Michael Breaks Down Huge Utah Bigfoot Filmed!

If the reports are any indication, Utah is swarming with Bigfoots. This video posted about a year ago has an interesting twist. Some believe this footage shows an adult and baby. Michael uncovers the "twist" seldom reported upon. Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. It's true. I dedicate my first to them.

    2. When is somebody going to break down
      bigfoot-don't-exist cuz the footers need a wake up call.

  2. Lol if you want to see something really funny go to Bigfoot Ballyhoo and comment on Linda newton Perrys bigfoots feelings article I can't stop laughing!

    1. "I want to live and not be afraid all the time."


    2. I still can't stop laughing! Poor lady nobody posts on her blog

    3. Unleash the trolls on Bigfoot Ballyhoo!

  3. Replies
    1. There's fat Jim!
      I thought you crawled away in shame after your queen crashed and burned.

    2. Hes been hiding in shame because of his penis envy problem

    3. Damn, you guys are harsh. What the Fuck?

    4. Hey! leave Big Vajima Jr alone its not his fault he has no penis

    5. News flash
      I have a man crush on the Zing Guy!
      Squatch Nuts

  4. Greetings from the Forest Moon of Endor!

  5. oh, look at that... now i believe...

  6. 3
    © Dr. Melba S. Ketchum, all rights reserved, 2012.
    Abstract 33
    One hundred eleven samples of blood, tissue, hair, and other types of specimens were studied, 34 characterized and hypothesized to be obtained from elusive hominins in North America 35 commonly referred to as Sasquatch. DNA was extracted and purified from a subset of these 36 samples that survived rigorous screening for wildlife species identification. Mitochondrial DNA 37 (mtDNA) sequencing, specific genetic loci sequencing, forensic short tandem repeat (STR) 38 testing, whole genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) bead array analysis, and next 39 generation whole genome sequencing were conducted on purported Sasquatch DNA samples 40 gathered from various locations in North America. Additionally, histopathologic and electron 41 microscopic examination were performed on a large tissue sample. 42
    The mtDNA whole genome haplotypes obtained were uniformly consistent with modern 44 humans. Of the 20 whole and 10 partial mitochondrial genomes sequenced, 16 diverse 45 haplotypes were found suggesting that these hominins did not originate in a single geographic 46 location. 47
    In contrast, consistent, reproducible, novel data were obtained when nuclear DNA was amplified 49 utilizing various platforms. Nuclear DNA obtained from Sasquatch samples produced novel 50 SNPs, off ladder alleles on human STRs, retained human sequence interspersed with novel 51 sequence, and whole genome SNPs that fell outside the human threshold. Three of the Sasquatch 52

    1. 4
      © Dr. Melba S. Ketchum, all rights reserved, 2012.
      samples were subjected to next generation whole genome sequencing, each of which 53 independently yielded high quality complete genomes. 54
      Analysis of preliminary phylogeny trees derived from supercontigs generated from all three 55 samples showed homology to human chromosome 11 reference sequence hg 19, and to primate 56 sequences. The totality of the DNA evidence suggests the Sasquatch nuclear DNA is a mosaic 57 comprising human DNA interspersed with sequence that is novel but primate in origin. 58
      In summary, our data indicates that the Sasquatch has human mitochondrial DNA but possesses 60 nuclear DNA that is a structural mosaic consisting of human and novel non-human DNA. 61
      Keywords 63
      Species Identification 64
      Human DNA Identification 65
      Forensic Hair Analysis 66
      Electron Microscopy 67
      Next Generation Whole Genome Sequencing 68
      Mitochondrial DNA 69

    2. 6
      © Dr. Melba S. Ketchum, all rights reserved, 2012.
      Introduction 77
      Eyewitness reports of encounters with tall, hairy hominins commonly called Sasquatch have 79 been recorded for thousands of years; from Sumerian stories of wild hairy men (Figure 1) to 80 reports in North America recorded in the early 1800s by Reverend Elkanah Walker and Daniel 81 Boone1-3. One North American investigative group has publicly stated that they have 82 documented 30,000 reports of sightings and other evidence for the existence of these creatures. 83 These putative hominins are reported to walk bipedally in a linear manner that is distinct from 84 humans (Figure 2). Eyewitnesses report that the Sasquatch are 8 to 12 feet in height, are covered 85 in hair with arms longer than those of modern humans and possess sloped anterior craniums with 86 short, thick cervical regions reminiscent of Neanderthals. Eyewitness accounts also describe an 87 opposable thumb with hands and feet that are large in comparison to body size. 88
      The above commonly reported traits, as well as other scientific evidence lending credence to the 90 existence of Sasquatch, have been thoroughly researched and documented in both books and in 91 peer reviewed manuscripts.4-13 Although there have been thousands of sightings, footprint casts 92 and other circumstantial evidence of Sasquatch across the modern world for centuries, 93 incontrovertible proof of their existence has been elusive. The failure to present a deceased 94 individual or skeletal remains has exacerbated scientific skepticism towards the circumstantial 95 evidence. 96

    3. Ya she is the smart one in the hoaxer bunch. Using all them fancy words! She has to prove the samples came from a Sasquatch you moron if she is going to claim it is a Sasquatch. She has to demonstrate the samples are valid. She is trying to prove her theory rather than fail to disprove it.

    4. I didn't read it so can you tell me, is the part about the fake bigfoot april fools paper in that part?

  7. anything else you'd like to ad ??

  8. Got monkey? Got Mulder? Got Kerchak?


  9. i thought they were a type of wookie

  10. sometimes I wonder if the "footers" are the real hoax sometimes? I mean you get these hilarious comments on this site that seem to only come from a skeptic who just wants to troll the board and get a good laugh.

    Not to mention...why is the Finding Bigfoot team always looking for moonshine now a days? Clearly they're being given lines to add levity to the program and promote other shows...to me the gag is way out in the open. They're catering to the people who watch the show for a laugh. They're mocking themselves. Moneymaker is co-signing Matilda. Bobes is falling down running after his producers "wood knock". I hear Ranae is not even a lesbian in real life!

    1. Ranae isn't a lesbian? I can no longer count on anything in this crazy world.

    2. Rumor has it that it does a lot for Matt's ego. He didn't even wanna sign off on her in the first place until the producers made her cut her hair and dress down

  11. i would say about 85% of the stories and most if not all of the vids are hoaxes.. i am a believer, but a lot of this stuff is simply laughable..

    1. Diddo. Remember a year or so ago with all the "exciting" news coming out in the world of Squatch? Well, most all of the stories have pretty much come to fruition now in the form of one big steamy turd.

  12. Michael... seriously... so videos of animals milling about are now hoaxes?
    If that's the criteria then the following animals do not exist due to lack of exciting activity:
    cougar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuvqJwGWddY
    black bears: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYJT781XVuo
    rhinos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mKI0Q9WxS8

    Now please don't site NatGeo, BBC, or other Pro outlets for exciting animal activity; most Footers are amateurs like the people who submitted the videos listed.

    All these fantastic feats you want to see... really, if someone showed you a video of any of these feats you know damn well your 1st response would be "Fake!" CGI! Photoshop! So what difference does it make? What difference does any video make?

    Just put one in a damned box already - that puts to rest ALL questionable video. Enough talk, do it.

  13. I think it's real and they're just claiming it's a hoax to squash the impending publicity. It's as real as any other BF film

  14. The Bobes: "so 'foot witness...tell me what you saw"

    Witness: "My dog woke me up at 3 am, I walked outside and this Orangutan standing on my picnic table said "quack, quack, quack, quack, quack"...and walked off into the woods"

    The Bobes: "That is one ballsy baby squatch"

  15. Is this part of the Ericson footage? That looks like a Wookie to me!

  16. Is it carrying sack "o" taters?

  17. feeling delusional here....starting to believe i am the only person on the planet who can see a guy with a grey hoodie and beige vest over a denim shirt and bare hands in this video. it doesn't look good. it doesn't even look like a ghillie suit! it looks like a guy who just got back from mark's work warehouse, lost his way in the parking lot, and is now wandering around the woods looking for his toyota.

  18. maybe it was bigfoot wearing a hoodie?

  19. Why are there SOOO MANY team tazer breakdowns on this site these days....There sooo annoying, do they run this site?


    1. Of course BE=Team Taterhole, it may just be time to vacate the asylum.

  20. It's obvious that the only video's that
    Micheal munchinonapecker and the rest of team tastless bighomos,are going to have positive remarks for, are from their but buddies or something they hoaxed themselves.


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