of Halloween, this trail camera footage from Arizona Bigfoot researcher Mitch Waite is pretty spooky! Waite says the owners of this property have been hearing some strange things lately, so they decided to set up a camera on the trailer and caught this ghostly image on video. Waite writes:

We investigate a trailer in the rural area of Show Low Arizona. The owners report knocking on their trailer that starts at the back of the trailer and moves forward at about 3am every morning. Then it sounds like something is climbing up an down the chicken wire that was used to create a house cat run (enclosure). We put game cameras on the trailer to see what was knocking on the walls. As of this uploading, I am sitting in the trailer listing to the knocking and became very ill to the point of nearly passing out of consciousness. Something strange is afoot! The investigation continues.

[Update] This update was posted 17 hours ago on Facebook. Waite writes: "Just sitting here in the middle of no where in travel trailer (not mine) listening to something going up and down the trailer knocking on the walls. When I was first told about it, I thought it was a raccoon or skunk, but no animals have been seen. We put out game cameras last night and we did hear the knocking. Today we pulled the SD cards and to our surprise, there was no animals. Just what appeared to be electric discharges on the chicken wire that makes up a cat run in the front of the trailer. There is no external power out here. No telephone lines. No trees near the trailer. No nearby neighbors. But there goes the knocking again."


  1. Reflections off the chicken wire by fireflies out of the camera shot.
    If you want to make it paranormal--then it's the ghosts of the fireflies.

    1. There is fireflys in AZ but not there as far as I know and they are not common. Read an article in AZ highways about them.

    2. without knowing the road proximity, could also be headlights.

  2. How surprising someone in a trailer is hearing ghosts boo motherfucker

  3. It would help to know when this was taken to rule out fire flies. Looks interesting.

  4. Mitch Waite is the most credible voice in bigfooting

  5. It's a bigfoot using psionic blasts to tell the people in the trailer that it needs more zagnuts on the gifting stump.

  6. I can't believe I watched that..I blame you Shawn.

  7. Two words:

    Ancient fucking aliens.

  8. [Frank Drebin is emptying out his files after being kicked off the force]

    Frank: Hey! The missing evidence in the Kelner case! My God, he really was innocent!

    Ed: He went to the chair two years ago, Frank.

    Frank: Well, uh...

    [Frank Drebin quickly shoves the evidence back into the file cabinet]

  9. Maybe it was a skinwalker (Navajo witch). The place is between two reservations. Navajo to the north, Apache to the south. The Indians wont talk about them, (bad medicine) but they do exist. I would be long gone.

  10. I see from the You Tube comments the Squatchmaster/Mr. Paranormal already solved this mystery. Is there anything he can't do?

  11. This is Frank Drebin, Police Squad. Throw down your guns, and come on out with your hands up. Or come on out, then throw down your guns, whichever way you wanna do it. Just remember the two key elements here: one, guns to be thrown down; two, come on out!

  12. The electrical discharge looks like it is some little lizard people as one appears to briefly materialize on the wire. The tapping on the trailer can be the little forest people who can float and tap simultaneously. They are both harmless and like to make friends with humans and then hang with them, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Neither are Bigfoot. They just think that they are.

    1. This is probably the first time that a 4th dimension being has even been video photographed, blinking in and out of man's dimension. So this is no ordinary video.

  13. I live in Arizona and NO WE DON'T have fireflies here in AZ!!

    1. There are some isolated populations by honeymoon north of Clifton and some along the San Pedro river down south. Do your research!

  14. A phrase you will probably never hear again:

    Pay attention to the chicken wire.

  15. I didn't hear any knockin.What came first the chicken wire or the knockin or was it the mogollon monster first then the chicken wire or did anything happen

  16. The chicken wire could be subject to some static electrical discharge according to weather conditions. Its quite rare but it happens. Like St Elmos fire.


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