Cryptozoological Expert's Opinion on The Virginia Trail Cam Photograph

Roger William's trail cam photograph from Virginia of an unknown creature has been making the rounds since it was released yesterday. Some say it's a bear, while others believe it has the anatomy of a primate. Since no one can agree on what type of animal it is, we decided to ask an amateur cryptozoologist to get his take on the strange creature. Here's what Jay Cooney of Bizarre Zoology blog says about the photograph:

"While the animal's stretched forelimb and apparent long hair made me wonder if this could be an actual wood ape, other features of its anatomy make it clear what its identity truly is. Its hind limbs/hind quarters make it obvious that this is a habitual quadruped, as they lack the hallmarks of biped anatomy such as calves and prominent gluteals. Simple comparative anatomy with black bears will reveal that the animal exhibits the hind limbs and feet of a bear, rather than those of a hominid. Lastly, it does seem that a portion of the animal's head and snout are visible in front of the forelimb, and these features are also those of a black bear."


  1. one thing is certain, joe and mmg are very much pwned

    1. Joe is shitting his pants now. Look how much he kept saying this was real yesterday. Talk about eating your words.

    2. once certain bigfoot enthusiasts see a photo such as this. Absolutely nothing will convince them that it is not a Sasquatch.

      Logic and reason need not apply in bigfootery.

    3. Jackass Joe. His teeth look like corn.

    4. 6:19, professing logic and reason, ooh.

      We've noticed those who strutt their drooping asses around pontificating about logic, reason, and rationality, are the most illogical, unreasonable, irrational nuts there are.

      Just wait until someone like this loses it, really loses it--the truth comes pouring out in a snorting belching torrent of frothing foaming mad-psycho-babble. We've seen it hundreds of times.

      Those who profess reason and logic are usually the most unhinged of all.

    5. One thing's for certain, MMG laid waste to Skeptardia in poetic style.

    6. It's one of those irritting pimples you get right between your butt cheeks.

    7. Cryptozoological Expert's Opinion

      Expert???? Nope.

    8. For the record, I've never claimed to be an expert in anything. That's just how Shawn worded the title

    9. Hey Jay, did you get your Cryptozoology degree from the same bigfoot tracking website that I got mine from? I was already a gold level tracker, but they made me upgrade to the platinum level for the degree.

    10. Nah you skeptards are wrong as usual about footers just buying this at face value, even though we funnily enough don't see the face, I don't think it's a squatch. It's not a bear either there's no snout or anything visible suggesting so, it's some kind of loose monkey. The infamous monkey some jackass here's always shouting about there it is now you've found it finally, happy now?

    11. According to footers, bears are more elusive than bigfoot.

    12. Fozzie, I had to upgrade to a Rhodium level for the degree! Looks like Dyer, err the Professor I mean cheated me out.

  2. as i stated quite a few times it a black bear with mange

    1. You see, I think it looks like a man in a suit.

    2. Got monkey suit? Checkmate.

    3. Al DeAtley has it in his private office.

      That is a factual conclusion.

    4. In a private office?

      Is this the crap Kitakaze made up because he was losing the debate on the BFF?

      No facts. Just lies.

      To quote my good friend...



  3. heh, most of us "skeptards" already know it's a bear.
    It's only the delusional footers who see bigfoot in every single photo or video.

    1. It is strange how skeptards answer to the name skeptard.

      Your use of the word "delusional" blows your cover as a JREF worhipping nutjob. It is their key talking point. It's on the list of key words in the JREFing vocabulary. And of course, dear Lord, it's everyone else who is delusional, not a precious JREFer, right?

      Though, you know, we can see why JREFers would use that term obsessively, tirelessly: they are experts in delusions, as they live them everyday. They exist in delusion. Their life's practice, is delusion, and is in itself, delusional.

      "Delusional footers"; you say all footers are delusional, or only the delusional ones are delusional?

      If the former, you are not aware that not all interested in the topic are footers? and you are not aware that many interested and many footers didn't jump to conclusions about this photo?

      You assume anyone interested in the topic instantly believed it was a primate?

      Or you assume any footer instantly believed it was a primate?

      Or you assume only delusional footers instantly believed it was a primate?

      You see, you need specifics. You have to be specific in your language and claims, or we don't know what you are saying.

      You wouldn't want to be accused of stereotyping, surely.

      Get precise with your language, if you want to be understood.

    2. ^DWA please seek medical help.

    3. Doesn't take much to get his tinly little cock out, does it?

    4. How DARE you...

      I'm back from suspension. Looked at the evidence and it agreed with me.

      It's all about me being right.

      Fuck my dignity.

  4. And now we know, because VaJayJay says so and he know everything

    1. Hey, watch it, Jay is going to graduate high school eventually, not like you footurds.

    2. ^ Curiously likes Jay just a little too much

  5. Replies
    1. Anyone can be one and anyone can say they've found bigfoot. Show the proof.

  6. (clive squashy)

    Look close and you can see the shadow of Taterhole Kid sneaking up behind him. ...Virginia is for lovers they say.

    OHwwwwwwwwww NOoooooooooooooo !

    1. I was drunk.Believe me,it wasn't a pretty sight.

    2. I'm telling you guys, it's Melba in a mangy fur coat.

    3. You mean to tell me I done did Melba in the taterhole?

    4. It's hard to tell, really. You'll have to ask Melba, I guess.

  7. It's amazing how even the expert cryptozoologists don't recognize Captain Caveman when he shoots the moon.

  8. Re Patty's butt:

    The most important part of Jay's analysis is:

    "the hallmarks of biped anatomy such as calves and prominent gluteals"

    Prominent gluteals, i.e., Patty's massive butt, consistent with bipedal locomotion of a huge bodyweight.


    Thank you, Jay, well done.

    1. Wow just wow.

      You are considering this to be a bigfoot? The same species as patty too?

      Wow just wow folks.

      The delusion is strong with this one.

    2. prominent gluteals? Prominent diaper butt. Probably powdered.

    3. Prominent Gemora Suit.

      Fuck yourself at the door.

    4. Muscle butt not diaper butt, jerkoffs.

  9. I'm a cryptoevangelist.

    Gimme some money.

  10. This "Gear" is a Photoshop attempt using a baited black bear. I have spoken,Vergearuker, the most credible voice in the BF community and liker of small ponies and frogs.....

  11. This "Gear" is a Photoshop attempt using a baited black bear. I have spoken,Vergearuker, the most credible voice in the BF community and liker of small ponies and frogs.....

    1. Hey! I'm the liker of ponies here. Because they are pretty, that's why! (shakes fist in the air)

  12. I wamt snapshots of Bill Fraud's and Kevin Buresh's faces when the PGF suit is revealed in Al's mansion.

    It will happen.

    I can post a two frame gif of it later. When I have time.

    1. ^ Certified escaped loony tool.

    2. Desperate times for desperate tards.

      Sharon won't be happy that you guys have lost this blog due to sheer stupidity and ineptitude.


  13. Only people named Roger can take pictures of bigfoot.

    {roll one}

    1. You sir are now more of a credible voice than myself! I commend you my brother. Do you like ponies?

    2. Only people named Roger can go camping.

      {roll one}

  14. Doesnt look like a bear. The forearms do not appear to be anatomically correct. Primate of some kind? More often than not there always seems to these backside shots. Wheres MK Davis on this one?

  15. how could anybody see a bear in that pic??? come on!!!

  16. Black Bear without a doubt..Jacobs photo all over again. Bear with mange..end of story!


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