M.K. Davis Discuss Bigfoot Wearing a Poncho

We already know what you're thinking: Bigfoot wearing a poncho? Really M.K.? If you haven't seen yesterday's evidence of Bigfoot sleeping inside a tractor shed, click here.

In this video, Davis revisits the old "Peeper" video and discusses the possibility that the creature behind the tree may be wearing a poncho! (Probably Mike Sells') The poncho is shown in the image below:


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. I told my secretary "Mom, hold all calls, Rushferlife is on a roll, I got some firsting to do!"

    2. Can you two get a room or go hang out in Momma McCheese's basement? Some of us are trying to figure out if these mysterious beasts are human or not. The sexual tension is distracting, and to be frank, makes me uncomfortable....

    3. Don't worry Jill, I'll be gentle. I'll just give mom ten bucks to go see a movie and we'll have the place to ourselves.

    4. I love it! I want to know about Jill's appliances. You know, the ones on the top shelf of her closet underneath those sweaters. If those babies could talk!

    5. I have to be home by 10 though so I can raid with my world of warcraft guild

    6. Hmm, a bit of a nerdy chick... That's okay, I hear the nerdy ones are into some kinky shit!

    7. News at 11: Several frequent visitors on a blog about the mythical bigfoot were traced down and arrested for propositioning and making lewd suggestions to an underage girl on the site. All claim they thought she was an adult but their attorney's have advised they stop talking to the press, insisting that although very unlikely, the possibility does exist that a female over the age of 18 could have an interest in bigfoot. Details at 11.

    8. ..lol..Will I have to register as a sex offender? Damn, just when I was going to get a google account and use my real name around here...

  2. Replies
    1. The asinine meter goes to 11 on this one.

  3. This is what will happen when a bigfoot looks through your windows at night and catches you watching old Clint Eastwood movies. Might want to leave him a short thin cigar next time.

    This Sells bigfoot is definitely smarter than the average bigfoot, BoBo


  4. DAMN YOU SASQUATCH!!! Leave an item of clothing while doing my business and you take it.....

  5. Yes cheese and all..thank you for your time

  6. MK Davis sucks dicks. Can we just start calling him Mr. Butt Cheeks?

  7. C'mon a poncho MK your buying a lot of BS or sellin Idk.

  8. Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho

  9. Breaking News- MK Davis breaks down actual footage of bigfoot driving Chitty Chitty Bang Bang over Mordor...

  10. In theory the idea of an intelligent primate using a discarded poncho is not far fetched at all. I have seen chimps and orangutans do something similar with bags, etc. It's just that the whole series is suspect and the video so poor that you can't tell anything.

    1. Keep your eye out for MK's next clip: bigfoot throwing its feces at a trail cam.

    2. Now that would be cool. And if you listen to Wayne and Dallas, they would never miss!

  11. bigfoot in a poncho...dear me no wonder the research field and this site are losing credibility with this shiz floating about..

    1. Yeah Mk is not helping with these ridiculous videos.

    2. definatly not and the sites not helping keep putting them up

  12. Where is the rest of the video of "bigfoot" walking up to the tree?? You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that these videos are a bunch of hoaxes. Get a new hobby MK.

    1. I'm starting to worry about MK. He's hanging onto this like one of those Japanese soldiers they found in the jungles in the late 40s and 50s who couldn't be convinced the war was over and they lost.

  13. u could see him run thru the opening

  14. Hey, when you can't find your umbrella, you grab a poncho.

  15. You know, sometimes it just takes a different way of thinking about something and your whole mind opens up.

    Yes, this is a bigfoot wearing a poncho.

    Because of this revelation, I now believe the PG film is real and it is of a bigfoot wearing a saggy, hastily thrown-together bigfoot costume.

    I'm now going to go back over all the obvious ghillie suit hoaxes and determine that it's a bigfoot in a ghillie suit.

    Just one question MK - how do you correspond with Mike Sells now that he's dead?

    Thanks for your time, though.

  16. Maybe his family can help him. This is kinda sad.

  17. Please don't post any additional videos from Mr. Butt Cheeks. The video yesterday was amazingly stupid. I can't even decribe this one today.

  18. Coming soon: MK explains how bigfoot can take on the appearance and personality of humans, then will show that because Mike Sells spent so much time with these creatures, they now look and act exactly like him.

  19. Replies
    1. You sir are the retart, mainly because I imagine you mean retard, which is very insensitive and demeaning to those who have a mental issue (such as you). MK is at least trying to do something useful, lets see, entertainment and maybe enlightenment, plus he gets off his butt and goes to these places to check out the distances, heights, and other measurements involved. You, not so much...

  20. ffs,bf wear a poncho now. this is getting dumb. surely this man has slipt into mental illness

  21. That is a Bigfoot Glory Hole.Notice how high up the hole in the poncho is?Damn,Mike Sells was trying to get some Bigfoot Glory Hole action on film.He could of made MILLIONS if that Bigfoot would of just left it alone.:(


  23. I'm sure Autumn Forest will leave some comment on Youtube about how great MK is, if she hasn't already.

  24. That's a given.She's looking for a Sugar Daddy.But she's licking the wrong sugar cane daddy.MK is broke like a dick on a dog that has been neutered.He just shoots blanks.

  25. So by MK Davis logic, no video taken of any living thing can be anything BUT a sasquatch? He concedes that there's a poncho in the video but doesn't even consider the possibility that it's a person wearing a poncho. No, it's clearly a BIGFOOT wearing a poncho. OK then. When MK watches the Super Bowl, does he see 22 bigfoots line up on the field? Because it seems he's incapable of seeing anything else.

  26. Autumn Forest? You mean Senorita Ass Crack likes Mr. Butt Cheeks?

  27. The L on the forehead gang is at it again.

  28. If this doesn't convince people that the bigfoot stuff from M.K. Davis is nothing but serial hoaxing BS, I don't know what will.

    Why does this site give him an audience and post his hoaxed BS (time and time again)?

  29. Yup, MK is a hoaxer-no doubt about it. His subscribers must be some of the stupidest people on earth...

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