Squatching With Dr. Johnson: Southern Oregon Habituation Area (SOHA) Report

Editor’s Note: Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most credible people in the Bigfoot world. In July 1, 2000, Dr. Johnson had a "Class A" Bigfoot encounter with his family while hiking near the Oregon Caves. After his life changing sighting, he went to the public and described one of the most intense encounters ever. You can join him on Facebook at Team Squatchin USA.

I arrived to the SOHA base camp around 7 pm. It reached 105 degrees in Grants Pass, Oregon earlier today. HOWEVER, by the time I arrived at the mountain top, the temperature dropped to a chilly 85 degrees. It's 9:35 pm and it's still 85 degrees.

I checked on the Peanut Butter Jar that I had left at SOHA 5 weeks earlier about 30 feet off the trail from where I normally leave our "Gifting Bowls." The lid looked like someone poked a whole through it with a stick. There were no teeth marks on the lid. The jar of Peanut Butter was gone.

I'm up here in SOHA conducting another "solo" adventure. This time, I will be staying awake all night long in my comfy chair. I will also have my "Bionic Ear" Parabolic Microphone Dish and Sony Digital Micro-Recorder on all night long. I'll attempt to keep all of you updated as the night progresses.


Good morning, everyone!!! I managed to stay awake all night long, by myself, in the dark of night. It's getting a little easier every time I engage in a "solo" adventure. There was definite heavy flat footed activity, off and on, throughout the night. I could hear movement from my 9 o'clock position to my 3 o'clock position. I couldn't hear anything moving behind me (i.e., There's a reason why my Suburban is strategically located behind my chair).

Anyway, I've just awoken from a 3.5 hour nap and decided to update everyone. Plus, I want to get some more work done on my website. Guy Edwards is doing such a wonderful job!!!

During the night, I would occasionally hear the Squatches walking around, stepping on leaves and sticks. They would whack a tree or snap a branch every once in awhile too. At one point, toward the end of the night, I heard heavy flat footed bipedal steps running coming down the path in my direction. My heart was racing..... "Crap! He's going to run right into base camp!"..... then he veered off the path at the last second behind some brush and trees at my 1 o'clock position.

Finally, I think I shook up their routine last night in a major way. They're used to me sleeping in the tent which allows them to sneak into camp and mess around with things. 5 weeks ago, they took the garbage bag off the backside of the table with the camp stove on it and drug it around camp. They picked it up and dragged it in front of my tent, three times in a row. Yes, I have it all recorded.

I'm sure they were trying to figure out what the heck is this guy doing? He's not sleeping in his tent! He's staying up all night long by himself! .....and he put the "Gifting Bowls" on a table with an ice chest and 5 gallon water jug next to it!!! In other words, they didn't touch anything that I left for them last night.

I think his running down the path at me and veering off at the last second was his way of getting back at me. LOL!!! Perhaps he was testing me to see if I would come flying out of my chair??? ..... which I didn't. I remained calmly petrified in my chair while entertaining the possibility of experiencing a cardiac arrest. LOL!!!

I recorded 9.5 hours of sound last night. Hopefully, after I get back home to Puyallup WA and to my wonderful fiance, Cynthia Kreitzberg, I'll have a chance to listen to all 30+ hours of recordings. Hopefully, I'll be able to come up with some "gold nugget" audio clips (i.e., Like the running down the path..... perhaps more whispering a spoken language, etc.). Back to work..... then a little more sleep.... and then back up to the mountain this evening after it starts to cool down. It's suppose to hit over 100 degrees again today.

Big Hairy Hugs!!!

Dr Matthew A Johnson
(Owner of the “Team Squatchin USA” Facebook Group)


  1. Replies
    1. ...no firsting allowed...

    2. But I thought fisting was allowed as long as it was done in an improper manner?

    3. Sure, fisting is allowed, I just have an agenda of having the first comment on the thread but not claiming first.

    4. Oh yeah, I forgot, Rush Pwns black sabbaths existence...

    5. Ha,well said Rush...isn't Ozzy half squatch?

  2. Ha! A chilly 85 degrees! Dr. J, what a card! What a joker!

  3. Enjoy those 10 hrs of recording, a bit of advice..use a notebook and note the time you hear anything relative to the recorder on time (or if you are there mark the recording itself..many have a button to do so. It will save a lot f time on the relistening.

  4. Mr Johnson I thought they were technology avoidant.

    How is it that you were able to obtain audio from these obviously technology avoident creatures?

    How convenient that you refuse to use technology that would allow the substantiation of your claims.

    Instead all you have is audio and your claims that everything is a Bigfoot.

    1. Yep and don't forget that no other animal could ever drag a garbage bag around! Good job there no raccoons in forests other wise they could have beat those Squatches to that trash!

  5. Note to Editor: Johnson is the least credible person in the bigfoot field and is a complete fraud and is no longer a so called doctor, previous head case.

    1. Pwned like Johnson driving 12 hours every weekend to sit by himself in a tent.

    2. Hey at least that keeps him away from the rest of society!

  6. Whats he paying the ex wife and kids with yo? Maybe if he stuck a T- bone in them gifting baskets something would happen yo.Apples and peanut butter yo?You're gonna get fucked up by them feets yo.

  7. That little dog thought I'd do it all for grapes yo,but he was wrong yo,he was wrong.Where he at now yo? Where he at?

  8. They won't come if they smell your pits,time for a new shirt,yo

    1. Maybe they wanna jiggle those moobies of Mr. Johnson! (I refuse to call him Dr)

  9. Here's the thing with Dr. J: He'll post a bunch of inflammatory crap, making all sorts of claims or bitching up a storm over all the "trolls and moles" but you know his biggest sign of egomania?

    You never, ever see him respond to any allegation. Ever.

    That's right. He'll claim he was taken back in memory by juvenile sasquatch via mindspeak and then turn around and make some profound statements or pointed remarks on credibility in the *ahem* community but never, ever utter anything else.

    His word is ALWAYS the final say. So it doesn't matter what anyone says or thinks about him. He won't respond. Gives him the upper hand....

  10. This guy is just Ketchum in a sleeveless shit. What a quack.

  11. He put the food in dog dishes?? LMAO no wonder the squatches tried to run him out.

    1. The dope growers will get him first. The kookmeter runs high in those woods.....

  12. I want to hear from his wife and kids since they were traumatized by the first encounter a few years back? I smell squatch shit....

  13. Dr. J is a sad and lonely man!

  14. Likes like a queer party camp to me.

  15. That looks exactly like Sasquatch Mystery Center's main research site. What's the deal Doctor?

    1. If it is their site, those Bigfoot have already been befriended by others through the generous sharing of food over many years. In return, the Bigfoot perform a half dozen standard paranormal tricks for whomever comes to visit. One of my favorite tricks was for one to walk to the north end of a log in the brush just off your front bumper. He would make a couple of footstep sounds, let out a noise and then run down the short log while changing phases on the fly, until he becomes nothing more than wind blowing on the dry leaves. Then, he just hovers there with no doubt a grin on his face, waiting for the confusion to flow forth from the humans, who do not have a clue as to what just happened. It all occurs no more than 20 feet from the humans. That's how he earns his meals. Kind of like a street artist performing tricks for tips.

  16. If the doctor knew much about wild animals, he'd recognize that it wasn't anything like a finger, which he infers, as what punched a hole thru the lid of the jar. Note the pressed area of the lid having been cracked into three shards. If he looked very closely at the lid, he would probably see very slight but telltale tooth marks. A large finger isn't going to leave the center shard higher then the outer two. Canine like teeth marks would.

    I'm also wondering what I should call my old habituation area? I'm thinking about CWOHA (Central Western Oregon Habituation Area; or maybe OHCHA (Oregon High Cascades Habituation Area; or what about this, WUSOWOHC (Western United States Of Western Oregon High Cascades)? I don't know, I'm having trouble narrowing this down because I don't want it to sound silly to others who might also want come up with their own serious research site name. What do you think Doc?

    But seriously, he's messing up. It seems like he's become obsessed with the subject of bigfoot, but then he should be able to recognize this fact being his profession also taught him to help others deal with their obsessions. He claimed to of had bigfoot tell him they are the descendants of Cain. He should have been more open minded to others who have experience and who have different views of this. Instead, he appears to be looking for people to follow him, and that's not such a good thing.


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