This Is One of The Biggest Footprint I've Ever Seen. Too Bad It's Fake

YouTube user Ryan J. found this gigantic footprint in Massachusetts next to trail he frequent. Ryan asked for an authentication, so we're just going to give it to him straight: It's fake. Look at it, man. It has weird looking toes -- way too big to be a Bigfoot. Also, where's the rest of the prints? Why was there only one found?


  1. Replies
    1. diamonds and guns diamonds and guns it's a wicked world that we live in it's cool and I'm forgivin wooooooooooo wooooooo

  2. Land of the giants!

    With the guy filming this demonstrating how easily the trail took a print there would have easily been more than one.

    Good call Shawn.


  3. All prints are either hoaxed or simply human. Bigfoot does not exist.

    1. Any one who has spent ten minutes looking at numerous casts can see that there are many, many first time prints that have a similarity in style of dermal ridging in the same way that two sets of finger prints from opposite sides of the country would look similar in style at first, regardless of apparent uniqueness under analysis. These casts cannot be explained away with desiccation because they have scar tissue and toe bending that many people who have done proper analysis have sited as the creature gripping into earth. There is a clear difference between desiccation marks and complex dermal markings. You can look for yourself on any image search engine and the fact that some have sited some casts that have been made poorly by amateur casters (these are mostly untrained civilian researchers, not perfectionists), as the main source to disprove such is at best desperate and ignorant of the wider picture of the sometimes difficult process it is to extract such prints. What a one in a billion lottery win chance that would be to somehow get the same pattern decades apart from opposite sides of the country?! The pouring of liquid into a cast can make desiccation wrinkles yes, but when done by amateur casters and there is so, so much more casts to counter that argument. Explain casts that are attained 40 miles into the interior of wilderness areas? The hoaxers would have to be either psychic or mind controllers to predict to the exact yard where the researchers are going to be to the exact moment eh?

      I would suggest anyone in the remotest mindset to question casting processes to trot on over to the 'Fringe News: Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot Tracks, Finding Bigfoot At the Discovery Museum, UFO in Bristol TN' blog page that was posted a couple of months ago, as there are some amazing threads from very experienced casters who outline this process for you all.


    2. where's the rest of the prints? Why was there only one found?

      und wo ist Grossfuss? im Bluff Creek? im Hurenhaus? im Ostrkorb?

    3. The big problem is Joe this Anon hasn't spent 2 seconds nevermind 10 minutes looking at any evidence.

      It's much easier to have someone else tell them what to think and believe.

      It's also much easier if you are being paid to troll.

      I smell fear.


    4. Wasn't Krantz saying the same thing 40 years ago? F-O-R-T-Y Y-E-A-R-S. Lost in the wilderness. When will he return to the promised land? The land of milk and hot little honeys?

    5. You want progress bitch lips?

      The worlds leading DNA scientist spending a large chunk of the last 2 years studying this 'bullshit' subject.

      If it's complete 'bullshit' he wouldn't be wasting a minute on it nevermind 2 years.

      You know that. I know that.

      I can understand you dropping your light hearted firsting persona at this time.

      It's a code red period for sceptics.


    6. The proverbial turd in the punch bowl.

      You really think it matters that much?

      Mein Gott!

    7. Leaping Russian dickhead.

      You always get excited about 40 year old news?

      You must be new to all this.

    8. No, I just know exactly what I'm on about when I post... Not like you, stupid little clown.

      Ha! You're so not liked, it's comforting... Ha ha ha ha!!!

    9. Lol

      Just because everyone called him bitch-lips he changed his avatar.

      DWA will be so disappointed.

      For the record you and and DWA in the same room would result in severe bodily trauma for NA. Not a great idea to troll a guy who is so much bigger than you are. It's a small word.

      While we are on the subject of FEAR...


  4. MMG,if bigfoot turns out to be genetically nearly all human wouldn't that make killing one murder?,also on one of the previous posts there was a bit of a debate as to whether bigfoot was more human or ape,human females are the only members of the ape family to have permanent breasts except it seems bigfoot which must make bigfoot more closer to us than chimps,so do you think bigfoot would be classed as human and therefore given human rights or be classed as a different species needing protective legislation?so what im wondering is how close to us would bigfoot need to be genetically to be one of us?xx

    1. This was actually one of the most important points that Ketchum made during her highly flawed study. She was a big advocate for the the protection of this new 'species'.

      The whole Ape or Human debate tears the BF community apart at times. My own belief is that if BF was an ape relative we'd have more than one specimen by now. We of course cannot rule out a higher form of intelligent ape but the issue as a whole is pretty divisive and detracts from what should be a common goal.

      If the results of the study are positive then Senate would need to act quickly. The implications however would be huge. The implications for the logging and tourism industry cannot be ignored.

      No matter what Sykes results will not come back 100 percent human. This leaves an albeit short window of opportunity for a specimen to be hunted.


  5. I lived in a small (former resort) town that was dying.The glory years of the 1940-1950's had gone. we had to do something to get the tourists back!

    Since the big foot craze was on, one of our local artist fashioned a convincing set of Big foot tracks. he then placed them where hikers might come across them!

    then we got a local reporter, to publish sightings in and around our mountain and lakes.

    It worked! now our town is up and booming! Thanks to Big foot!

    1. When he is not eating your children, Bigfoot is a benevolent forest friend who loves to help you rural've been blessed my

  6. MMG,a few years ago i remember reading that some scientists were saying that chimps should be reclassified to the homo genus because they are so close to us,i suppose it's really difficult to know at which point ape become human.xx

    1. Check the wiki entry on chimps Eva...It does say(at least it did last time I read it) that some anthropologists think chimps should be in the homo genus, so maybe there are things in the bibliography about the issue....

  7. I forgot to add,would bigfoot have to be 100% human to be classed as human?xx

    1. Probably not..I was drinking 150 proof rum which means only 755 alcohol but the cops said I was wasted on alcohol...

  8. Ok. I have my Lebus outfit on. It's a one-off. I figure explosive net guns ensnare him. Then I take a massive ketamine dart gun and shoot myself in the jugular. At that point Joe and MMG call someone to air evac my ass out. Whose in. I have a map. With pins in it. Every Whataburger in Texas has been GPS marked!

  9. I can't get over what I just watched. It's a one-off. These creatures are simply not made to be captured. They are too powerful. Too elusive. It's not possible. Bart said it himself. He could take a hunting team out and possibly put a target in kill range. He's even thought about the possibilities. The more you really think about it there's only one conclusion. Human or Ape. If you want to see a real California Ice Man. You are going to have to put one down. And I'm too chicken shit to even contemplate it.

  10. No. Scratch that. I'm not. I can do what Bart can do. I believe I can out you near a resident population. I can get one close. Close enough. Now whose got the balls to shoot. I mean it. There's my challenge. I'm not talking about a guy I just met. I'm going to have to believe you can shoot a diamond in a goats ass with a high caliber rifle in low light conditions and trust you with my life. I met one guy like that in my life. He's a freak of nature. And I believe he's had an encounter. But he says very little. He's too busy hunting tracking and fishing. Most people will not consider it. The weather. The scent lock. The equipment and resources you must marshal to undertake such an effort. And it's no joke. And if you could pull the trigger. If you could. Well would you?? That's the next and more important question.,....sorry everyone. Lebus got me a little worked up. :)


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