Nat Geo Science Blog on Ketchum DNA Publication: "You should be laughing by this point"

One of the first blogs to report on the Ketchum DNA publication is the Science Blog by National Geographic. It doesn't seem like they have read the full manuscript yet, but already, they are already bemoaning the $30 upfront cost of the paper and Ketchum's self-publication (on her own website) and "funky-ugly" website layout:

Well, she says she bought an existing journal and renamed it (the Journal of Cosmology was on the market, and I hoped most fervently that that was it…but no, JoC is still online). So she owns the journal. It’s now called De Novo.

Then she came out with a special edition. It’s Volume 1, Issue 1. It contains precisely one paper, hers.

You should be laughing by this point.

The online journal is a mess. The layout is funky-ugly, it’s difficult to figure out how to actually get to the paper, and when you navigate to it, it’s got a wretched little “Buy Now” button imbedded in a couple of intersecting blocks of color in a hideous table-like layout. It reminds be of the esthetics of JoC.

Anyway, it’s $30 to buy a paper so bad they had to build a custom journal around it to get it published. Not interested.



  1. Replies
    1. I've been laughing all day, hysterically.

    2. Yup, this is pretty much what was expected. Way to represent the field Dr. Retard!!!!

    3. Wow, you'd think National Geographic could at least afford a literate blogger who could spell.

      The grammatical and spelling errors are on the original page, "in partnership with National Geographic."

      If you write in partnership with one of the top magazines in the world, then prove you are semi-literate, you are writing on toilet paper, and your opinion is worth just as much as that, the used variety at that.

      That blog roll is truly written on a bog roll.

    4. Maybe he didn't want to waste $30 on what is most likely a load of bunk that none of the other journals would touch because simply put the science is bad! So how long before Curtino and his scientists who tested Smeja's steak chime in....

    5. You'd think Wally could've afforded a competent scientist to prove Bigfoot.

    6. Sorry mulder ^ no bigfoots proven for you today

    7. Well there you have it Bigfooters... shut your yaps and bust out your credit cards!!! There is your GODDESS in all her Glory!! Pay her up front for your evidence please hahahaha... This is even better than not coming out with a paper at all...

      Go Footard go footard gooo.... Melba Toast Ketchum has had your backs all long LMFAO

    8. Footard, awesome description! I hope it hurts them real real bad. I revel with the fact that countless perfect little mental midgets stayed up countless nights just WRITHING with anticipation.

      This is epic comedic gold, just freaking epic!

    9. Not to worry, Nat Geo is also expert about BBQ - they just listed the top 10 places in the U.S. that have the best BBQ.

      Maybe they should drop $169 for an annual subscription to the New England Journal of Medicine! Then they can update themselves about DNA research!

    10. DNA research for $169 guess Melba's trying hard to
      get back the money she spent to get her credentials.

    11. The detailed paper is out and the skeptards somehow manages to turn that fact into a defeat for bigfoot, hahahaha, it's actually a victory.

  2. If they can't find simple a button, I sure as hell don't want their opinion on the evidence in the paper.

    1. 5:10,

      Its OKAY to mourn. You've lost your life today. That hurts real real bad. You may never recover.



      Apparently Shawn you and Team Tazor think this is funny but it's not FUNNY!

      She is destroying everything that has to do with any real research! You don't care!

      Soon no one will care and any real proof REAL PROOF will get laughed at!

      This sets everyone back-soon no one will trust any person who works on this subject! Including National Geographic!

      Wow, really funny!

      JUNK SCIENCE - THAT'S WHAT EVERYONE WILL THINK - and can you blame anyone?

      Not that you care, if you did this blog would be reporting in a much different style than it is!!!!

      Horrible just horrible!
      FAN THE PLAMES SHAWN! That's what she and all these liars need to make money!!

      & your little buddy killed a juvenile Sasquatch! You in the way Bud!! Move over!!

    3. Totally agree. I have been speaking out against this. They do nothing but increase the stigma on real research. It puts people of every kind off from the subject.

      Now the Sykes report is the life line that they all will cling too. He may just deliver the killing blow instead.


    4. Da Plame, Boss, Da Plame.

      "Why Do People Have To Fight"

    5. I love how the trolls for some warped reason think this is over - hey geeks - a published paper is - get this - the beginning of something not the end.

    6. Hate to say it, but I agree with the others. In between that awful "Finding Bigfoot" show and now this anyone who gives a damn about their professional reputation will steer well clear of the topic. The only exception will be if someone actually captures a living specimen or can manage a relatively intact corpse. Anything else is going to be met with derision thanks to the 'friendly fire' of our supposed allies.

  3. To order a copy of Melba's paper, just flush $30 down any toilet. It will reach her.

  4. Replies
    1. Dose anybody relize how bad this makes any real Bigfoot research going on look? Dose anybody really care here? Nice! Good job! Keep on reporting and following this liar! She makes everyone look so bad! Soon nobody will contribute anything because everyone just sits back laughs! She is taking away from everyone! If anyone had a passion they would be upset about this!

    2. I'll have a dose of what YOU'RE having!

    3. Yeah dose anyone know how to spell here?

    4. Shawn and Team Tazer mock bigfoot all the time. You don't really think they believe in this stuff do you? It's obvious.

    5. We know they don't unfortunately, it's their job to mock it. I used to think it was just jealousy now I think it's covering up via mockery.

  5. Replies
    1. Shawn if i were you i would be very careful about what i posted. Many many people are associated with this study. According to what i have heard you have already made 2 different posts that leave you wide open for a lawsuit. Does copyright infringement and slander sound familiar? Be very careful. You and your moron friends over at tazer need to use some discretion about what you put up. Doersn't matter if you like it or not. This is going mainstream and nobody is going to stop it. People will quickly abandon this blog when it becomes available onn cnn/fox/abc. You have the opportunity to at least save face and do the right thing and not look like an idiot. Also would be advisable to disassociate yourself with people like Damian Bravo/Phil Poling/ and Michael Merchant

    2. If I were you, I'd find another hobby. Maybe one that's not so crazy and doesn't cause people to laugh at you.

    3. Anon 5:22 Ummm this is the USA and we do have opinions and we are still free to express them in this country... Move back to China if you can't tollerate others opinions!

    4. 5:22 (Melba?)

      If I were you I'd stop myself look like an imbecile. That's sound advice.

    5. hobby? Kinda Like yours where you sit around and jerk off all the time. Fucking moron! Now everybody is laughing at you. go jerk off some more or crawl back under the rock you came out from

    6. ^^^^^^ Another mental midget who lost their life today. I hope it eats and eats at you. I hope it hurts you so bad. To think, you sat up countless nights writhing with anticipation of the release. When it came, it was a complete joke just as I told you it would be. Self promotion and all. Listen next time foot-tard!

    7. Shawn it's the second rude footer that's broken the no cussing rule! Lol

    8. Its too late 6:03, to "listen" that is. You see, he even believes Dyer. I'm serious, he actually believes Rick Dyer.

    9. 5:22 sounds like a threat, Shawn. Hoaxers hate being outed, dont they?
      Don't let Melba's thugs intimidate you, buddy. Fu*kum. Its a bluff charge. Keep on ringing the hoax bell on Ketchum, Dyer and all the rest of their slimy, money-grubbing ilk.

    10. " . . . . .when it becomes available on cnn/fox/abc"


      Really? Really?


    11. no kidding. I wonder if CNN is required to pay the $30 to read the paper. What a joke!

    12. 7:06 one more denier, checked.

    13. NG is essentially a debunking unit. They are the ones with those lame Is It Real shows about unproven subjects, unproven that is by a bias scientific world hell bent on keeping the status quo, those of us with sense and will power left don't trust them as far as we can throw.

  6. This whole thing is an absolute joke....

  7. M K Davies has got a fee bucks. And he's never in the same room as Enoch either. It doesn't take much to work out from that what's going on here. It's easy.

  8. Journal of Cosmology or Journal of Cosmetology?

  9. She is quite an idiot. She has made an absolute fool and joke out of herself. Unbelievable.

  10. Good spelling there NatGeo cunts. Maybe you should get back to covering groundbreaking research such as tow trucks driving in the snow.

    1. Wow an angry cussing footer! Thought that was a no no now?

    2. 5:21 is just another believing footer polluting this blog with foul words. You may have to delete every post they make. They're in agony. Death rattling....

    3. Ketchumites are not "footers", asshole. They're cultists. And assholes like you are not skeptics, asshole. You're just assholes.

    4. And you keep cussing, naughty naughty

  11. Since I am interested, I will pay. If most of you could quit smoking and drinking for a few days, I am sure you could raise the money.

    1. I think it isn't just the question of finding $30 it's the ethical side to it. She's playing us all for suckers and some people feel that giving her the money is accepting that it's fine to do this. If she really gave a damn give it up for free same with the Ericson project and any other Bigfoot evidence, if it means so much that this creature is proved real to you (the researcher) let the world see it for free. Show everyone the error of our ways not pimp out your evidence for $30 a look see, want science to take the subject seriously stop acting like Carnies.

    2. I hear what you are saying, but sometimes you just have to pay to see the Freak show. This whole field is riddled with frauds and charlatans.

    3. Hey, Vincon, wanna see a miracle? I wiped my xzz on a handful of Charmin and lo and behold, there appeared the image of the Virgin Mary! I'll only charge you $29.95 for it.

    4. Yep but by paying you are funding their freak show and encouraging others to do the same. Melba has you hook, line and sinker and know's how much you want to see the paper so you'll pony up the money. It's a grift, a con and she's screwing you and what's even worse is she's screwing you and she doesn't look anything like that nice glamour shot she uses! Lol

    5. Like I said...You have to pay to see the show. I want to see the data. I will pay.

    6. If the data is flawed and pointless (already proven by real/credible scientists who back real/credible journals) then why pay for trash?

      All of you believing footards are dumpster divers, I swear, all of you. Its comedy gold though.

    7. Vincon, if you are going to pay for her paper then you need to get out of rsearch right now. Btw I have some ocean front property in Idaho that I will sell you for $29.95! Later idiot!

    8. Man, just don't bother and wait for Sykes. You'll regret it because by this time tomorrow it'll have been ripped apart by pretty much every biologist, geneticist and high school science teacher because it's bunk. Of course the science mafia comments will come out but that's mainly from people who are pretty much dumb as a post the people with smarts (both believers and sceptics) know it's bad science. Maybe Sasquatch does exist but this is baloney and everybody is been taken for a ride.

    9. Hey...Look. If you can't afford the 30 bucks I will give it to you. All I need from you is the highway intersection your currently living at.

  12. WHAT A MESS , if it's bad science forget it, don't buy it, don't talk about it.OR OR you could jump on the band wagon,and talk like you actually know something about the study and the paper, but do you? SO you decide, Am I a jump on little sheep, OR a grown up?Nothing is news, absolutely nothing, until somebody start discussing and spreading it. So tired of it? shut your traps and move on, you still got Rick Dyer to trash if you just have to have a coward behind the screen rip. Juveniles.

    1. Rick Dyer killed the Bigfoot, Seven people have now independently verified the corpse. Now it's time for those who re talking all the trash to figure it out and wait to see the greatest discovery of this century. Give the man a chance to show the goods, then see what happens.

    2. Maybe I missed something, but if someone had a bigfoot corpse, why didn't they present it, instead of hair samples or steaks?

    3. Who are these seven people and why should we believe them?

    4. Was any of the seven Wolf Blitzer???

    5. It was Musky Allen, Dopey Allen, Sleepy Allen, Grumpy Allen, Bashfull Allen, Sneezy Allen and Happy Allen they all varified the body is legit, female, dark hair and sleeps a lot. All tests have been done and there are rumours she maybe alive just in a deep sleep and even somekind of royalty! All very interesting stuff!

  13. and second, this site is obviously a disinfo site, not interested in genuine research, because they do none, they just post others research and typically crap all over it.... its not even clear what the point or aim of this site is, other than to offer a venue for a bunch of retards to spew retarded crap all over anyone interested in the sasquatch....
    oh but wait what am i saying, this site gives merchant a venue to express his "views" and anything "tazer approved"... one has to wonder why exactly someone like merchant is even acknowledged.... but anyone else is targeted... and i mean anyone... from Paulides to ketchum et all... the motives of this site are suspect.

    1. Right on. Merchant is the worst. A pseudo-intellectual clown.

    2. Vincon, before you call someone a clown, take off your make-up and floppy shoes.

    3. Annon 5:29

      Stop with the crying!! Your bigs puppy dog tears a getting us all wet here. Just go buy Ketchums $30 of evidence and stop the tears... sniffle sniffle

    4. Nada, but we know you will though you need it for your CIA report.

  14. I've been laughing my ass off for months now. Today was kinda special.

    1. Brilliant wasn't it? Now looking forward to dyers bit.

    2. Yes, a very special day in deed!!! It's definitely the year of the Bigfoot and I'm completely enjoying this. Next in the big Tent we have Freezer Boy Dyer...

      Also, I really thought there would be more of an upwelling of suport from the Melba Toast Ketchum camp... Come on YOUR Goddess has spoken! I have a feeling the Examiner artical might have been a better place for her to stop with the BS.

    3. Yep, these hoaxes just keep on a rollin!

      There's nothing like this field of footards to keep you happy.

    4. Hope they pay you well, liar.

  15. So it looks like Believers are going to defend Melba by pointing out grammatical errors made be the detractors.

  16. Phil Needs anger management he sounds pissed couse melba proved bigfoot is real...Just sayin

  17. Nothing says fail like publishing your own work, on your own journal. A friend of mine Mitchell Wilson, pointed out the publisher last night, which I checked out and realized how much of a joke it turned out to be for Melba Ketchum. In the science world, she has sunk what little credibility she had.

    Well we still have my friend Dr. Sykes as well as a few other studies taking place, lets see what they come up with. I will say this, it looks very promising that we have more than one upright walking ape species worldwide.

  18. Ne Novo was created using Wix. Wix is a free HTML5 publishing platform that helps you design and create beautiful websites with just a few clicks. Use our drag & drop editor to easily create your own professional website. No coding or design skills needed!

  19. I have discovered the secrets of life and death. And so, I've created a living human being out of other dead people's body parts. And believe me when I say, "IT'S ALIVE!!" You can read the scientific paper I wrote on it just as soon as I quit smooching the Godaddy hottie and create a website featuring my papers, scientific, identity, and toilet. - Dr. Victor Frankenstein

  20. Will it be published in Vulcan ?
    If not I'll have to tap out, sorry

  21. Melba is like herpes. Just when you think it has gone away another outbreak happens when you least expect it!

  22. Footers actually took a cat vet serious in regards to producing groundbreaking DNA methods and proving the existence Sasquatch. Think about that level of intellect for 2 seconds.

    1. It makes you want to start doomsday prepping! "Yeah my name is anon and me and my family are prepping for the day when all rational, logical and reasonable thought processes in the average American cease to exist. I believe based on what I have seen amoung Bigfoot believers online, that humanity is doomed to become irrational, anti-interlectual, paranoid conspiracy nuts who value blind faith over any kind of logical empiricism. I fear that soon people will mentally de-evolve and goldfish will provide more reasonable debate than the average footer, more than anything I believe encouraging an environment where people can say there is a 8ft tall man-ape who inhabits the 4th dimension and travels using portals and orbs is leading to a society which does not recognise mental illness but accepts delusions as a valid opinion. I also worry that the current anti-science sentiment will mean it will be replaced in schools with bible study and readings of Atlas Shrugged or the Three Little Pigs. This of course will bring about the end of the world eventually as someone will inevitably try to bring on the Rapture by blowing up Utah with all our current nuclear arsenal because God told him to do it. To prep for this I have decided to be proactive and plead with the believers on Bigfoot Evidence not to accept the findings of Melba Ketchum or fall for another Rick Dyer hoax, after all the best defense is a good offence. We need to nip it in the bud right now before it's too late!"

    2. A foaming, mentally unstable rant. ^^^

      But absolutely right.

      Don't send your hard-earned money to people like Dyer, Biscardi or Ketchum. Not only are they laughing at you behind your backs, they're setting back your cause.

    3. It's getting so fucking boring on this blog, it's bent in neon this is the government's secret back office playground. To think grown men are actually writing all this junk and gettting payed too that's the most embarrassing aspect of it all.

    4. No one is getting paid (cept Melba and Dyer) and it isn't the government's playground you dim whitted, inbred, backwoods crackpot. What is embarrassing the amount of grown men who babble idiotic conspiracy theories about Sasquatches, DNA and dimension hopping! You sad little man.

  23. Where Dr Ketchup is concerned footers lose and lose BIG.

    1. Ketchumites lose, and assholes like you ^^^ never win.
      Meanwhile, REAL footers keep squatchin', and REAL skeptics keep watchin', and keep waitin' for the REAL scientists to weigh in.

  24. Anyone who didn't see this coming months ago is probably not fit for survival on this planet. Too bad our society coddles idiots long enough that they can grow up and send $30 to a SCAMMER and a FRAUD like Melba Ketchum.

    Melba should be behind bars. And with any luck, she will be.


  25. Is this the only bigfoot site where footers cuss each other out or are they all like this.

    1. Cussing's not the worst of it, friend. There are some real perverts on here. Its a free-for-all.
      But if you bring a sane voice of reason, by all means jump in! You won't be alone. I just hope you have a thick skin... and don't vomit easily...

    2. anon 6:41 unfortunately the guy who runs this blog only cares about web hits, NOT bigfoot....

  26. Um, this is from PZ Myers' blog Pharyngula. It has nothing to do with National Geographic.

  27. Exactly its not like the person even read the Paper either.
    Now way he is really writing for National Geographic

  28. Most of you trolls are too young to remember that things like the news show "Nightline", started because the other news agencies were too busy or the personal disbelief to cover the event. Does this sound kinda familiar? You may not have the mental capacity to fathom this idea! Try to get this, these journals will get to wipe egg from their faces But to arbitrarily discount ANY work because of a person or persons personal beliefs, This is not science!

  29. The nationally organized, Bigfoot Bigot coalition, has had a long time to come up with a scheme to neutralize and/or discredit the DNA study. Their first mission was to make sure nobody passed it in peer review. But they apparently failed there. Their second mission was to make sure that no big name scientific journal published it. They succeeded there. Their third mission was to make sure that it got no media attention. They succeeded there. Their forth mission was to discredit it on the internet based on the success of their first three missions. Bigfoot Bigots are everywhere. But then, so are the Bigfoot people. Too bad that they are invisible.

  30. the Science Blog by National Geographic

    *sigh* Folks, the reason why it's spelled "" is because it's a whole collection of blogs, each by a different author, hosted by National Geographic. Nat Geo has no input on the contents.

    As mentioned above, the blog is the ScienceBlogs version of Pharyngula. PZ Myers and Chris Clarke, the authors, post their science posts both there and at ; all the other posts are only on This is a result of having gotten into financial trouble and having been bought by Nat Geo.

    Now, let me just say that DeNovo (spelled DeVono on one of the site's pages) asks for manuscript submissions, like a scientific journal, but there are no instructions to authors (just a list of publishing options) and no place to actually submit a manuscript. That’s not a scientific journal, it’s a cargo cult.

  31. Oh, I forgot.

    Upthread a corpse is mentioned.

    Will someone please publish the damn thing!?!

    Because... pics or it didn't happen.

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