Phil Discusses Illegal "Matilda" Bigfoot Photos

On Monday, Dr. Melba Ketchum posted a statement apologizing followers about the removal of an image from her Facebook page. Apparently, the item removed was an image of several wookie masks with some stills from the Erickson Project that Bill Munns had put together for comparison. Ketchum wrote the following statement on her Facebook wall explaining that it's a copyright violation to post it without proper license:

I'm sorry to say the picture of Matilda had to be taken down. While she is adorable that picture is owned by Adrian Erickson. It was allowed to be in the paper only. That picture is copy written and licensed. Anyone distributing or posting it is doing so illegally. Adrian is a good person and out of respect for him we will not post it publicly . We advise everyone to do the same. - Dr. Melba Ketchum

Phil Poling of ParaBreakdown has had his share of copyright takedown notices filed against him (and won), and he seems unfazed by Ketchum's latest statement and the looming threat of a DMCA filed against his YouTube channel. He writes: "I'm really tired of Melba Ketchum's demands like she has some authority over what others post. I am looking forward to seeing her DMCA filed against this video."


  1. Hi, hi, hiii!

    "As I've said, Wally made my dreams come true"

    "Wally and I talk at length about an average of 2-3 nights a week"

    1. Sure my moms basement is good. But there has to be more to life than spending days here playing Pokemon with Mulder. Those stinky academics are missing out on the biggest discovery ever. One day I'll get enough courage to maybe go outside. One day...

    2. That's a turkey in a wookie mask.

  2. Replies
    1. Ken: not really first, but. If Matilda were mine, I'd want the pics taken off and destroyed asap. This has to be the worst of the worst. Melba is on her own. I admit,what ever abuse she receives, She has earned. Matilda the breathing, horse hair braiding, walking upright RUG. Jesus Melba, what in the world were you thinking,and possibly taking during this phase of your life? And the samples came from this thing?

    2. Whikey and vicodin, fer sure.

    3. Ken: my thoughts exactly, at least that's an excuse no matter how lame.

    4. Whatever that head is it's not a Sasquatch, that much is obvious.

    5. Ken: gotta be something strong H.B. She's just lost all credibility with the rug man, forget the paper, this aint even a good costume dood.

    6. Oh we were talking about her. Lol I'm jokin yeah it's probably mushrooms or acid that's one explanation on how she sees 5 bigfeets all the time.

    7. Ken: it would take all of it, plus a giant all bud JT of the purest purple sense ever grown, for me to make anything other than a joke outa the Matilda thing bro, H.B. if we saw that in the woods we'd kill it out of pity dood. lol

  3. this ketchum must have no friends,

    1. None that she knows personally, anyway.

    2. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence!

    3. Her evidence is in the negative column.

  4. Replies
    1. like Ozzy though,Rush is better.Hey Rush,is this the matilda footage?

    2. Ken: who knows what it is exactly Rumy, Your guess is as good as any bro. I think it's a costume made from one of those Shamies friend.

    3. LOL,I think you're right on the money,Ken

  5. I received a copy of the copy of the copyright infringement. I forwarded the forward of the forwarded copy of my copy to my lawyer. I won! Go me!!!!

  6. SECOND! SEGUNDO!! I'm so proud, but I think I pee on myself.

    1. You may need to see a therapist you were likely molestered as a child

  7. Melba isn't the one demanding it is Erickson. Can you guys read. I know melba is a complete goof but sometimes not everything is her fault.

    1. The Turds on here don't know how to read.

    2. Ken: It's obvious she wants them off and why, but by claiming something like this is a real animal, she is not a goof, she has masterminded her own demise. It's all her fault.

    3. Yep, she is a lying f____ing fraud. She deserves to be sued by everyone she has taken a dime from, during these past five or more years of chronic bullshit. Trailor trash cat vet.

    4. If Ericson wants them taken down why doesn't he say so himself? Why go through Melba? What does she have to do with the pictures being leaked?

    5. Ken:Why thank you Travis Sir.

  8. That picture is copy written and licensed. Anyone distributing or posting it is doing so illegally

    Hmm, isnt fraud illegal too. LOL.

    Why is someone doing this?? You guys can tell me all the Explanations you want. I'm just not getting it.
    Just think all this nonsense would have been impossible before the internet.
    Its not even that funny if in fact someone is trying to be funny, just stupid.

    One last thing why do we keep calling her Dr. Melba Ketchum
    She does not deserve this tittle or the respect that comes with it

    1. You know what's funny? "Copy written" isn't even the correct term. It's copyrighted.

  9. Those are MY WOOKIE PHOTOS! You are posting them without my permission! If you don't remove them ASAP, I'm going to tell Yoda. And when Darth Maul gets done with you, you'll all be sorry.

    1. Hey SWP, I saw some french guy using your avatar pic as his avatar on you tube the other day!

    2. I heard Wookies are jewish, AND they believe in Christ. Whaddya think of them apples, ya Bigot.

    3. So does the whole Jews for Jesus crowd

  10. I dont think anyone in this site can determine who deserves respect. Skeptards and footers are both disrespectful

  11. 2013 the year of the Pwned footers (well more so than normal)

  12. Johnny was an school boy
    When he saw his first Bigfoot film
    PGF, I think it was
    And from there it didn't take him long
    Got himself a trailcam
    Used to squatch every night
    Now he's in the BFRO
    And everything's alright
    Don't you know?

    Johnny told his Mama,
    "Hey, Mama, I'm goin' away
    gonna find Bigfoot searching
    every day"
    Mama came to the door
    With a teardrop in her eye
    Johnny said, "I'm a footer, Mama,
    Just smiled and waved goodbye"
    Don't you know?


    Don't you know that you are a footer tard
    Don't you know
    Don't you know
    Don't you know that you are a footer tard
    And all the world will avoid you just as long
    As long as you are

    Johnny got a thermal
    but he didn't carry a gun
    he was no-kill because
    there only might be one
    Watchin' the thermal screen
    Surprise a squatch at last
    Johnny looked around him and said,
    "didn't know they could run that fast"
    Don't you know?
    Don't you know?

    Don't you know that You are a footer tard
    Don't you know?
    Don't you know that You are a footer tard
    And all the world will avoid you just as long
    as long as you are

    1. You took a perfectly good song and killed it you're as bad as the ghetto superstars that take a perfectly good antique vehicle and destroy it

  13. The force isn't behind her at all.
    From his death star Adrian Erickson ( AKA ERIK THE RED) sends out his storm to deal with all putting up the wookie mask that has being portrayed as a real bigfoot.
    Sounds like it would make a good movie. Mr Spielberg ? Mr Lucas ? Mr Magoo ? Anyone want to film this ?


  14. This stuff can wear you down after awhile lol.
    Its just amazing, it really is.
    All the Bad stuff going on in the World and people are wasting there time on this.
    I started coming here to be serious about Bigfoot and
    do some research.(I guess I might be in the wrong place) Just Kidding.

    I'm getting real shaky on that fence. Starting to really lean toward this all Crap side.

    Someone help me please!!!
    I beg you give me something , oh wait there really isnt anything is there ?

    1. There are 3 men hunting the first day the German goes out comes back with a 12 point buck the guys go how did you get it he said I saw the tracks I followed the tracks bang I shot the deer second day the American comes back with a 14 pt buck the guys go how did you get it I saw the tracks I followed the tracks bang I shot the deer the third day the pollack goes out he comes back all battered and f#%ked up the guys go what the hell happend to you he goes I saw the tracks I followed the tracks bang I got hit by the TRAIN.

    2. Now that's funny as hell I shot coke the drink out of my nose and the carbonation is burning my nostrils

  15. May the farce be with you.

  16. as if the 5 years wait bait and switch non peer reviewed self published paper on her own website that includes hoax citations IS NOT ENOUGH...this from the good drs facebook page:
    "I have independent analysis of our data going on. If the outcome of what we are doing supports our analysis, then we are vindicated. If not, then I will announce that also. It involves top level scientists that have volunteered after I released the paper. If their findings are the same, they will go public. So, please be patient. They also will assure upload to GenBank and they can make that happen."
    so i think she means lets be patient and wait........................................

  17. thank god lindsay says this will give him some traction for the next six months. he loves "top scientists"


    1. Wait???
      It just keeps rolling.

      Keep the Bait Dangeling Baby!!
      Squeeze every drop out of it.

  18. I'm gonna get Dr. Bindernagel's comment on this soon. He is currently traveling so he hasn't been able to fully explain it but he did say that "The story (backstory?) re these frames is a bit long but important. Sorry to see how things get misrepresented in the internet by uninformed people."

    1. Ok thanks Jay

      Who is Dr Bindernagel again?

    2. yes,when does the circus go on hiatus so you can talk to bindernagel?

  19. Dr. John Bindernagel. Canadian wildlife biologist who has been championing BF research for years. Written several books on the subject. Good guy and one of the most respected members of the community.

  20. From what I can see Dr. Melba Ketchum is not hurting for Money.
    Looks like she travels around and has horses
    Must be nice.

    Oh almost forgot does anyone want to see my
    Bigfoot video

  21. we should breakdown ohils team tazer films/photos. oh that right i fogot he gor fuck all. all he does is diss and be arcastic about evryoneselses when hes got its probably a fakenobody has claimed this is the matilda stills as yet so why is he doing so.prick

  22. Isn't Melba just talking about the breathing rug footage?She doesn't have anything to do with the wookie photo that Bill Munns put out. Bill never said that was Matilda, he asked if it's the same thing that gets up and growls at a camera which is unclear as to it being Matilda or the adult female. Anyway, Erickson could have only asked her to take down the breathing video. The still of it sleeping was released with permission.

  23. That's another thing that shows this family were hoaxing the investigators. There doesn't seem to be any footage or photos of the adult male, at least not that I've seen discussed. That's because it would be pretty hard to find a 10 ft. tall guy with shoulders 4 ft. wide. Therefore they have to say it's a juvenile or a female. Same thing with Patty, it had to be a female and that's why they made breasts because a large man could pull off being a female BF. I think BF is possible and worth exploring, but just lean toward Patty being a man in suit. At this point, enthusiasts need to demand clear video or a photo of a MALE bigfoot only for serious consideration. That would weed out a lot of the crap. We need to see something that is much too large to be human and preferably we need to see it doing something physically improbable i.e. "gliding" through difficult terrain at astonishing speed or any of the amazing feats that have been claimed that are beyond a human's ability. When someone has that, then call Nat. Geo. or Dr. Meldrum. Even if you think Patty is real, it cannot be proven so it doesn't help and it wastes investigators time. Wait for something worthwhile.

    1. your words speak volumes, PGF needs to be put aside for now (the last 30 yrs actually), footage of something spectacular please......this should also apply to hoaxers, give us something new.

  24. How long does it take for an extremely annoying hoaxer like Melba Ketchumn to fade away into obscurity? How long does it take for any of them to dry up and blow away?

  25. So the pictures are of a wookie mask because Phil says its a wookie mask. And therefore there can be no copyright infringement based on that.
    Pretty nice trick from someone who has no real proof other than supposition based on likeness.
    My dog looks like a bear but I'm pretty sure he does't eat honey and stand in a river catching salmon.

    1. My dogs looks like a Bear and his name is Bear because he looks so much like a bear! He likes honey in the homemade cookies I make him and if he saw a river let alone a salmon jumping around he would faint then get up and run away completely terrified.

  26. For those how saw a Sasquatch...does it look like this ?????????????? I guess there's not 10 variety of Sasquatch in north america !!!!!!!!!!!!! C'mon wake up !!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Light kinda dark...
      short sorta tall...
      Slim, kinda thick...
      I swear I love 'em all!

  27. Is that they gay Rictor in the video that everyone talks about becuase his ballcap was turned to the side so it would be easier to swallow balls and all. Could someone clarify this?
    Squatch Nuts

  28. Rictor is as about as annoying a gay as is possible.

    If he was any more gay he would be Matt Moneymaker

    Rictor claims to be a friend of Smeja...that is Broke Back Mountain for retarded gay cowboys right there

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