Breaking: Sasquatch Ontario Captures Several Minutes of Bigfoot Language on Tape (Samurai Chatter)

This is incredible. If these vocalization recordings are legit, besides having a dead specimen, this is the Holy Grail of Bigfoot research. YouTube user Sasquatch Ontario recorded this "Samurai Chatter" like sounds on a private property. The last time someone captured audio like this was in the 1970s when Ron Moorehead and Al Berry recorded hours of vocalizations purported to be those of a family of Bigfoots from a remote location in the Stanislaus National Forest. This new recording from Canada is mind blowing to say the least. The groundbreaking audio starts at 7:40. Listen closely and prepare to be blown away:

Extremely rare Sasquatch audio recorded May 3rd 2013.

Audio of this calibre is extremely difficult to obtain. It's taken 7 months of persistence and a non evasive approach to build up trust to a level that this family of sasquatch feel is comfortable enough to let us hear their voices.

The first night of the year spent in a tent has given what is now my third vocal incident in close to 5 years. This is 10X my previous experiences.

My first vocal encounter in 2008 changed my life. Some wonder how a vocalization in a forest can have such a profound effect. I believe these recordings will answer that question.

As the owner and myself had another night of close interactions that have progressed with each visit, the late night gave way to some of the best recorded vocal evidence captured to date.

When you hear the voice of the sasquatch people, there's no mistaking it. It has a life altering and deeply profound effect.

We hope future investigations will provide more insight into this incredible species. They're not apes. Sasquatch are highly intelligent people that need protection from those who wish to hunt or harm them. This is a species unlike any other that deserves protection and the highest respect.

Special thanks to the property owner for his help with the audio contribution!


  1. Replies
    1. WAHOOOOO!!!!!! Back on top!

    2. Bigfoot is an exploited non existent non hominid and you`ll like it...

      Go ask that skunk BobG.

    3. Sorry. This don't compare to the samurai chatter tapes. Obviously within human range



      Dr. Jeff Meldrum EXCLUSIVE!

      Check it out!

      Interesting Trailer!

      From ME! Johnnie Lindsey! DO NOT FORGET!

    5. BREAKING:

      FB/FB to lease Rick Dyers bigfoot body!

      LIVE Stream of Rick Dyer and friends broadcasting now on Youtube!

      Check it out!

      From ME! Johnnie Lindsey! Do Not Forget!

    6. To forgive is devine.

    7. Rush does suck big hairy balls.

    8. Why not have Bobo try and mimic the calls and do a spectrum wave analysis and see if he can duplicate the range??

    9. This audio sounds like it was recorded inside a room and has had artificial reverb or delay added to it. Not something you usually find in a recording done outdoors. Not a very convincing audio sample to me.

  2. This really isn't the holy grail of Bigfoot research. It'd be easy for someone to write this off as a human. Also, the person who posted the video clearly has a HUGE bias for these primates to be people and readily says they are not apes, which lessens his credibility as humans are great apes.

    1. What do u think jay? Are they closer to ape or human? And dont give me that ,"technically humans are apes" crap. You know what I mean.

    2. I don't believe Sasquatches are a kind of people. People use tools and have fire. Sasquatch doesn't seem to do either of these things. They may indeed have a rudimentary language though, but whether or not they are apes or some other primate offshoot is yet to be determined, huh?

      Here's my two minute squatchin' video from the other night that features some rather interesting vocalizations.

    3. Well, you know what most people who say that mean: That they are in the homo genus or a homo sapiens subspecies. You can't assume they are clueless just because they are not being precise...

    4. Anonymous 6:47, I do not think they are of the genus Homo. So I guess you could say I think they're closer to nonhuman great apes. My vote is on an offshoot of the robust Australopithecine line or some other early pre-Homo hominin branch, or on relict Gigantopithecus.


      ALL CAPS

    6. Is his huge bias that they are closer to human somehow worse than your huge bias that they're not?

    7. Jay,
      your vote won't create an animal that doesn't exist. Unless you are, like, God, or something...

    8. Interesting. Thom Powell is pretty militant on the human side of the debate. Human might explain how they could elude people for so long, but you'd think they'd be leaving behind fires and tools and advanced shelters if that were the case. I say it's just a big smelly ape. I'm with Jay and Medlrum.

      I know, I know skeptics. THEY DON'T EXIST. But if they do, I say ape.

    9. Jay, In the future, please refrain from using the word "credibility" in your posts. At 15 years old, it is too early for you to be drinking the kool-aid. Furthermore, it is very unbecoming for an amateur to refer to some very cutting edge Canadian researchers, as having "lessened their credibility". It would be far better for you to just take notes on how it is supposed to be done. Apes is a relative term. Not everyone uses that phraseology in the strict scientific sense. The first note that you can write down on your notepad is"

      1. Bigfoot are people of the forest. Just because they don't wear suits and ties, does not mean that they are not people.

    10. These guys are talking to them and getting the Sasquatch to do what they ask. And they are not talking loud enough for the Sasquatch to hear them directly. Which means that the Sasquatch understand telepathic communcations in English. Oh gee! I guess they are not just dumb apes anymore.

      Had the viewer been able to independantly reach the same conclusion based on the same evidence, before this post was made, then he too can consider himself as smarter that a dumb ape. If not, well then you have lots of company.

    11. I agree with you Jay. There is nothing to say that this isn't people.

    12. This is some good shit! This is a lot what I heard one night! Jay is a novice at bigfooting !

    13. Miss squatcher you don't know Anything about audio! This was analyzed and it was out of human range. Please read the reviews.

    14. WTF anon 9:01? What a Retard u Are!

    15. I love when it burbs!!

    16. A homo spcies without tools or fire is practically an oxymoron. Their morphology is part and parcel with the tool use that created the evolutionary pressures that make them what they are. A few human\homo theorists understand this and hypothesize they lost the abilities to make and use tools and fire.

      The only scenario that is not grossly at odds with modern anthropology(and common sense) is a rare, thinly distributed(but confined to the PNW) relic or off-shoot of a primate that split from our line over 4 mya. Giganto fits the bill, but who knows what it would be.

      What we know for sure is that for the last 60 years the evidence never goes beyond the occasional print and anecdote. That indicates that we are dealing with a myth, an occasional psychological event, many mis-ids and a ton of bullshit...

    17. Out of human range? Bulkshit! Sounds just like Sloth from Goonies with trapped wind! Maybe the knock was him checking the bathroom was free?

    18. For those who follow the writings of UFO expert Stanton Freedman, above we have a perfect example of his 3rd rule for Fraudulent Debunkers, as posted by Anonymous 9:15PM.

      Stanton’s 4 rules of Fraudulent Debunkers are:
      1. “What the public doesn’t know, I won’t tell them.”
      2. “Do not bother me with the facts, because my mind is made up.”
      3. “If you can’t attack the data, then attack the messenger, it’s easier”.
      4. “Do your research by proclamation, because investigation is too much trouble”.

    19. Fantastic anon 9:52!

      I like it.

    20. Anon 9:26:

      What about language? Would a Bigfoot with language be at odds with modern anthropology?

      If Bigfoot is myth, Gimlin is a liar. Would you feel comfortable calling him a liar to his face?

    21. That is a good point, but whose to say other animals can't develop sophisticated communications? If the samurai chatter is not a hoax I do have to admit, though, it sounds like it is way above what dolphins are capable of.

      Of course I would not want to call Gimlin a liar. That would be rude and I would only be rude if angry, and I am not mad. I think there are a lot of problems with the surrounding circumstances and I think there is a good chance these things do not exist. Either way(especially the second!) I think he and Roger put one over on the American public. I will say the film did come out pretty damn well. The subject looks kind of solid and heavy-not the usual impression one gets when watching these ridiculous youtube hoaxes....

    22. Hoax. Check out the hand prints. Each "finger" is drawn with two swipes of a human finger, double lines make for a double width finger print. It's so clear. The palm was done with a sideways swipe of the thumb, again, finger painting in the dust. Totally fake hand prints. Swiped marks, not pressed and removed impressions.

      The vocalizations? Some dude in the bathroom, having a ball, even slipping in a burp for effect, seeing if someone would catch it. The rain? A looped rain track layered in with Garageband. Such a low budget, and low brow hoax, and yet, it worked wonders. This is why people hoax, because people love it!

    23. It may very well be a hoax by well-meaning footers, but the Morehead tapes are a lot more talkative and apparently unfakeable where this is just a few single words of utterances so it's inconclusive.
      Jay is just a gullible kid he's exactly what that cover-up front doc Meldrum hoped for the field would yield, just some other nutjob fanboy to carry the torch for the apers keeping the mysterious flaming myth alive when any sane person which is none of the apeshit trolls in this thread, should know it's bloody impossible for thousands of giant bipedal apes to wander around US forests and mountains and never be caught.
      Utter fucking impossible, losers. So get with the damn program of what these giants aren't.
      I don't even know anymore if they're hominins meaning people/humans (which early cavemen did count for also so why not some other totally unique primate species like squatches), or if they're something else entirely.
      Something more unearthly, shall we say. How else do you explain their elusiveness a race of people would also be found by now so in any case a cover-up seems to be going on.

  3. Bigfoot burp @ 8:34!!!! Someone has to catch a fart on tape sooner or later!

  4. Montreal is getting pwned by Ottawa right now

  5. This recording is mind blowing alright. Mind blowing that anybody believes its a Sasquatch.

    1. I have an aunt named hope. Why dont you kill her too?

    2. I had some Hope last night.

    3. HA! nice

      the your mom guy

  6. I got nothing and I liked it!

  7. Sasquatch is a kind of myth.

    1. what other world is there? and don't frighten the children.

    2. Kids need something to be scared of these days. You even threaten to spank them and they call the cops. Better get to sleep or sasquatch will be window-peeking you and very, very, very disappointed.

    3. What other world is there? Have you been over to BFF lately? Be very careful, you might not make it back.

  8. I wonder if Midnight Walker advises this guy.

  9. Isn't Sasquatch Ontario that idiot Toejam that got booted off the BFF? Don't buy this for a second. This is the same guy that BF can shatter ice in the middle of the bay with its scream.

    1. I thought he was DWA's brother or sister with the red lipstick.

    2. Yes! Toejam tapes while Mike Smith runs around drunk belching.

    3. It is hard to imagine any benefit to being DWA's sib unless you have a thing for his [uproarious cackle].

    4. Hey NH, where is your brother these days?

  10. He's right about the approach. What sasquatch is going to be drawn in by stupid howling and tree knocking?

    1. the ones that look a lot like bigfoot researchers.

  11. the number of bigfoot vocalization tapes exceeds the the number of bigfoots by the number of bigfoot vocalization tapes.

  12. Total BS in my opinion. But that's just my opinion.

    1. And you know what they say about opinions, everyone has one.

    2. Didn't you watch the video? They found footprints too...

    3. yea dude footprints, therefore those sounds were definitely not a person. flawless logic.

  13. They are a type of Asian Beaver and you will like it.

    1. I like nothing better than something. Because when there's nothing, I can just forget about it and move on to the next nothing.

    2. Asian beaver is my favorite.

  14. Sounds easily within the realm of the human voice.

    Nice try Hoaxers !

  15. Replies
    1. Never, now that Squatchmaster got some press here.

    2. ... and you'll like it.

  16. I'm liking my nothing less these days..

  17. What does High Priest Meldrum think of this? If he gives it a thumbs up, then we can all take as fact.

  18. (bigfoot)

    I get's May-aaad !


  19. What does Scott Nelson think of this?

  20. Sounds like a person taking a shit. Nice belch at 8:35 though

  21. (bigfoot)

    I's don't samurai chatter.

    I'm gonna get May-aaad !


  22. I hope the (potential) Special 2-disc director's cut DVD release of Shooting Bigfoot contains footage of the FB/FB guys "live" reaction to the ending of this movie!

    As well as a running commentary by Rick Dyer and Morgan Matthews on how they pwned FB/FB, Noel, and many others.

  23. I cant believe that anyone really thinks this is anything other than someone drinking beer and pretending to be bigfoot


    That fucker even burped. Stupid as shit! Gay motherfucker moving furniture. Drunk assholes in the woods. Good drugs probably.

  26. Shawn, how about an experiment, lose Anonymous for a week and let see what happens..........

  27. anything coming by way of mike paterson (sasquatch ontario) is not credible. he researches with a known hoaxer named mike smith. smith is paterson's mentor. go figure. these guys are attention whores

  28. To cold for them big apes out there. It just don't make sense.

    Need great pictures and films to even think about it being possible.

    These things would have to be relics from around 1,000,000 B.C.

    There would have been at least 1 body found since 1600"s and theres no bodies.

    No bones since man came to Canada until Neil Young join CSN&Y to be looked at.

    1. That's because those lying scumbags at the Smithsonian thinks it'll ruin religion for the mind slave population out there.

  29. The Expert Bigfoot AnalystMonday, May 6, 2013 at 4:11:00 PM PDT

    We can settle on this. They are the closest relative to a human on this planet, whatever their genus in the end is proven to be. One thing they are not is an abboreal ape as Matt Moneymaker is adament that they are and therefore closer to a gorilla.

    1. I've long ago concluded that guys like Meldrum or MM and his BFRO goon squad are part of the problem not the solution. They're pretending this is an ape so the spun legend - and more importantly their income - doesn't go away to crumble, because they obviously know this species isn't going anywhere it's here to stay whatever it is. So they might as well take it head on and play along with it acting like they're on the case, when in reality they probably know what it is and their job really is to misinform the public. Somebody somewhere (in authority) knew from the beginning this is real and thus created these big bigfoot groups early on, they also needed at least one or two guys in science to go along so enter Jeff & Grover.

  30. I think Dr. Meldrum's Hindenburg will solve this all in the next few months, or at least provide some new hoax opportunities. If Bigfoot points a laser pointer at the zeppelin, I called it here first.

  31. That's my belly before dinner. Note the belch.

  32. Rick Dyer here. I shot the sheriff. But I didn't shoot no squatch body.

  33. you know with all of Mike Paterson's camera expertise you'd think he'd have a memory card full of pics by now....

  34. this is desperate stuff.its well within human range. uploading stuff like this is dumb and does your theories no credibility at all

    shit just roll out the p/g film since that's all u have. that's done by hoaxers cleary. shit even in the film it shows the 2 of them together. who was the 3rd guy taken them shots of the 2 of them.

    all very odd. surely you've got to sk where is this 3rd guy when this p/g film is being a joke

  35. another eric altman/lon stickler /billy willard fraud

  36. What idiot says this was higher than dolphin squeaks and squeals? This is clearlye burp alone is a give away.

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