Here's How TimberGiantBigfoot Can Stop The Hemorrhaging

It has been a few days since TimberGiantBigfoot uploaded his controversial footage of "Big Red" to YouTube and while his loyal followers are blown away by it, skeptics are saying: "What dafuq?!"

We believe there's only one way to end the controversy and that is for Jim (if that's his real name) to show the full-unedited film of Big Red. Really. That's it! Problem solved! Otherwise, he's going to see more comments like the ones below:

cms82100: He needs to do more than a size comparison, he needs to upload the raw, unedited video for everyone to see. That's what any credible person would've done instead of cutting the video into pieces. There's something on that video he doesn't want us to see, and it ain't no bigfoot!

jayvwilson: Yep you can tell it was staged. He was trying very hard not to keep the camera on the subject by panning away and zooming in etc...he purposely avoided trying to show the subject in detail. No reason not to keep quiet and film by keeping the subject on camera all the way through...that's why er all know it is staged. Poor effort he made the hoax way, way to obvious.

ShannonJDubois: Why blindly believe something that isn't proven? When people make extraordinary claims then the burden of proof is on them, not on us just to take their word for it. Blobsquatching is foolishness because it is simply the manipulation of visual data to match a preconceived belief. Hoaxing by using props (suits etc) or by intentionally misidentifying animals, tracks or objects is unkind to those genuinely seeking BF evidence. Sadly most BF 'evidence' you see on the internet is a blob or a hoax.

Racer X: I personally think this is a hoax. I slowed down the relevant portion of the video, stabilized it and warmed up the colour a notch. It's NOT a Bigfoot!


  1. Replies
    1. Hey MMG! I'm gonna enjoy getting at some militant Tardists today.


    2. The two most prominent voices in the brony community^

    3. Sticks and stones... Very telling.


    4. Guillible Welshman who's never stepped on "bigfoot" soil. You're the biggest keyboard warrior on this site!

    5. Does it bother you that I know more about what's in your back yard than you do?


    6. You know nothing of nothing and like it. 20 years in the wild and I've yet to see anything remotely bigfoot. 1 afternoon on the Internet and you still have nothing and like it!

    7. 20 years eh? Good for you... I know people who have double your experience and have. Maybe you're not that good after all?


    8. Tell that to my two deep freezers and house full of mounts.

    9. Well, there would no point telling anything to two freezers and a load of dead stuffed animals, but I will tell you this... There are people with more experience than you and more knowledge of the outdoors than you that have seen these creatures. You can shoot plenty of animals without straying too far into the wilderness.


  2. What's worse? People that promote the mythical ape or people that believe in the mythical ape?

    1. Skeptics who hope the mythical ape isn't real?

    2. Who's more scared? People who are in denial about giant hairy people, or people who require the reassurance so much they express their denial on blogs?


    3. Bigfoot's real and you know it. Stop lying to your selves and talking shit about why he doesn't, deep down you know he's real.

    4. Why else are they here? If they can attain a little bit of attention at the same time... Then for them; it's win, win.


    5. yes yes bigfoot's take your medicine and go back to your room

    6. Who has the bigger claim to mental illness? a group of people who consist of wildlife biologists, costume experts, forensic experts, forensic artists, forestry officers, doctors, lawyers, police officers, teachers, psychologists, historians, primatologists...

      ... or the people trying to deny those sources with nothing except mental illness claims?

      Hhhhhmmmmmmmmm... tough one that.


    7. Bigfoots real? I look forward to you showing the evidence for that wild claim....

    8. Joe in all those groups of people you listed far more will say bigfoot is bullshit

    9. Really? You see, in all the time I have been involved with this subject... You people have requested evidence and then denied it's there. You request information and as soon as it's brought to you, you deny it's credibility. You never provide any means of proving that this evidence is BS, yet you expect your cynical, unqualified and anonymous opinion to wash against it? No... The people who oppose this subject are loyal to their relative fields of study that impose very harsh repercussions if any level of interest is expressed. This is why researchers have to wait until they are retired to participate or incorporate their respective fields. This also explains why there are so few enthusiasts in comparison... Anyone who has applied their expertise to this subject has come to the conclusion that there is something to it, whilst in all this time science is no closer to debunking it, rather it has started acknowledging it and asking questions.

      Hmmmmmm, why is that??


    10. Proving the evidence is bullshit?

      Well lack of a magic ape for one thing.

      Cool story bro but wheres the magic ape?

      We have many examples of evidence leading back to hoaxers.

      Not once has evidence led back to a living breathing animal, anywhere, ever. That is a fact i am afraid and none of your stories or theories changes that fact.

      What you need to do is offer verifiable evidence that anyone can look at and say "yep we got ourselves a monkey here can't deny that!". Never gonna happen though.

    11. People who de-bunk this film tend to give you their reasons, then they go on to say things like release the unedited film....however their requests for these simple things that would help prove its not a hoax get ignored, now what is the average normal person to conclude? Yes...its a hoax.

    12. BS.

      If is too convenient for you to use the actions of one or two hoaxers to condemn the evidence of dedicated honest people, without so much as a care for finding out there backgrounds or whether they are credible enough. Are bears real because we never see remains of them? I have posted this once already this week, but there is now a branch of science that determines new species' by the tracks they leave.

      "We have many examples of evidence leading back to hoaxers."

      A true skeptical thinker... Someone who is not in denial or too agenda driven to deny anything that comes their way, would have an open enough mind to apply a little common sense that there are too many accounts from credible people, sometimes multiple people for respective professions, that the subject warrants a proper investigation... If you have a nocturnal creature, that doesn't die in the open, but buries it's dead methodically, that evades in intelligent social groups and leaves tracks that are attained 30-40-50 miles into wilderness areas, then to ignore that... Which is what you are doing now is denial of the facts. You expect a Bigfoot to come knock yor front door without so much as listening to the people who understand this creature. It's the dumbest thing in the world to state that the subject isn't worth a collective effort from mainstream science, and then state that there is no evidence, when it is down to civilians to attain that evidence. We can't win, and this is why I oppose people like you at every opportunity because what you are doing is essentially censorship.

      Like I said, I keep saying it... You have to prove that casts and videos and eye witness testimonies in the tens of thousands are BS, before you can make the claim that there is no evidence there. You must bring an equivalent to dismiss research, or the research stands because you haven't debunked it.

      You don't want Bigfoot to exist, you don't want to listen to anyone who is trying to bring you information and you won't be taken seriously by anyone like me. You are just an anonymous person that never provided anything to debunk the evidence we have and for that reason, every time you post, that is why I can still do what I do... Because of your failure to debunk this subject. I can handle cynicism and ignorance, I've got all day long.

      "I want evidence, though I'll do whatever I can to stop the information coming my way breath." Is all you people ever express. If there was more acknowledgement of the evidence and a collective effort from everyone to investigate, then your 'monkey' would show up... Something, sadly, you appear too stupid to understand.


    13. the unedited film? in your ignorance you haven't realized what you are looking at is the unedited film?

    14. Also... It is as convenient for you to use the actions of one or two hoaxers to condemn the evidence of dedicated honest people, in the same way in that you use mainstream science's involvement of this subject to condemn it... When it's done nothing, even after the research & opinions of credible and honest professionals. What is mainstream science so afraid of? If there's nothing to it, it could dedicate even five years of research and then be done with it and put a stop to all the 'idiots'.


    15. To this date, there is NO scientific proof that bigfoot exists.

      There is nothing you can look up, no one you can talk to, nothing you can copy and paste that will change this.

    16. And no, Sykes does not count unless he publishes a peer revieed paper with replicable results today.

    17. The Bottom Line Guy...

      To this date, there has not been any collective effort from mainstream science to investigate Bigfoot, and this is why it is down to a handful of retired researchers and a minority group of civilian enthusiasts to bring evidence that is firstly requested and then denied.

      There is nothing YOU can look up, no one YOU can talk to, no ignorance YOU can post that will change the FACT, that science has not debunked this subject. If there was as little to this as you claim, that would have been done very, very, VERY easily by now.

      Bottom Line? Schooled.

    18. LMAO!!!!!! Seroiusly, thanks. I needed that. Don't stop bleeeeeevin!

    19. Yes Joe, you were schooled indeed.

    20. Sykes' intentions and his movements would suggest where his theories lie... Whether he presents evidence or not doesn't matter, because someone of his credibility is asking the questions. Someone who has always challenged mainstream science at that. If 30 samples don't yield DNA, there will be more studies done. This is how it will evolve and we will have our DNA in the end.


    21. 4:58...

      Really? You need to counter my arguments with something a little more substantial than "duh, Bigfoot don't exist" before that happens I'm afraid.

      I'm still here and you didn't prove my theories wrong.

      The requirement of that being highlighted for you, is teaching you something and is therefore; a schooling.


    22. now where is his evidence that bigfoot dont exist

    23. I thought you were smart enough to know that Melba's dna debacle doesn't really count as scientific evidence.

      I was wrong. I guess that means I was schooled after all.

    24. The existence of BF is not in question here - the validity of the 'big red' video (and TJBF's research in general) is what is under scrutiny. Video that contains obvious edits, strange intentional camera movements (like zooming in/out and panning away from the subject for no reason) is suspect. Furthermore since the subject is obscured, 100% identification is not possible so nobody can say for sure what it is. In my opinion if TJBF is to be taken seriously as a researcher he would at the very least release the full uncut video to allow expert scrutiny. I would also expect a serious researcher to intentionally seek out expert validation of the video rather than just leave it up to youtube viewers to make up their own minds as to what it is.

    25. You want evidence that bigfoot doesn't exist?

      Here you go:

    26. Really that's the best you can do. Prove that bigfoot dont exist

    27. Shannon...

      I can't agree more with you, and the reason nobody is talking about it, is because it's so obvious.

      What do you think if this?


    28. Here Joe

    29. I think that one's been put to bed has it?



    31. I've seen this... Pretty good stuff.

      "Git! Git!"




    34. The first video didn't work and the second video... Take it from a first dan black belt... Was pretty fantastic.



      Try this

    36. Joe,

      My opinion of what some indistinct blurry thing in a video is does not make any difference to what it ACTUALLY IS. I can offer an opinion on what that video looks like to me, but that makes no impact whatsoever on what it is, and who really cares anyway? What I object to is people offering up their opinions and/or lies about indistinct video as FACT when in fact it is impossible to tell what the video is. If all the 'researchers' admitted their bigfoot 'evidence' could actually be interpreted as evidence for any number of things then we would have a lot less ignorant believers militantly protecting opinions rather than seeking scientifically robust evidence. Opinion based on wishful thinking is not useful as evidence. Ironically the believers accuse skeptics of ignoring the evidence and of not having an open mind when it is actually the believers who restrict their thinking to fit their predetermined belief system.

  3. All I ask is some film of a BF face....can it be so difficult? Sure it can when nobody can find a real BF.

    1. Its tricky when you look for an animal that doesnt exist and the only evidence you can attribute to it is when it is something ambiguous.

      Its quite funny that as technology evolves so does bigfoots ability to avoid it.

      That's quite a magic ape you are looking for folks.

      I guess its ok because you will always have the excuse that the ape is too intelligent to be found.

    2. read the post above wrong, am on your side :)

    3. HA HA HA HA!!

      You have a creature in Patty that still is yet to be debunked. Here you have a face in all it's detail... Focus on Harvey Pratt's sketch (best forensic artist in the country) and Reuben Steindorf's digital version here;

      You see, if you cannot do debunk Patty, then there is your Bigfoot. Why is it not believable to people like you? Because you depend on the same level of rumor and hearsay that you contradictively condemn tens of thousands of eyewitness testimonies that transition ten thousand years of Native American Culture; that Roger and Bob were hoaxers. Double standards and yet more evidence that you are too agenda driven and scared of the truth.


    4. Scott Carpenter is THE definition of credibility.

      You want proof of bigfoots existance?
      Not good enough for you?


      Bigfoot in the Laurel bitches!

    5. Im sorry joe but it doesn't work like that.

      Common sense, rationality and logic trumps every single argument you put forward every single time.

      The reason you are struggling to convince anyone and the reason you have to keep to arguing is because your arguments are poor and you never provide an actual ape ever.

      The fact that you have to go back to a blurry grainy film from the 60s is probably one of the best arguments to show that bigfoot is nonsense.

      Too easy.

      Please come up with something that can not be explained.

    6. 4.35 lol. Also bigfoot steals dog food off his porch.

    7. For starters, the purpose of using the link previously was to draw attention to the sketch and digital versions of Patty that would suggest authenticity.

      Now, to 4:36...

      Nope, you see... If you cannot prove that Patty or even the matching specimen in the Leaping Russian Yeti are not real, then there are your Bigfoot. You see how this works? This is your biggest obstacle and playing that down because you cannot and will not present anything other than cynicism doesn't debunk them, but makes them stand up stronger. Who's to say that out of all the countless other pieces of footage of supposed Bigfoot, that two, three, four, five of them aren't legitimate? You?? You cannot counter a costume expert of 30 years, yet you expect your opinion to trump him and then expect it to hold weight around here? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!

      Like I said before... The frequency of sightings, the frequency of footage caught, the eye witnesses, all of it is in line with a nocturnal creature that buries it's dead.

      It works like that.


    8. It works like this:

      Using common sense we know that bigfoot doesn't exist.

    9. (Sigh)

      I'm debating with numb skulls... It's clearly working like that.


    10. So wheres the magic ape then?

      A lot of words but no ape....


      You're welcome.


    12. Anon 4:35 you have got to be kidding. Scott Carpenter is the definition of credible? This is the guy that uses photoshop to create Bigfoot, Dogman and 'unknown entity' faces from blobs in his forest videos, and claims Bigfoot visits him regularly at his suburban home to steal dogfood and poke bird feathers into the cracks in his concrete driveway, all without anyone ever seeing anything of the visits.

    13. Shannon... What do you think of this?


    14. Yeah Anon 3:34, Your right, All you ask for is a Photo of a Big foot's face, That's all? That's easy!

      On my next expedition in mid-October, when I run across any Big foots, I'll ask them to "Please" stop running away so fast, as Anon 3:34 needs a photo of your face, Please, or please just stand there, As I have Plenty of people that need to see you. Can you do that for me Mr. Big foot?

      John W. Jones

    15. John Jones brings no evidence to the table despite proclaiming he is gods gift to bigfoot research.

    16. And what would you do if he was to show you a photograph of one?

      He has never proclaimed he is god's gift and has even offered to take a skeptic to where he goes.

      Get from behind your safe little laptop and take him up on it... Put your money where your mouth is.

      ... Let me guess, it's easier to be a scared, cynical little nobody behind anonimaty, yeah?


    17. Taking a skeptic into the woods to point at a shadow or hearing various sounds from known animals and saying yep thats bigfoot right there just ain't gonna cut it.

    18. Put your monkey where your mouth is then. You could easily just go and prove John wrong surely?

      There's a word for people like you... Can you guess what it is?


    19. Joe, No takers yet. I really want to take a skeptic with us. This offer will cost me over $1,000 dollars, but it will be worth it

      Imagine how will the skeptic react when late at night, we all hear Monkey screams or Chimp chatter. Will he answer my question Okay skeptic, What North American animal is making those sounds? Is it a :

      Moose, Bear, Fisher, Cougar, Mink, Beaver, Marten Foxe Coyote? What? Will the skeptic answer me? Or. . . will he/her be running home "shitting their pants" all the way! I would love to tape he/heir's reaction, and show it here! That would be "Epic"!

      But, a last, no one has "Steel in their balls"!
      My offer ends 10/5, as I will be gone for 3 weeks.

      Where's all the Anon's that can never maturely and intelligently talk with me over the existence of Big foots without calling me childish names?

      Put money where your "Big mouth is"!

      John W. Jones

    20. These people are way too safe behind their comfort zone to take you up on your offer buddy. It's why they're here in the first place; reassurance, fear and to check if they're still safe to put the rubbish (trash) out at night.

      Peace John, love your posts.

    21. Stop posturing, John. People aren't keen to drop everything and put their lives on hold to go prance about the woods with a few geriatric loonies wearing burlap sacks thinking they are stalking bigfoot. Maybe if you ever brought back anything but claims and anecdotal evidence people would be more inclined, but strangers offering candy to kids leads to white vans and rape, so your posturing only makes you look like a bigger looney.

    22. Joe, stfu and accept Johns invitation then.

    23. 2:09...

      You are scared and ultimately schooled. Easy to talk tough from behind a laptop eh? You can't get more credible than someone who's willing to show you exactly where these creatures are... Grow a pair or go away, cause you are schooled. You can't keep up with the big boys so you'll just name call like a coward. Typical and seriously hilarious.


      I have commitments back here which means I'm not permitted to take the time John takes to get into these areas. You on the other hand live in the same country; why don't you take him up on the offer? It would cost him $1,000, you can't get more credible than that. You see, if you can't keep up with the big boys, then don't open your mouth about them. Boo hoo behind your anonimaty about it.


    24. So now I can add "geriatric Looney" to my ever growing list of childish name calles, instead of Mature intelligent remarks.

      Well, "Trolls" at least "we" are out there doing what 'we" love to do, and having the time, and the resources to do it. 'We" are living life to the fullest, can there be anything better than that!
      Can the same be said for your Pathetic lives, I don't think so.

      And quit picking on Joe, He's way over in Wales, when most of you could fly in, in a couple of hours. If Joe, ever can get a month off, I would indeed invite him, for Free!

      I am not the one hiding behind an Anon listing, What are you afraid of?

      My names John W. Jones
      Me and my team have loads of evidence, but we're not stupid enough to show you "Trolls" what we have, when all you can offer up is name calling!

  4. Do you troll's have any friends in the real world. I'm guessing not.

    1. When people ask what do you do in your spare time what do you say, "troll a bigfoot blog". People will think you are the weirdest people on the planet. You not studies have proven trolls in real life are cowards who are to scared to do and say the things they do and say on blogs. You are the ones bullied at school. I bet none of you have spend one night in the woods away from power and running water like you have grown accustom to. Have you ever even fired a gun and hit what you aim at. None of you would be able to strip a gun down, clean it and put it back together let alone shoot straight. Bunch of no loser.

    2. Oh, you tough man! Isn't this the biggest case of hypocrisy?! Why should we believe you aren't just some whack job nut that pretends he can strip a gun down on a blog whilst staying anonymous? You see... What you are doing is the result of being scared of bullying, scared of being put wrong, low self esteem and no level of guts to come out with your real name.

      You are a troll that is scared of the truth. If you weren't, you wouldn't remain anonymous. Something again, you are too silly to understand.


    3. its not hard to strip down a gun joe but he makes some good points

    4. There are plenty of people who have spent ten times more time in the woods than this guy, that have contributed to hard honest work and real research. No level of ignorance or claiming that anyone else is a troll, when he himself is posting anonymously, will change that.

      There are plenty who have never accessed the wilderness, but that's the beauty of cryptozoology and the way it has developed in the last fifteen years with the development of the internet.

      Anyway MJA... How are you ma boy?

      Peace bro.

    5. I've been drunk a few times, that's about it. Man, I can't handle it anymore; I'm bed-ridden for a day afterwards these days!

      Peace buddy... We'll have a beer one of these days.

    6. just as long as you know the bed you wake up ins the main think. nothing worse than waking up in a strange bed. yes we are going to have to have a beer one of these days.

    7. Joe how's your dog ? I keep seeing people asking about it? Same with your foot, what happen?

    8. Your foot is creepy I don't understand ?? How's the dog doing?

    9. Joe, the guy you just zapped is probably one of those believers who thinks the trolls are deniers who live in the city and are clueless about the outdoors...

      Anyway, there is nothing wrong with submitting theories and ideas based on book research and reports from the field. Almost every subject has both theoretical and experimental(observational) branches..
      You don't have to apologize for not living in an American

    10. And if that is indeed the case... Apologies to that person.


  5. Hello, there is a still of bf face. look again before you pass judgement. Its always the same ppl who like to ARGUE on this thread. Your moronic statements cancle out any inteligent statement you might make.

  6. if you want a rough size comparison, check out the frames @ 7:05 is the video. Compare it to the frame @ 4:01. That is the same branch the subjects head was under while it was sitting down. Not a small woodland critter.

  7. Hi everyone we have the proof in video everyone wants to see we are just waiting for the right dollar amount and they can release it to everyone to see but the offers arnt quit there yet but were getting close cause they want to put it in a up and coming documentry so will see what happens hope it works out for u guys and girls this is what u being waiting for u want to see the poors on there face this is the one so hope it works out sooner than later for everyone!

    1. Idiot^

      Put it on YouTube and set it up to gain ad revenue.

      If it is as good as you say then it will go viral and you will make big money.

      Then the media will get involved and you will get even more money to let them play your video.

      What is actually more likely is you have a crappy video. If it's as good as you say prove it. The video will speak for itself.

    2. What is MOST likely is there is no video. Learn to recognize someone talking out there ass. It has a very distinct sound and smell.

    3. Seriously retarded, just like joe f. Damn are you people dumb.

    4. "Duh, fart, duh, duh, fart... Doh!!"


  8. It will go on utube after the offer is excepted, that's in the agreement so as long as the documentry is shown on a specific date which is coming up very soon that is all I can say about that sorry, but we want everyone to see it before hand!

    1. stop lying go back to sleep

    2. I've herd tidbits about this video if it's the one from northern Ontario apparently they have footage of a group of bigfoots that is hours long and the footage is incridable. That's the bit of gossip I got from some people in the Bigfoot community but they want some huge amount of money for the footage, but who can blame them! Cheers! that's all I know!

    3. ^ youll get nothing and like it

  9. it probably is a hoax, most likely a bear .
    When something like this appears vera lot of people then something is up.
    Justin Timbergiant -it's time to put your suit and tie away and show the unedited video or retire forever


      What do you think of this?


    2. Don't get me wrong i am a believer but i'm tired of all the hoaxers and all those who promise great videos only to be disappointed later on with blobsquatches .
      in that video it's clear that there is something there but I have a hard time believing an adult bigfoot that weighs how many hundreds of pounds can tippy toe on a branch - must be a very strong branch. Timbergiant has releasing an edited video that has rasied a lot of yellow flags among bigfoot enthusiasts. I would like to see the unedited video just to clear my mind. There is something in the video , what it is i'm not so sure as I was the first time I saw it

    3. Great! Thank you for that. I can't agree with you more.


  10. Hoax Munky rules! That funky munky!

    Geaux Heauxicks Munky!

  11. Relax. Bryan Sykes should publish before the end of the year. In the meantime, let's not get our knickers in a twist over such details as this video.




    1. There's no way that creature in the tree weighs more than 100lbs, it couldn't brachiate with that force and velocity without snapping them off. It just can't be a 500lb adult Sasquatch.

      Go watch some videos of orangutans in trees, the young ones leap around a lot but the bigger ones move pretty darned slowly almost all the time when they're off the ground. Big creatures just can't move quickly and safely through the trees like that.

      Bigfoot feet are also completely unsuited to arboreal travel if the plaster cast footprints are genuine. Even the infamous midtarsal break bends the wrong way and would make it harder for them to grip branches with their toes. There's just no way that the creature in this video is the same the creature in the PGF.

      If I had to guess what it was I'd say it was probably a gibbon. There's lots of auburn and black gibbons, their arms/body ratio is pretty much exactly what was seen in the video and they move exactly the same way through the trees.

    2. Finally! Someone responds...

      Ok, firstly I would like to state that I'm not defending this video or condemning it, but find it very interesting and feel it worth a conversation.

      If you notice, at the end of the video there is actually a suggestion that the creature does indeed break the limb it is holding on to and falls. The creature could however weigh about 300 lbs and make that movement, could it not? It may also, if indeed a real Sasquatch, actually not be an adult? This is something you touched upon with regard to younger orangutans which actually confirmed something I was thinking.

      It is a complete assumption that these creatures cannot accomplish stealth... There are too many accounts of the contrary with people reporting speeds and agility that dumbfound people to thinking these creatures are at times paranormal... Now I'm not suggesting that, but it would articulate how these people struggle to explain their agility.

      Also, the way in which a creature hangs on to a limb and grips with it's feet does not have to be in the same manner in which monkeys do so for example... Not if your main strength and climbing ability comes from longer arms to which would be used to hang on and pull yourself through the trees. Your feet with mid tarsal break would merely be used to spring off the side of trees, to which would be evident in this video if indeed what we are looking at, is a Squatch.

      Thank tou for the response. Much appreciated.


    3. Are you implying this video is any clearer evidence of bigfoot than any others out there? You can't tell what it is from that video so... that's it, end of story.

  13. Less than a week I'll have a shot to put one of these creatures on the ground if it shows face during the moose hunt lets cross r fingers. That's the only real way to prove there's some kind of monster out there and than will go from there!

  14. I don't care if the thing does jumping jacks and gives me the finger everything looks like a moose when opener starts lets get er done!

  15. Joe what do u think about this u must be pacing around in circles right now??

    1. What in the workd are you referring to?


    2. If you're referring to the gentleman that States he will try and shoot one, good luck to him, he'll need that and more.


  16. JOE would it be premature to get excited about seeing Mike Brookersons evidence this weekend???. J.D.

    1. Hey JD!

      Yes, it would be actually. There has been a proposal put to us which means that it will be a little longer in being posted now. It is in the process of getting put together and you won't have to wait long.

      What do you thin of the video I suggested people look at?

      Peace JD.



  17. One thing has become pretty clear. Bigfoot will most likely not be proven real on youtube.
    Squatchmaster, Sasquatch Ontario, and TimberGiant to me are just ruining anything credible that comes along. Now Scott Carpenter has them in his backyard so often he may as well build a guest house. Every odd thing he finds is Bigfoot sending a message to him. One step away from mind speaking to them.

  18. Joe got absolutely smoked today.

  19. Why is everyone picking on joe he just loves big footing and everything about it why so many people blasting this joe guy????

    1. It's nothing I can't handle bro. Just take a look at the two posts prior to your comment... These people clearly don't pack too many brain cells, eh?

      They react this way to me cause I've been doing what I do to them for a little while now... Like shooting fish in a barrel.


    2. I think its because he proclaims to know everything, will never acknowledge when hes wrong and comes across as pretty delusional.

    3. I have been wrong, will be wrong again and on the grander scheme of things, know nothing about Bigfoot.

      It is too easy doing what I do to you and heaven forbid, I quite enjoy it too.


    4. Well played Joe. Great postings. Thanks Fella, Tim,U.K.

  20. BUT WAIT!!!!! Author Christopher Noel swears by Melba Ketchum and Rick Dyer... just read his book... and he says the
    Timberfoot video is the real thing, a real breakthrough, etc.
    I mean doesn't that settle the question once and for all since he has an unbroken record of picking the right horse(shit).?

  21. Well obviously if Chris Noel vouches for it, then it must the real thing.

    1. chris noel . has MUD on his turtles head!!

  22. The guy's video you took those comments from is just jealous jealous jealous. The top Bigfoot Researchers now are Fasano, TimberGiant, Sasquatch Ontario, SqyatchMaster, and Scott Carpenter. I mean, they even eat Carpenter's food he buys for his dogs! Hahahahahahahaaa


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