OMG, This Baby Sloth Sounds Exactly Like a Baby Bigfoot

If you think baby sloths are cute, wait til you hear what they sound like.

And what do Bigfoots sound like? Watch this video:


  1. Replies
    1. I can`t wait until Rick Dyer shoots this behind a Walmart...because he drives a corvette and is the best bigfoot tracker ever..Period!

    2. First(s)? How many today?

    3. Just one, today. That was the announcer in my head-"He firsts, he wins!!"..just a motivational technique I use...

    4. Al Michaels is always the announcer I use in my head. I always pretend I'm beating the dirty Russians.

    5. Bearking here. Schling schlong long dong ,Poo poo pie.

    6. When I get a first, I imagine Marv Albert wearing ladies underwear yelling "Yesssssss!!!".

    7. Do you believe in miracles? YES!!!

  2. DAMN! So close, and I woulda got it on a baby sloth post too! Always wanted that...

  3. Hello BF'ers and non BF'ers

    First ever from Belgium/Europe.
    Does this count for anything?


    1. BS, first from Europe...been on this gravey train since 08...i'll be tarred and feathered befor4e I let u basted have it. :)

    2. Do you keep your poop in a jar?

    3. poops in your mouth and you'll like it.

    4. Well then. I guess I will get something AND like it. I am not used to this.

    5. Damn H, you're one nasty bitch! I like you! The shizer thing is more popular in Europe I understand.

    6. Bearking here. Mccheese is at it again! Parents lock your squatch crotch up!

    7. Okay Bearking, you've been chasing me around this blog for days you sumbitch... I don't know if there's enough room on here for the both of us!

    8. Fight...fight...fight.....winner gets Jill.

  4. So... the second video is trying to tell us that some bigfeet have mental issues?

    1. Dammit man! It's Bigfoots not Bigfeet!!! Get it right

      - Moneyraker

    2. Ooooh Matt I'm soooo sorry, I'm confused by the general ignorance of the society towards the Bigfeet matter!

      Oh no I did it again!

    3. Oh my Christ, I'm gonna need another line...

      - Moneyraker

    4. Smeja also described the baby big foots as sounding like deaf people

    5. Has anyone ever heard a couple of Bigfeet farting, instead of knocking, to each other?
      The vocalization in the second video seems a Bigfoot with some sort of constipation to me

  5. Sounds like a baby bigfoot? And so does a wolf, coyote, wild dog, wild boar, and the list goes on and on.

    I wonder why that is? Uh, maybe because that's what is wrongly attributed to a bigfoot every time?

    1. That does not explain the Samurai chatter, though. They are a hoax or from something unknown-most likely the former since they were never replicated...

    2. I heard the samurai chatter on Cheech and Chong's The Next Movie. Hock a lugey and itchy and scratchy.

    3. I have missed you I dare you person. I don't know why I think it's so funny to just randomly see that pop up. It's a satirical remark that never loses its place in witty comebacks. Most people who try to be funny on here are really just poster children for birth control. So thanks for making my day a little brighter.

  6. I keep hitting F5 but Shawn doesn't post anything new! I need a first today or my wife is leaving me. She can't be with a man without the balls to be first.

  7. Hey does anyone know when the Big Jim Jr and Harry Bandini wedding is going to be they are a hot item and were making out a few posts back and i hope Harry can help Jim with his penis envy

    1. Nope I'll help you with penis envy though well actually all it'll do is help your woman envy my penis which is no problem cause I can make house calls

    2. DUDE ! ignore it u only make it worse

    3. I don't want him to ignore me hes going to help me with my penis envy and i want to go to the wedding

    4. LMFAO i seen that post you guys were gettin a little gay its your fault if you guys want to make love keep it off here this is for bigfoot discussion not romance

    5. I want Harry Bandini to giv me a Hairy handini

    6. Told ya so just STFU and walk away

    7. Bearking here. I remember when my wife I got married. It was total chaos. Her mother was being a bitch and her dad was trying to bang all the bridesmaids. And my friends were so drunk they started acting gay to each other! Neva forget it. It was wild!

    8. Harry, we have to have the wedding here in Wa. We finally legalized it last Nov. It will be perfect. We can do a double wedding with our wives getting married to each other too. Should work out fine.

    9. I am just posting a few times each day this week. By next week I will be just skimming the headlines every few days again. So I reply to Harry or the others who are in here daily and wait for a bit. I am not going back to return fire posting at trolls. This was just too good to pass up with all the talk on the news of the supreme court hearing arguments on two same sex cases.

    10. Just shut the hell up already its dumbasses like you that keep the trolls here

    11. Yeah dumbshit nobody cares about your gay relationship with Harry but the trolls so STFU

    12. Sounds good big boy lets do it then we can learn to drive segways and do the gay pride parade in chi

    13. Go right on and make some house calls Bandini

    14. The trolls are here to stay unfortunately. Makes no difference what anyone says or does anymore. Shawn has figured out the trolls out post us by a 9:1 margin. Who do you think he wants around? Just look at the topics he posts.

      That is why I float through once or twice a week, drop a load and go. Although this week I was more active for a reason. I will be gone back to skimming the headlines soon and you can bitch about the trolls to the trolls.

  8. OK so when is your wedding? I hope i get an invitation

  9. That little sloth is so stinkin cute!!!

    1. I'll buy you one, he could ride around on your dog's back.

    2. Thank you but I don't actually wanna take care of it I just wanna look and go aawww cute my dog is old he would not be amused.

    3. That's okay, I looked at baby sloths on ebay and they're not cheap!

    4. Much respect Mayor, but your overtures to your love interest are weak and unrequited. I can teach you to mind rape her if you want, but that's kinda sick if you ask me.

    5. You're right anon, I completely agree. She's making me soft. I need to sack up and regain my focus. Just out of curiosity though, how does this mind rape thing work?

  10. How does anyone know what a baby bigfoot sounds like?

    1. Look buttplugging skeptard, how do YOU know what they DON'T sound like? Checkmate.

    2. Every sound you're not able to reckon (like a moose fart), THAT'S A SQUATCH!

  11. Replies
    1. You mean you will deep throat me, make yourself clear so I can start to unroll my crotch sloth

  12. So logically then, we know what a baby sloth sounds like because we have seen and heard them but we have no video or recordings of a baby Bigfoot then how do we know that what we are hearing off in the distance is not simply just a baby sloth?

  13. You just wanted to show a video of a baby sloth, didn't you?


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