Dr. Jeff Meldrum Returns With Bigfoot Evidence From Russia

For skeptics still uncertain about the possibility of Bigfoot or Yeti in Russia, here's a little piece of evidence Dr. Jeff Meldrum brought back from Russia expedition. These 17 inch prints were discovered in North Caucasus and they look nothing like bear prints. The prints actually resemble its North American counterpart in many ways. Not much is known about the specific location of where the prints were found, but Meldrum seems quite pleased. He posted this message on Facebook yesterday:

Came back from Russia in August with a mate (on the right) to the 17-inch footprint cast from the North Caucasus identified by Dmitry Pirkulov. Spoke with a number of witnesses to the trackway.


  1. Replies
    1. I firsted your Moms 27 times and she thanked me for it.

    2. Pwned like doing his mom,who has aids,27 times.

    3. Pwned like doing his mom,who has aids,27 times.

    4. Pwned like doing his mom,who has aids,27 times.

  2. Im sorry, but those are bears. As was the PGF.

    1. PGF was Patterson in a modified suit

      Gimlin filmed it

      Munns was correct at 5'4"

    2. ^^^jealous non-achiever dreaming of advancing to jealous under-achiever status.

      You can do it, little champ. We're pulling for you.

    3. Bear? WTF wildlife manual are you using? Sounds like you haven't left your Cheeto Stained couch of yo mommas basement-ever-choir boy! I live in bear country and track for a living for a hunting guide. I call your bear track claim BS!

  3. FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Meldrum and Munns are in collusion with each other.

    The only thing stakes they have in this game are their beards,

    II can tell you thattTheir beards pale in comparison to the Beard of Bob Titmus.

    Meldrum and Munns are attentioin whores with weak sauce. Publish away, motherfuckers....

    1. ^^^#looneytard approved

      Keep on tardin', looneytard.

    2. Anon 8:20 you're a pepperoni short of a pizza! You seem a little low in the IQ area!

  4. Pwned like Meldrum's reputation after authenticating forged tracks.

    1. What representation was there to lose? His disciples will never see,hear,or speak any evil of Saint Meldrum. He is always right and his motives are crystal clear. No the flock will not flee.

      As for his critics,well looks like he has produced two casted footprints. They are said to have come from North Caucasus in Russia.One left one right and both 17 inches. Very rough land their. Lots of fighting and strife. Many people are forced to flee with no notice or warning when the fighting come. I am seeing an army,maybe militia surrounding a small town and telling everyone there to leave and leave immediately. This is a very common tacit in these ethnic wars. So Dr. Jeff came across a refugee trail,after some time had passed. There should be no surprise that he found to rather large human footprints. In the chaos only the largest would stand out after the passing and some weather.

      I just see the footprints of terrified people running for their lives. There is nothing funny about this Doctor Meldrum. That you would stoup so low as to use very real human suffering to further whatever goal you have this week is just beyond the pale.

      Dr. Meldrum if you honestly believe that is great.But if you honestly do then please in the future do not resort to tactics like this.

      You do not need an insanely priced balloon to show you heat signatures and maybe follow a few recently used trails. You and I both know this is something that never nor should happen. It is a very bad idea.

      Seems to me you have a nationwide,dare I say worldwide following.You have appeared in a number of crypto type shows,usually briefly. Basically is what I am getting at is this.....you have a large number of willing believers lined up wanting to help. Well how about if you took say 3-4 out on a real expedition with you. teach and train them the proper ways. Then they go back and teach and teach. Soon loots of people out inna woods all looking for the big guy.

    2. If I was smart I would start a bigfoot cult and get my minions to build me a forest castle. I would charge a fair fee to live there,stay for a week,whatever,and let footers go f-ing nuts. Film the whole thing and send it to Hollywood.

    3. So no I am not that smart. But I am smart enough to see what a disgrace to his profession Jeff Meldrum is.

    4. So what you're saying is is that you're a dumbass.Ok,I get it. But dammit man,don't be so hard on yourself.

  5. Pwned like Meldrum's Falcon Project kickstarter campaign.

    1. was told by his wife that his 1" pecker is huge.^

  6. Joe's going to wipe the floor with the skeptards taterholes with this evidence!!!!!!!!

    GETEM JOE!!!!!!!!!!

    1. It would be even nicer if he would wipe his own ass. I am tried of the skid marks when I do the wash.

      Joe's mother

  7. Owned like Bob Hieronimus taterhole after a night of drinking with the boys.

  8. In mother Russia, we chase Bigfoot. Meldrum could not keep up. Too much American cooking.

    1. In my country, we believe in two things: vodka and hookers, in that order.

    2. In my country, we believe in two things: vodka and hookers, in that order.

  9. Jeff Meldrum could tell me the sky is blue and I would check just to be sure. I am not sure how much he believes,he is an educated man after all. But he has no problem selling books,DVD's,kickstarter campaigns...Plus you have to question if he has a religious reason for this. I do not know enough about Mormon beliefs as to how bigfoot would affect them one way or the other. Though I seem to remember hearing a story about how one of the early Mormon founders spoke to a bigfoot. Something about they are the son's of Cain made to wander the earth??? It was long ago and not sure where I read it.

  10. Now Dr. Meldrum has 2 more prints added to his collection of over 200, what did these tell us, NOTHING! What about the London trackway prints apx 160 of them, Bobo said the information gathered would be "Epic", but they told us NOTHING!

    1. What a series of real prints tells, is that real feet change shape to adjust for the nuances of the terrain. Where no two prints will be exactly the same. Feet that were cut out of wood, would not have that characteristic.

  11. I have decided Muir is maybe smarter than you think. I will live in this giant wooden castle But we have to have some standards there. There are rules in every giant wooden castle inhabited by footers. Im not bunking with certain footers. I want that clear. You aren't gonna be in there telling dogmen stories and keeping me up on that topic Bart cant share my room either, too many gadgets. I'lll have to room with Bobes and Monkey. Cliff, no offense, but you scream like that once a night and out comes the Browning . Im giving this more thought I think muir is onto something kind of like a Bigfoot total drama island. it can work with reclaimed lumber and a bit of gumption What would McGuyver do.....or McGruber? All I asking is that this be taken as seriously as any other idea in the bigfoot community M

  12. Dr. Meldrum returns from Russia with more crap he can sell at the Bigfoot conventions.

  13. Why does anyone even listen to Meldrum anymore? He's obviously either mentally deficient, or a liar.

  14. (clive squashy)

    Like it or not Dr. Meldrum's moustache is by far the most credible person in Bigfootvil.


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