M.K. Davis Discusses The Ancient Yazoo Tribe

The Yazoo tribe, a name given by early explorers, also translates to the "river of death". These early people were brave and fierce warriors. According to legend, they often fought to the death -- unless they were victorious. It is said that in native dialect Yazoo meant death. These early inhabitants of Mississippi also left clues of advance weapons and ancient relics.

Here is M.K. Davis' discussion about the existence of "pre-humans" and their relics:


  1. Replies
    1. glad your pro douche too.... congrats loser

    2. I accept your congratulatory message, and remain proudly and fiercely naked at my monitor, awaiting some real bigfoot news, not more garbage from MK who, as usual, has gotten everything completely wrong.

    3. If you are a dude ^^^^^^ ?

    4. With out a doubt NH is a dude.He just likes wearing lipstick.

  2. Replies
    1. Invitation on a Silver PlatterTuesday, June 11, 2013 at 10:41:00 AM PDT

      Anon 9:25 = idiot.

      Why don't you take your fat strutting ass, drag it down Fat Ass road, haul it over to Fat Ass Beach, and do us all a favor by taking a fat ass leap into Fat Ass Lake?

    2. I want to take my fat ass and plant a Cleveland steamer right on your brainless head. And you will like it.

    3. Maybe he would like his Cleveland steamer served to him on a silver platter instead.

  3. I did some research on the supposed UFO/ET disclosure project. All bullshit the so called congressmen are not in office anymore and were not very well thought of when they were. They were all paid $20,000 to participate in this charade.

  4. Have you hugged your Oarfish today?

    1. Is the Oarfish a relative of the Paddlefish?

  5. I think Bigfoot has taken over my life a bit. I can't stop reading this blog... and all of the crazy comments! It has taken the place of Harry Potter and Star Trek in my life... at least for the time being!

    We'll see if it has staying power.

    1. Lame....Give it up and try a knew persona.

    2. Kitty.......don't let these guys scare you off......I think you add a touch of class the Bigfoot community has been waiting for....now back to the hula hoop video....have you bought your hula hoop yet?

  6. MK Davis needs to analyze this video of a bigfoot attacking a german backpacker in the Sierras while Smeja stands around picking his butt with a shell casing:


  7. I think MK needs to do more research on the Yazoo. Stop putting a "mysterious" label on them. Nothing of the sort. They were just a small tribe related to others in the area of the Yazoo river. Totally wiped out eventually, by the French. The few remainders absorbed by the neighboring Choctaw.
    As for the flakes, just that. Unfinished flakes. Probably too small to work the flip side or used as is for scrapers or small knives. Having the "cupped" un-worked side makes a nice thumb rest to hold for slicing or scraping. Nothing mysterious.


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