Watch this: Goats Yelling Like Humans

I find this video of goats yelling like humans highly disturbing and the goat at 1:20 is so creepy. Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. After a long hard days graft, I like to come home, light up and pipe, crack a beer and settle into a relaxing night of firsting. It somehow makes it all worthwhile, and I've all but stopped beating the wife.

      Thank you BFE, and the noble sport of firsting.

  2. Hey my moms basement isn't too bad. Sometimes I get enough courage to go outside, but that makes me feel uneasy since there are Bigfoots around.

  3. Replies
    1. That would've been a great question for Monkeyraper.

    2. Only during kegel exercises.

  4. The fainting goats are way cooler.

  5. ...and the point of this is everybody, that forests are full of goats.

    1. Take any of these into the woods, get an audio recording of it from about 50 yards and Moneymaker will quickly declare it as a certifiable bigfoot vocalization.

  6. Do people in flyover country really have sex with these things?
    Curious and Obnoxious New Yorker

  7. have of these ,so called BF howls,are coyotes/cows/wolves and bears etc... ive heard coyotes make some crazy sounds. In one 'finding bigfoot' programme they reffered to BF's making a noise like a screaming woman' ,in act thats a coyote right there.If you spend nights in the forest you here them make howls exactly like a woman screaming.It aint no BF.

    I dealy hope there is BF and cant wait for the rest of te Matilda film if it shows what is claimed.Im skeptical though! why the delay. It was taken in 2005 ,why almost a decade before they say they will be rel;easing it at some point.

    there is no way film is part of Ketchum peer rview paper.Film is always going to be ambiguous,but to us layman,it is what would make us believe.We dont know bad science from good science and presumably that can be tampered with too. or undispitable proof a body will always be needed. maybe Dyer does have it and ,in some crazy way, a known hoaxer/jole like him will be the one to become a rich man of the back of finding a bigfoot.In saying that if Ketchum is right,and Dyer produces a dead squatch he shot,by Ketchum theory he should be up on murder charges as B is a type of human[Im sure ,if true,that must be going through Dyer/Smeja miniscual minds,maybe!!!!]

    I do hope the Matilda film shows what is claimed in the same quality as the 'sleping BF' would be enopugh for me.Onmce all the neccesary checks have been done to prove it isnt man in suit /CGI etc...It would be good enough for most of us

    we'll see soon hopefully

    1. If you can bare to stand the poor audio, listen to Moneymaker's description in the interview posted here 2/21/13. He unintentionally debunks the whole thing with his back-pedaling and excuse-making for why Erickson is not releasing all of the video.

  8. That is a picture of a sheep under the title of this article not a goat. in fairness there are goats in the video.

    1. You really think they make an effort to portray things as they are here?

  9. Omg. I've laughed till I pee my pants. I absolutely loved this video . ty Bigfoot evidence for sharing with us.

  10. Yes, yes, it is wonderful. Yes.

  11. I made love to a goat once. It nearly ripped my sack off, LOL!


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