Watch: Train Explosion in Rosedale, MD Caught On Tape

Earlier today, a train derailment northeast of Baltimore caused a massive explosion that was seen, felt and heard for miles around. According to the Baltimore Sun, The National Transportation Safety Board announced at around 4 p.m. that it was sending a "go-team" that includes rail and hazmat investigators:

Baltimore County spokeswoman Elise Armacost said the train was carrying unknown chemicals but said the smoke did not include toxic inhalants. Still, a 20-block area around the accident was evacuated.

"The evacuation would be much more significant if there were toxic chemicals," said Baltimore County Fire Chief John J. Hohman. He said he expected the fire to burn into the night, and firefighters were huddling with CSX officials about how best to attack the blaze.

A voluntary evacuation was in place for residents of 62nd, 63rd and 64th streets west of the crash site. The Rosedale Volunteer Fire Company was open as a shelter.
Only two people were aboard the train, and they were uninjured, Armacost said.

Here are two cellphone videos uploaded to YouTube by witnesses:



  1. First. .. The correct way!!!

    1. ^great false first, congrats!!

    2. Check the time stamp. My first stands tall... The correct way!!!

    3. ^ thank you sir!
      The correct way!!!

    4. ^only in your own deluded world, if that were the case I would have many many more firsts... you were the loser, and a false first. ..., 123, R30, rush, blank first, rush rules, rushferlife, yes, no, x bows to rush, yes bows to rush etc... pwn your universe.

    5. also not to forget the infamous "1"... all me.

    6. Anon 606. But you didn't , did you? Now that I schooled you on firsting rules. Your dumbass just might get a true first... The correct way!!!

    7. ^in your own deluded world... you just don't get it...

    8. ^ but I do... Get it. I got you all flustered and it's too funny you would argue about such... Hahaha
      The correct way!!!

    9. 6:11, the "time stamp" you idiot, I have had way more "firsts" than you young sir according to the "time stamp", if you post at the same time as the true "firster" but are the second post you can either claim second or false first, it's that simple. Quit false firsting you loser!!

    10. This correct way!!! Guy is a "firsting hero!"

    11. 652. But you don't . You sir are a firsting failure.
      The correct way!!!

    12. Keep kicking ass the correct way! You rock! Many of us are backing you... Don't let us down!

    13. Much respect! ^
      The correct way!!!

    14. 6:07, you are nothing. 1 was quickly replaced and 123 pwns now.

    15. Firsting pwns, anti-firsting is totally lame.

  2. Replies
    1. And the last shall be first... isn't that written in some important book??

    2. Nah, it's from a movie called Jaws.

  3. Replies
    1. I've been enjoying the Michigan beaver. Cold weather keeps the meat firm year round.

    2. And they are so open to other Beaver sharing the same pond. Much respect goes to the Michigan beav.....

    3. You speak as though having the pleasure to dine on our fine beaver here in Michigan.

    4. Yes, although the beast was mighty elusive. Took a box of White Zinfandel and bag of Funyuns.....they are a very talkative breed.

    5. It's all about picking the right pond. Find it and you"ll be ear deep in fine beaver meat!

    6. Sounds like Heaven....what do you think of the Canadian beaver?

    7. Oh shut up Chewie. We all know that you have no dick.

    8. Canadian beavers have too much fur for my licking. Probably be perfect for you Chewy!

  4. What we have here is a straight up "firsting" tie. Congrats to you both.

    1. ^No ties for the first to post on the thread, the first post is the first post, all following are false firsts.

    2. ^ wrong, time stamp decides. In this case both are clear firsting winners.

    3. ^ that is the most moronic thing I have read in a while... you were clearly the false firster, in other words, SECOND!! YOU LOSE!!

    4. ^ wrong ! The time stamp does not lie. Another first, makes 3 for today. The correct way!!!

    5. No he's right. You are a delusional idiot. A child knows who's first. You're just dumber than that.

    6. Being a top true firster none of this comes as a surprise. It's lonely at the top!
      The correct way!!!

    7. Let us do an 'ol fashioned roshambo for firsting rights and privileges.

    8. Firsting union. We have rights too

    9. Commissioner of the World Firsting AssociationTuesday, May 28, 2013 at 8:43:00 PM PDT

      There is no such thing as a tie in firsting. The first comment posted is the winner. Therefore "First. .. The correct way!!!" is the loser.

      The foot is down.

    10. The foot is down?? You sound like an ass clown.

    11. The correct way is this blogs savior ....

  5. Sad news for the bigfoot world. The body that was molested, and eventually shot by a R.Dyer was on that train, and its partially embalmed, partially frozen remains were totally destroyed.

  6. Goddamit! This is serious people! Bigfoot have been seen hitching rides on trains....

  7. This just in........Popeyes Chicken is out of oil.......

  8. Firsting or Fisting? Well?

  9. What's the latest word on the Sykes study? It's the last great hopeful in the wonderful world of BigSquatch.

  10. Back in my day, trains didn't blow up.

  11. That train had the methylamine on it. Better call Saul.

    1. DrMatthewAJohnsompwnagelolllers

    2. Christ, you two. All I can say is if I ever get anal polyps, I know what to name them.

    3. The methylamine keeps flowing no matter what. We are not ramping down. We're just getting started. Nothing stops this train.


  12. That wasn't a train. I was just doing some barbecuing in the back yard.

  13. Wow, total imbeciles filming that close. They had no clue at the time what kind of chemicals could've been involved yet they were within a couple of football fields (one group even closer) of the source. Train chemical explosions have the potential of completely flattening/ roasting "everything" within miles of the epicenter. Just watch the train explosion in Texarkana from 2005 and you'll see the destructive power. That Texarkana explosion wasnt even the biggest one in the U.S. either. These damn dumb ass rubber neckers almost bit the green weenie.

    1. Too bad we can't get a close up on these magic monkeys.

    2. Those idiots in the second video had an infant in the car seat in the back of the car. I wonder if there is any way forward their video to CPS.

    3. ^ I have never heard do many F Bombs with a kid in the car! This is what's wrong with America !!! C'mon F Bombs and explosions.

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  16. (clive squashy)

    Armacost is one of the most credible people in the train explosion world.

    1. Clive squashy has been posting here a long time, but he is almost always ignored. Carry on.

    2. (clive squashy)

      Folks know I like my privacy.

  17. I didn't know the evidence for bigfoot was this compelling.

  18. What happened to mayor maccheese? Did he get stuck in the trunk of his lincoln continental?

    1. (clive squashy)

      Injured in a knife fight...someone cut maccheese.

  19. The fucking idiots in the second video should have that child in the back seat taken from them and both should be pistol whipped and forced to talk a class on speaking proper English. I couldn't understand half of what that fucker was saying.



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