Watch: Shots in the Darkness [The Bigfoot Case Files]

This story titled, "Shots in the Darkness" is narrated by Matt K. and it's based on a real event. It's about a man who becomes stranded in the Nevada Mountains. As he walks back to civilization, an unseen beast angrily approaches. Will his gunshots be enough to detour the creature before it's too late?


  1. Get a load of this guy^

    Joe thinks bigfoot is real.

    Joe thinks the government actively covers it up.

    Joe needs to take hours medication.

  2. Leave joe alone. We need people like him for entertainment purposes. Great for a good little laugh.

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  6. Enthusiasts don't just have anecdotal accounts, have have professional expert opinion and an acknowledgement by modern science in the shape of Dr Bryan Sykes.


    Schooled... And you are welcome.

    No, no... The pleasure's all mine.

  7. I know bigfoot exists but I'm not down with government conspiracy theory.

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  9. Also... You only have to look at the way governments cover-up UFO's for example.


  10. Joe, you sir have just crossed over in to idiot status. You are out there!

  11. An idiot would label someone as the same without looking at the facts and expert opinion.

  12. I find it hard to believe hourly paid forestry employees are in on a national government cover up. Americans never landed on the moon and 9/11 was an inside job, right joe? Jesus.

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  15. There are so many accounts where rangers and military personnel have reported encounters.

    When a trained observer makes these reports they won't be ignored.


  16. I am a Big foot researcher (Full time for over 10 years), along with 3 other team members. We just got back from our third Big foot research trip. On all of these trips, we stay out for 3-4 weeks at a time.

    About government cover-ups:
    1. I was told by a long time personal friend, who works for Homeland Security, that If ever I obtain 100% proof of a Big foot(A dead body) Get it to a Major private University and get reporters there quick! Document everything, and make numerous copies of any photos or videos. Do Not call any police or any Fish and Game! they will confiscate the Body/Evidence right away!

    2. Year ago, on a Big foot research trip, we placed out apx 20 trail cameras in a very remote mountains region. We told no one where we are going! Yet on that trip we ran into some Elite Military troops and all of our cameras were gone, and when we got back to base camp, everything was destroyed and equipment taken!!

    So don't say our Government won't cover up anything! Why do you think it is taking so long to proof Big foots exist? The last Thing Homeland Security, Fish and Game departments Police Dept's, the Department of the Interior, the logging/Tourist industry even the E.P.A. wants is a 9' Boogeyman walking around in our forests.

    Think about the Panic it will cause, if discovered to be true? Look at the Panic that occurred over "The Montauk Monster" on Long Island years ago. People locked their doors, stay inside their homes, schools closed! And all it was, was, a skinned-out bloated Racoon carcass!

    It never ceases to amaze me the ignorance and naive' of the people that comment here!

    my name is John W. Jones my Email is

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Elite military troops?? Ver laughable. 2nd, of course the government would confiscate a body, they are an unknown species. The government would clearly want to get their hands on it first, especially since they didnt know such a thing existed!

    3. The only ignorant dolt is you numb nut... Find a hobbie or a friend.

    4. So Canada, Australia, Russia and China are all covering this up along with the US. That's stretching it.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. John. I emailed you a fourth pic from my last outing. I hope you got it. It was poor lighting. But the subject was creepy looking and had a faint eye glow.

    7. Ignorant dolt? Gee is it okay if I just be a dolt, or I just be ignorant? Do I have to be an ignorant dolt?

      Are you the new regular replacing got monkey fool?

  17. I find it hard to believe 5:11 just called Joe, Jesus

  18. No offense my fellow squatchers but i've worked as a ranger in the siuslaw national forest here in oregon. We generally get between 3 and 4 bigfoot sightings a week reported to us. I myself have had 3 encounters in my career and never once have we been told by our superiors to deny it, blow them off or cover them up. I doubt the government acknowledges them as a real species though they are very much real.

  19. Still no body dumbasses?? What a shame. There is no such thing as bigfoot!

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  21. Anon 7:12...

    Check out some Jim Vieira and weep.


  22. Anon 6:52...

    If it's ok, I would very much like some more details if that's is ok with you sir?


  23. John, can you share any of your research findings with the group? Or is there a website where we can read more of you're research? It sounds interesting. I'm particularly interested in you're views on the vegetarian or at least "they don't eat meat" statement. I have no idea what they eat or no opinion on what they eat. A lot of people claim they do eat meat. You seem to have some sort of knowledge that proves otherwise. If possible please share. I know tthat is asking a lot and surely there will be a deluge of comments against what ever you say. But just about any opinion view or observation is attacked on this site. Share if you can. J.D.

    1. Drop him an email JD, he's extremely approachable. I myself feel that the diets of these creatures vary and this is something I have discussed with John before to which I learnt a lot from him in response. He has had many sightings, is extremely experienced and is very dedicated to what he does - a wealth of knowledge.

      Peace buddy.

    2. Being of the same stock you'd have loads in common.


  24. How do British people get AL YEW MIN EE UM out of ALUMINUM?

    1. You can't get an existing metal out of itself you silly wanker

    2. Al-u-min-i-um... That's how it's spelt and therefore pronounced in the UK. I believe in the States it's spelt 'Aluminum'.


  25. I knew a human that didn't eat meat. Humans are vegetarians. Logic fail.

    I know a human that drives a suburu. Humans are hippies.

    I know a human that believes in anthropogenic global warming. We must attack Syria.

  26. I think there is an inconsistency in motivation between the casual Bigfoot enthusiast and the serious researcher. The ones who are close enough to the real proof don't have the impulse to release it, for various reasons. So all we're left with are blurry snapshots and videos by people who weren't looking for one and got whatever proof they could after being surprised. And junk from hoaxers.

    I do believe more is out there but we're not seeing it. People say that no one has found anything, even as more and more people looking, but that's not necessarily the case. The now-legendary and mysterious grooming video is an example of this phenomenon.

    1. Look. I used to be a humorist about the subject. But in the last 4 weeks I've encountered things, some of which will be posted here soon, that have absolutely convinced me its real. And yes. I was able to obtain some photographs. You can laugh and be cynical all you want. But every expert I've showed it to told me to keep doing the same thing with regard to my research. The simple reason. It worked.

    2. Good post Mike. In response to the previous poster's comment... I think long-term, mutiple witnessed, and frequently encountering researchers keep their information under wraps because they may come to the conclusion over time that these creatures are better off remaining in secrecy... 'bad medicine' it's described as by slme Native American tribes... and to follow on from my previous posts; could this be why forestry officers and such make efforts to keep information and evidence from circulating? For positive reasons??

      In response to Mike... I suggest you listen to him. He has made the transition that you speak of in recent months and has uncovered some amazing stuff that has left no doubt in both of our minds. When you get small interactions from these creatures, it really puts the subject into perspective and it is no wonder to me why so many researchers make that jump from interested library aquaintance; to obsessive field researcher. Mike will be as good as any; I'm convinced of that.

      Peace all.

    3. Joe, have you seen Mike's photographs?

    4. Yes. He has. And we are debating whether to release them. I trust Shawn Evidence. But I post openly. And I don't want to be ridiculed or have me sights overrun. It's a very hard decision.

    5. I meant my research areas. I'm not fucking popeye

  27. 7:12, when you make the claim of no such thing, you'll be challenged to prove a negative. You should be precise with your language, not sloppy, since you don't know if there is such a thing or not. You're better off, and accurate, saying, "I don't think there is such a thing."

    It's funny Sharon Shill constantly commented as "Bigfoot is BS", when she knows no such thing, and she is raking in the cash on the subject of bigfoot. If a negative could be proven, that there's no such thing, her bigfoot cash flow would quit.

  28. Love coming in from work and checking this blog to see how many times joe has kicked the skeptards into touch keep up the good work man.

  29. This blog looks just like my old one!
    It's on a entirely different topic but it has pretty much the same layout and design.


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