Quote of The Day From Falcon Project Founder, William Barnes

When Falcon Project founder William Barnes takes from fund raising, we can usually find him on Facebook advocating for more collaboration in the Bigfoot community. We happen to agree with his latest statement about bringing researchers together to educate the public:

I think this community in this field of research should change how together we can have these creatures protected from harm and harassment nationwide, I have used the words in the last few days that these creature is a national treasure to North America,the more I think about this phrase how true that it is something we the people should push to our governors/Congressman/federal government and etc. we do not need to fight for land for these creatures/like I've said many times before these creatures have been taking care of themselves for thousands of years on their own, I know for fact there is enough evidence out there that can prove their existence without a body/but the big problem I can see here in this field like a war zone to work with other people and share their evidence/but if we can work together as a whole I think we can make a difference to have these creatures protected, we already know they are endangered species/so the question is do we sit back and wait until somebody kills one to prove their existence or do we fight/push/petition etc. I think killing one for science/proof/glory/money etc. is one too many. I have seen one up close and I can say it was the most amazing creature I have ever seen! this is from the falcon project/non-evasive research/no kill zone, and educational to the public!

Below is Barnes talking about his Bigfoot sighting:


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you me! You're welcome! Sorry me I just have to admit I often undress you with my eyes. Oh it's ok me I often find myself staring a little to long in the mirror.

    2. Hello me
      Meet the real me

      In my misfits
      Way of life

      A dark black past is my

      Most valued possession

      Hindsight is always

      But looking back
      It's still a bit fuzzy

      Speak of mutually
      assured destruction?

      Nice story
      Tell it to readers digest

      Feeling paranoid
      True enemy of false friend?
      Anxiety's attacking me
      And my air is getting thin

      I'm in trouble for the things
      I havent got to yet
      I'm chomping at the bit
      And my palms are getting wet

      Hello me
      It's me again

      You can subdue
      But never never tame me

      It gives me a migriane headache

      Sinking down to your level

    3. Feeling paranoid true enemy or false friend oh you did put that in yes I love that song and hook in mouth

    4. Do you remember this song and who it's by
      D is for dyin all worlds turn
      M is for my name and no one not yours
      E is when you let them
      E is when you get them
      In the land of the free and the home of the brave

      I had it on a tape of songs from all different bands called thrash metal

    5. Yo harry,no I don't, but you should know me, just under a different name...

    6. Similar to the Megadeth's 'Hook in Mouth' you mentioned earlier Harry.

      F is for fighting,
      R is for red,
      Ancestors' blood in battle they've shed.
      E, we elect them
      E, we eject them,
      In the land of the free, and the home of the brave
      D, for your dying
      O, your overture
      M, they'll cover your grave with manure


    7. Ok that's that then there was a second song on that tape that was badass maybe by slayer I wanna say let me see if I can find the list on google

    8. Of course not it was a mail order tape with like 6 installments

    9. Megadeth rules! Hey Harry, been awhile. Man can you fucking type fast or what? You owned that first 2day!

    10. Skunky Monkey - PeaceSquatch Sells, But Who's Buying???

  2. Damn you Bandini! You should have stayed in that bath!


    1. Lol I'm actually ashamed of this one four minutes later is a crap victory I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep

  3. Let me guess still no monkey?

    1. Wrong. The monkey has been found, proof positive. Sykes confirmed it today.

    2. Let me guess, still no dignity?

      I shudder at how sad your weekend is going to be.

      Go out. Speak to people. Life doesn't have to be this bad.

      I know there may be a ghost forum that you were looking forward to trolling tomorrow but please try to set your sights just a little higher.

      I feel for you man.


    3. Oh...

      And no monkeys, just giant hairy people.


    4. If primitive humans were using tools tens of thousands of years before Christ, why doesn't bigfoot?

    5. ^ I must have missed that

    6. Did you also miss the picture of the guy that looks like a creepy Greg Brady? Face it, you footer's aren't known for your intelligence.

    7. HEY MMG

      where's the monkey then?

      or does your fantasy work better when people don't ask for evidence?

    8. Sykes proved once again that you'll get nothing and like it. These are the only true words spoken in this game of Bigfootdom...I mean, Bigfootdumb.

    9. According to Native American legends these creatures understand how to even use fire and have used various tools over the ages such as primitive forms of baskets and sharpened sticks to spear fish. Jim Vieira has come across the documentation of countless native American burial mounds that have uncovered giant skeletons with giant tools and sometimes even weapons. The When considering the Australian Yowie (and I use this creature in comparison as I firmly believe I am talking about the exact same creature), there is a fascinating account of 'The Wildman of Monaro' (you can find this in Google Image Search) that tells of a sighting of a gorilla-type being holding what appeared to be a nulla-nulla; this is an Aboriginal war/hunting club. Furthermore; the images of Medieval European Woodwose almost always portray these beings as possessing a large stick-like club. You can check this out on Google Image Search, where you will see these creatures often fighting knights in shining armour,

      Here is an account by D L Soucy of a Bigfoot in the Grand Canyon that uses a giant club, it's very fascinating I feel. It won't take too much of your time...



    10. Sykes?


      ... Fast forward to 29 minutes.

      Schooled, no, no... The pleasure's all mine.


  4. Quote of the day from the Falcon Project Founder:

    Send more money for the "project" you jack wagons. I don't want to have to look for a job.

    1. Bandini- you a furry or what?

    2. How about we see a clear picture of the Big Hairy Person, Monkey Man, or whatever the fuck it is...then, let us talk about protection of the species? I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.


  5. I saw that Barnes guy kissing a dude at the bar last night. Gross.

    1. So Barnes came to the gay bar that you're always at? Gross.

    2. you better stay,-anonymous/if you want to come and say this to my face here is my address 135 S. Main St., St. George Utah/come anytime William Barnes

    3. 4:38 is that the address of the gay bar you frequent?

    4. Thtop it! Thtop it I thay!

  6. Can't agree more with you Barnes!!! Keep up the good work bro!!


    1. Hi Joe, I see my anonymous post about my feelings on finding bigfoot generally met with some supporting comments. I hate to sound like a bummer all of the time which is why post anonymous sometimes. I get the feeling that there is a real thirst out in the general public for good accurate information and research. When I say that I mean the type of research you would have expected to have gotten from Jane Goodall. Or perhaps who ever it was who spent the time to get the photos of the Bili Ape. So I just want to reiterate my opinion or advice I gave you in one of the first private conversations we had. If every single piece of information that ever was written about or filmed storys told the true ones included in the net all of it. 99% of it is complete bullshit. So we are left with very little to go on and the bullshit portion so dilutes the real portion it is almost impossible for anyone to decipher what is true. So much so that it is entirely possible that we have all seen a picture of an actual bigfoot or part of one and we are so jaded from all of the bullshit of the 99% we will never notice or believer it. Later J.D.

    2. Anon 4:18...just remember that you will get nothing and like it every single time. If you can just embrace that, you can begin to have fun with this big turd sandwich called Sasquatch. PJ will direct you to a leaping Yeti video and MMG will "high five" him on most occasions. But when it all boils down to it, you will indeed get nothing and like it. So will PJ and the Magic Monkey Guru.

    3. YGNALI, you are my hero. Seriously.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. In response to JD...

      I can't agree more and I'm really glad you posted that. Do you actually post anonymously sometimes? Man, forget that, people listen to you bro and I have yet to come across anyone, enthusiasts or skeptard alike who would generally disagree with what you say.

      As for Finding Bigfoot; the show is a joke. Everyone who takes this subject seriously will agree with that. I feel sorry for Bobo; he is held back so much by the group and I have seen on a couple of occasions him demonstrating what a majorly important understanding he has for the subject. You are simply not going to catch out one of the most elusive creatures in the planet with a film crew. If Matt Moneymaker (aptly named) thinks he is contributing to any level of research then he is mistaken. Coming from a Brit who has never accessed American wilderness areas, I can still make that claim.

      As for the second part of your comment, I can't agree more and I am so pleased you posted that my friend. This is something that I refer to when skeptics demand a clear picture or piece of footage. Not only would these people merely condemn the footage even if we did present it (how anyone is gonna get better than Patty is beyond me), but they could quite easily have seen a real Bigfoot a number of times and they wouldn't have known it... and this goes for 90% of enthusiasts also who a lot of the time, and probably rightly so for the credibility of the subject; try and play it safe (me included).

      Thank you for that comment JD, another cracker!

      Peace buddy, I look forward to your posts daily.

      PS. Expect a response to your private email later.

    6. YGNALI...

      I will be looking out for your posts come the end of the year when Sykes presents his research findings, and for you and your 'gay for YGNALI guy'... I have something special in store for you when the lid on your pretty, safe little perfect world get's blown off.

      The clock is ticking, ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    7. I'll be looking for you Joe when the findings are inconclusive once again proving NOTHING! You'll start grasping for straws like the Ketchum Kampers before disappearing in shame.

    8. Inconclusive wold not prove us wrong (duh?).

      Check this out and learn something bro...


      ... Fast forward to 29 minutes.

      Schooled, no, no... The pleasure's all mine.


  7. 'I know for fact there is enough evidence out there that can prove their existence without a body.'

    Oh dear.

    1. That is the most truthful comment of the day. Absorb it and if you require any information to understand it then simply ask bro, and I will help you.


  8. Well, USA, if it is business. Make one...

  9. Joe DUDE you are SO fucking pwned BRO.

    1. ^ said the gay for Joe guy

    2. 4:41. The Creator of the Gay for Joe Guy. You are just funny man. My kind of humor. Said the guy who is not gay but finds the creator of the gay for Joe guy hilarious !

    3. Mike is gay for the guy who claims there is a gay for joe guy

    4. Many don't believe in the paranormal and supernatural, but I have seen hundreds of cases of spirits 'hijacking' objects. Just fifteen minutes ago a bottle of Lowry's Seasoning Salt flew across the room and hit me in the back of the head! I did an EVP session, and I coould faintly make out a voice whispering 'looser'. Does anybody know what that means?

    5. "looser" refers to your taterhole. "Loser" however, refers to you as a whole.

    6. It means you get your very own show on SyFy.

    7. 5:16 said the gay for Joe guy

    8. The sad thing is Joe is too much of a narcissist to realize he is pwned.

    9. I'll say it again... You need to prove my claims wrong before that. How about you try?

  10. If we are to believe the stories people say then there is no need for any of this spaceship nonsense. We should be able to get video/photo/physical evidence extremely easily, if the stories are true of course.

    However we cant.


    Because bigfoot is bullshit.

    Every bigfoot story is bullshit.


    People like Joe repeat the bullshit. But it remains bullshit. A big steaming pile of bullshit.


    MMG is fucking pwned as always. He loves being served a big steaming pile of bullshit. The plate is left clean everytime, no doubt about that.

    1. No Forest People? *sniff*

    2. MMG is more pwned than Dyer in a GED prep course.

    3. Good to you guys making a 'last stand' if you will.

      Keep the personal insults coming. They are a useful barometer of how much I'm getting under your skin.

      If I'm getting under your skin I'm far from being 'pwned'. No matter how often you type it.

      Fear is unpleasant so I understand your attacks.

      Keep the misinformation coming. Just pause now and again to ask yourself 'why am I doing this'?

      Stay safe my friends.


    4. The 'Bigfoot is BS guy' is at the limits of his intelligent output it seems. I have never seen him deliver anything more profound mind you, but it seems that one can gage how defeated he is these days... like I told the 'YGNALI guy' up top; I have something special in store come the end of the year for people like him.

      The clock is ticking, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

    5. MMG is the badest badass on the interwebs.

  11. Mr Barnes please consult a proof reader.

    1. Agreed. That made my head hurt. Send me money, despite my obvious lack of edumacation.

    2. I find bigamafoot and sassamasquatch! And maybe an artamachoke.

  12. Tontar has been freed.

    Fuck Gimlin.

  13. William Barnes appears to have again overlooked a significant detail in one of his grand schemes. Before you can educate the public, THE PUBLIC HAS TO WANT TO BE EDUCATED.

    The public normally, DOES NOT WANT TO BE EDUCATED! The public much prefers to bury it's head in the sand and deny their existence. This is especially true in cities of more than about 20,000 population. The smaller towns are much more receptive to being educated. The reason is most likely due to many of the small town folk have had some sort of experience with them on picnics or camping, and know first hand that they are not a threat. The big city folks on the other hand, don't get out on those picnics or camping trips. Their entire life revolves around city oriented activities. The wives are often especially sensitive to being exposed to Bigfoot knowledge. However the men who are supposed to be the family stalwarts, often have emotional reactions when the subject matter comes up. Then, they want payback from whomever brought up the subject. The men never want to lose face and be embarrased because they failed to prepare themselves for one of life's foreseeable challenges. But that fear of being embarrased, is not great enough to cause them to seek out an education on the subject matter. Instead, it just causes them to dig in their heels more and become more resolved in seeking fairly vicious payback against those who BELIEVE.

    And so, naive William Barnes, appears to have again not fully researched the problem before proposing a solution.

    1. From the photo above, it looks like William Barnes recently got broken nose, presumably from the last dude that he attempted to educate. Wait! Is that Patty's braid dangling from his head. If it isn't, I am sure that we could find someone who has experience at superimposing a fake braid on a photo. I just wonder who?

    2. William Barnes is the most trusted voice in the bigfoot community. Other than Bill Who?

      What Hollywood movie has Bill Who? worked on?


    3. I get you anon, 1985 fired for making a shitty suit never worked in the field again yet claims to be an expert? That Bill? It's no use bringing it up the footers won't hear a bad word against the guy...

  14. Quote of The Gay From Falcon-artist Project Fondler, William Barnes

  15. Is William Barnes ever going to get FB/FB going again?


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