Watch: Myakka Skunk Ape Sighting Update - Stacy Brown Jr. Wraps Up Town Hall Meeting - More Than 20 Witnesses Came Forward

News Update: Stacy Brown Jr. checks in with Rev. Jeff from Myakka Florida after the standing-room-only town hall meeting last night at Suzie-Qs. Watch this video for the latest new Skunk Ape sighting reports and much more:


  1. Replies
    1. This is for all you people in Myakka!!!!!!

    2. Dammit man,down be a Debbie Downer.
      Maybe next time.

    3. *don't- I guess I got all excited, shit.

    4. I've got to go get some more jars.My poop collection is in need of some new jars.I only have two empty ones left.;-)

      It's going to be a long weekend.

    5. Hang in there. We've got to milk this Myakka thing until she is dry as a bone. 5 seconds of evidence = 5 months of investigation

    6. Welcome to bigfooting this is nothing.

      Remember when this site milked the daisy in the box incident?

      100s of posts because some guy received a "cryptic" text message.

      Footing is lunacy.

      Theres no monkey.

    7. It makes you feel good to come here and let all your frustration out? Funny that this is the place ya'll choose to do it. You must be very curious about the idea of bigfoot but dont have the balls to believe in something you havent seen. Funny shit

    8. I don't have the balls to believe in something that is only seen by assholes.

      And I'm okay with that.

    9. ^ You don't have the balls period.

    10. Anon 4:43 IS the asshole. On this site more than any footer and keeps repeating his mantra. Get a life You star trek Nerd.

    11. True dat. True dat.

    12. I wouldn't believe in something I haven't seen. Not 100% anyway. But I have seen bigfoot.

      There is a monkey!

  2. More than 20 witnesses came forward with nothing and we liked it.

  3. One fish,two fish. Red fish, BLOBFISH.

  4. Are these Finding Bigfoot wannabees, attempting to exactly recreate the show that never fails to underwhelm, in hopes of somehow getting onto that show as standin underachievers? Or are they so fully indoctrinated from drinking the Mathew Moneymaker kool-aid, that they can no longer think for themselves sufficiently to come up with something that actually works? Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. We need Dina Palazini added to finding bigfoot. I luv her belly.

    2. What are you talking about? Everything Stacey Brown does strait up looking for bigfoot in what he and his team feel is the best way. If you care so much,come up with a better plan.

    3. It makes you feel good to come here and let all your frustration out? Funny that this is the place ya'll choose to do it. You must be very curious about the idea of bigfoot but dont have the balls to believe in something you havent seen. Funny shit

    4. Wrong, fag. We're just here to maybe sneak a peak at Dina's voluptuous beer gut. You've got balls, you just don't have any brains, genius.

    5. 3:50 Bigfoot is BS/Sharon Hill/I Doubt It, why anonymous today?

    6. For the new season they plan to rename the show "Milking Bigfoot" where they will eternally continue their effortless investigations of finding nothing and liking it.

  5. No Skunk ape. No bigfoot anywhere except Pierce County Washington. Three small disjunct populations. That is it. Genetic dead end due to only 2 females left. One is possibly beyond breeding age. The other has not been sighted or tracked since the fall of 2011.

    1. So...are you tappin' that other female, and is that why she hasn't been sighted in a year and a half? You got her in your basement, huh?

  6. This topic is getting to be dumber and dumber, as if it wasnt dumb enough already.

    Sure... theres a big fuckin hairy ape in the usa. I got this bridge for sale...

    = about as believable. Some sick minds out there, and shysters.

    1. How could you possibly spell oysters wrong???

    2. ^ I guess your the gullible one because your on a Bigfoot site you piss ant! LOL!

    3. Whoa whoa whoa whoa, back it up. How much is this bridge??

    4. It makes you feel good to come here and let all your frustration out? Funny that this is the place ya'll choose to do it. You must be very curious about the idea of bigfoot but dont have the balls to believe in something you havent seen. Funny shit

    5. ^ well you're the insane repeating sceptic who is on here day and night saying there is no magic monkey so FU!

    6. I agree the trolls know these beings are real but like kids they like to mock the unknown, they're very scared by it all because it rocks their safe little world.

  7. WE NEED

    type spec·i·men

    1.archetypal organism: an individual plant or animal that serves as the basis for the description of its species.

    Or it don't exist.

    1. It makes you feel good to come here and let all your frustration out? Funny that this is the place ya'll choose to do it. You must be very curious about the idea of bigfoot but dont have the balls to believe in something you havent seen. Funny shit

    2. Here's an idea that's even stranger than Bigfoot - every single eyewitness report is either a hoax, a hallucination, or a misidentification...ALSO every single footprint is a hoax.

      No...on second thought I'll go with the monkey theory.

    3. No body cares about your opinion^ Dick Weed.

    4. ^ You cared enough to send Hallmark!

    5. It's true, a body is needed for proof. A piss poor DNA study by a cat doctor won't convince anyone, a quality study by a real geneticist would convince a few scientists maybe, but the only solid proof will be a dead one

    6. You're fucking weird Travis so piss off, the study will probably not be bettered that's how good it is in fact all bigfoot findings must match hers or we know they're fake. It's the real deal like it or go away and remain unfit for the subject Little man. Gotta love all that illogical troll denial here.

    7. Excellent stream-of- consciousness rambling!

  8. ^ You meant "you're", not "your". Also, you've unknowingly provided some comedic irony by calling someone gullible for visiting a site you are also visiting. Cheers.

    1. Shut the fuck up faggot I am talking to the dumbass above me and yourself included. Now die in a fire.

    2. ^ funny that almost every negative post on here is the same jack ass. Really ? Man get a life you Welfare Case ! You just love to argue you love sick Virgin.

    3. no high capacity magazines for you 4:31.

    4. I like how the footers think that 1 troll is responsible for all the skeptic posts. Lol

    5. Several trolls 8:58 including you.

  9. Replies
    1. its #looneytoons approved, but thanks for the support

    2. ^^^ Timmy the Tooner Times Two!

      Double your pleasure!

      Double your fun!

      . . . not.

  10. its over folks, ketchum is now testing peruvian mummies, game over folks, game over

    1. The fat lady is singing El Condor Pasa, eh?

      Well, well, well. What are you crybaby footers going to do now?

      Cry like little retarded menstruating girls?

    2. When Ricky ticky tavy shows the world his Big Dicked B foot, me and the best tracker in the universe is gonna beat you like my meat and beat you like he did his pregnant wife.

  11. I know they'll bind figboot tomorrow night.

    1. (1) Pile of poop of unknown origin
    2. No recordings of wood knocking heard from the campfire
    3. No thermal recordings of the close encounter
    4. Knowledge added regarding the understanding of the Skunk Ape: zip, zero, nada, nothing, zilch

    One would think that a gathering fo 15 researchers, would have gathered 15 times the evidence.

    1. Maybe you could get off your lazy ass and contribute something to society you welfare suck tit! ^

    2. I'm on welfare and drive a Cadillac and buy Cheetos and Newports with food stamps. Does that make you mad?

  13. can anyone donate me a new keyboard my caps lock key seems to be broken thanks

  14. You will get donated nothing and like it.

  15. You won't get anything 6:46 and you won't like it.

  16. I've got a Huge Group going on a search for the Easter Bunny tomorrow. Our results are sure to be equally as ground-breaking.

    1. Bunnysquatch is real. I seen'em.

    2. i think with some of the posters above you can form a hate group and go out and kill the easter bunny.

  17. whew!!! this blog is like a riot in a middle school cafeteria. the kids aren't alright.

    1. They aren't even kids that's how sad it is they're grown men payed to babble nonsense here.

  18. It was early Sunday the Easter of 2007. I was in the back yard hiding eggs for the kids to find later. As I was hiding an egg toward the edge of the yard I could smell a stench I couldn't explain. So I scanned the woods and caught sight of some big ears hiding behind a huge tree just peeping at me like some college dorm pervert. It was the fabled bunnysquatch. I took a step to approach it, but it hopped away faster than Melba at a scientific peer review. I did find some fur and still have it after all these years. If any one wants a sample for a DNA test just let me know.

    Anonymizzo in Missou

    1. ^ Oh God u have kids! They must think you're an asshole for a father. Please don't Breed anymore Penis Head!

    2. see! you tell a nice little story about the easter bunny and look what it gets you.

  19. (clive squashy)

    Bigfoot needs to find a new way of advertizing he's alive and well. Maybe putting his name in the phonebook or possibly a catchy new theme song - wonder if he can juggle... just somethin!

  20. (clive squashy) - me me me meee

    anna 1 anna 2 anna...

    We've gotta bigfoot for sale.
    A bigfoot/gorilla for sale
    take our advise at any price
    A bigfoot like gorilla is mighty nice

    BB gorilla - BF gorilla for saaaale.

    1. (clive squashy)

      Ya know you could be a good lil baltimora and sing tarzan boy while I make jungle sounds - makes BF feel more comfortable around here.

      "ah ah ee ee tooky tooky...

  21. Loser sound off... all the fuckin idoits accounted for? Lets start from first and work our way down the line... hahahaaa..... and go!

  22. I had a good time at the town hall. Met a lot of good people with some interesting encounters. I'm a skeptic but I still took the time to go and see for myself.

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