Finding Bigfoot Coming To Southwest Virginia In November

Finding Bigfoot will be airing soon, but that doesn't mean they're not looking for more Bigfoot stories from folks like you! Our friends over at Animal Planet recently gave us a heads about next month -- mid-November to be more precise. Matt Moneymaker and his crew will be investigating sightings somewhere in southwest Virginia. If you're in the area, make sure you checkout the local news around that time. For those who can't wait for season 4 to air, here's a preview of what to expect:


  1. Replies
    1. FIRST! One man's poison is another man's poon

    2. I want my sons to grow up and be like Matt Moneymaker!

  2. Sometimes you just have to say wtf.

  3. They'll invent something to find. Pretend nothing again. Typical bigfooters: it's all bullshit and ignorance. No such thing.

    1. Snore..... you may be right but Im so tired of reading it.

  4. lol animal planet trolling footers, good times

  5. This is it! Today's the day! I can feel it in my wing wang!

    I was driving home from work this morning by the cemetery where I have seen the beast. Today there was some kind of service under a tent by the road. So I gave them my usual triple honk and squatch howl.

    1. I truly admire that level of assholishness,I will make today a National Holiday in your honor.

  6. Oh brother, They couldn't find a big foot in Central Park, New York! I wonder how many of those people at the Town hall meeting, are paid to put up their hands.

    I knew they had to step up the drama a bit, and dubbed in screams. They are competing with Mountain Monsters, another BS show.

    I will be watching this entertainment and laughing all the way. But MM and his team, are laughing at all the viewers and laughing all the way to the bank! This is America!

    1. I have a good feeling about this season... This is it--this is the season the producers give in to temptation and start hoaxing like hell....

    2. Who why and what the fuck is the reasoning behind changing your name to "Moneymaker"? They should toss him out and put Doc Johnson in his place.

    3. Yes, one asshole for another!

  7. I just noticed, in the photo above MM has straight across teeth just like Matilda. What does this mean?!

    1. ^^MM is obviously a Bigsquatch masquerading as a human. He has been sent to keep us from actually finding Sasfoot.

  8. When is this shit gonna end? Do people honestly still tune into this garbage? Same idiots who buy magazines from Publisher's Clearing House, hoping it will help them win the Grand Prize... Only in America, Land of the Dur.

    1. Answers: when the apocalypse comes; yes; and yes. SSDD.

  9. That photo of Matt Moneymaking is so telling in regards to bigfooting.
    The entire field is great for laughs and horseplay.
    But if you take it too seriously, you get Melba Ketchum's FOX news interview cow-lick photo.

    1. Ketchem Is A Fraud. That Will Be Proven Shortly.

  10. Only in America, can someone achieve fame and fortune without doing anything or proving anything! The better you lie and make up things, the farther you will go. Just look at Barack Obama!

    1. Matt Moneymaker didn't do anything? He fired up a server before most people even new what AOL was for sighting reports and founded the largest bigfoot organization in the world...Bullshit or not, the guy put the time in..His name was not picked out of a hat...THAT is America...

    2. Like I said, the better you lie, make false claims like he has done, bullshit the best about an animal that has never (yet) be proven to exist. Then uses his gift of gabe to entice gulliable people out of their money. He is and always will be, a first class clown and con-man. when you sell a product or service that you do not deliver on that is FRAUD!

  11. Moneymaker looks like he is orgasming !
    finding bigfoot or finding his g-spot ?

    1. Perhaps...I more noticed that he looked like someone you would buy pot from.


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