Dr. Melba Ketchum Finally Opens Up Regarding Matilda The Sleeping Bigfoot

Well, folks. The famous Matilda the sleeping Bigfoot appears to be a real creature -- that's if you believe what's being suggested by Bigfoot DNA expert Dr. Melba Ketchum. According to Ketchum, while other DNA labs were throwing out Matilda's samples due to human contamination, her lab persisted and discovered that the gene responsible for hair color matches the creature in the video. She's convinced that Adrian Erickson's video of the sleeping sasquatch is legit:

OK, the Matilda questions. Her mitochondrial DNA was tested by Disotell with human results like all of our samples. He said it had to be human contamination and threw the sample away according to Adrian Erickson. Fortunately, he kept back some of the sample. He then sent some of it to Paleo Labs where they also got human mitochondrial DNA. When we got the remainder of the sample, we got the same results. But, we then tested the nuclear DNA where the differences are in the Sasquatch. First, the DNA was female and we had very few females in the study. Some of the individual genes we sequenced on this sample were human while others failed even with universal mammalian primers. This sample behaved just like the rest of the samples. To add credibility and link the sample to the videos, we tested the MC1R gene for red hair color. She sequenced human for this gene and had the mutation for red hair. We ran the 2.5 million human SNP array on her sample. Even a degraded human sample will have greater than ninety five percent of the SNPs run successfully and our degraded human control sample ran 97%. Matilda's DNA was pristine but only ran at 83%. So, her DNA was obviously not completely human. I also spoke with all three members of the Erickson team and am totally convinced that the videos are legitimate. This is especially true since the DNA findings matched her sex and hair color.


  1. I am especially convinced she is full of shit.

    And... first.

    1. No close of face or possible hands. Simple to get a foot there too but nope. Just on the body. Where's the rest of it? Perfectly filmed to hide those areas. Typical.

    2. Melba is lying to everyone, and badly at that. Matilda is 100% fake, Melba knows it, Erickson knows it. Are Bigfoots teeth flexible? Because Matildas are!?

    3. Joe, she is lying about Matilda and the samples obtained from it. Matilda is a fake, I have seen the video. Joe, Melba has lied to my face, I cannot take what she claims seriously.

    4. Hey Rush.

      Could it be that the samples she attained were accurate but the video was a hoax? (which is clearly is)


    5. My point is, she is claiming she tested samples that came from the subject in the film(s), the problem is that subject (matilda) isn't real. I don't doubt that she does have some legit samples but they didn't come from Matilda.

    6. If she was told by Adrian Erickson (who believed the video to be authentic),that the samples came from Matilda; would she have any reason to doubt him?

      Rush... this is so much nicer talking to you civilized. Peace to you bro, I can be hard work sometimes.

      Respect bro.

    7. I suppose not Joe, but it truly goes deeper than that, things that are not to be discussed on an open forum. I am civilized, and I prefer respect as well.

    8. I hope you realize how much you have me wanting to ask more questions of you with a comment like that...

      Peace Rush, you have a friend in me sir.

    9. 8:30, she doesn't know if the samples came from the thing in the video it could be fake except the DNA clearly isn't.

    10. 12:10, "To add credibility and link the sample to the videos, we tested the MC1R gene for red hair color"

    11. Rush, Joe great to see you guys sorting out your differences.

      There is no doubt that Melba is full of BS. I really feel for Wally he backed the wrong horse here.

      There is more to come from the Erickson camp. I know folks that have seen the facial close up footage, but the wookie likeness is a concern.

      Melba's study was a missed opportunity. I'm just glad Sykes has saw something here however that captured his attention. Thankfully there will be no sideshow with the good Dr Sykes.


    12. red hair in humans comes from scotland. Back in the day neanderthal and homo sapiens mated there and thats where 'science' says the ginger gene comes from.

  2. Release the videos and people might get behind you. The reason you haven't is because the videos are laughably bad.

  3. Pwned like scott nelson being interviewed by joe rogan

    1. Rogan's lack of capacity to understand what Nelson was on about was the only 'pwnage'.



    2. An ex-UFC commentator trying to understand one of the most complex methods of attaining hidden languages? Joe Rogan looks like he needs a second take to follow properly and that suits the skeptics as 'proof' Nelson's work doesn't stand up? It amazes me how easily you people claim a score at the slightest of cynicism; even from an ex-UFC commentator now it seems?

      Compared Rogan's resume to Nelson's; now that would be a laugh.

      Ha ha ha ha ha... Come on Anon...


    3. Gt/cs^ ? William parcher maybe^ ?

    4. I'm sorry I don't understand that?


    5. Black Sabbath was bad to the bone last night.

    6. Bill Ward was missed but Tommy Clufetos was pretty damn good.After about the 5th song,Ozzy lost his voice.And Iommi and Butler still have it.

      But all in all,it was Black Sabbath.And that's a good thing.

    7. Yes Joe,I was lucky last night.The wife and I were second row under the fans at Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion and it was hotter than hell.It's a hot sob in Texas.

    8. I bet! Glad you enjoyed though bro!

      Peace bro!

    9. Congratulations on Sabbath my friend. Hope your ears heal !

    10. Dammit Mike,my ears are still ringing.

    11. Les stroud save us all!!!

    12. ...I caught a Sabbath reunion at Oz Fest at the PNC arts center in Jersey about a decade ago..
      Ward was on drums and the setlist was identical to what one would have heard on the Sabbath Bloody Sabbath tour...They played the title song from that, Snowblind from Vol IV, and a few unexpected cuts from the first three like Into the Void!..Amazing...
      The stage set up was the simple one from the early 70's where the two burning crosses surround the drum kit...Ozzy was strong the whole night(the only wild card) and the others showed why they are best metal band of all time...
      ...In sum, I caught a Sabbath show from 1974 in the early part of this century, a truly remarkable experience I'll never forget...

    13. I love Sabbath. I must say that I tend to lean toward the Dio years. What an amazing voice and composer of metal. He is truly missed in the realms of heavy metal..rip Ronnie.

    14. Steve bro!! How you been man?

      Peace bro.

    15. ..Agree Mr.Strings..Sabbath was getting stale and Dio(rip) had problems with Rainbow..the Sabbath break-up turned out to be the best for all involved...Ozzy came back with a vengeance and the Dio-Sabbath collaborations were brilliant....

    16. Greetings joe; I am doing great any time I wake above ground! Now I must make the day a welcomed appreciation on life's mysteries and seek solutions. What a great presentation you made on the past accomplishments of Mr. Munn that you made earlier. This makes this a discussion section rather than a comment section. Once again your mental agility amazes most who dare to challenge your wisdom. It was once said that a clever person solves problems, but a wise man avoids them..and as for the Dio comment above, well said sir..the Mob Rules !!

    17. Joe, you do your thing here and that's cool, but if you disrespect Joe Rogan one more time, the Rodfather will make your life a living hell. Learn a bit about the man before dragging his name with false attributes. He has some of the most intelligent and creative people talk to him for 2-3 hours at a clip on his podcasts, people like Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, one of the leading astrophysicists and science professors in the world, and top outdoorsman like Steve Rinella. That fact you try to moniker him as 'ex-UFC commentator', which by the way is a false statement itself, like it's some sort of bad thing? How do you make money? Should we add that do your list of name calling?

    18. That's what iv been saying Black Sabbath rules they always have and always will

    19. True dat.True dat!^

    20. "Fairies wear boots and ya gotta believe it."yeeeeeaaaahhhh..!!!!

    21. Joe you my man are a bonafide 100 percent sure shit no joking overqualified fucking pimp. And for that as well as all your contributions I give you a hatts off and say thank you sir
      You're the fucking man brother

    22. Ronnie James Dio.



    23. Anon 10:24... The clown who calls himself the 'rodfather'...

      I actually very much like Joe but I couldn't give a rat's arss who he gets on his podcasts, if he makes any attempt at making the researchers that I respect look foolish juist because he struggles to get his head around what they are achieving, then I'm gonna respond. If you want a war, let's go...

      Scott Nelson - Retired from the U.S. Navy as a Crypto-Linguist with over 30 years experience in Foreign Language and Linguistics, including the collection, transcription, analysis and reporting of voice communications. He is a two time graduate of the U.S. Navy Cryptologic Voice Transcription School (Russian and Spanish) and has logged thousands of hours of voice transcription in his target languages as well as in Persian. He is currently teaching Russian, Spanish, Persian, Philosophy and Comparative Religions at Wentworth College in Missouri.

      Joe Rogan - Commentator for Ultimate Fighting Championship. Has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Has a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

      How exactly are you going to make my life a living hell? With comments like that? Don't make me laugh... I think we have established that the only thing you want to rod is a ex-UFC commentator. Like I said; I think Joe's a top guy and very much support his general views and his style, but man up and shut up you little pussy.

    24. Joe. You are not only intelligent and erudite, but you are a hard ass as well. You my man are a cut above. The Rodfather is a complete jackass. And I'm glad you called him on it. Have a great day my man.

    25. Hey Mike my man... You the best.


    26. Greetings joe; I am doing great any time I wake above ground! Now I must make the day a welcomed appreciation on life's mysteries and seek solutions. What a great presentation you made on the past accomplishments of Mr. Munn that you made earlier. This makes this a discussion section rather than a comment section. Once again your mental agility amazes most who dare to challenge your wisdom. It was once said that a clever person solves problems, but a wise man avoids them..and as for the Dio comment above, well said sir..the Mob Rules !!

    27. Hey Steve buddy! You're a true pal and you always have such good things to say about me... it's because of people in the field like you that I am into this subject and I will stick by your hard work till my last day.

      Peace bro, you really are a star!

    28. Hate to break it to you, but Scott made himself look foolish. I've had over 5 people watch the Question Everything episode, 3 in the field and 2 with a solid interest in the subject...all came back with the same report on Scott Nelson..he made himself look like a fool. Rogan didn't put anything toward making him look like an ass.

      It doesn't matter if you are the President, Albert Einstein, Scott Nelson, The Duke of Earle, or Joe Fitzgerald...when you look too deep into things that just isn't there you are grasping at straws. Like your fearless leader was once quoted "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

      If you look for something, eventually you're gonna find what you want.

      Everyone is quick to smack down Sasquatch Ontario...well the Sierra Sounds isn't much better. Regardless if bigfoot IS real, too which you as an Englishman have nothing but someone else's experiences and words, 5,000 miles away as proof, it's going absolutely nowhere with 1 halfcracked military man saying he thinks monkey men in the woods possess a complex and cryptic language that sounds exactly like a Kung Fu movie from 1974.

      My grandfather is a highly decorated WW2 between but that doesn't cover the fact he still hears German troops during random times of the day and has Ike speeches constantly looping in his head.

      Obviously, you are constantly learning, experiencing, and retaining new information, data, and facts just by commenting online and reading some articles and such so why would a man whose main job is digging around the brains and experiences of some of the most intelligent men and women on the planet, as well as characters like Bobo, Les Stroud, and Giorgio Tsoukalos not learn as much if not 10x more from actual first and second hand accounts instead of possible conjecture read on the Internet?

      As I see it, Rogan has even gone squatching now, talked first hand with several of your experts, Meldrum, Bobo, Nelson, Johnson, Disotell, Kulls and a flatbed full of eyewitnesses and habituation enthusiasts.

      The man WANTS bigfoot to exist but he can't get past the fact that many of the people in the field are jut in it for the money and notoriety, and complete scammers.

      Even the smartest man in the world is wrong more often than not.

      So why should we take the words of the Englishman, whose never seen the PNW or American woods, and who has nothing but conjecture and too much faith in general public witnesses over a man who went country wide in his search for bigfoot and experts?

      Like I said, who cares if he has a life long passion in mixed martial arts? Why do you feel like it's a pot shot calling him UFC Color Commentator? Like that immediately discredits a man? He makes millions upon millions doing the UFC work in a field he has a great passion in, that allows him to explore other interests in his free time such as bigfoot.

      It seems to me that you're upset that Scott made himself look like a dunce on national TV...I mean, I literally laughed at his segment on the show.

      Ask yourself this - Why didn't the most credible man in bigfootery, Dr. Matt Johnson, tell Rogan that he and his wife watched the bigfoot that "spun him around" go completely invisible and about how they mind speak to him? I'd think that would be top on my list of WTF that I'd tell him about. The fact he didn't means he's either ashamed, embarrassed, or lying his ass off to these footers just to make another buck. And his one habituation site? Basically his backyard...I laughed for 3 hours at that one.

      And Joe, this is all coming from someone who has had a prior unexplainable experience, 20 consecutive years of hunting and fishing, and wants to believe this creature exists as described.

      Honestly, just to prove how naive and quick to jump to conclusion the footery world is, I've been working on a hoax for almost 2 months now and it won't be stopping anything soon, I'd say I have another 8 months of solid work to put in and then the paper will be written around it.

    29. Why don't you do what Adam Davies did and actually buy a plane ticket and come look for the furry bastard? I mean, only so long you can armchair quarterback the team buddy.

    30. Coutnless experts in linguistics have said the Sierra Sounds are a language. Not just crypto-linguists but people who analyze sound for a living and are trusted by the Government. anyone who says those are fake needs some damn good proof to support that claim.

      It is language, of something unknown to every expert. Combining that with what witness report completing in conjunction with one another. People who do not communicate and are across the country and sometimes world report these same chatter voices. Its not any known animal and it is a language. No proof that it is bigfoot, but no proof that it is fake either. Present the proof and people will take you seriously. It doesnt matter how long of a post you make, its all nonsense without anything backing it.

      Joe- good to read your comments as usual. On point my man!

    31. I'd like to clarify that I never said they were fake, I said they were bad. Exactly as you say, it's not proof of bigfoot or their language. It's just some form of something's supposed language and could be anything from random childish jibberish to complex language, because we don't know.

      Doesn't mean it's fake.

    32. Right...

      Let me tell you something about interviewing processes, I can do so because I have conducted them on many an occasions in front and off of camera. If you put someone on edge by coming across cynical; then you can make pretty much anyone mumble, trip and look foolish. The crafty thing about editing processes is that this then hides this and gives the whole process on camera a very fluid feel. I have seen many an interview and presentation with Scott and it is not in his nature to look like that; he is a very respectable, confident person and comes across impeccably at the worst of times; this is how I know he was put on edge through the interviewers technique. Like I said TWICE in my last comment; I have have nothing against Joe Rogan, but he has nothing on Scott and I couldn't give a crap how many of your Bigfoot friends think whatever or how many times Joe's been Squatchin'. I can take anyone of my long term hunting American friends' opinions and accounts over Rogan's; and yours for that matter and I base my belief of this species on that.

      It's really quite simple... If you slow chatter down to half it's speed and you come up with a complex layered dialect; you don't have to really try too hard to see what's in front of your eyes that's unless you have an agenda to not do so. If you think the Sierra Sounds are anything but compelling then you are either trying to play it a little too safe, or are of the outdated theory-group that these creatures are dumb animals without the mental capacity of speech; either way you are wrong and I don't care if you have a zillion years experience hunting; you are wrong sir. There are plenty of people with double your experience that will tell you that.

      If your grandfather hears voices then he probably has the effects of dementia or even Alzheimer's bless him... Comparing that condition to Scott is cheap and means nothing to anyone with half a brain that can recognize Scott's work for what it is. I solute your grandfather and wish him good health.

      You seem to have a little issue that a 'Welshman', could have an interest in Cryptozoology? Well let me tell you something; you don't have to be an American to be into this subject and you are plain ignorant if you think that your nationality has a special right to this subject, which is what I am picking up in your comments.

      I have a job that I cannot go into detail about that does not permit me from taking significant time out to visit the States, but I have many friends who are my ears and eyes in the wilderness; people who would show you a thing or two, who I trust and celebrate every day on this blog... so I don't need to come over to the States, for the time being at least.

      It makes sense for people who invest their time and effort into this field to make a little money from it; they are sacrificing all their time, so why not have a little in-come?

      You have assumed I invest faith in Dr Matt Johnson; another one of your assumptions.

      Why should I believe you when you say you have had an experience? You are so cynical and to be honest, obviously very bitter at others' success that I think you need to either give up on the research and stick to fishing, or learn a little thing or two from your superiors. Or is that why you are so bitter sir? Had a hard time trying to convince people of your 'experience' did you? I think you need to lay off the more credible people and stick to your Joe Rogan fan club instead.


    33. Good to see you post Bronson bro! You stay away too long... I'll celebrate your last comment too, cannot agree with you more!!

      Peace bro!

    34. Oh, and I would like to say that though I do not invest 'faith' in Dr Johnson; I do however keep an open mind and also have theories as to the reasons behind his 'cloaking' experience that I will not go into in detail right now, cause I can't be bothered.


    35. Quantify 'countless experts' please. Like more than 5, less than 10? Or are we talking BFRO sightings database numbers? Anyone who is currently active in the field that stakes their reputation on it being a real language? Or are they all retired?

    36. That's all you need to know, is that there are no linguistic experts that disagree with Scott's work, and that says it all.


    37. As a matter of fact, I can't find ANYONE who agrees or disagrees with Scott Nelson...it seems he stands alone in the field. Like I said, show me these countless experts.

      Is the cloaking because they are extraterrestrials or are genetically engineered by extraterrestrials?

      How am I bitter? That doesn't describe how I feel in the slightest. In fact, I'm not even perturbed or riled up.

      I just believe you suffer from confirmation bias and cannot recognize it at all.

    38. I would like to state that though I did not claim that there are countless experts in conjunction with Scott Nelson; I do point out that if there was anyone to counter his opinion on such a profound topic; they would have by now.

      I personally feel that a highly evolved level of infrasound can confuse people and make them feel like they are experiencing things that they are not. The military are using this in experiments now and have had results in the shape of major crowd dispersion, extreme nausea and confusion.

      You are entitled to your opinion sir and in many respects I think your point of view is important. There are too many people in this field who jump in with two feet first but that is not me sir. I in fact, never make a claim or support anything that can't be backed up with expert or professional opinion and this is why I am so keen to defend people like Scott Nelson. If we don't do that, then how can this subject evolve? There is too much conflict within this field and it's the reason why we have been held back for this long and not got closer to answers like we should have.

      Further more; the research that Scott has concluded on is in conjunction with thousands of years of Native American culture that state that these creatures can indeed communicate in such a means.

      Sincerely Respectful.


    39. "The preternatural or praeternatural is that which appears outside or beside (Latin præter) the natural. In contrast to the supernatural, preternatural phenomena are presumed to have rational explanations that are unknown. The term is often used to distinguish from the divine (supernatural) while maintaining a distinction from what is known and understood.
      In 2011, Penn State Press began publishing a learned journal entitled Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural. Edited by Kirsten Uszkalo and Richard Raiswell, the journal is dedicated to publishing articles, reviews and short editions of original texts that deal with conceptions and perceptions of the preternatural in any culture and in any historical period."


  4. Hey JOE do you think that footage is real?

    1. Yes it's real, real fake.

    2. Joe, Show me the suit. No suit = !00% real.

    3. PROVE it joe. Got monkey suit?

      Hahahaha pwned by your own failed argument

    4. Pwned like Dyer at a spelling bee.

    5. Pwned like meldrum on rogans podcast getting laughed at for believing the pgf

    6. No Monkey suit but I do have a pair of Matilda's panties. They smell fantastic.

    7. Hmmmm, let's compare... we have what looks like a 70's bath rug in the video above... and we have a highly detailed creature in full motion for a number of seconds with face shots in PGF. Jesus, your idea of any debate process is embarrassing guys...

      (Sigh with profuse head shake at the lack of mental capacity)


    8. Joe if you are not trolling then you are delusional

    9. I don't understand what happened to the Erickson Project. What seemed like a well organized and purportedly successful attempt to establish the existence of Sasquatch has fizzled into a joke. Part of me wonders if the project was purposefully discredited by the powers that be. Of course, Erickson may have just been bamboozled by the habitutators from whom he bought footage and supposed habituation sites.

    10. It's very confusing but what I think has happened, and I know I may be outspoken about this; but they have attained accurate samples for DNA, but in an embarrassing attempt to make it more credible amid controversy with Melba; filmed someone breathing heavily under a 70's bath rug...

      Oh dear.


    11. Joe, I live in the county adjacent to the south of Crittenden, Ky, where Matilda was said to be filmed. After researching everything I could find on the matter, I've come to the conclusion that Erickson was hoaxed for financial gain by the original owners of the Mann Road habituation site.

    12. WOW!!! Thank you very, very much for that sir!! Do you have one I may contact you on?? Or alternatively; would you be willing to elaborate on this at all?!

      Thank you very much sir.


    13. 4:19, I think 4:29 is right and answers your question..I believe that Erickson made a sincere effort to prove existence and document the discovery..Unfortunately, he was defrauded by hoaxers(the homeowners), betrayed by people he drafted for the project(Phols, Brisson and\or Standing probably hoaxed Matilda) and robbed blind by Ketchum..

      He must be thoroughly disgusted...

    14. The real question/challenge for those who cry hoax on the PGF is, got Patty suit?

      46 years of failure hasn't exactly helped the skeptards much.

      46 years is long enough, so that argument is put to bed.

      The hoax cry is a failed position. A miserable failure. The hoax-criers haven't studied the footage, that's obvious from their ignorant ravings.

    15. Joe, I'd be glad to elaborate what I know of the Crittenden, Ky hoaxers when I have time. It's a particularly busy day today, and I'm an extremely slow typist/writer.

      Peace, man.

    16. Till next time then sir... You know where to find me.

      Peace bro.

    17. 8.52 what a sad delusional footer. If roger were still alive I bet he would feel sorry for you.

    18. Roger would no doubt salute his efforts to retain his honor... sir.


    19. You should mention Matt Moneymaker sold some of those videos to Erickson with his authentication. Some old blogs are now defunct, but may still be cached, and are revealing, it takes specific key word searches, with some names, to get rolling. Have fun.

    20. 9:23, what a poor delusional skeptard you are.

    21. 10:55 I've read that Moneymaker sold Erickson the infamous pancake footage...I doubt that is true though...

  5. I want to sneak up on Matilda while she sleeps and slip it in her back door. She is one Hot hairy babe. It makes me want to eat a plate of raw oysters real bad.

  6. Why was Bill Munns banned from the bff?

    1. Because he had the audacity to question certain members regarding their outrageous claims. In order to be a true member of the bff you must believe everything (without question) that most of the nutbags over there tell you.

    2. Munns is his own man and that makes him even more credible. He's the thorn in the 'suit' enthusiast's logic (and I love it!)


    3. Pretty sure he also had two user names and was conversing with himself. Could be wrong on that but I seem to remember it being true.

    4. To Anon 3:30

      You are far off the mark with your comments but you know this already right?

      The habituators and BF contactees take a pounding on BFF. To suggest otherwise is simply incorrect.

      More Skeptards/Jref misinformation spread on a BF blog to make 'footers' look gullible.


    5. I was banned from BFF and Im no hoaxer. Still doesnt stop me from posting there. Just use a browser that changes my ip address if I feel like commenting. I was just outspoken when people there gang up on you. It can be annoying when the majority of people posting are the same few people posting saying "you dont know you have 2 posts" like that is a valid argument. I got into it with a mod and they say I was disrespectful to a mod and have been banned. Ridiculous but thats the internet.

  7. Melba Ketchum is the most credible voice in the bigfoot community.

  8. Once a jolly redneck spotted a sleeping she squatch, under the shade of an old oak tree. And he sang as slipped his wally in her taterhole, you"ll come a waltzing Matilda with me. Waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda, you'll come a waltzing Matilda with me.

  9. Thought her samples had been proven to be goat? So many different stories about this DNA. She's says some Bigfoot got busy with a human female 13,000 years ago...
    What people don't know is they met on a dating website.

  10. Munns pwns footers by making them look like the gullible delinquents that they are

    1. Munns schools arss-winkers as the their flawed logic.

      Can someone finally explain to me what 'pwn' means please?


    2. Joe, at one point the photos of Matilda were attributed to Dr. Leila Hadj-Chikh Phd. evolutionary biology. Princeton University. I believe she works with the Erickson progect. Check their website and see if you can contact her regarding this. In other words I'm too lazy so please run the trapline.

    3. Sir, I appreciate your honesty and am a very happy man that you blogged today. Post when you can.

      Peace sir.

    4. Joe also check out bigfoot camper tent video. Just google it. No opinion on it at all but the face looks much more realistic than patty. So lets assume it is a hoax. Then someone has outdone the special effects of patty at least where the face is concerned. LaterJ.D.

    5. Hey JD.

      I've seen the camper tent video and does it look more realistic than Patty? The camper video had a few people fooled (notably FBFB), but the head space in the camper mask would suggest plenty more room for a human to get into, would it not?

      I got your email buddy and I'll drop you one back later. You should post more often buddy.

      Peace bro.

    6. Good Morning Joe. Do you remember the FBFB group carrying on about the subject chewing ? I mean I heard all that rib tickling stuff myself. But in the end I could perhaps see an object protruding but no masticating. Do you recall ?

    7. Well if it's not the articulated, loquacious 'wow just wow guy'...

      (Fanfare drizzles out to an out of tune dull moan...)


    8. Hey Mike!! Yeah, I remember that FBFB were claiming the creature was snacking on a candy bar or something?


    9. Exactly. And as I recall one of the assertions associated with touting that clip so highly was that you couldn't realistically fake a subject chewing with the flexion of muscles associated with said act. The problem was, for me, the subject didn't seem to be chewing anything. Rather he looked frozen in time with a large straight object protruding from his mouth. Reminiscent of Bob Marleys famous pose with spliff for "Catch a Fire". At least Bob was doing something.

    10. HA HA HA! Brilliant!!

      Yeah, that whole episode was the death of FBFB. It's a little bit of a shame cause they pulled some amazing interviews off YouTube; some really compelling accounts (one of which was from a guy who claimed he was somehow shepherded into a real tight spot in the wilderness by two quadrupedal juveniles, to which he got the impression they were predatory in nature?), but there is a lesson to be learnt about jumping two feet first into every story and every video that comes about eh? Musky took em to school.


    11. No doubt, No doubt. Here's where I'm going Joe. Time is running out for the public interest will wane and with it the potential for profitability and the loss of dollars to actually look for, catalogue and categorize and subsequently protect this species. Hoaxes and distractions aside for a moment lets assume that you and I both believe there is something still roaming the deep forests, high montane plateaus and protected wilderness areas of America.....

    12. No it's definitely been pulled; I had it on bookmark. Shame; the guy interviewed was obviously very scared remembering the event.


    13. Joe I have to believe with Guys like Cutino, Smeja and Randles looking for it they will make contact again. Rather than have an encounter or find unassociiated DNA wouldn't it be superb if we could get a subject to inject something satellite could track. Assuming this was possible a subject could in theory be tranquilized

    14. It's almost like the hoaxes are being manufactured in a direct attempt to make the subject less credible? The more the nonsense and conflict within the the field; the more the division and it all makes it look like a mess to the outside skeptics looking in who no doubt scoff. There is no doubt this is a frightfully competitive subject as well though; too many are preoccupation with condemning another researcher's efforts; doesn't make sense.


    15. And hair blood and tissue samples could then be taken and said subject could be left alone. Tracked. Observed. Whatever. I guess I'm running out of time Joe. And I'm ready for Dr Sykes and beyond.

    16. I can't agree more buddy; those guys have the right mindset and look like they have the right things in place to get something done. I thought Cutino's thermal was amazing, though it goes against my understanding of how these creatures avoid cameras; could it be they were just trusting (or knew if they were at any moment threatened, they'd tare the group apart?).


    17. D'you know what? If Sykes doesn't deliver it'll only mean the samples weren't what they were claimed to be... Though I truly stand by what I think is going to be a very important moment in history. The Internet in recent years has meant research groups and experiences are all linked and this along with the better understanding of what this creature is (not a dumb animal) means that he ball is rolling much faster than it has done in recent decades buddy... We'll get there, I promise you buddy.


    18. Their curiosity overrides their protective survival instincts. Happens to me every weekend. Furthermore these high tec toys Bart uses are reading internal body heat, and not using signature sources ( infrared).

    19. Well I hope so. I latched on to something Ro said the other night. He mentioned Sykes had isolated something, but needed more specimens to say what for sure. Of course Justin is in the know. He submitted and even if it was degraded I drank the Kool-Aid on him a year ago. I'm going to put all my eggs in Dr Bryan Sykes' basket. I'm all in Joe. That does it. Now we can relax and have some fun this weekend my friend.

    20. HA HA HA HA!! Amazing.

      And wow, your comment makes perfect sense.


    21. Mike, you're a star buddy.

      Peace and much respect bro.

    22. And Peace be unto you my learned brother.

    23. I don't even live in the US and now there's so much space for a nocturnal hominid to evade humans there. The thing is, is that skeptics think we're talking about a dumb animal here; an animal that should have been caught on a trail camera or something by now. They don't understand that if you have a creature with a very high capacity to learn, that has studied us from a far and evolved to evade us for it's safety, and is reliant on social groups, is largely nocturnal whilst, with it's social bonds buries it's dead... You are only going to see it as often as the frequency of eye-witness accounts suggest.


    24. Hi Joe still when you look at each face side by side I think the tent one looks better more realistic with a sense of great mass. My original post mentioned just the face as that is all we have to compare to. Lots of red flags like why didn't the guy just pull down the flap and get the whole body shot. Plus anything associated with dyer will never be taken seriously.

    25. To me, the great mass of the tent mask would indicate more room to get a head into, no? I just think Patty's head is too awkward a shape; sloping forehead for example, to get the proportions of a human head into. I respect your opinion though bro.

      Peace bro.

    26. Joe, like his BFRO pals Cutino is obviously part of the cover-up and a wrong horse to bet on. They all know Ketchum cracked this that's why they all hate her, there's only one scam in all of this and that's the collective effort at discrediting this whole field. Worst offenders are those within the field pretending to be footers actually working against it making sure only crap gets out, if they fail the support Melba test you know they're fakers.

    27. ^..No offense, but are you kidding? That "collective effort" includes almost everyone interested in the topic and 95% of the people with recognizable names...

    28. Stand back and think about it. 12:21 is correct and that is what I have suspected for a while. Throw enough confusion and crap out there while pretending to be on the other side- means and methods.

    29. More quacks on here (prob same dude).

      I think bart cutino is cream of the crop based on results and is out there doing it.

      he promised transparency on everything and delivered big time man. was everything he warned about Ketchum not proven 100% true by those evaluating her work??

      and I personally think Cutino and co. documentation efforts in field and his footage were best I've seen in the crappy bigfoot world. Dude is well respected (can see why)and I think along with a few others give alot of hope of proving bigfoot.

    30. ..3:20: I also think that Cutino is an honest researcher, but you were hard on the "quacks"..

      The "out there" scenarios these guys come up with are rather logical consequences of an underlying assumption: "The tens of thousands sighting reports are by and large genuine"...

      ..GIVEN that, how do you explain the complete lack of specimens and dearth of physical evidence? Answer: Cover-up. The question then becomes what necessitates the authorities need to conspire? Answer: The truth is disconcerting.....
      I like the way they think-you lay down your axioms and go with it...That is why I said "no, disrespect" to that poster...

    31. For myself, however, I think the conclusions are proof by contradiction that the assumption is wrong ...

    32. Bart Cutino is one of the few guys in this field that does what he says he's going to do and his word is money period


    33. Spot on Ron.

      As much as it pains me to say it. Bart is one of the FEW 'researchers' I respect.

      Bart deserves all the kudos that comes his way.


    34. Complete nonsense he's just as fake as Meldrum's turned out to be and the whole of BFRO. Footers are too easy sometimes they want to believe these guys are there to help them, when in fact they're commissioned to keep it a myth. It's their job to act this way as compadre. There's two kinds of bigfoot conspirators, the skeptards that troll here but aren't really skeptical and the names working in the field seemingly investigating it. Yep they're investigating alright except not the way footers think.

    35. 3:20, can't you put it together. The fact that he's a BFRO guy questioning bigfoot's origins revealed by Ketchum tells me he's a phony, the smart ones here know why her work was blocked in the news because of some in media preventing it. If he's for real he should know that game is going on, like it is for any other subject matter deemed undesirable by the government. The only thing contaminated here is the bigfoot field itself.

  11. Matilda is the real deal. Not suit maker, not even Munns would have thought to put a funtioning interactive taterhole in the suit.

  12. It is 100% fake, just like Melba's DNA study and Matthew Johnson's crap.


  13. Matilda is a retarded offspring of Patty....not that there's anything wrong with that.

  14. There's the Monkey!

    Sept it ain't a monkey. Dipshit sceptards!

  15. Joe you my brother are a bonafide one hundred percent overqualifide!!!! I repeat!!!!!!!!!! Over qualifide true blue what you see is what you get and you ain't seen nothing yet mothafucken pimp!!!!!!!
    Joe rogan..... mothafucken pimpfather=godfather of pimpology
    Bart cutino.... mthafucken pimp!!!!!!
    Rick dyer.... mothafucken hustla!!!!!!
    Who has and continues to hustle everyone of you people!!!!
    So to these great men of pimpology pimpness and huustle hard mothafuckers
    I give to you my hatts off and say thank each and everyone of you especially mr. Dyer. Hustle hard my man get em for every penny you can

  16. Hey all you fuckers can suck balls joe in fact sucks balls and licks dirty arshhole eeewwwwww

  17. That shit is fake.
    Ketchum is a job.
    I like eggs.
    End of discussion.

  18. It is possible the PG is a fake. But the costume is very good despite efforts to call it an obvious fake. The thigh to foot part is to me is the best part because there is no "bulkiness" at all. The way the skin and hair remain so natural is difficult to capture in a suit. The tapering of the hair around the ankle area is very well done. that part usually looks obvious on fakes, IMO.

    1. There is frankly no possibility the PGF is fake for some of the very reasons you mention, old Hollywood itself help prove this too by never having done something before or since resembling it.

  19. Greetings all,
    What is going on with all the glad handing of each other for negative comments without any proof or references. Just because God gave us a mouth does not mean we should share every uninformed opinion that enters our head. If this was submitted to me as part of a college paper, these statements would earn an F based on logic and proof.

  20. Anon 7:21 ; Point taken. Your god has given many forms of life; yet, regarding some of the above they have not the experiance regarding this grand creature. As there are many gods and none of the above probably even care to understand who or what even created the god or gods you mention. Regarding the sasquatch I was allowed to experiance the reality of this creature to put me in a situation to question not the sasquatch; but, the ways of humanity and the errors in their ways. Evolution is a spiritual thing not a body thing. As it appears on this blog the sasquatch are probably more evolved then you know who. Proof has not been a easy and a logical reality to the unevolved neysayers.

  21. Your blog is great. Great to see your new posting. Thank for the sharing.


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