Dr. Ketchum Admits A Body Is Needed For People To Believe In Bigfoot

On Monday, Dr. Melba Ketchum sat down with ABC 8 Dallas, Texas to discuss the Sasquatch Genome Project. While DNA can prove such things as a hair belonging to a human, one thing it can't seem to prove is whether or not it belongs to sasquatch -- a type specimen (an original specimen to serve as a reference point) is needed. Ketchum acknowledges this reality and says that most people will not believe in Bigfoot unless we have a body while at the same time, she does not believe in murder. Ketchum believes Bigfoots are "a type of" people.


  1. Replies
    1. Retard troll. Find a bridge.

    2. She did say one thing that was true, most of it was on uncle wally's dime.

  2. "Dr. Ketchum Admits A Body Is Needed For People To Believe In Bigfoot"

    Belief is deeming something to be true without having evidence. Once there is a body, there is no more need to believe. It will be "knowing".

    A scientist being so sloppy with language. It is a miracle this woman even got this far in life. A fucking disgrace.

  3. To the fancy jet guy...

    Listen bro, I find it difficult to respond in a respectful tone when you call me a prick publicly on a blog. But you have my curiosity, so go ahead... Shoot. But don't call me a prick bro or we'll get nowhere. And of course... I won't share your info.

    Bigfoot Patriot...

    These pictures are not being touted as 'evidence', and I would have had to have been a complete fool not have expected a backlash from both skeptics and enthusiasts (I've been into this subject long enough to realize that some of the most skathing attacks come from other researchers), but what I will not have is people trying to be clever, especially after I have explained where the focus of content is on the picture, as I am not an idiot, have had many opinions back before publishing these pictures, and know that it is blatantly obvious where the suggested subjecvts are. If people think they are mere trees or sticks... Fine, I can respect that, but these photographs are not being touted as evidence, but when accumulated with other stuff that we have (that will be published very soon), we at least hope to get some attention to have old headed researchers down to Texas to investigate. That was the purpose of getting these out into the public. If I could have done things differently in hindsight, I would have published the video footage first, but there we are... You'll have to wait a little longer for that.


    1. No monkeys, just giant hairy people.


    2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcHv0Z8IFvM

      Glad i could help

    3. ^^^^
      Proof bigfoot is really a gorilla

    4. Oh dear...

      Let me know when you find a gorilla that achieves the stealth that the subject in the video I provided you. You actually helped prove my point.


    5. Joe it is filmed in Russia is it not? Where in Russia we don't know. Could be really be from Ukraine and be a mutated gorilla from Chernobyl

    6. joe just got . . . . . . . . . . . "SCHOOLED"

    7. Wow. They are out this mornin huh Joe?

    8. I thought that was particularly funny bro.


    9. No great apes in the Americas, ever

      No bones and no fossil record of giant apes found on this continent

      Migration from Africa is impossibl for apes: Apes could never cross thru Siberia barefoot, as they'd freeze their tootsies. Siberia has been cold since primates developed and a block until much later migration, about 12K years ago, more or less

      Omnynimoty: (just made that word up, means one of a kind!) A breeding population would require/produce so many adults/offspring they'd be seen more often. Or their nests, caves, breeding grounds. One Bigfoot means he's not getting any action, and the impreative to reproduce would make itself evident in by population, mating calls, etc.

      Also, Apes and monkeys are communal critters. Bigfoot ain't.

      All other apes are herbivorious. (Chimps will eat meat rarely) It would take a meat, which produces lots more calories and protien, to be consumed almost entirely in the Ice Age or before in the Cold North. Humans had to invent tools and use hides to carry out a migration during time of primate migration. (Humans during the Ice Age. Apes stayed home.)

      Wild plants that grow in forests are very low in caloric input. Which probably is why Gorillas spend most of their time eating and sleeping and grooming each other and grab-assing, not walking about harrassing campers and breeding with red-neck women who appear in Weekly World News

      Would need clothing as well as shoes to protect from cold NW American winters, and tools to kill game. Hibernation isn't the answer for cold winters; Apes don't hibernate nor do they have cold winters to contend with. An animal like a giant Ape has too much body mass. Black Bears, you say! No, black bears don't really hibernate like true hibernators, hibernation is a body function that changes the body in lots of ways and if they don't hide, they're pretty well helpless; Bears semi-hibernate and go outside and feed during winter...not every day, but they're there.

      No proof of any kind and many sighters have either admitted hoaxes or been debunked

    10. Wanna see some 600 pond "beavers" from my ranch then?

    11. I can go into detail but I don't need to; I can reference one expert that will make you weep.

      Jim Vieira; BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!! Sorry to ruin your day.


    12. 4.07 just smoked joe big time

    13. According to Native American legends these creatures understand how to even use fire and have used various tools over the ages such as primitive forms of baskets and sharpened sticks to spear fish. Jim Vieira has come across the documentation of countless native American burial mounds that have uncovered giant skeletons with giant tools and sometimes even weapons. The When considering the Australian Yowie (and I use this creature in comparison as I firmly believe I am talking about the exact same creature), there is a fascinating account of 'The Wildman of Monaro' (you can find this in Google Image Search) that tells of a sighting of a gorilla-type being holding what appeared to be a nulla-nulla; this is an Aboriginal war/hunting club. Furthermore; the images of Medieval European Woodwose almost always portray these beings as possessing a large stick-like club.

      Check out some D L Soucy, who has come across many newspaper accounts taken from settlers' diaries that account these creatures using the same tools and weapons...


      Sorry to ruin your day.


    14. 4:18...

      4:07 thinks that this creature is a dumb ape which would obviously leave a fossil trail and would have been found by now.

      Burial mounds suggest a much more intelligent culture and evasion capabilities and would also explain why there are hundreds of accounts of disturbing such in libraries up and down your country and would articulate further why we don't come across the remains of these creatures, especially when 70% of the country is covered in wilderness, to which it turn suggests how hard it would be to locate such burial areas, especially once the old native regions of New England for example were churned up and taken over during the industrial revolution and then covered up as quickly as possible to suit the economic boom.

      Schooled, and you are welcome.

    15. Human beings are great apes.

    16. Yes, I understand that... But not dumb apes that would have been discovered by now.


    17. There are hoaxes as well as good reports. The myth part was originated by Ray Wallace. The skeptic dictionary tell us - According to Michael Wallace, Bigfoot is a hoax that was launched in August 1958 by his father Ray L. Wallace (1918-2002), an inveterate prankster. Shortly after Ray's death, Michael revealed the details of the hoax, which were reported widely in the press. Ray had a friend carve him 16-inch-long feet that he could strap on and make prints with. Wallace owned a construction company that built logging roads at the time and he set the prints around one of his bulldozers in Humboldt County. Jerry Crew, a bulldozer operator, reported the prints and The Humboldt Times ran a front-page story about "Bigfoot." The legend was born. However, a former logger, 71-year-old John Auman, claims Wallace left the giant footprints to scare away thieves and vandals who'd been targeting his vehicles.

    18. A pimple on the ass of Bigfoot History.

    19. That's all very well... But Bigfoot didn't just sprout out of the ethos in 1958... You forget that. It's been acknowledged, maybe not by popular culture, but acknowledged for ten thousand years... With researchers being into this subject before Wallace's time.

      Again... More hearsay and rumor of course. Something that remarkably skeptics promote enthusiasts cling to.



    20. Wild men and monsters have been present in all cultures all over the world. Footers just shoehorn bigfoot into the american one.

    21. As early as the 1830s European settlers reported seeing a large, hairy biped roaming the Pacific northwest. Even before that Native-American legends told of a "Sasquatch" (meaning a "hairy giant") that lived in the region. However, no concrete evidence exists to suggest such an animal exists -- "concrete" here meaning tangible physical proof such as a body, or body part.

      If a Bigfoot species did exist, it would seem likely that at some point one of them would die and leave a skeleton, or get run over by a car. But that apparently has never happened. What we have instead is a mountain of anecdotal evidence: eyewitness accounts, blurry photos, recordings of strange noises, and footprints. The problem with this anecdotal evidence is that much of it could have been faked. Even the most ardent Bigfoot believers admit that some of it was. Whatever wasn't deliberately faked might be chalked up to wishful thinking

    22. I am about to paste a comment that a very brave gentleman posted on the 'Giant Skeletons Cover Up' blog page a few of months ago...

      "... I live in N. Utah, am an equipment operator, and have signed a total of of 5 non-disclosure agreements concerning the large hairy dude. LOL
      Can't say much more than that, until I retire in '18.
      Believe me or don't, I dont care. But mining and oil companies FOR SURE take this stuff seriously.
      Hang in there."

      Oh, and for the reasons behind biological evidence being covered up, check out some Jim Vieira.


    23. Anyone who has spent ten minutes looking at numerous casts can see that there are many, many first time prints that have a similarity in style of dermal ridging in the same way that two sets of fingerprints from opposite sides of the country would look similar in style at first, regardless of apparent uniqueness under analysis. These casts cannot be explained away with desiccation because they have scar tissue and toe bending that many people who have done proper analysis have cited as the creature gripping into earth. There is a clear difference between desiccation marks and complex dermal markings. You can look for yourself on any image search engine and the fact that some have cited some casts that have been made poorly by amateur casters (these are mostly untrained civilian researchers, not perfectionists), as the main source to disprove such is at best desperate and ignorant of the wider picture of the sometimes difficult process it is to extract such prints. What a one in a billion lottery win chance that would be to somehow get the same pattern decades apart from opposite sides of the country?! The pouring of liquid into a cast can make desiccation wrinkles yes, but when done by amateur casters and there is so, so much more casts to counter that argument. Explain casts that are attained 40 miles into the interior of wilderness areas? The hoaxers would have to be either psychic or mind controllers to predict to the exact yard where the researchers are going to be to the exact moment eh?

      I would suggest anyone in the remotest mindset to question casting processes to trot on over to the 'Fringe News: Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot Tracks, Finding Bigfoot At the Discovery Museum, UFO in Bristol TN' blog page that was posted a couple of months ago, as there are some amazing threads from very experienced casters who outline this process for you all.


    24. "... I live in N. Utah, am an equipment operator, and have signed a total of of 5 non-disclosure agreements concerning the large hairy dude. LOL
      Can't say much more than that, until I retire in '18.
      Believe me or don't, I dont care. But mining and oil companies FOR SURE take this stuff seriously.
      Hang in there."

      How many times have trolls written things like this. Many many times a week

    25. Agreed. You want to see one? You have an email?

    26. Like I suggested earlier... When you already have a branch of wildlife biology that determines new species by the tracks they leave and when you attain these tracks with complex dermals in remote areas, and you have the innumerable accounts (no level of playing this down as anecdotal works because you have ten thousand years of this... TEN THOUSAND YEARS! This is a few sightings like the chupacabra in comparison), then the decision not to apply research, EVEN TO DEBUNK THE SUBJECT, is a very strange one.

      Everyone who has applied their expertise and respective professions to this subject on a long term has come to the conclusion that there is at least something to it. Science is evolving and we are no closer to debunking the subject, rather asking important questions; just look at Oxford University.

      Why is that??


    27. http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/org_nws/NWSci%20journal%20articles/1988%20files/Issue%203/v62%20p129%20Bodley.PDF

    28. Ok there 4.07 what if a Bigfoot is like a north Ontario moose and lives the same way and eats the same way but also gets to eat meat but are the smartest animals that live then it would be very easy for them to survive and live almost unnoticed so go eat your hat! Have a good day!

    29. Ok there 4.07 what if a Bigfoot is like a north Ontario moose and lives the same way and eats the same way but also gets to eat meat but are the smartest animals that live then it would be very easy for them to survive and live almost unnoticed so go eat your hat! Have a good day!

    30. 5:24...

      Read my comment about dermals.


      You will never be allowed in my club, because you're too bitter and dumb.


      How are you my bro?!


    31. Moose prefer cool climates and inhabit various types of forests in the Northern Hemisphere. During warmer summer months, areas near water are desirable.

      Moose eat a variety of different plants. Available vegetation depending on season dictates their diet. Leaves and small branches of trees and shrubs are common food choices (called "browse") for much of the year. Because they have no upper front teeth, one browsing method is to grip a branch and pull sideways to strip off all the leaves with their tough lips and tongue.

      Areas previously burned by forest fires with new growth of small trees and shrubs provide good browsing areas for moose. It is possible the increased control of forest fires by humans has inhibited availability of these areas.

      In summer months, water plants such as pondweed and certain types of pond lilies attract moose to lakes and streams. It is now believed the high sodium content of water plants is significant for their diet. It is common to see moose standing in water with only their heads exposed. They may disappear completely when lowering their head to pull up the soft plants. Moose have even been known to dive as deep as 18 feet to grasp the plants they desire!

      Cold winter seasons force moose to rely on browse with lower nutritional value. By instinct, they concentrate on eating late in the fall following the mating season. It is necessary to add nutritional resources to their body prior to the harsh winters when moose may loose up to 30% of their body weight.

      Bigfoot has been described to have herbvorous eating habits. It is thought that the creature's diet mainly consists of plant materials with some meats. Common foods consist of nuts, fruits and berries. Bigfoot is thought to eat any foods that may be available, as well as migrate to find better food sources. Experts say a creature the size of Bigfoot would need a large food supply to sustain a population and require 5000 calories a day. (not possible)

    32. 5:38...

      Some lovely facts there bro... But Bigfoot are not herbivorous. The reason people are seeing more of them is because deer numbers are soaring. With deer, fish, and the vegetation... There yo have a steady diet that would maintain such a creature.


      Not a clue.


    33. I believe moose and northern Sasquatch share a protein rich diet of water plants. And so does my friend Jeff m

    34. mike i might have to come have a go at shooting a bigfoot

    35. well you never know how many will come in rage you took a family member

    36. Todd Standing (whether you find him credible or not), has a cracking video theorising how a social/family group would react to one there own being killed...

      Scary shit.


    37. He's smart. And he knows a bit doesn't he?

    38. Hello Joe, I will contact you through youtube. I was behind the making of that video (Todd Standings) you are talking about, To Kill or not to Kill a Bigfoot.

    39. Hey fancy jet guy. Wanna see a Bigfoot?

    40. Fancy Jet Guy...

      Excellent. Speak soon.


      The reason I got talking with this guy was because of your pictures.


    41. Hello Mike, I have seen a Bigfoot in videos and numerous photos, but sure why not? I will be going later this month with a friend to BC to look for one (He has a few dynamite spots) even though they are right here in my back yard, southern Ohio. FJG.

  4. How to make a fire:

    Collect some primary and secondary material.

    Primary could include feathering a piece of timber into thin strips or stripping some birch bark off a silver birch if available. Secondary tinder should include sticks that are no more than 1cm in diameter.

    Next print out a copy of bill munns paper onto standard A4 paper.

    Place the print out of bill munns paper on the floor where you wish to start the fire and place the primary tinder on top.

    Light the paper using a match or gas lighter and let the flames spread to the primary tinder before starting to add the secondary. Once a reasonable amount of heat is produced stack dry logs parallel on top.

    Sit back and enjoy the fire.

    1. Munns' work sure makes militant tardists wanna do that in denial alright.


    2. All munns does is prove that people can see anything they want in that grainy bit of footage.

      Lets ignore the fact that the lines and creases in the butt match the gemora suit.

      Any parts of patty that do not support his ideas are ignored of course such as the buldge on the back of the knee joint which should infact be a pit. The obvious strap lines and shoulder pads. The bicep and tricep muscle group that is completely malformed.

      I don't even need to go into the back story which a 5 year old would look at and say "wow grown adults actually believe this? ".

      Your going to have to do better than that joe.

    3. "All munns does is prove that people can see anything they want in that grainy bit of footage."

      Precisely sir!

      People choose not to acknowledge that if the creature was a suit he himself, an expert on costume of 30 years would be in the suit enthusiast's corner... They choose to not see when an expert points out the limb length & proportions are not achievable in any suit of the time... They choose not see that a human's head proportions can't fit in the 'mask'... And they choose not to see the extended toes and finger bending.

      Yep, people can see exactly what they want to see, and will more than often express that especially when it challenges their fear factor of the safe little world around them.

      Gemora... Again... A hilarious and a child's effort at comparison.

      Bulges, straps... None of them are there and the contradiction of a lifetime is to then suggest that enthusiasts see things that aren't there.

      The backstory? No... You don't 'need' to go into that, cause you know I'll school you on it.


      (Gemora... HA HA HA HA HAH A HAH AH A!!!)

    4. Unbelievable.

      Do you have no shame?

      Munns knows it was a suit but you don't get paid appearances at bigfoot conferences by saying that.

      1. Any argument that relates to size/proportion is automatically null and void because no actual measurements are known and they can never be known. Im pretty sure bill munns wasnt there in 67 with a tape measure to measure pattys inside leg.

      2. Once again you fail to listen to what the gemora suit argument is. Perhaps because of denial or perhaps because of delusion. Noone is comparing the suits as a whole. They look nothing like each other. The argument is stating that the butt on both costumes have the same lines and creases. This, according to bill munns shows that it cannot be a costume, but we can see full well with the use of an actual known costume that this is simply not true.

      3. Science does not work by stating the conclusion first and then trying to fit the data to support the preconcieved conclusion.


    5. Nope... More schooling on the way!

      The only thing that is impossible to gage is the height of the subject because of the lense. The limb length is visible as is the proportions.


      Gemora suit is embarrassing and hilarious... And you school yourself in the process of bringing it up., even by loosely suggesting the butt's are the same, because Patty's butt moves.

      "Science does not work by stating the conclusion first and then trying to fit the data to support the preconcieved conclusion."



    6. No schooling there im afraid.

      Nice try, though.

  5. If a body is brought forward will science demand a second body in order to prove this as a species and not just a feral person who is a freak of nature?(like myself)

  6. Joe says we should listen to the experts so that's what I do.

    Todd disotel says no monkey. Why should I believe different to an expert in the subject?

    1. I am a expert and this is my Bigfoot explanation

    2. ^^^^^


    3. 3:23...

      Because Disotel is not an expert on Bigfoot and part of the mainstream censorship machine.


      Note; gorilla... Not a Bigfoot.


    4. Mainstream censorship machine?

      Ah the classic last resort for any woo topic proponent. "The government are covering it up".

      I bet you will bring up the logging industry next. You footers are too predictable.

    5. Joe
      Note; Gorilla.... Primate can walk on two legs matches alleged Bigfoot description and proof they exist.

      Bigfoot..... No proof they exist

    6. Nope.

      In ten thousand years of native understanding, with a transition into a 100 years of printed media, with tens of thousands of modern day accounts, much of them multiple person, with thousands of casts, much of which would be good enough for any other wildlife biological field (there is now a branch of this that determines new species by the tracks they leave)... And with the decision on mainstream sciences part not to apply a littel research to it... Ven to debunk it...

      Hmmmmmmmmmmm, you'd have to be in major denial or incredibly comfortable not to see what's directly in front of your eyes.

      The agenda suits your agenda.


    7. Simply put, there has never been any fossil record of a large mammal resembling the Sasquatch in North America – despite the same soil preserving everything else that ever lived in the area, including dinosaur bones.Predictably, Bigfoot enthusiasts have a counter-argument: fossils have been found of one creature dubbed Gigantopithecus Blacki. This creature, essentially a 10 foot ape that weighed approximately 1,200lb, existed a hundred thousand years ago when it roamed an area in what is now China.Obvious aesthetic connections could be made between the two creatures – but no Gigantopithecus Blacki fossils have ever been found in America. It seems that something like Bigfoot did once exist, but thousands of miles from where the vast majority of sightings occur.

    8. There is nothing directly in front of anyone's eyes. Don't you see? That's the point.

      No bigfoot anywhere ever.

      Not the skeptics problem or burden I am afraid.

      The fact that you fail to convince skeptics shows that you have nothing. Never have. Never will.

    9. I am Dump Bear of Winnebago Tribe Many years ago my Foreskin Fathers say Dump Bear....why we no find body of your friend Big Man. Dump Bear laughed for many moons. Then ate small cactus flower and fell asleep and had a dream. In his dream he saw white man with rifle. Long Hair in Wind we will call him. Soon, Dump Bear believes his dream meant that a well known researcher is gonna.....take one down. M

    10. 3:55...

      I can go into detail but I don't need to; I can reference one expert that will make you weep.

      Jim Vieira; BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!! Sorry to ruin your day.


      There is indeed a burden of yours to prove that tracks and dermals are not what they are... There is indeed a burden of yours for your convenient suggestion that all that locate these are not credible, honest experts... There is a burden for you to prove that this creature is not real; you along with Disodel, because we have an accumulation of evidence that suggests we have brought to you what you require, and it is now in your hands and your burden to debunk; not snake out like a bunch of cowards and deny it's there once requested upon.

      Like I said... Tracks are good enough for most wildlife biologists. That isn't skepticism, you aren't a skeptic... You are a denialist.


    11. And where are these giant skeletons.

      If there was such thing as “Bigfoot” living in woodland areas across the United States - an ape-like 6+ feet tall, intelligent creature - then we would have surely captured an actual body at least during our 300 years of sightings.
      The reasoning behind the statement that Bigfoot doesn’t exist is a simple theory based on animal behavior.
      Much like a monkey in the middle of the jungle - if this “ape-like giant creature” comes across some type of human activity, be it a settlement, road, campground or actual person, it’s going to investigate. It’s simple animal curiosity and intelligence. No animal with any complex behavioral intelligence will run away. It’s going to interact with it’s new surroundings just like animals do when they first see a human in their environment. Bigfoot has always run away. Bigfoot is always seen for a split second and then disappears. That’s just unlike normal behavior.
      On the contrary, if Bigfoot was some type of “human-like” creature who is simply evades humans and our settlements, then they must have some type of prior knowledge of the fact that humans are trying to capture it. And that would mean that this creature already has had first hand encounters with humans and our society and for whatever reason, it’s afraid of it. This contradicts the history of Bigfoot in North America because we know that although sightings have been reported, no one has had a first hand encounter with Bigfoot.
      Goblins, ghosts and the boogyman don’t exist. Neither does a giant monkey living in the woods. That’s just ridiculous.

    12. Burial mounds suggest a much more intelligent culture and evasion capabilities and would also explain why there are hundreds of accounts of disturbing such in libraries up and down your country and would articulate further why we don't come across the remains of these creatures, especially when 70% of the country is covered in wilderness, to which it turn suggests how hard it would be to locate such burial areas, especially once the old native regions of New England for example were churned up and taken over during the industrial revolution and then covered up as quickly as possible to suit the economic boom.

      Check out some Jim Vieiria... The Smithsonian has your 'monkey' remains locked up nice and safely.


    13. These creatures have had ten thousand years to observe us and understand our temperaments. In that time they have seen the persecution of the Native people's they have interacted with.


    14. "This contradicts the history of Bigfoot in North America because we know that although sightings have been reported, no one has had a first hand encounter with Bigfoot."

      What rock have you been living under sir? There are countless reports, which I find very odd that you would ignore that very obvious fact??

      "Goblins, ghosts and the boogyman don’t exist. Neither does a giant monkey living in the woods. That’s just ridiculous."

      Ghosts and goblins don't leave tracks. Predictable that you would compare something you struggle to explain to things that are widely considered sensational. Obvious and cheap I'm afraid.

      I'm trying to be as respectable as I can to you sir, because I'm not talking to an ignorant troll here... I understand that.


    15. Bigfoot. Sasquatch. Yeti. The Abominable Snowman. Whatever you want to call it, such a giant, mythical ape is not real—at least, not anymore. But more than a million years ago, an ape as big as a polar bear lived in South Asia, until going extinct 300,000 years ago.

      Scientists first learned of Gigantopithecus in 1935, when Ralph von Koenigswald, a German paleoanthropologist, walked into a pharmacy in Hong Kong and found an unusually large primate molar for sale. Since then, researchers have collected hundreds of Gigantopithecus teeth and several jaws in China, Vietnam and India. Based on these fossils, it appears Gigantopithecus was closely related to modern orangutans and Sivapithecus, an ape that lived in Asia about 12 to 8 million years ago. With only dentition to go on, it’s hard to piece together what this animal was like. But based on comparisons with gorillas and other modern apes, researchers estimate Gigantopithecus stood more than 10 feet tall and weighed 1,200 pounds (at most, gorillas only weigh 400 pounds). Given their size, they probably lived on the ground, walking on their fists like modern orangutans.

      Fortunately, fossil teeth do have a lot to say about an animal’s diet. And the teeth of Gigantopithecus also provide clues to why the ape disappeared.

      The features of the dentition—large, flat molars, thick dental enamel, a deep, massive jaw—indicate Gigantopithecus probably ate tough, fibrous plants (similar to Paranthropus). More evidence came in 1990, when Russell Ciochon, a biological anthropologist at the University of Iowa, and colleagues (PDF) placed samples of the ape’s teeth under a scanning electron microscope to look for opal phytoliths, microscopic silica structures that form in plant cells. Based on the types of phyoliths the researchers found stuck to the teeth, they concluded Gigantopithecus had a mixed diet of fruits and seeds from the fig family Moraceae and some kind of grasses, probably bamboo. The combination of tough and sugary foods helps explain why so many of the giant ape’s teeth were riddled with cavities. And numerous pits on Gigantopithecus‘s teeth—a sign of incomplete dental development caused by malnuntrition or food shortages—corroborate the bamboo diet. Ciochon’s team noted bamboo species today periodically experience mass die-offs, which affect the health of pandas. The same thing could have happened to Gigantopithecus.

      A Gigantopithecus jaw. Image courtesy of Wikicommons
      Further evidence of Gigantopithecus‘ food preferences and habitat was published last November. Zhao LingXia of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and colleagues analyzed carbon isotopes in a sample of Gigantopithecus teeth. Plants have different forms of carbon based on their type of photosynthesis; this carbon footprint is then recorded in the teeth of animals that eat plants. The team determined Gigantopithecus—and the animals living alongside it, such as deer, horses and bears—ate only C3 plants, evidence the ape lived in a forested environment. This work also supports the proposed bamboo diet, as bamboo is a C3 plant.

      So what happened to this Pleistocene Yeti? Zhang’s team suggested the rise of the Tibetan plateau 1.6 million to 800,000 years ago altered the climate of South Asia, ushering in a colder, drier period when forests shrank. Other factors could have exacerbated this crisis. Gigantopithecus‘s neighbor, Homo erectus, may have over-hunted and/or outcompeted their larger ape cousin. And at least one dental study indicates Gigantopithecus developed and matured very slowly—a sign they probably had low reproductive rates, which can elevate a species’ risk of going extinct.

      Some Bigfoot hunters say Gigantopithecus is alive and well, hiding out in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Other Sasquatch enthusiasts, however, point out this is unlikely, as Bigfoot is reported to be a swift, agile, upright walker—not a lumbering, 1,200-pound quadruped.

    16. Great points. Well read. Well versed. But.... Look. Those were Halloween skulls at Lovelock cave. And there's a huge history of giant North American skeletons you just glossed over including references of their discoveries by Abraham Linoln and Roosevelt. I'd like to know your opinion honestly.

    17. Never been in America. China / Asia yes. Russia maybe.

    18. No. You aren't listening. They are here NOW. Dude. I can convince you in 1 hour. Come to my ranch. Now!!!

    19. Robert Lindsay Says Rick Dyer Is Under Investigation by the FBI For Fraud


      While this isn't the first time Rick Dyer has been trouble for fraud, if this latest article by Robert Lindsay is true, it will be interesting to see how he spins this. Will Dyer claim that the Men In Black are trying to shut him down, or will he blame "haters" for the mess he has created for himself? According to Lindsay's latest post, the people working with Dyer may be in hot water as well:

      Rick and Lily Dyer under investigation by the FBI! A source recently informed that the FBI came to the home of Rick and Lily Dyer in Las Vegas, Nevada on Thursday, April 25, 2013. Two agents knocked on their door and said they wanted to speak to Rick. Rick told them he did not want to talk to them and told them to talk to his attorney instead. Later that day, the agents came back with a warrant and confiscated two laptops and a desktop computer.

      Rick was upset because there was financial information on the computers and he was worried about going to jail. The investigation against Rick centers around “interstate fraud,” whatever that means, but it is probably related to mail and wire fraud and related RICO statutes. It looks like Rick and Lily Dyer are going to be lawyering up.

      A couple of other people associated with Dyer may be under investigation also.

      Also though Dyer haters will probably say that this investigation is related to Rick pulling a hoax or fraud around the killing of Hank the Bigfoot, I do not think that is what is going on here.

      Instead I think it is related to the memberships that Rick is selling on his website. Rick originally stated that all of the money from the memberships is going to be donated to the charity to help the homeless. Then after he sold quite a few memberships, he changed his mind and said it is going to help him buy a new Corvette. You can’t collect money to help the homeless and not give the homeless one dime of it and instead use it to buy a new car. That’s called fraud.

      well if he has it...now would be the time to show and tell chuckle
      looks like he might be needin some really big money soon...
      lawyers are not cheap

    20. Gigantopithecus is not Bigfoot.


    21. Indeed. And as long as a clever man like Meldrum promotes that naive idea, and expects us to buy that, then he's part of the mainstream science conspiracy as far as I'm concerned.

    22. Ghosts aren't real, no one cared about Rick Dyer to begin with - it's seriously like the same person on every page who talks about Dick Ryder like he even matters. Oh and there may be a few of you loons with an obsession for watching 'The X-Files' and pretending 'the truth is out there.' Your crazy has been showing, might want to tuck it back in.

  7. Got monkey?

    Just the one will do.

    1. So your answer is no then.

    2. No... The answer is deal with it... There is your 'monkey'.


    3. Deal with what?

      How about putting some actual evidence on the table. Then us skeptics would have to deal with it.

    4. Dude. We have more info than we can store. Whatcha whatcha whatcha want????

    5. Ok. I was at the ranch yesterday. Here's my offer. Any footer who believes he can kill a Squatch. I'm totally against it. But. That being said. Go for it if I believe you have a credible shot at making an incredible shot ill hand you the keys to the guest house and a beach towel for the pool. But be forwarned. They recognize my vehicle now. I heard some weird shit yesterday. And I think you better bring your "A" game. M

    6. Folks don't realize that, while you can surely kill a squatch, it'll be murder one and secondly for nothing because you'll not be able to profit fame or money on it. Very simple reason too, we'd seen it already were it to be allowed to happen as official world news. It's not, no TV channel would bring it the MIBs would be all over it and you before. Use your common sense, were these intelligent hairy friends easy targets they'd be in the history books by now. The cover-up has so far seen to that.

  8. http://news.discovery.com/animals/new-bigfoot-sighting-just-latest-in-series-of-hoaxes-131003.htm

    Give 'em hell footers!

  9. And I cannot wait to see that smug arrogant ass Disotell get bitch slapped by Sykes!!!!

  10. They've found giant skeletons all over North America. And I personally know of an Archekogical find of a lifetime near Soringfield MO that was " shut down" because it was deemed unsafe to investigate. Sealed off and closed up. Allegedly. There were well preserved giganto skeletons as well as consumed mammoth parts. But....it wasn't that far from a well known cave and tourist attraction and so it was conveniently deemed unsafe for scientific exploration due to the danger of public harm if people entered this deep cave

  11. Ever heard of a place called Meramac Caverns. Google it. M

  12. Who says that Sasquatch is an ape? It appears to be a homonim of some sort. And apparently it has thick pads on its feet to protect its "tootsies" from the cold. In fact, they appear tougher than we are. Also, apparently when one is sighted it means more are in the area that you did not notice. They are excellent at hiding and blending into their environment. As for fossils, it takes special circumstances to make a fossil - maybe the squatches outwitted their environment enough to not be in a position to die in a situation that would create a fossil. (sorry about that oddly worded sentence, but I like it!)

    1. Mama Bear you are sooo right. They do. And the ground is so hard in Texas you can't track em without rain. But you can feed em. And they'll eat. And if you have kids around and they trust you. They'll come fairly close. I caught a juvenile female within 30 yards. She loved watermelons and cantaloupes.

    2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcHv0Z8IFvM

      Check it out

    3. I want to hear the answer, so stop being silly anon 05:15.

    4. Dude. They are clear enough. Shot with iPhone. But you can totally tell they aren't faked. Hell man. I was with 2 11 year olds for 61/2 weeks. I got snake bit. Scorpion bit. And scarred up bad. But I have pics. And I'll show you. Now. Get this. For free. M

    5. I'll appreciate that, thanks.

    6. I hope you are serious. I am. mkbrookreson@aol.com

    7. Please remove you're address I was expecing a link not an e-mail communication. Thank you.

    8. Hey Mike, you are in Texas arent you?


    9. 5:32. I don't have a website. Looks like you're about as interested in the truth as I am in your command of my removal.

    10. Sure Chick. Was going to send some Texas photos of a Bigfoot to a purported seeker or scientific mind but an aol account terrified them. :)

    11. Just thinking about you being spammed is all, and I would truly love to see those photos.

      Can't you put them together ina video slide-show and upload to Youtube (It's free) and post the link?

    12. Im In Texas also. Our family planning to take some time to camp around the state in the next month or so. Do you have any suggestions for campgrounds that may have some action? Thanks Mike for being willing to share what you have :)


    13. Why. I'd like to keep some privacy I've shared some with Stacy Brown John Jones Scott Carpentar and Matt Moneymaker. Oh yeah. And Joe has them. M

    14. I also have videos wood knocks tree structures. And a DNA capture. I've been habituating all summer. They know my car

    15. That's fair enough I accept that and thanks for the consideration.

    16. You are welcome. And if any if you posters were Melba. You only live in Nagodoces. You are what. 50 minutes away Come on down darling. I don't judge. M

    17. Ok. Email me if you want the pictures. And if you want to create a link go ahead. Total trasparency!!

    18. One more thing Doctor Ketchum. We have a mutual friend in Scott Carpenter and our ranches are sc close. Just tell Scott to email me. He did yesterday. And i will give you my content. You are a brave woman. I'd love to cook you dinner. We have a guest house. There's a spare Range Rover. Make yourself at home. M

    19. Chick. You and your family may stay in our guest house for free. There is Joshua creek. A private lake. A waterfall. A guest house that sleeps 4. A pool and a car and Polaris at your disposal. Enjoy. M

    20. But if you are going "squatching" especially at night ill need to know up front. No games. As silly as it all sounds. It's truly not. And if you are from Texas you know. I was bitten by a rattlesnake this summer. M

  13. You'll never find one as they travel through worm holes looking for their missing socks, get pissed off when they can't so scream and hit trees and off they go again!

    1. Don't buy into any of that sensationalist nonsense. They're as flesh and blood as you and I. They even act silly. Yesterday I heard a wood duck or Coot quacking loudly at me. Problem. There were nine for a hundred Miles. M

    2. But I read a report once on the BFRO I think of a BF looking through laundry.

    3. Maybe. I heard they like the smell of young humans too. I also heard if they scent fix on a young female on Indian land and start taking blankets off the laundry line you are told to move quickly by tribal elders. Hey. Anyone want to see a spooky picture of a Cave Squatch??? Ask Joe. He's got one. M

    4. I never read that one. There was another of them stealing one slipper and leaving a branch.

    5. Man. Believe it or not they have a sense of humor. They trade. And they laugh. And screw with you. But they've don't show themselves. Not to me yet. I'm going back out today.

    6. Yes I heard they like to play games and laugh. I guess human traits. Tell me, if they never show themselves how did you snap some iPhone pics?

    7. Good question. It's simple really. I took two 11 year olds into the wooliest areas I could take them where there was compelling evidence. We put out sweet fruit and we played. For minutes or hours it seems. We shot video. We made forts. Inevitably. The same thing happened virtually every time. At some point my son or his best friend would say. Daddy or mike. We are scared. We want to leave. I'd say OK. Lets go. But pick up your litter first. As they did. I'd snap stills. Virtually every time. Their instincts were DEAD ON.

    8. I don't know how to reply to that.

    9. It doesn't matter how you reply it was their idea. My son was raised on our farm in the Ozarks and our ranch in Texas. And I carry a browning black 11 round clip 9mm hollow points. Better be ready if my kids are endangered. M

    10. Mike I must say I enjoy your habituation project. I would continue as you do and maybe employ some recording equipment. They will not show themselves to you as they do not trust men and who can blame them. This behavior is either instinct or learned, it makes no difference. What is it that the 11 year olds feel, is it being watched and do you get the same vibes. Where is your farm in the Ozarks, county or close city is enough as my roots are there and still have relatives there.

      Play your games with them and enjoy what is happening. You never know when they will decide to move on.

      Your friend Chuck

    11. You know what. I just realized I may have been talking to a fellow Texan named Melba. Dr Ketchum. I would love to have you either get the photos or come to the ranch and see for yourself. There is more actuvity than I ever imagined. And by the way. I believe you about your habituation now. If you have clean water they HAVE to seek you out. People don't know about our explosive overpopulation of deer. Do they? I have six feeders. I feed a thousand deer. Countless turkey. 6 wild horses And yes......a family of others.

    12. Chuck. I need HELP. I have Bigfoots NOW. This Ranch is under contract. Funny how my sister, who curates the Brookreson Trust as the eldest got offers to buy right when I began posting that she couldn't refuse. Look. Somebody get here and help me. I called the BFRO. They never even called back. Though I did get a text from MM.

    13. Well If I'm Melba, I've put on a hell of a lot of weight and grew tits. Nope man, that was me on the photos.

    14. If you have what you have, use your Google account where you have the other two photos and upload just 'One' or 'Two' good ones, that is all it will take and people will be knocking your door down. Once they know this isn't another elaborate Dyer hoax again.

      You said you mailed some to Monekymaker and with all the resources and a TV show no dice? They can't be that compelling.

    15. No. He emailed me back instantly and wanted vetting weather GPS. Etc. that's where you are just waaay wrong.

    16. And I want taking to you. Melba's here, or was. Now as for you. Wanna see something cool??

    17. Then you have the help you need? If not, follow my above advice.

    18. If it doesn't invovle switching e-mails, then yes.

    19. Dude. Go through a third party. I don't care. Protect yourself. You trust Joe?? Scott Carpentar Stacy Brown? The Estate of James Brown??? What is everyone so scared of. Geez. I'm not posting them until Shawn Evidence answers my question as to why he's stalling me. Now I'm going squatching.

    20. mike see if you can find some places suitable to shoot one any range preferably with a hill to shoot from.

    21. I trust nobody in this field.

    22. well don't then. but when we shoot one i am going to make sure the pics and video's go viral

    23. Ok 7:13. I get it. My email was hacked yesterday while I was in the field. And for good measure while they were having fun they cut my phone off. Look. I'm not in this field. I'm in a field. I'm going to cut hay and plant oats today in 2 fields. Then go squatching. I'm late. And victor my helper is probably high as a Georgia Pine right now sitting on my tractor while i dick around answering these questions. But if anything I'm the anti researcher. I use unconventional methods. I get results. I'm loyal. I like everybody. Except sarcastic cynical assholes that hack emails and shut down phones. Even the skeptics admit, most anyway, that I'm the real deal. Don't get me wrong. I have my many flaws. I love cold beer. If I see a woman I find attractive if she throws out her bath water my hair gets wet. But. That being said. You can trust me.

    24. Mike you do not need any help. The last thing you want is a bunch of outsiders coming in and probably disrupting what you have now. You do your thing and keep a distance, they will respect that. Show no guns, keep out all hunters, hikers, everyone. Leave food out, gift them, let them see the kids, etc. Since you have a good source of water and abundant food stocks, they may stick around for a good time and gradually trust you more and who knows what could happen. The important thing is to build as much trust as possible.


    25. Now I gotta go. Before Victor smokes his second blunt and wrecks my Kubota again. M

    26. Mike, I know you are chomping at the bit to prove to people what you have, and I can not blame you. But does it really matter. We know they are there. The trolls and skeptics on this site or elsewhere are irrelevant and it is just best to ignore them.

      Document as much as you can and keep us informed. Write up all that has happened to date.


    27. Agreed. Come on chuck. Ill buy you're ticket. And I'll show you something you'll NEVER forget. I went out there yesterday. To get ready to cut the fields. Soon as they saw the black rover, and I haven't fed them since Memorial Day I hear a wood duck. A coot impersonation. A bad one at that. Then chimp laughter. They are either having some fun or they are pissed. Well guess what. I have 40 bags of sweet oats. I'm going to stay the whole weekend while I plant. But dude. I have no equipment except an iPhone 5. Look. If anyone wants to see my content get on Shawn's ass. If anyone. And I mean ANYONE wants to potentially see a Bigfoot and definitely see scat. Hear knocks and get pretty much laughed at. We. Come on. As jimmy buffet sang. The weather is here. I wish you were beautiful. Adios muchachos

  14. Joe it's the canadian guy are u there I want to ask u a quik question?

  15. Canada guy , so I read about this Justin simena guy and me being a hunter my whole life and if Justin is to than I garutee if he shot the small bf than he would have took the 2 minutes to pack it up and bring it somewhere and hide it until he figured out what to do so what do u think I now any hunter who would have shot at that distance would have packed that small animal up for Shure. Everyone seems to be focused on Justin why doesn't anyone drill his friend that was with him ?? He has that animal still!

    1. If I am correct that story is bogus as the samples came back as bear meat.

  16. I'm interested in these pictures and video Mike. Just asking since I don't plan on doing this myself but would a 5.56 take one down or would you need a 7.62?

    1. what sort of range are you planning on shooting one from

    2. I'm not personally planning at all but of course the answer would be "as close as possible". 200-400 yds?? Even with good ammo (hollow point/deer antelope ammo) I wonder if a 5.56 could take one down.

    3. Are u talking to me Canadian guy MJA ????????

    4. If you hit it in the right place you could with a 5.56 you would need to be a good shooter. I have been tempted on heading over to try take one down and i would take my 7mmRUM.

    5. Both of you if both are planning on shooting one

    6. Just give me a 300 Winchester mag. and then call Stacy Brown. Cause I want backup and MJA won't fly over. Already invited him. He's gotta work.

    7. April mike i stop milking and take 3 months off. might be a good time to try shoot one

    8. Here's what's weird. If there's plenty of water. They spread out. Right now. I've got the only deep clean source on upper Joshua creek. Don't know how long this will last.

    9. All we need to do is shoot deer mike and leave the liver in the same place every time lure them into a false scence of security then we should have our bigfoot

    10. That might work. But sweet sweet fruit. Watermelon. Cantaloupe. Plums. Pears. They love the suga

    11. any thing they love will work. if we can get one at any range out to 1500 yards i would be able to take it down

  17. Canada guy I'm not worried about the shooting part it's everything after shooting one that part is going to have to be well planed out and has to go as planned but like any large animal u don't now we're and how far it's going to run after the shot if it's not do e correctly so ?

    1. I would recommend spending hours at the range first make sure you know how to read wind and judge distance a range finder will help for this and use a rifle that is over powered for the job. 330 lapua, 300RUM or 7mmRUM would be good calibers and make sure you can hit a 1 and a 1/2 inch target at 1000 yards. drink alot of coffee first this will mimic adrenalin. then you will be ready.

  18. The Canadian guy I also am shooting a 7 mm rem mag my gun has been glass beaded, blueprinted, muzzle break etc put in 5000$ into that gun it's shooting 6" to 7" groups at 1000 yards she's ready to go I love hunting and love shooting but mostly just being in the bush tracking and being with my buddies!

    1. what make is it. i have a sako remington ultra mag with everything done to is and can hit a coke can at 1000 yards.

    2. the whole rifle cost just short of 23000 NZD

  19. Its a Remington Sendero sf2 stainless fluted berrel 7 mm remmag

    1. you would have no problem taking one but if your only getting 6 to 7 inch groupings i would say 500 yards max if you want a clean kill

  20. I don't now how much u now about guns etc and I'm definatly not here to judge anyone I also put a huscama scope on my rifle it's a 5x20x50 and if u have say a animal at 700 yards all u do is turn your turret to 7 look down your scope and shoot with the adjust ment for wind of course the scope is amazing if u get a chance check it out! Just look up Best of The West huscama scopes! Have avoid day Canada guy!

    1. they're not to bad this is what i use in MIL-R http://nightforceoptics.com/atacr/

  21. The night force optics are awsome both get there glass from same place and did u now there's only about 10 to 12 different places that these scope companies can get there glass from in the world pretty crazy ah! It's crazy how they are so over priced in diff scopes! Check out the reviews of a scope called the super sniper it's cheap and out performing everything I am purchasing one for my new gun it's call a Remington 5R mill spec in a 308 cal! Canada guy

    1. they're not to bad only down fall is they are made in the tasco factory and in my opinion tasco are poorly made. the best value for money would be the zeiss brand. tasco are known for the glass to move the super sniper could be different but i don,t know. i have only ever used nightforce or swarovski

  22. Oh ya MJA the last time and first time shooting my Sendero at 1000 yards which was really 976 yards i had a 27 mph wind and it was freezing cold but I was dying to shoot my gun that I had been waiting forever to be finish so a 6
    " to 7" group with the conditions and being first time shot was what I think pisscutter !!!!!

  23. Yes sir only 30 rounds through it at Corlane Sports BC which is who did all the work to my rifle for me

    1. after you put 100 rounds through it from brand new the group will come down what sort of crown do you have on it.


    1. It's a joke. My grandmother was Cherokee. I do that because skeptics ignore our People's tradition. My grandmother would touch her beautiful face and mine and say I am Margaret and this is the color of my people. Dude. She never aged. I sure have. Too many señorita a. Y tequila. Soy um barracho com muchas mujeres Lindisimas. Buscando por la fiesta y fumando marihuana asi asi.

  25. So now that Mike and MJA have decided to kill one it sure is nice to have all of this written down. Should the "creature " be deemed human this would be premeditated murder. And we all know that a conviction of such in Texas is sure to involve the game of arm darts.

  26. Bigfoot have a sense of humour,familys,emotions and feelings,you can't shot a bigfoot,that's MURDER,i'm not a happy bunny reading this xx

    1. Eva its the only way to prove the existence of bigfoot


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