Something Is Freaking Out Tim Fasano!

Florida Skunk ape hunter Tim Fasano haven't had much luck lately, but this latest video almost turned into something awesome if it wasn't for something else that spooked him. Fasano writes: "During the last outing with Tim and George (Rare Summertime Expedition) I set off into a different area and blazed a new trail. I felt as if I wasn't alone and something was watching me. Unfortunately it wasn't Bigfoot, but a good lesson learned..."


  1. If this guy was out walking in the woods as much as he says he is, would he be so, ah...large?

  2. jinkies its the bayou booyah!

  3. This time it was just a deer. Next time it will be just a hog, just an armadillo, just a turkey, just a bear, or just an alligator.

  4. Something Freaking Out Tim Fasano is one of the most credible voices in the bigfoot community.

    1. jinkies! If it weren't for you meddlin kids he'd have gotten away with it.

  5. I keep my enigmatic anomalies in a jar.

  6. Swamp eel looking for a out Tim!

  7. Fasano has yet to provide any compelling or even marginally interesting footage.

  8. I've seen awesome footage of Fatsano in a car--What more do you want.

  9. Tim, it may have to do with that picture on the 'net of you butt-up naked on a bed in a sleazy motel with a "come hither and hit my taterhole" look on your out there is stalking you...


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