Watch: Man runs up molten lava flow!

Watch this insane man run up a glowing lava flow. This has to be fake, right?


  1. Replies
    1. ...anything but a first... oh yeah, bitch lips and chewbitcha suck!!

    2. Travis got fired from dennys.

    3. Travis, get a life dude!

    4. travis move out of your moms basement. Please

    5. TRAVIS, I have a fishing question. Is the deepthroat trout related to the suckerfish???

    6. Travis lives with his lover, MMG!

    7. I can only answer that question if I have the specific taxonomic names for the fish.

    8. Krakatoa East of Java...

  2. I'm not so sure about this...I thought people couldn't stand too close to lava like that due to all of the tocic gas it releases.

    But since we're on BE....NO DOUT IN MAH MIND, DAT WAS DA REAL DEALZ

    1. That guy reminds me of a friend of mine who frequents Tijuana whorehouses and doesn't even bother to bring rubbers! He's a damn thrillseeker... Lol good ole Manuel.

    2. Its real.

      Yes your right the gases are dangerous, but that doesnt mean someones job isnt going to pay them to do it regardless.

      You think roofers have an easy job? All those fumes all day from Tar, its still a paying job all over the world Im sure these guys were there by choice and know the dangers but the wages are worth it especially in under developed countries.

    3. No, it's my ass you can't stand too close to due to all of the toxic gas it releases. That and Sharon Lee's bearded taco.

    4. Skeptards would give a right arm just for a mere whiff of Sharon's toxic taco gases.

      Trolling to get to 1st base. Tragic.


  3. Bigfoot compelling evidence I didn't realize it was so.

  4. Proof positive you can hire a Mexican for any job. All you have to do is head down to your local Home depot... HEY! Wait a minute! Mexican Bob Heironimus was right! He just had the wrong video!

    1. Does anybody speak Spanish?

      How do you say- 'What are you doing in bed with my wife- the roof's not finished!'

    2. Qué haces en la cama con mi esposa-el techo no está terminado!

  5. I want to see Bigfoot run up the lava flow.

  6. This is the first thing that was not fake, that appeared on this forum today. Perhaps Shawn should rename this website, "Fake Bigfoot Evidence".

  7. I wish people would leave helpful comments or at least comments related to the topic of the blog post. Why come here if all you're gonna do is say "First" or "This site sucks" or just straight out be an ass or a troll? Don't you have anything better to do? I guess not since you waste your time here. I really don't even look at the comments any more because the majority is just BS.


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