TEAM SQUATCHIN USA: "Grub, Gulp, and Gab Gathering" (Friday, August 2nd, 6pm to 9pm)

Editor’s Note: Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most credible people in the Bigfoot world. In July 1, 2000, Dr. Johnson had a "Class A" Bigfoot encounter with his family while hiking near the Oregon Caves. After his life changing sighting, he went to the public and described one of the most intense encounters ever. You can join him on Facebook at Team Squatchin USA.

We are meeting on Friday, August 2nd, from 6 pm to 9 pm at the Hangar Inn Restaurant in Puyallup WA. There will be an excellent PRIME RIB BUFFET served for only $14.95 per person (Includes coffee and soft drinks).

Dr Matthew A Johnson will be presenting on his recent trip to the Southern Oregon Habituation Area (SOHA) which will include audio recordings and Bigfoot fingerprints. The "Joe Rogan Questions Everything" TV Show which just aired on the "SyFy" channel will be discussed too.

Come join the fun, meet great people, and learn more about Bigfoot!!!


  1. Dr. Johnson may have met a real bigfoot in his initial encounter, but it is obvious that the deep emotion generated by it has created an obsession in which his perception of objective events has been severely distorted.

    1. He may or may not have encountered a big foot some time ago. Sense then he got in a car reck and had a portion of his brain removed and or damaged. He literally has brain damage hints all the bigfoot crazy mumbo jumbo talk. Just ask him about his head injury

    2. I'm still waiting on the countless linguistics experts that back up Scott Nelson's claims on the Sierra Sounds. As a matter of fact, I can't find a single reputable linguist that has even touched the tapes besides Mr. Nelson, no dissenting views but certainly no shining agreements, either.

      It's not like I haven't been searching.

    3. If there was anyone as equally as qualified to counter his opinion on such a profound topic; they would have by now. It is what it is... It took Scott seconds to come to the realization that the sounds are language, that's without implementing his various techniques over a long period of time. Now if anyone else who is as qualified would have come to any other conclusion; they would have by now in seconds, wouldn't they?

      "... RAM HO BÄ RÜ KHÄ HÜ



      NÄR LÄ


      Ü KÜ DZJÄ... "

      Now; gibberish mumbo-jumbo, or language?


    4. "The existence of the Sasquatch Being is hereby assumed, since any Being must exist before his language."

      - Scott Nelson.


    5. You don't get, no one else has analyzed it, let alone backed his claims.

      It takes multiple credible experts to verify a claim like that and not one actual expert has verified or countered his claims. He stands alone.

      My nieces have their own language between each other too, but it's nothing but gibberish.

      Scott Nelson isn't the only linguist on this planet, nor is he the best...nor is he even active in his field.

      Chuck was talking about these countless experts...well, chuck, who and where are they?

    6. Absolute dribble. And again you think comparing this expert's work to a lesser scenario out-does his work and then you condemn his expertise with mere opinion?

      "Retired from the U.S. Navy as a Crypto-Linguist with over 30 years experience in Foreign Language and Linguistics, including the collection, transcription, analysis and reporting of voice communications. He is a two time graduate of the U.S. Navy Cryptologic Voice Transcription School (Russian and Spanish) and has logged thousands of hours of voice transcription in his target languages as well as in Persian. He is currently teaching Russian, Spanish, Persian, Philosophy and Comparative Religions at Wentworth College in Missouri."

      He is RETIRED... that's why he's not active anymore.

      Like I said... It took Scott two seconds to realize that the Sierra Sounds were a language. If it took that long then it would have taken at least one more linguist out of the countless people who have listened to the Sierra Sounds, to have noticed any different and spoken out if he was wrong or it was apparent he was trying to make a buck off lies.


    7. You don't grasp what I'm saying or you're so on te defensive you don't understand, so allow me to be as clear as possible:

      Chuck stated as a fact that countless experts have listened too and backed Nelson's claims.

      I have searched and searched, not only can I find no one that has any authority on linguistics whom agrees or disagrees with Nelson, but I can't find a single linguistics expert or code breaker that has even listened to the Sierra Sounds...

      Just because 1 retired crypto-linguist thinks he has an answer to it doesn't explain the fact that we have no other Sasquatch works that sound like The language spoken in the Sierra Sounds nor the fact that it hasn't even been deemed worthy enough for any active and reputable linguists to decipher the tape.

      This "evidence" wouldn't even be enough to get a bail revocation in a court of law, let alone a conviction.

    8. I understand what yo are saying and I have looked also, but you have implied on three separate occasions now that Scott's work doesn't stand up because he hasn't a second opinion and that is what is making me respond in debate to you because it just isn't true I'm afraid.

      You cannot sit there and claim that Scott is not a reputable linguist with that type of resume and expect me to not react in stern disagreement. The sounds recorded are extremely rare and very precious but are very consistent with many eye-witness descriptions of Bigfoot speech; you cannot read the transcription and just pass it off as 'nothing' just because you have an agenda to dismiss it. You contradict yourself when you claim that he requires an equal expert opinion to either agree or disagree for it to stand up, and then dismiss it yourself with no expert backing other than your cynical opinion?


    9. I never said he wasn't reputable, a terrible interviewee, yes, but I never discredit what he HAS done in the field. At this point, he's the Ketchum of Sasquatch Audio...

      I'm sorry, regardless of what Nelson may or may not have accomplished, 1 lone retired crypto linguist is not close to enough sway a skeptic. You have a retired man shouting in one corner of the ring and there is NO ONE even giving him or his claims credence in the field of linguistics, whether it be taboo or just lack of interest.

      His claims MUST be verified for a skeptic to believe it, no matter what credentials he may or may not have, that's S.O.P., Joe.

      You don't walk into a high profile case with one retired man as your star witness with absolutely no supporting evidence (sounds even remotely close to the 70's recording) or supporting witnesses.

      I never said he was 100% wrong, just that he has no field members that even touch his work, whether to lend credence to or destroy his claims. You seem to be under the impression that I am out to prove him wrong. I just want someone with proper credentials to back or deny his claims.

    10. And what would be your version of 'proper credentials' be exactly? You simply cannot get more credible than this guy's resume and his method has contributed to war efforts sir?? If your theory of credible evidence was to have any baring on the real credibility of the sources of evidence the enthusiasts have, then we would have nothing and that really puzzles me as every field of research in history has had to start off with 'someone'. If he was to have critics he would have had them by now, I've seen many skeptical groups condemn the Sierra Sounds before Scott came along, why not Scott's now that he has? That to me says it all sir and it's pretty obvious that someone would have spoken out about this by now had they felt the need to... We're are talking about Bigfoot dialect here for Christ's sake's, how more profound? Someone should have spoken out against him and if they haven't in this time that doesn't discredit his work sir but stands it up for what it is and I find your thought process over this very cynical and odd logic and though you don't realize it; Scott's work would stand up in a court of law when accompanied by all the other sources of accumulative evidence their is.

      You are entitled to your opinion but find it an odd one. There are too many people in this field who jump in with two feet first but that is not me sir. I in fact, never make a claim or support anything that can't be backed up with expert or professional opinion and this is why I am so keen to defend people like Scott Nelson. If we don't do that, then how can this subject evolve? There is too much conflict within this field and it's the reason why we have been held back for this long and not got closer to answers like we should have.

      Further more; the research that Scott has concluded on is in conjunction with thousands of years of Native American culture that state that these creatures can indeed communicate in such a means.

      You have stated that because there is no other example of the sounds recorded, that it makes it less credible; again, I cannot disagree more and think you very cynical at how rare evidence this good is to come by. Look at Patty for example; nobody has come up with anything as good as that but it still stands up for what it is, regardless of other people's capturing of supposed footage that is not as good. It merely makes it more credible because it cannot be replicated, that's unless you have an agenda, like most skeptics to claim that that very aspect is in fact 'proof' the creature is not real. There ARE other sound recordings of Sasquatch, this is what you are forgetting, but they are not as good as the Sierra Sounds and just like the Patty example, because there isn't anything as good does not make what audio evidence we have any less credible, especially when it has been analysed by someone of the credibility of Nelson, and even more so that someone has yet to prove his research wrong.

      I understand what you are saying sir and understand what you are suggesting should happen, but this is Bigfoot territory and experts are few and far between. That fact doesn't make them less credible sir but makes them pioneers and though I respect that there has to be some degree of healthy skepticism, it puts responsibility on people like us to support, promote & celebrate their research and not expect scrutinizing evaluations of it, especially when it simply would have happened by now if possible to do so.


    11. I too want someone to at least evaluate his work once and for all; I reference his work regularly. Let's hope that comes soon.

      Sincerely Respectful.

    12. Whoops and screams aren't consistent with what is heard on the Sierra Sounds.

      You forget when convictions happen, it's an active professional with the backing of an institution and a team of experts behind them.

      The way it stands he couldn't have bail revoked, let alone a conviction.

      It's not a knock on him, it's fact.

      His situation occurs in astrophysics all of the time. Black holes, super black holes, Super Novas, planets, planets. Even the most credible people in their field need to have their hypothesis checked and rechecked.

      No one has checked and rechecked his conclusions. In fact, no one has touched it. Also, just because no one has touched it doesn't make it verified as fact, it means it's either taboo, not worth it, or obviously fake.

      It seems you feel just because no one else has even looked at it, it's automatically correct. It ain't.

      As for Chuck Bronson, who and where are these countless linguistics experts that conclude Scott Nelson's hypothesis is correct.

    13. Nope, I beg to differ. His hypothesis cannot be appropriately compared to anything to do with astrophysics. It's really not that hard to hear something for what it is; this is something you are not realising. I suggest you go and watch a Scott Neslon presentation; it is very hard to argue with you what your ears hear.

      Furthermore, I am not talking about 'whoops and screams'. I can post you many recording if you wish? These recordings haven't the analysis of someone of the credibility of Nelson however and have remained in scrutinisation since they were attained. This is the different; the Sierra Sounds haven't been since Scott got on board.

      Until someone checks it and knocks it; then it stands up. You cannot compare this field to other forms of research in that respect, because comparing sound recordings to black holes is a poor comparison. If you slow something down to 50% and get a complex dialect; you don't really need anyone with half the background as Nelson to challenge it; it's plain for all to see. That's unless you still think Bigfoot are dumb animals or you maintain an unrealistic debate of a numner researchers that are not realistic to the subject matter of course.


    14. Jesus Christ are you thick. You honestly think I was comparing as an exact astrophysics to whatever Nelson does?

      It's called a metaphor. Do you know how many top experts look at something and hypothesize X when they were missing one small detail that changes the whole game? Take the huge error with NASA some years back; expert does a measurement with the metric system when it should have been US Standard...years wasted and billions of dollars spent because of an expert.

      Look at the Higgs-Bonson particle as another example.

      It's called relating one thing to another, not exacting it, you thick man.

      As it were, you have no one that even think it's worth their time to listen to the tapes or back your savior of linguistics conclusions.

      He would get laughed out of a courtroom if he walked in there with just himself and no peer reviews. Courts don't convict on conjecture, hearsay, and circumstantial evidence.

      And there it is, the nugget of truth in bigfootery -- circumstantial evidence and hearsay with a complete lack of peer review and transparency.

    15. Cryptolingusitics- "basically it is one of the hardest jobs in the military to learn depending on how you score on the DLAB (Defense Language Aptitude Battery) you will be assigned at the DLI (Defense Language Institute) a language in the category that you score. I believe it goes Category I = 90 Category II = 100 Category III = 105 and Category IV = 110, you can look that up, Im not sure about that, I just know for sure that IV = 110 or higher the category is based on how similar the language is to english so I's are Spanish French Italian... IIIs are stuff like Farsi, Polish, and Japanese and the IVs are the hardest to learn: Chinese Korean and Arabic you go to DLI for a length of time depending on the language you're assigned, it's usually about 1 year then you go to cryptology school for about half a year during that time you will become completely fluent in the language both written and oral. Be warned, the washout rate is roughly 75% at DLI. it's a great job to have, a lot of people get picked up for diplomatic jobs or work for the CIA afterwards, plus with the Army it comes with a $40,000 enlistment bonus

      Good luck, maybe I will see you at DLI in a few months

      USAF Cryptologic Linguist" - a research field based on circumstance and hearsay?

      No sir you are inaccurate and have an agenda to dismiss his work because you are a researcher yourself and bitter. You were not using astrophysics as a metaphor, you were comparing it as a means of research accumulation. Audio is within our 3-Dimentional accessibility where as the scientific examples you drew on are in many respects out of ours which leads many to hypotheses under speculation a lot of the time, due to our still intermediate understanding of the universe.

      "Astrophysics (Greek: Astron – ἄστρον - meaning "star", and Greek: physis – φύσις - meaning "nature") is the branch of astronomy that deals with the physics of the universe, including the physical properties of celestial objects, as well as their interactions and behavior.[1] Among the objects studied are galaxies, stars, planets, exoplanets, the interstellar medium and the cosmic microwave background."

      You see, if you don't want to accept what your ears take in, that's denial. Something that you sir resonate in your comments. You can claim this and that but you are merely trying over complicate one of our fundemental senses; listening. You listen to Scott's transcriptions and they exist for what they are and laughably; you don't need an expert in linguistics to argue with that. Unless, like I stated before, you are in denial sir.

      Denial and angry... Ha ha ha ha!!


  2. On that joe rogan show his wife was struggling to keep a straight face while joining in his made up stories. I bet they have a good old laugh about it together.

    1. She's not his wife, he's divorced (I wonder why?) that's his fiancé, he's pretty much lost the plot. Did his family actually see the Squatch on his initial encounter or was it just him? Also, how can someone with a doctorate believe it's possible for there to be a human hybrid, I know he was on a basketball scholarship but you'd think he'd be intelligent enough to realise a human hybrid is not genetically possible.

    2. "He took us to his habituation area, which is basically his backyard." I lost it dude.

  3. "Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most credible people in the Bigfoot world."

    No, he's not.

    1. He's good at takin random chicks squatchin. Yeah he's married.

  4. "It was back in 2000(starts crying like a bytch)that I saw a sasquatch(pees pants) I was afraid for my family(shyts himself) it was so scary"(takes of suit revealing he is henry may)

    1. The Randi footers are all discussing you on JREF. They appear to be threatened by you and sick of getting schooled on a daily basis by your posts. It's fun to watch.

    2. I am a god to all those jrefers. My circular reasoning has all of there heads spinning.

  5. Dr Johnson is one of those that makes me think sasquatch is a general term hijinks made up by a segment of society that is pathological and disturbed mentally. This has nothing to do with apes or monkeys

    Mike Sells
    Tom Biscardi
    Rick Dyer
    the list goes on and on

  6. Just what kind of person would feel compelled to go to Dr J's local bar and watch him devour most of the menu before drunkenly sobbing uncontrollably.

    Of course head injuries are no laughing matter but he really needs a second opinion.


  7. I've been tracking Mermaids for 25 years. There's something in the lagoon! Crap, wrong site...sorry.

  8. Who drinks coffee or soft drinks with a good prime rib?

    I want the finest of the fine wines and the brownest of the brown liquors.

    Please rethink the menu and a few of us will attend.

  9. matthew johnson, one of the most credible researchers? LOL. According to who? The idiot that runs this site?


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