Watch this: Biologists speak out - Turns out the "Novel Ketchum Sequence" is dog/cat/human and panda bear...

OK, folks. Here's breaking news from zoologist Nadia Moore regarding Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA paper:

"Update: Breaking News! Real Geneticist who has analyzed the available Ketchum "Sequencing" says it is a combination of human chromosome 11, cat, dog and panda bear, amongst other things, and is the result of contamination/mixing and poor technique. Watch 6 real Scientists discuss all aspects of her self publication here:"


  1. Replies
    1. And you didn't even buy me dinner first!

    2. LOL at Ketchum and all her we've said over and over again, nothing but fakery and shennanigans.

    3. melba is a damn joke

      i keep my poop in a jar

    4. BIB - If you believe this crap then you are one of the most gullible Son of Bitches ever. Your one stupid Idiot! Hey I have Some ocean front property in AZ I'll sell you Moron!

    5. I don't think it's over for the science in this paper by any means. If Melba is right, her results will repeat no matter who hates her, no matter how poorly her research is intimated in her report, and no matter how badly people want it to fail. The samples are just as real as they would be in any other study. The submitters will find more samples, and if they were like me, didn't send all they had, knowing the repeatability has to happen several times.

    6. Those scientists acutally work at REAL universities and they say the Ketchum DNA sequences in the paper are made up of panda bear, dog, cat, and rat shit. So I guess that Bigfoot must be a Panda Bear cat mix that eats dog food and shits like a rat.

    7. @ 6:01 that there's footer talk

    8. I know a lot of real scientists who work at real universities who are whack jobs! Remember the one in Colorado who thought the US Govt was behind 911.

    9. 6:10 Except for one, they are all grad students. They do not have there Phd's yet...

    10. Ketchum doesn't have a PhD either, what's your point?

      The BLAST sequences they ran through the Genbank database are damning evidence. The fact that Ketchum didn't do basic checks like that (and didn't even figure out HOW to do basic checks like that) talks volumes about her inability to conduct quality research.

      It's not like these guys tried really hard to prove the paper wrong, they just ran some basic verifications and immediately found all sorts of inescapable problems. The Ketchum paper is completely flawed.

    11. She has years of experience and connections to experts in forensics and genetics! These people were only biologists and very inexperienced and young ( and very biased) !

    12. I was just pointing out these people are working on their doctorates, and have not yet graduated. I'm sure they are far enough along to debunk this crap. Their advisers probably would not even waste their time reading it. Kids having a laugh, that is the post- publication "peer-review"

    13. Bigfoot is BS, your science degree is showing:

      You can't spell:


      Leave the writing and spelling to the English majors, would you? With a science degree, don't try to be clever with writing. You went down the wrong avenue for that.

      Anon 6:01: Bigfoot is BS may sound like an SOB, but she is a "girl".

      So, you'll have to rephrase your insult.

    14. Here are links to these folks' Web sites, which include documentation of their credentials for Ketchumites who are in denial:

      Steve Hamblin -

      Morgan Jackson - and

      Rafael Maia -

      Thomas Houslay -

      David Winter -

    15. Oh, the point. Someone called them scientists. I don't think they would even call themselves that yet...

    16. It's very amusing to observe the antics of the footers, but in the past few days, it's almost become embarrassing to watch. They refuse to concede, even though their entire world has crumbled around them. And it's not just Ketchum, it's everything that is bigfoot.
      It's actually quite pathetic.

    17. If they are post-grads they have their PhDs, and are on some 2 or 3 year post-doctoral line. People take those before applying for tenure track positions. You work on publishing parts of your thesis in journals, learn how to write grants etc. Modest kids, to still call themselves grad-students.....

    18. I know 3 of them personally. They are just messing with you guys..

    19. "She has years of experience and connections to experts in forensics and genetics! These people were only biologists and very inexperienced and young ( and very biased) !"

      A perfect ad hominem attack, and completely pointless in terms of addressing the science they discussed.

      The biologists in the video were extremely knowledgable in the field of genetics and in any case it's not like they debunked Ketchum's paper on frivolous terms or nitpicked the finer details, they ran some basic tests which immediately showed major mistakes in Ketchum's science.

    20. ^ Bullshit! Panda? They are quacks! I can find scientists to dispute what they came up with! Ha ha!

    21. These are legit PhD students AND the bulk of the analysis is by an evolutionary biologist who has his PhD.

      Ha Ha right back at you.

    22. Anybody who looks at data for a day or less isn't actually analyzing crap! Are you serious Anon 7:19! You must be Stupid ! Pandas- LMFAO!

    23. It takes 10 minutes or less to compare a blast sequence.

      LMFAO right back at you.

    24. anon 7:24 probably doesn't even know what a blast sequence is. Let me help the poor guy.

      BLAST can be used to infer functional and evolutionary relationships between sequences as well as help identify members of gene families.

    25. Remember not everyone of these Biologist graduated at the top of there class, they may be the shit that floats to the bottom.

    26. It doesn't matter when the computer is doing the work and if they were the shit at the bottom why would they be trying to take their education to the next level?

  2. Sexual harassment panda is not amused.

    1. So these Idiots where sceptics to begin with and spent 5 minutes to review it? C'mon thats ridiculous! These people are not serious biologists if they can't act proffesional , mature, and actually do serious analysis . These people obviously all know each other and produced this very silly video! Gimme a break. Respectable biologists wouldn't conduct themselves in this manner!

    2. @ 6:18

      You obviously don't know that many biologists.

    3. I could find 20 who dispute these biologists silly panda bear findings. LMFAO!

    4. They have it right! Melba is a joke who wants money & fame and only the stupid idiots will give to her.

    5. Dr. W is pretty much bang on the money

    6. 6:18 are you kidding, when your first checks come up with Panda, dog and cat shit with dirt... Ummmm what do you want them to do? Get all serious about dog and cat shit? They did as expected Laughed Their Ass OFF at a Bullshit paper.

  3. Oh God that sounds hot. I love a good pearl necklace!

    1. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

    2. Hey Rictor,you a ZZ Top fan?

    3. Only if they have big dicks and know how to work their tongues. Why?

    4. This thread is strangely turning me on. Is that wrong?

    5. I am human!!!!!!!!! Bitches.....actually wookie.......but I am running with this one.....

    6. RICTOR!! you can suck my 7.8 in COCK !! mabe that will shut your hole for 4 min,,

  4. Replies
    1. We have found that blinds have several purposes. They use them to hide from the hairless people if they are close to a homeowner, they also might use them to ambush deer or other critters. Occasionally when I would go to the woods I'd notice that the vines were purposely pulled down and around tree branches. It was very, very thick nearly impenetrable. One of the people in our group noticed a very tiny teepee shape of brown straw (that's what I thought it was) and it was leaning against a large pine tree.

      I'm sure that the little kids could use it to stay hidden. Same friend took a pic of a very large woodpile and deep inside you could see a hand. It was unmistakeable and certainly changed how I looked at structures.

  5. The picture from the Olympic Project looked like a panda bear\human\cat hybrid....Things are looking up!!

  6. So this means 15,000 years ago a whore bigfoot screwed a human, a kitty, a pup, and on its way through to the Bering Strait raped some naive panda cub? Sick!

  7. Good get some of this heat off me.....although I did get me some panda meat after I dumped Matilda

    1. Chewie, stay in town bud, we're not finished with you.

    2. Oh I'll be here....I got better pictures of that Matilda ho....and Daisey too.....

    3. I'm in for $58 for a hairy boob shot and bottoms!

  8. I'm out. If anyone needs me I'll be in the bathroom with the swimsuit issue squeezing off a few rounds.

    1. Don't forget to print off one of Melba's glam photos! You won't regret it.

    2. I'm old school. I use a Sears catalog bra and panty section from 1992.

    3. That is old school. Those lacy braziers were pretty freakin' hot though. Enjoy.

    4. When I'm really desperate I've used a bottle of Aunt Jemimah... For the picture I mean, not to stick in my taterhole or nothing.

    5. Whew, glad your not a weirdo or anything...

    6. ^^You must use the Mrs. Butterworth maple syrup bottle for that.

    7. This new lotion is really drying out my penis. I'm getting a bsd case of the penis flakes.

      If you've never had penis flakes, they're Grrrrrreeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaattttt!

  9. Panda bear??? Did a bigfoot or bigfoots raid a zoo? Lol

  10. These are graduate students laughing in her face. Imagine what their PhD advisers think? Lol...

    1. I think it's clear Melba is taking all the other hoaxers to school with her 'study.' 5 years of dragging this out? Dyer looks like a newb.

    2. Not a fair fight. Melba has a degree to wave around while Dyer only had his partner's deputy badge...FRAUDS ALL!!..

    3. Melba only has a DVM (doctor of vetinary medicine) which you get from a 4 year course which in any other country would be called a Bachelor degree.
      She doesn't even have a PhD, these graduate students are already way ahead of her in terms of education.

    4. How dare you! She is a great American scientist and revolutionary hero!

    5. She told me she was a doctor when I braided her hair....


      /goes into hyperdrive

    7. Chew Dawg don't rape......she was sleeping....

  11. Impossible for Ketchum or anyone else involved in this study to get samples from a Panda. So, what have these critics been smoking?

    1. Yes, impossible. The only animal more elusive and exotic than bigfoot is a panda bear. No way a vet could get her hands on that.

    2. China owns the mighty panda bear and tighly controls who gets them or access to them when they are on loan to host countries. Ketchum did not have actual blood or tissue samples from a panda tested.

    3. Well clearly a 10 foot tall, 800 pound human hybrid has gone unnoticed and will be accepted with open arms by the scientific community! Vindicated? Oh yeah!

    4. Well then it's fraud! Either that or one of the labs she was using did tests on samples from zoo Panda's? You can't be telling us that you still believe Ketchum ?!!

    5. Bigfootery is like a mind control cult. They embed themselves further when they are faced with unwelcome evidence. Some footers will jump ship, those that remain will entrench themselves further.

    6. I believe in the DNA - test the DNA - put the samples through testing at another facility or labs. Work with the science and stop making personal attacks and attacking the messenger. Ketchum is not the first person to say bigfoot DNA is like human DNA. And again - suggesting one of her samples actually came from a panda? Impossible.

    7. All joking aside it is very cult like especially with the Ketchumites and in all honesty Melba has almost acted like a cult leader. She's told people what they want to hear to get them onside, played to their paranoia by painting the scientific establishment and there's also the dubious financial aspect of screwing Wally over then asking her followers for money too. She really played everyone for suckers.

    8. Nailed what? More lies about Melba?

    9. How you Ketchumites are little cult followers and brainless bleevers.

    10. The Genbank database has *excellent* data on pandas but not so much on other bears, therefore if there were any bear DNA contamination in the 'sasquatch' genome the Genbank BLAST sequence would have returned 'panda' as the closest match for that segment. Ketchum's genome is contaminated with bear DNA.

      They actually explain this in the video if you pay attention.

    11. I'm a biologist and they didn't explain it correctly!
      Yes I did pay attention!

    12. 6:47 please, with your great sense of knowledge please enlighten us about the "dog and cat shit" in the DNA sample. Oh and you might want to explained where the Canadian Lab got BLACK BEAR DNA.

      Keep believing and keep your credit card dusted off, its going to keep costing you for more evidence/hoax up my boy, eat up!

  12. The obsessed JREF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Sykes a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

    1. You get nothing and you will like it bitch.

    2. Can you blame them?
      To the winner go the spoils.

    3. This is the same cut and paste JREF post that you put on every thread, why? No one cares!!!!

    4. I care, because that post is correct, true.

      You don't like it, for the same reasons.

      Tard on, 5:58, tard on baby.

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  14. No wookie DNA? Stupid grad students know NOTHING!

  15. I wonder if Dr. Johnson is going to try and discredit those scientists for not being Ketchumites?

  16. Ken: Ha Ha, Joke Joke, we are so smart, we are all in super school studies, Ha ha We are so so smart, they are so stupid, JOke JOKe, ha ha. Young guys guess what, there is a thing called females, and they are really fun, Get a life. Melba, pack it up and go to another country and forget all about sasquatch forever, that's advice you need to heed.

    1. Yes, don't people like that make you just want to barf. They are experts about everything, and we will never see or hear from them again, unless to trash someone else's work. Prophets for the new age or just professional students, living on Dads money?

    2. Not being funny guys but you seem a little anti-interlectual here, they're having a good laugh at Melba's expense and to be honest she deserves it for ripping off Wally and all those rubes who paid $30 to buy her bs paper. Another Bigfoot fraudster, what a surprise think anyone that still believes her now is beyond help.

    3. Since I just came in from riding my invisible bicycle in circles in the driveway for hours and hours, I think I need help.



    4. You're a fraud for making up lies. People can spend money if they want or not! Its a free country knucklehead!

    5. Ken: Ani-intellectual is the correct spelling friend. But that's not the issue I have with them at at. Higher learning is something that we all should aspire for, my problem has to do with the cowardly way people sit behind a screen and KICK the dog while she's down. And I've not nor will I ever spend three cents on anything from any of these so called Bigfoot experts. I don't like beating women, kids, animals and or the elderly either. I guess that trashing someone who can't answer the charge face to face even if they are WRONG just doesn't sit well with me, I'm not intelligent enough to kick the dog while it's down and defenseless.

    6. Don't answer the charge of these little spineless geeks Ken, it's below you. There are some here that like the sound of reason, not many,but some.

    7. ^ Ken, I thought the idea was for Melba to prove to the world at large that bigfoots exist. She wanted the scientific community to look at her work,allegedly, towards that end. Here we have some reviews from the minor leagues(PhD candidates) and they say the paper sucks. Tough shit.
      Don't worry if these kids are wrong the egg will be on their faces and their advisers will give them

    8. Melba's not defenceless Ken she's just ripping people off and really should be charged with defrauding Wally. She deserves whatever she gets, woman aren't defenceless Ken they can fight back when it's a war of words plus she has plenty of people to do that for her with her little group of followers. She's commiting fraud and if anything the biologists on that video were being nice about the fact they thought it was just bad science. Look at the facts about her, the phone call with Smeja, self publication, April Fools papers, conflicting lab results, no providing all the data, the lie about GenBank and her Sasquatch foundation or whatever it is. It's been a long con operation from day one and the jig is up, she deserves a good kicking or at least a day in court.

    9. Since nobody is taking her to court then all the stuff you just said is bullshit you fucking moron anon 6:42! Stop spreading lies or go to court fucker!

    10. @ 7:12, learn something about law. Start with the concept of standing, fucker.

    11. ^ knows nothing about law! Dillweed!

  17. Ha! Ha! Fuck you footers! Seems y’all got yourselves a heaping helping of crow coming your way.

    I started following this blog about nine months ago because I wanted to see how the whole Ketchum debacle was going to play out, and sure enough I’m right and you’re retards. It serves you degenerates right for attacking the science of biology out of envy. Your jealousy driven bulling has been truly appalling to witness, and you deserve to be beaten mercilessly for your evil. You footers are a bunch of retarded, inbred, subhuman degenerates and your decision to vent your frustration by abusing biologists is surely worthy of extreme punishment.

    That said, I’ve won and you lost so I’ve no reason to be here any longer. I’m retiring.

    So long suckers!

    -Captain Correct: the rightest man in all the land

    1. ^ gullible Idiot who thinks this article is real. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ! Panda bears! Lol! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !

    2. Captain Correct has unfortunately on several occasions found out to be:

      Major Mistaken, Major McWrong, Private Pathetic, Sergeant Sham, Colonel Counterfeit, Private Pretend, King Krap, Sergeant Simulation, Sergeant Swindler, Private Prevaricator, Private Perjury, Head Homo, Commander Cuckoo, Boss BS, Principal Poo Poo, Monarch of the Morons, Sovereign of the Sh*theads.

      What a track record.

      Advised to disregard his current, past, and future comments.


    3. Righteous Dude! You are so correct!^

    4. ^You tell him! Next, post a link to some favorable reviews of the scam...errr... I mean research

    5. Am I real?......this shit has me trippin.......

    6. There had never once been any proof of a scam Penis Head! If you seriously want to challenge it and bring charges of defrauding people and creating a hoax I suggest You bring a lawsuit! Hire a fucking attorney and put your lying ass mouth where your money is! What you won't ? Then STFU or prove it!

    7. Well just take some aid chew and walk around as if you were invisible

    8. Proof of a scam what about Smeja's phone conversation that was witnessed by 3 other people where she told him to hit Wally up for money and to destroy any remaining samples. Where's the emails and letters from the journals who turned her paper down with the names of the authors of the emails so we can check she ever submitted the paper in the first place. Where's the editor of this journal she bought and the name of the lawyer who told them not to print it so people can varify that story. What about the accusations of her overcharging Wally by $400,000 or that some of her co-authors weren't involved in writing the paper. Why did she lie about submitting it to GenBank was it because she'd cut and pasted a sequence together and would be exposed if it other scientists accessed it and tested it themselves? Why wouldn't she allow any independent testing of her samples when Bart asked her about the piece of Smeja's steak that she'd tested?

    9. Your first example of proof of fraud, is a statement from a guy who claims to have shot bigfoot. @7:31.

    10. That is true but he has 3 other witnesses present for the conversation on speakerphone and despite the fact she told him the sample was 100% Bigfoot he wanted independent testing done, why would he want that if she'd told him what he wanted to hear?

  18. This is a Smear campaign. In fact this is the dumbest revelations by biologists. I find the credibility of these people as zero. Panda? Are you serious? I wonder what Derek Randals thinks about these people telling him they found Panda Bears, Doggies, and Kitty samples up in the Olympics? This site had gone to hell!

    1. You are a first class idiot, my condolences to your long suffering family for being related to such an imbecile.

    2. Can you explain that funny feeling in my tummy the last time I went camping. A Sasquatch was totally spying me.

    3. That's all you got? What s childish remark!^

    4. You have nothing and you love it!

    5. It is obviously a smear, search-and-destroy campaign. That's clear as day.

      One thing you can put money on:

      The further the mainstream bends backwards, the more they fumble and stumble over themselves in clumsy attempts to discredit, the more they run into themselves hyperventilating racing to be first to trash something, the more they perform awkward, weird, jarring fake burst of laughter, the more you can depend on that what they are trying to discredit, has some credit.

    6. No, not at all you are a sad deluded bunch of idiots with their heads up their asses. This woman is a fraudster worse than Dyer or Ed Smith or whoever else, she is intentionally ripping people off for hundreds of thousands like Wally and anyone who coughed up 30 bucks to buy her crappy paper. If you still don't get that we'll work on making a puppet show to try and explain it to you in very simple words, you are beyond dumb.

  19. least if there's a panda bear roaming the woods of N. America, then bigfoot isn't totally impossible....

  20. They are the Team Tazer for elusive college/university least we have got shawn, phil and snowalker!

  21. LMAO Melba is a fraud just like the MABRC DW Lee and Randy Harrington.

    Footers are mental misfits and delusional double wide dwellers.

    Bigfoot is not real!

    1. It's a type of human. Rat/human/kitty/dog/panda - that type.

    2. "Footers are mental misfits and delusional double wide dwellers."

      Well I got to agree. There's no footer more delusional than Kitakaze, Parnassus and Drew. Name a bigger liar than this trio of shitheads.

    3. Watch out, the drooling skeptards are escaping from the basements and struggling to evolve as they race to invade the trailer parks.

      God help us as they reproduce.

    4. ^^Mulder's gone the deep end.

    5. Just heard a copy of the "Mulder Sounds". It's a lot like the Sierra Sounds recording, but there's a lot more cussing and crying in between the howls.

  22. Wow! What an epic fail!!!! So embarrassing. For year people have been waiting and hanging their hopes on this thing and it turns out to be a complete joke.

    1. ^ Exactly . This crap they came up with Pandas, kitties and puppies is laughable ! Gives Melba the leg up in the science world.

    2. Why are you believing all of this? Do you not see that these others can be jokers? Watch them stupidly trip over themselves as they race to attack the Ketchum results.

      We knew it would happen. The attacks will go on.

      Why simply believe what these jokers in this video say? Do your own research first, then decide.

    3. You two Ketchumites are just too stupid to exist, I hope you are trolls just here to get the people with a higher IQ than 29 annoyed at you. They are laughing at it because it is bs, they got the panda, dog, cat and whatever from using the software that genetics labs use to test the sequence of letters that makes up DNA information and they used the sequences that Melba provided them with and got those crazy results. It's not open to their interpretation it's merely testing the sequences in their computer and reporting the results.

  23. so i guess there is a bunch of panda dna just kicking around for hoaxers to include in their hoaxings...?
    i thought pandas were kinda rare? and wouldnt that make their genetic material also slightly rare...?
    and if ketchum is the hack team tazer has to believe she is, then where did she get access to panda dna, or hows about where did all the dna contributors get access to panda dna...?
    perhaps we could see the genomics data these "biologists" used to come to this conclusion....

    other than that i gotta say, wow once again team tazer delivers the goods, i mean incredible reporting douchetards...

    p.s. mm se etc, get a fucking job already, or do something other than rip on those who are trying to contribute something to this fucking mess of a "community"

    1. Well they could have a Panda DNA species which is a rare cross between giant sloth/panda hybrid, anything is possible nowadays in this world we live in, well, the world I live in, anyways. I can do what I want, I'm great.

    2. They didn't need access to panda DNA you idiot they just needed it's DNA sequence which anyone one can obtain! What the biologist did was test the sequences of letters that make up the DNA in his computer program designed to match these sequences to tell you what DNA you have. All a fraudster like Melba had to do was randomly cut and paste these sequences to make something that look authentic to the non-geneticists out there. The people she'll ask for money from to buy her pos paper and fund her foundation !

    3. Bio, pre-med. Doesn't take a grad student to recognize Butthurt Footer Disease.

      Ever think that maybe it's time to move on?

    4. You should see the size of Melba's strap on...butt it hurts so good.

    5. Did it make you, you know "sore" down there?

    6. Pandas are the only bears that have been heavily sequenced and are in Genebank. Thus, other bear samples are likely to come back Panda.

  24. This hoax gets better and better and the true believers get dumber and dumber. And more desperate.

    Patterson and Gimlin's cheeseball hoaxed footage has nothing on this Ketchum hoax. This is so outlandishly and obviously fake and the cult-like believers still hanging on, it's almost stunning.

    1. If you believed the above article and video on Pandas then that makes you a world class Idiot! LMFAO! ^

    2. The claim the PGF was a hoax, is a hoax.

      Congratulations, hoaxer 6:35.

      Your pink underpants are showing. You couldn't be more obvious, your agenda. Give it up.

      The biggest hoaxers are the skeptards who comment daily on this blog.

    3. 6:39 - Seek mental help. STAT.

      You couldn't comprehend a single second of the video, could you?

    4. Look kids, it's the Moron! Idiot! guy we were telling you about. Look at his wild eyes and the bald patches where he's ripped out handfulls of his own hair...

    5. ^This footer needs an intervention^

  25. I miss Chewbacca ...where is he?

    1. I am having trouble processing all of this.....the Chew Dawg is starting to have questions.....Who am I????

  26. So let me get this straight:

    This collection of dorks in this video are what the skeptards consider heroes, who are accurate, correct, intelligent?



    Especially the "host", what an in-the-dark-dork-ineptitard.

    My God.

    Are you serious, skeptards? You believe this array of fools? Really? Surely and truly? These are your heroes which you will strut around as your anti-Kethum weapons?




    I didn't know it would be this easy to humiliate the skeptards.

    Easy targets, that's for sure.

    1. Dorks? So because they're intellectually superior to you the best you can do is call them a bunch of dorks? They tested the evidence that Melba provided with the DNA sequences that came with their paper and got those results using software that all geneticists use to identify animals DNA and got the panda etc. Melba made it up she's a fraud.

    2. Dickwad:
      We didn't watch the video. We don't know what they said. The upshot is that Ketchum set you up to get pounded right into the fucking ground. Bigfoot has gone from scientific possibility to Honey Boo Boo right in front of your angry face.

      The skeptards have won.

    3. If It was this easy to test stuff why the hell do we need Biologists? That's what makes this article laughable ! These guys just find the subject silly so they did silly tests! Nothing gained here! Just makes sceptics look stupid! Lol!

    4. You are failing to realize that they are laughing because the paper IS A JOKE to them because it has so many problems - problems even STUDENTS can recognize. And the bulk of the analysis was done by a DOCTOR of EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, not one of the students.

      You folks have been asking for the scientific community to get involved with real evaluation of the paper?

      It just did.

    5. You're right. There is nothing silly about gigantic magic yard apes. Serious business, that.

      Sharon Hill 1
      Moron! Idiot! guy -50

    6. Anon 7:28 you're just stupid ! A couple of sceptic young biology students out of thousands of scientists come out and try to debunk Melba ? This is your golden hour? Ha ha ha ha ha!

    7. Try READING, 7:56 - the guy doing the analysis is NOT a student. Duh.

    8. Sharon Hill looks like a young Jack Palance.

    9. Whatever happened to Sally Melba's old press person, we ever find out exactly why she quit?

  27. Didn't even bother watching. As soon as I saw the stupid grin on the face, why waste 29 min.

    Maybe I missed it, but can some other lab/dna person/university/whatever just ask Ketchum to do a test. And I mean a real test of her samples, not some half assed attempt w/ some asshole laughing in the background. Getting really tired of this, from all sides.

    1. That's if Melba hasn't destroyed all those samples yet. I wouldn't trust her to test the crap I stood in off my boot with her tongue. The only evidence that's been independently tested was Smeja's bear steak that Melba said was 100% Bigfoot.

  28. I really got nothing from this.....

  29. I used to be the biggest Dawg just don't know.....I thought this DNA would finally convince the Ladies it's okay to come back to my crib.....I be I just don't know....

    1. Nothing personal dawg, but I kind of wish Rick Dyer would shoot you in the face. One more for the road.

    2. Like I said....he's my bitch.....don't be jealous....don't hate the playa, hate the game...

  30. Morgan raises an interesting question.

    Has Ketchum's lab been used to provide forensic evidence that resulted in convictions?

    If so, this saga is likely of interest to a number defense lawyers out there. Ketchum exposed herself and her lab as completely unscientific and unreliable messes.

    That's troubling.

    1. Someone from one of the labs involved with the paper told a Web radio host this week that they were concerned that Dr. K's interpretations would hurt their lab's reputation.

    2. ^Really? That's like someone saying they are worried their crack habit will affect their bank

    3. She's a batshit crazy vet with a bigfoot fetish.

      How the hell else did you think this would end?

    4. Last year there was another anon on here that said they'd looked and found no evidence of Melba being used as a witness or forensics expert and they'd been checking court records.

    5. She's not listed in Lexis's database of experts that I can find.

      Interesting question, 7:27. I know that if I were cross examining anyone named in this paper, it'd be the first thing I brought up.

      "Now, Dr. ____, you were one of Melba Ketchum's co-authors, right?" "And you discovered Bigfoot? And this project started after one of these Bigfoot? Bigfeet? spoke to Dr. Ketchum telepathically? I got no more use for dis guy, your honor."

  31. If Bigfoot is real, how do you explain that Bigfoot doesn't exist?

    1. Squatch doesn't have DNA you skeptard. It's a draconian/angel/panda hybrid with a mid tarsal break.

  32. Do you JREF footers still bleeve kitakaze found the P/G suit then gave it up to become an international diplomat ?

    1. Was wondering how long before you posted this again

  33. The sophistication level is near zero on the comments.

    1. Matilda has fangs and stuff and eyes

    2. 90 percent are from the Bigfoot obsessed JREF buttplugs.

  34. The skeptards expose themselves by leaping at anything, ANYTHING anti-Kethum, and embracing it as true.

    This is absolutely accurate.

    Go back through the blog and anything anti-Ketchum, they bleeve with their whole hearts and don't let go.

    Anyone, ANYONE connected to science professionally who derides the Ketchum study is immediately, without skepticism or question, embraced as gospel-speaking by these skeptards.

    This shows the weakness of the skeptards' position, and reveals the weakness of character of your typical skeptard: whatever is mainstream, embrace it, love it, worship it as true, WITHOUT testing it, without being SKEPTICAL.

    I could invent scientists and biologiists and invent papers and studies, and as long as they were critical of Ketchum's work, hey ho the skeptards will grab it and run with it.

    It will be an embarrassing day for skeptards when someone does just that. You watch; they won't even check credentials; as long as the "science person" attacks Ketchum, the skeptards will say, "See? See? I told ya! ha ha ha!" and the same old broken record.

    Someone could have a lot of fun with these skeptards with this plan.

    Look with the panda DNA: instead of being skeptical, the skeptards walked right into that one. Oh yes! Fully believable, that one!!! Sure, Ketchum spiced the samples with some handy panda DNA. OK skeptards, now you sound crazier than those whom you call crazy.

    Hey skeptards?

    Guess what?

    You need to be skeptical!!!


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