Fringe News: Gorilla Attack, New 1920's Bigfoot Footage, Strange Floating Aliens

In tonight's news Rev. Jeff finds some great videos to watch like Parabreakdowns new look on The Ross Film, the Bigfoot Weekly episode, Finding Bigfoot the short film, floating crazy looking Aliens, and When Gorillas Attack. Watch the video for all the details.


  1. Who do you think would win in a fight between a gorilla and a bear?

  2. That smallish male gorilla had no problem dragging that man away, imagine what a BF could do to ya!

  3. Wow she was almost taken for a ride!!

  4. This Rev. Jeff has the single most annoying voice, delivery and cadence in the history of the spoken language. He's unbearable to listen to and his ridiculous folksy accent is so freakin' hokey and makes it all the more intolerable. I'd rather listen to Stephen Hawking's computer voice read War and Peace for 10 straight hours than listen to Rev. Jeff's voice for 10 seconds!


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