Bobo Teases Us With Information On Some "Pretty Good" Bigfoot Photos From Humboldt County

Bobo and the Finding Bigfoot crew are on their way to Nepal to look for the Yeti. Before he left, he posted this message regarding some cell phone photographs someone had sent him. He says it's "pretty good" but it's probably going to be a while before we get to see it:


  1. Replies
    1. Happy holidays Squatches

      If you go in the woods leave the big guy a gift

    2. Holiday? Are we talking about the upcoming 1 year anniversary of the shooting of Hank? I'm gonna celebrate by covering my nude body in barbecue sauce and piss all over my house...Your all invited...

    3. .." you are all invited'..sorry, already started drinking...

  2. Replies
    1. ^ fantastic false anti-first ya douche!

    2. Nothing is worse than a false anti-first

    3. ^^I'm glad my campaign has done exactly what I wanted it to, create better competition while pissing them off at the same time. Thanks for the support!! Oh, and you sure have some lovely DSL's!!

    4. You certainly have proven that Fozzie. Don't know how you can hit the keys so accurately with them fingers of yours


    5. Easy. I'm always drunk! You should see my typing when I'm sober!

  3. What is the point of them going to Nepal? If they can't catch a bigfoot in north America they will surely not catch anything in Nepal. They have not presented much on their show except the credible eye witnesses. I would rather see more witness stories than watching any of their stupid ass night "investigations" do they really expect to find something in the few days they visit an area they have never been before? And why do they always point the camera at their faces. It should be pointed forwards in case they stumble into something worth seeing. Then they always say did you hear that? But it rarely is audible enough for the viewers to hear even though they could invest in some recording devices more sensitive than the human ear. They have that parabolic dish and always say they hear something but never edit the noise into the show so you can hear it. If a person had a special area where he could see evidence of bigfoot or even the rare glimps the LAST thing they would do is want to bring this bumbling team there as their activities would surely blow the area out. But truthfully I have not watched this show since the first season. Did I miss anything??? You know the fake mermaid shows get much higher ratings than finding bigfoot. And, and, and I kinda get misty-eyed when the megladon eats the daddy mermaid.

    1. ^good points anon 9:37. At least the show has brought some needed attention and money back to bigfooting which allow the real teams to get out there and do some real research.

    2. Cows are people food and deer are bigfoot food.

      I'm a cryptozoologist.

    3. I know you are just joking Fozzie but the truth of the matter is no one knows what sasquatch eats. Anyone who claims otherwise is stating speculation only.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. they are going to Nepal b/c they get paid to, and ratings count. The show is voyeuristic, for numb nuts and young people. They won't find Bigfoot, of course, we know all the endings, but what fun to pretend it could be one of us cashing in such a boondoggle all the way to the bank...

    6. Although Moneymaker loves to state things like they're fact on the show. Someone please tell me how he knows that they work together to catch deer?

    7. Moneymaker acts like someone telepathically linked and manipulated by bigfoots to appear silly. It is the major hurdle to getting scientists to take their reality seriously. That's what bigfoots want. It is working. After five seasons bigfooters have never looked more stupid.

    8. How DARE you question Moneymaker

    9. Your post is right on, You almost wrote what I was going to write! so you saved me a lot of typing!

      Finding bigfoot is a joke of a show! while it can be entertaining or amusing at times, It never ceases to amaze me, that there are people that actually believe there the ones who will prove Big foot exists!

      That Matt Moneymaker is the worse thing to happen to "Real Big foot research"! Skeptics are laughing their asses off!
      but he is a great bullshitter!

    10. Great post, your right on the money!

    11. Anti Finding Bigfooters can go straight to hell!!

    12. I heard if you encounter a bigfoot the best thing to do is get completely naked and it will take you in as its own p.s you might get a train ran on you p.s.s go at your own risk sucka

    13. Oh come on. The Yeti trip is just an excuse to go to Nepal on a sponsor paid vacation.

      Are they going to change the name of the show to Finding Yeti? Or how about Finding Zilch?

    14. Why would anyone want to go to Nepal?

    15. They are going to Nepal to get the locals interested in the show. The false mysteries that climax before the commercial break, which falls on it's face after the break, is killing off the American viewership. Once they go to a new place, then the locals want to watch the show to see themselves. Problem is in Nepal they have no TV's nor electrical power to run those TV's. Apparently, they did not think this one through. It's all about desparation now, and how much they will go through, before they become desparate enough to turn it up another notch.

    16. Its ok, I totally teared up when that douche-face megladon ate the scout mermaid (I'm pretty sure it was a scout mermaid not a daddy mermaid, though its possible it was a daddy). That was some bullshit. And wtf? That fat ass megladon already ate some whales why the fuck would they need to eat a mermaid? That's like eating a steak dinner then eating a tiny toothpick because it still had some steak sauce on it. Fuck megladon's, actin like a fat dipshit redneck from the south.

  4. Yep your correct, I skip everything in that show to just watch the eye witnesses statements. They need get themsleves dropped into an old growth forest and squat for a few months. I nice viable area with a stream and diversified vegetation, but then again this is TV.

  5. hes' not teasing us, but you Shawn, subject now to all the Bigfootery any researcher is, and all because you chose a side. You are a bigfooter now.
    This blog used to be great, and we could count on you to treat it all fairly equally, to everyone's dismay. But, no more.
    You are missing so many stories, so many researchers, as your world shrinks to your idea of the it news. This isn't it Shawn!
    We all notice your growing bias now.
    Novel newbee status played out.

    1. Well Shawn has been hanging out with the Bart Cutino crowd a lot nowadays. Don't get me wrong Bart is awesome and a friend and what he does is some of the best research out there but he is part of BFRO. Hence Shawn's proclivity toward the BFRO now. .. for better or worse?

    2. Not noticed this change in direction.

      Would much prefer Shawn to be 'hanging out' with Bart than Merchant however.


    3. MMG not a snow walker fan? Haha
      I Hope Shawn doesn't get too deep and lose his good nature and healthy amount of skepticism he has.

    4. 10:23 You are forgetting that he needs permission to post material from other people's bigfoot sites..If there is something on the web that he does not tell us about here, then he is probably not allowed to post it...

    5. Team Tazer Bigfootery did not turn out to be what Merchant expected (Celebrity status via another reality show gig).
      Probably why he dropped out of bigfooting, his racist rant was what did it?

      So I heard anyways.

    6. his rant was a compilation taken out of context apparently.
      It certainly did not help him any

    7. Oh wow I didn't hear about that Merchant story. Can someone please recap?

  6. Hey, y'all--
    It's the Labor Day weekend so make sure to add something festive to your gift basket tonight to help the Forest People feel included in the celebration. Maybe a nice 8XL AFL-CIO or UAW t-shirt, or just some good single malt scotch. You can't go wrong with scotch.


    PS Sharon Hill is hot. I am serious.

    1. Yeah, I agree about Sharon Hill.

    2. Uncle Bob wants to see her "humiliated".

    3. Finally! Someone agrees with me about Sharon H. A skeptic babe is still a babe.

  7. What a joke!! That is not a "pretty good" photo of bigfoot. That blur is Bobo running through the woods. Who are they trying to fool?

    1. Anon 3:05... No it's even worse than that. Its a pretty good photo that bobo has won't show us. So why the post?? Good question

  8. I think that Bobo needs to have a good braid superimposed on his photo. I wonder who can do that for us?

  9. COCK ASS LICKERS!!!!! I am "Turrets Man" now....Vergearuker, the most credible voice in the BF community!!!!! Let's go camping!!!

  10. Let's camp with Dirty Sanchez and his crusty family of sexual misfits?

  11. This post is pretty interesting. Does Bigfoot really exist? Many believe that this is just a creation of the mind but many also think this is really true. Whatever the truth is, I still find this very much interesting. Bigfoot really amazes me. Thanks!



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