Rev Jeff: Meldrum, Munns and Moneymaker -- Is Matilda Real or Not?

Today's sermon: "Today's sermon is on Thou shalt not bear false witness. Dr. Meldrum, Munns and Moneymaker all chimed in on the Matilda picture and don't seem to agree with each other. Apparently Rev. Jeff has struck a nerve with some of the congregation. Well all I can say about that is good. I have been following this Erickson Project debacle for as long as it has been wrapped up with the Ketchum DNA farce a few years ago." - Rev Jeff.


  1. Finding Bigfoot is a cool show!
    Matt Moneymaker is making this show look so bad with this crap!
    He is the founder of the BFRO and he is making them look like crap!
    Why oh why did he back this crap?
    I think this is why Cliff Barakman left the BFRO.
    What a shame!

    1. Matt Moneymaker isn't the reason the show is bad. The production is just crap.

    2. Yeah, Matt kinda makes the show. without him it's just not as funny.

      Especially when he refers to himself as a "researcher" and than calls animals Horsies and Elkies...and misidentifies dead animal carcasses...and gets grossed out by a pile of guts.

      Matt Moneymaker IS finding bigfoot!

    3. Matt Moneymaker IS NOT finding bigfoot!


    4. @ 7:50. Bullshit fool! If not for Moneyraker making an ass of himself weekly, the show would have no viewership. Sure a small handful of faithful Foot tards would tune in, but 95% of everyone else wouldn't. Ha!

    5. They need a Finding Tooth fairies or Findin Nessie or Finding Chupacabra series, bring in all the mythical animal experts to ram-rod doubters and coddle believers with TV time as well as 300$ camping trips.

    6. @ first comment above about Matt and the finding bigfoot show, I agree.

  2. I was checking out the Dyer thread at the BFF earlier and -- my goodness -- those people are 100 and crazy percent cuckoo.

    The most laughable part was how they almost all claim to have great jobs (law enforcement officer, IT manager, graphic artist, etc. . .). And yet they have time to post every five minutes on topics such as whether Dyer slashed the throat of some derelict's dog behind a Home Depot in San Antonio.

    The only explanation I can come up with is that those lunatics are all living off disability checks and food stamps and do nothing all day, but post on the bigfoot forum.

    1. I have taken a look over the last few days. You are right, we are not talking about deep thinkers. Its funny how they will argue over every statement put forth on the subject.

  3. The law does not protect scam artists!
    They will soon find this out! Mr.munns knows this!

    I would love this to go to the courts!
    Melba would be in deep trouble & I think she knows this!

    1. You have to wonder about someone who would fund such a scam artist. Bigfoot DNA? You could makes yourself look pretty bad, spend a hell of a lot of money, and possibly waste a lot of time going to court. I'm doubt Melba is shaking.

    2. If these people could work Wally & others out of money for this long with this pathetic shit don't think some of these people won't turn on her!
      They can be influenced to do so!
      They were influenced to believe these outlandish claims so....

    3. I think the people who believed the outlandish claims were also funding Melba. Wally read the original paper a long time ago with the strange claims. He was apparently on board.

    4. The footers take turns bilking the guy. If he's that gullible, he deserves it. Guess who's turn it is to milk him.

    5. ^ you dont know that! Do you have inside information on Wally and you can state facts on this site? I'd be careful of making stuff up when you're not privy to factual inside information.

    6. No just someone with common sense and the ability to withold judgement.

    7. If he didn't have money, the footers would have nothing to do with him. To them, he would just be a kooky old man. Being a feeble minded cash cow, changes everything.

    8. He approached the Footers and not the other way around . Wally has a big interest in Sasquatch and he can do whatever he wants with his money. People are not bilking him. He's a grown intelligent man and will give money with risks as he feels at liberty to. The Bigfoot world is very appreciative to his help. He has the same interest like the rest of us to bring this species to legitimacy and learn as much about them. Their Are Footers in this world unfortunately right now who have their own agendas and for some strange reason want to discredit others such as Melba for whatever reason makes themselves look good and are ruining a great chance to move forward . Guess what ! It will move forward without them. Doesn't mean one shouldn't challenge others work but I don't see those individuals stepping forward to further the field by providing legit research. Criticism is not considered research . Enuf said!

    9. ^^^ Oh brother. *face palm*

    and Matt joined the con artists at the end!

    1. He has been nothing more than a con man for at least the past 25 years.

  5. Let's hope Melba and Erickson takes them all down.

    Then we can all move on to leprechauns.

  6. Matt Moneymaker you are a fucken asshole!
    I will no longer be apart of the BFRO / fuck you!
    You have to be invited to join & I was wich made believe the organization was serious about research but then this?
    Fuck you

    1. You are coming to this conclusion Now? This was the tipping point? Wow dude.

    2. I ignored the obvious like a fool for so long, I am so dumb to even have joined them, yeah I waited to long and this is the tipping point- I know it's dumb

    3. Well I give you credit then. Take that skepticism with everyone from now on.

    4. You can do research on your own or with close friends, that's what I do.
      You don't need to join an organization to research Sasquatch - I have fun fishing & trail blazing trying to find foot prints and even have a few trail cameras in the woods (Mount Hood) & the surrounding area!

      If I was forced to join a group or organization I would be pist but I think I would join these nuts at Team Tazer before the BFRO just because I think the BFRO would take the fun out of Bigfooting!

    5. Anon 1:34 do you think Moneymaker gives a rip what you think? Does it make you feel better to curse someone out that you're not directly talking too? Man up pussy and go say it to his face .

    6. ^you better be careful. MM can ram u with that big belly of his and send you flying through the woods crying for your mama.

  7. "Tazer Media" is a starting to be one monstrous click getting machine.

  8. Moneymakers crew members ,are doing the wood knocks,throughing rocks and now breaking tree branches. They cant show us any footage of the big ape,cause its the crew doing it . Thats entertainment folks.

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  10. I was banned from the bff a couple years back for saying Ketchum is full of shit. Now who's laughing. Pwned.

  11. is that balck wookie mask a pic of the 'matild' guessing munns hs released ir as such.If so its very dosapointing and doesnt show a living creature

    This is cleary an exac replica of the woohie mask dyed black

    if this is what theyve produced in 5 years! wtf is this all about?

    Its a farce and shows ericksn shows nothing. sham as that was,for me, the last chance of realistialy provong BF is real

    There is no way Dyer has a body or smeja shot 2 of them Hs story,is that,a story

    its let down after let down

    when you are talking about dotors you expect more than the usual pathetic hoaxes.It would appear not

    the''sleeping matrilda' film id of nothing.step either side and you film the important provable parts of a creature,filnming s having trunk is not showing anything

    1. Th footage of the fool in the Wookie mask was indeed supposed to be the big enchilada in the Erickson doc. Now we see why it was never released...

    2. ...and never will be, because it's an obvious hoax, to some people. Other people will pay good money for garbage.

    3. Occam's razor insists that all of Bigfootery is hoax and wishful thinking.

    4. Occam doesn't insist. It is a known fact that all of the big stories in 2012 were bullshit, Erickson included.

  12. Footer logic:

    Point trail camera at feeding station. Pics show known animals eating the food therefore Bigfoot knows to avoid it because there's a camera there.

    Take camera away, next day food is gone so it must have been Bigfoot. Send hairs found to Ketchum saying they are Bigfoot.

    If you really believe foots will only come when there's no camera there then you are fuking retarded. The explanation is so fuking simple. MYTHICAL FUKING CREATURE.

    1. Maybe bigfoots are everywhere and the researchers are bumbling incompetents...Let me at 'em! I'll get a pic of the one in Nassau County. I live near a subway and can easily commute to my research site..

    2. ^Let me know if you need help with funding.


    3., Mr. Hersom. I won't let you down!

    4. No problem. Thermal imagers, trail cams, cash? Just let me know what you need.


    5. That would be awesome if mr. Hersom would actually fund normal people research instead of someone teamed with a group

  13. Replies
    1. Dude, you've worn this schtick out. Give it a rest.

  14. Same few unsophisticated individuals making 99% of the comments.

    1. Oh, but you I suppose are the epitome of sophistication I suppose?

      Piss off you foolish footer!

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