Help Prove Bigfoot Exists

Want to help prove the existence of Bigfoot but you're not sure where to begin? How about contributing to a gofundme campaign. Our friend William Jevning has been investigating the Bigfoot phenomenon for the past 40 years and he's ready to prove to the world that Bigfoot does exists. He can't do it alone though and he'll need all the help he can get. Here's what he plans to do with the funding:

I am raising money to prove the existence of the Sasquatch. Being a two time witness with 40 years experience in the field my methods will prove the creatures existence. This funding goal will be used to purchase a vehicle for field use, camera equipment and assorted items to support the logistics of getting to and conducting field operations.

Visit the campaign website here at gofundme:


  1. I have feelings for Travis.. :'(

    1. I want Joe to pwn me over and over again.

      Fat Bottom Boy

  2. I have feelings for Jill. She is a beautiful respectable woman.

    Oh, and this sounds like a great investment. Help me buy a new car!

    1. Jill, is NOT a woman, silly!

    2. p.s. just thought you should know!

    3. you can't be Jill i'm jill!!!

    4. IHi everybody ! I'm Jill & I am in need of a car for research & shelter

    5. Where do we send a check or money order to, Jill?

    6. Travis is attracted because of the possibility that shes a man

    7. The idiot is asking for 12 MILLION, what a joke!!!!!

  3. $0 raised by 0 people in 12 days.

    Unless I am reading it wrong, it says the goal is $10 million. Anyway, 40 years field experience doesn't exactly inspire confidence in his abilities.

    1. Zero successes in 46 years to create a Patty 'suit' doesn't exactly inspire confidence in skeptards' abilities.

    2. who the hell out there is really trying to make a suit seriously who?

    3. The hundreds of hoaxers over the years? Munns? Blevins?


    4. No one is, it's always been impossible to recreate.

  4. I have learned something here, screw Jill but look at this site....GO FUND ME.
    I think it is possible to make some money here, I have Paypal...I love PayPal, I might start a bunch of these sites, I might set up a site to stop this Jill from researching Bigfoot - I raise money to keep this NUT CASE out of National Parks..... He is a liability I will explained to the park services..... I might even link some Word Press sites to make some extra money - drive some traffic with "ghost Youtube" account etc.

    Nice site, thanks for the story Shawn & the info

    1. And learning is half the battle GI JOE!!

  5. The delusion is strong with the footers

    1. The requirement of reassurance in skeptics is strong.


  6. Hmmm? Maybe I can get a bunch of people to send me money so that I can quit my job and do "bigfoot research."

  7. I think that people would need to hear more about how these "methods will prove the creatures existence" before they donate any money.

  8. I would like to ask a serious question for a change.What do any of you think about the idea that bigfoot could be an interdimensional being,it could explain why they are so elusive?I've just finished reading Real Wolfmen by Linda S.Godfrey who mentions this as a possiblity,makes me wonder.xx

    1. I agree. Quantum physics.

    2. Eva, I'm gonna paste you a comment I posted a few weeks ago...

      "I understand that I may be outspoken in the wider Bigfoot community when i state this; but I genuinely feel that these creatures have preternatural abilities that maybe nowhere near understood with our current level of sensory perception and 3rd dimensional space & time. Quantum physics is just beginning to understand sub-atomic particles and if you use your imagination to apply this theory to this subject, you can almost imagine it being the case as would describe how some people see silhouettes 'gliding' through the trees;

      "Nature defies common sense, and this really happens: an electron or other particle can disappear in one location and simultaneously reappear at another location if the wave associated with the particle extends to the other location. After you buy that, we can make sense out of the rest of it..."

      I also feel that we cannot rule out the possibility of these creatures maybe using a highly evolved ability of infra-sound, to which may be used in some way to distract people to their presence or even unconsciously channel oblivious people into various avenues of the wilderness, either to encourage them away from their family & social groups, or even in extreme cases, to use them as more easily attainable prey... which would concur with some witnesses feelings that the creature stalking them are giving off the impression of an apex predator in practice... I know it all sounds crazy, but it's just a thought."


    3. If you haven't figured out yet that Bigfoot, leprechauns, wood gnomes, etc. and all the other elusive forest people, are in fact interdimensional or transdimensional, then you really have no idea how to conduct field research, nor do you have any idea as to the complexity of the problems of obtaining so-called proof. In others words as a researcher, you don't know what you are doing if you don't already know that Bigfoot is interdimensional. If you can't deal with it, then you do not have the proper mind set to be anywhere near this or any other Bigfoot website, much less near an invisible Bigfoot standing next to you in the forest. Which they like to do, by the way.

    4. Thanks Joe,some of what you say sounds similar to what i've read by David Icke concerning a multi dimensional universe and a holographic reality,i know lots of people think its mad but i'm a great believer,i've often wondered how a moment in time can disappear into the past but if nothings really solid and many universes exist on different fequencies it starts to make more sense,i do believe there is more to the world than we pick up with our 5 senses.xx

    5. If Bigfoot is interdimensionel we should just give up finding them right now.

    6. Yes there's little chance of it happening then, but the keepers of the secret know that sightings will continue so their excuses will go on.

    7. Maybe Extra Dimensional Ultranoise Delivery Being.

    8. Joe and Eva are on track here. The physical would is just a shadow of the metaphysical, The ancient Greeks knew this, as did all 'primitive' peoples.

      I won't go into detail, but this is not just theory for me. I have proven it, to myself at least.

    9. ^^ idiots. bigfoot is a myth. Accept it and move on with your lives.

    10. Giant hairy people are real... come to terms with it and find reassurance else where.



    11. Syles will not verify the species without a body. Since we know there are no bigfoot bodies, anywhere. It's game over. Bigfoot = modern day mermaid. The end.

    12. Dear Anonymous 11.27,if you don't believe darling why are you here and not moving on with you life,xx

    13. Anon 12:50...

      Check out some Jim Vieira and weep.


    14. There are over 100 million bigfoot living in North America. 10 million or so live in the heart of New York City, Chicago, and LA, and there are millions more living in other big cities. You just can't see them because they're inter-dimensional.

  9. I'm a doctor with forty years experience. I've treated two patients. Give me ten million dollars!

    I'm a mechanic with forty years experience. I've fixed two cars. Give me ten million dollars!

    I work retail, with forty years experience. I sold two shirts. Give me ten million dollars!

    1. I am a skeptard with 46 years of experience in building Patty suits.

      I have successfully built zero suits.

      Send me money immediately.

      Vote for me.


    2. I have successfully hoaxed two bigfoot "kills" and flim flammed $50k. Put me out of my pathetic misery.

  10. Uh, all we need is uh, money. yeah thats it, send us money. We'll produce the non existent beast.


    lol. footers are dumb.

    1. Yeah, the people who are correct are dumb. NOT. Footers are like believers in god. "its there, you just cant see it. have faith"


      Keep being duped. Fools.

    2. What will you come up with when one of the most credible people in modern science confirms the species a reality? I cannot wait to see how many of you react to it all and I am going to be here to rub your faces in it.


    3. There will never be species confirmation of bigfoot. It is a myth. Game over.

    4. I wouldn't come to this blog the day that news comes out if I were you... You won't be a happy bunny.

      I don't know if you are aware, but Ro Sahebi commented not a day ago that he has isolated DNA already but is looking for just one more sample to confirm his findings... I'm gonna rub your face in it so bad.


    5. Now available on EBAY:


      This wonderous product has many uses, but it will especially come in handy when Dr. Brian Sykes produces his DNA study, and you would like to rub somebody's face in it. The soothing effect of this interdimensional elixure, will soften the shock to your senses of having to be faced with the fact that you have been living in denial since the day that you were born, of one thing or another. I've got your Bigfoot Face Rubbing Cream right here folks! Step right up.

    6. Who is Ro Sahebi? Previous bigfoot related DNA testing has resulted in "unknown primate" as the conclusion. Has this proven the existence of bigfoot to the scientific community and the world at large?

      Unless Ro Sahebi can provide a type specimen, living or dead, he will not prove the existence of bigfoot. I guarantee you that skeptical scientists will dismiss/explain away any of Ro Sahebi's DNA findings if he is trying to prove the existence of bigfoot.

      The only ones who may be convinced by any DNA evidence will be those who already believe that bigfoot exists.

      The ONLY thing will prove beyond any doubt to everyone that bigfoot exists is a living or dead type specimen. That is it.

    7. Ro Sahebi is a close friend of Justin Smeja who submitted samples to Dr Sykes of Oxford University. He has spoken to Sykes in the last few months and this is where the information has come from, as Sykes has given himself an extension to find one more sample to verify his findings.

      If Sykes says it's real; people will have to listen and if it get's scoffed at it will at least encourage other research groups to replicate the study and then you have your proof.


  11. You can't blame the man for trying. The things he is in requirement of are not cheap and there are a lot of wealthy people out there who would back someone of Jevning's credibility. Just look at the two millionaires that backed David Paulides for example.


  12. Idiots footers are that ask for funding.

  13. A lot of people who truly believes in Big foot are desperate enough to pay someone to take them out to find this animal.

    Recently, I have been offered $1500.00 to take someone out "Big footing" Several months ago, I was offered between $300-$500 to take some people out! Last year, over 20 different people or groups offered me money to take them out "Big footing" I know some will say; 'fool, take their money"! Money does not motivate me at all! I seek knowledge, I seek the truth.

    Who am I? I'm a no-body! I just do private Big foot research mostly alone and write about my experiences to a small group of people. I could be lying, I could be a phony, I am not (as compared to some "Big foot Experts") an expert at all, because hardly nobody knows of me.

    I haven't produced one thread of evidence; No Track Casts, No Hair samples no D.N.A. and no "clear" videos or pictures (Just like most "Big foot Experts")! So why do people want to pay me? The Question is; "What makes one a "Big foot Expert"?

    My Name is John W. Jones my Email address is You can ask me questions and I will try to help.


    1. I know the truth though buddy; that you're a top class researcher with so much experience and dedication... A very, approachable and sincere person that I'm glad to call my pal. Good to see you post.

      Peace John.

    2. It's so much easier to admit a possibility exists than to spend personal energy and resources denying the *possibility.* The world is a much more interesting place with possibilities. A flexible world view helps...

  14. I bought one of his books, does that count as a donation?

  15. I'm searching for wild taterholes. Please send me money.

  16. Guess the paper route isn't working out...

  17. Why doesn't he ask the president. He's givng out money to any one who has no life and goals..Just check you paycheck if you're working.

  18. Help me prove Bigfoot exists;

    Your money will buy a night vision rifle scope and night vision googles. Only way to prove monkey is to kill monkey.

    Thanks for your support!

    1. No monkeys... Could you shoot a giant hairy person?


    2. You won't ever shoot a Bigfoot... I know that for certain. They're so much more cleverer than you and are always one step ahead.


    3. You won't ever shoot a Bigfoot... I know that for certain.

      Because there are No bigfoots.

    4. Sykes is coming and you are sweating.


    5. Joe will you pwn me?

      Fat Bottom Boy

    6. "Sykes is coming and you are sweating"

      Come on now, this is a family channel.

      Concerned Parent

    7. joe, tell that to Smeja or the seemingly countless tales of Sasquatch and wild men being shot.

    8. PJ you seem to forget how much of the population possess sociopathic characteristics and are full blown sociopaths. Just because you can't find yourself shooting a bigfoot (or leaving Europe) doesn't mean I or others out there would have any problem shooting one. You kill one thing, you've killed em all. You can't find yourself shooting a Muslim, yet it happens hundreds of times a day.

      And now you're onto interdimensional, invisibility capable, mind speaking, free traveling, child abducting hominin type creatures? No wise cracks about open minds, but seriously?

      For the record, got monkey is only a technical misnomer, as humans are nothing but sentient hairless apes. So really, the question should be got giant hairy ape?

    9. If you think the average hunter is able to look down the scope and kill something that looks like a a wild homo sapien but isn't quite; then people need to put their money where their mouths are. There are theories as to why people are not being altogether successful in this, one being the domino effect that experienced hunters talk about and though these creatures are very human-like; they do possess all the attributes and highly evolved senses of wilderness animals, along with one or two more in my opinion, and this was the point I was trying to focus in on, whilst it is the reasons behind it's success in evading us for this long; a success that is based on it's fundamental need to evade us for it's safety that overrides anything else.

      Though your Islamic scenario is in no doubt true and desperately sad; comparing war zones of the world today to this subject is inaccurate in comparison to seeing one of these creatures down a scope and reacting accordingly to kill such a creature whilst in shock and the frequency of such a process is extremely rare for this reason.

      I have a job that I cannot go into detail about that on this blog but the nature of my employment does not permit me from taking significant time out to visit the States, but I have many friends who are my ears and eyes in the wilderness; people who would show you a thing or two, who I trust and celebrate every day on this blog... so I don't need to come over to the States, for the time being at least.

      "And now you're onto interdimensional, invisibility capable, mind speaking, free traveling, child abducting hominin type creatures? No wise cracks about open minds, but seriously?"

      Most of these things you have listed are not assumptions of my theories though I do have an open mind. Psychic phenomena has been debated for a very long time and I would rather not get down this route just now, whilst I personally feel that a highly evolved level of infra-sound can confuse people and make them feel like they are experiencing things that they are not (cloaking for example). The military are using this in experiments now and have had results in the shape of major crowd dispersion, extreme nausea and extreme confusion.

      I stand by David Paulides' work that is in conjunction with thousands of years of Native American culture and though certain types of this creature are very placid; I think a higher intelligence would mean the capacity for different temperaments and therefore realistic when considering the data and historical legends.

      Though it is common knowledge that humans are apes; I do actually prefer giant hairy people, as it outlines I higher intelligence and shared sentient existence with us, though not in direct interaction.


    10. "The preternatural or praeternatural is that which appears outside or beside (Latin præter) the natural. In contrast to the supernatural, preternatural phenomena are presumed to have rational explanations that are unknown. The term is often used to distinguish from the divine (supernatural) while maintaining a distinction from what is known and understood.
      In 2011, Penn State Press began publishing a learned journal entitled Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural. Edited by Kirsten Uszkalo and Richard Raiswell, the journal is dedicated to publishing articles, reviews and short editions of original texts that deal with conceptions and perceptions of the preternatural in any culture and in any historical period."

  19. Anybody seen Steindorf's digital transformation of Patty?


  20. No one will believe what Sykes says or anyone else for that matter, without a body. Even with a body the deniers will still cry hoax so it will take several bodies.

    Several monkeys so it can be said; we gots monkey.


    1. How would you drag an 8-11 foot, 1000 lb hairy dead weight through the wilderness before his friends & family come and want a piece of you?


    2. Same way you do a bear or elk you simple,stupid fuck.

    3. A bear or an elk don't have pissed momma's and dadda's coming to tear you a new hole though?

      Stupid half-wit.

    4. ^he'll just kill them too...more evidence

    5. Oh dear... You could have a crack team of nave seals with you, and it wouldn't make a difference.


    6. If you are unable to move the entire body, you do what Grover Krantz recommended. Cut off the head or cut off an arm and bring that out. That's why it's always important when footing to bring along a large, sharp hunting knife or better yet a chain saw.

  21. News flash: they have these rifles which can be fitted with magazines. The magazine holds more than one round, so we can put down multiple monkeys. Then you chop off heads, feet, and maybe hands. Skin one maybe.
    These real physical specimens would provide good evidence - especially if you have multiple heads.


  22. Joe. I like Scott Carpenters approach. His research reflects how hard he's willing to work to chase fhese biological specimens. Yet he freely talks about his belief in their preternatural abilities. He was the first person I recall see using a back trail camera to get shots of these creatures as they cautiously peek out after the human they are avoiding walks on past them. I see it has become rather common now. He was also my source on Jim Vereira and I'm not ashamed to admit I frequently browse his sight. Joe Black is the man.

    1. Me too buddy. Though I don't think every one of his pictures is of a Bigfoot; some of his pictures are quite good but it's because he sees the occasional face that isn't there, that get's him his bad press. I've got time for the guy and anyone who affiliates with David Paulides is credible in my eyes.


    2. True enough. I don't have problems with him showing me the occaisional grassquatch. Any person with kids who works and does that much research is entitled to a few strikes. You know I need to check out Paulides I guess. Any suggestions?

    3. Check out anything by him on YouTube... Particularly his Missing 411 stuff; it's absolutely incredible and really quite disturbing.


  23. Sometimes I get them menstrual cramps real hard.

  24. That famous still from the PGF on this post, with the silverback gorilla-eque hair wear patterns, the obvious massive bulk of shoulders and chest, the arm length and bulk and posture, make the chances that it's a 'bloke in a suit' remote.

    Not being able to replicate that for 46 years is pretty much the last word on the hoax allegations. Packham created Red Stick Man in the Patty duplication effort. God knows what he or his producers were thinking.

    Red Stick Man = Patty?

    Come now, boys.

    1. Classic footer retard that got pwned by patterson^

    2. Classic skeptic schooled by Munns.


    3. That "famous still from PGF" is a significant enlargement from an already grainy film.

  25. I would have sent the money but unfortunately all of my mad money has been used up supporting the efforts of "The Best Bigfoot Tracker In The World" one Rick Dyer. Those funds were monies well spent too I might add, he did in fact kill a bigfoot and the proof was shown on a documentary for all the world to see. What more proof is needed? <------glug glug glug,GULP!!! wipes chin, stands up, and brushes the dirt off of his knees


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