Dr. Jeff Meldrum Chimes In On Erickson Project Footage, Agrees With Munns

It looks like researchers Bill Munns, Matt Moneymaker, and Dr. Jeff Meldrum, and 3 other people in the universe has been privileged enough to view the Erickson Project videos. It's clear that an NDA is suppressing people to come forward to tell the truth about what they've seen. Even today, Meldrum does not feel he is fully at liberty to discuss the videos. Munns has put up a challenge asking witnesses to spill the beans if they disagree, but he is clearly sidestepping to avoid legal problems.

"If my display of this chart causes anyone to feel that they should file some type of civil action against me, please have your lawyer contact me at wmunns@gte.net so we can set an appointment for my receiving the service of papers, and we can discuss the matter on the public record, in a court," Munns wrote after posting an image comparing Erickson's images to a wookie mask.

Moneymaker has also stated that he's not at liberty to discuss the video. "I don't want to comment on things that aren't officially released by the copyright holder. Copyright holder did release sleeper," Matt replied to one question on Twitter.

Now here comes Meldrum who offered this vague opinion about what he saw on Facebook:

Appears Bill has gone public on this. He showed the comparisons to me during my last visit there. I had seen the footage briefly during my visit to Kentucky years ago. It was not what I would have expected and yet there was something familiar about it. Since I wasn’t at liberty to discuss it then and had no opportunity to review it, it was simply tucked a way in a vague recess of memory. When Bill showed me his chart, the penny dropped. It was all too clear.


  1. Second!!...No shame in losing to the Mayor...

  2. Munns has destroyed his personal credibility by violating a legal agreement.

    Most of the BFF idiots posting about this have no idea what a NDA is anyway so they have little understanding of the kind of damage Munns has done to himself and his future career.

    1. I think he's gained credibility for calling out a hoax, let's face it if this is the Erickson footage it's crap

    2. I would think that evidence to commit fraud would negate any NDA that was involved.

    3. When will you skeptards stop hating on Bill? He's been extremely professional. Just because you guys hate his opinion on the PGF doesn't you the right to attempt to falsely discredit him. I've seen how you guys use whatever you can to discredit him on the JREF. Is that what you call critical thinking? I thought we were supposed to get to the truth.

    4. He was told by some posters there, but Munns doesn't listen.

      Munns has to be right even when he's long.

    5. Ha ha, you're hilarious. I'll eat my wookie mask if any footer ever actually files a lawsuit over the supposed breaching of an NDA. You footers love to blather on and on about NDA's and have no clue what's involved in successfully pursuing such an action. There are at least five defenses I can think up off the top of my head. Not only that, but the Plaintiff would have to prove damages which would involve showing the fake video.

      The argument would have to be that the disclosure of the video adversely affected someone's ability to make money by perpetrating a hoax on gullible footers. Good luck with that.

      The most likely scenario would be that the person attempting to enforce the NDA would get laughed out of court and be forced to pay the Defendant's attorneys fees and costs.

    6. Whatever the legalities, he rightly harpooned expectations for the doc LAST YEAR when he strongly hinted on the BFF that this was crap.

    7. I always comes down to money. Even the PGF.

    8. You can't violate a NDA if you didn't enter into it. Bill never signed any NDA about the Matilda footage therefore he's under no legal obligation not to discuss it. (The person he got the stills from may have accessed them under an NDA and they might be actionable but that's purely conjecture at this point.)
      There may be a case for a copyright claim but as Bill said, if anyone wants to step up and claim copyright on the footage he's perfectly happy for that to happen.

      An NDA doesn't have magical powers to stop everyone in the world from talking about something, people actually have to enter into an agreement and sign paperwork before they're bound by it.

    9. Cervelo at 3:39, whats up Dude

    10. Why is there always talk of suit on here? Are you people that poor that this is your only hope for a winfall? That all your hopes and aspiration is suit for a Nda or libel? How about going to school then you wouldn't have to hope someone opens their mouth for you to make something of you life.

    11. Munns has credibility and a career?

    12. You can say whatever you want about the Matilda Video & the rest of the bull crap behind it!

      Go ahead and let them threaten to sue, they would be wasting their own money & the courts time !

    13. You people should check out a film blog. Nda lol cmon. Nobody has any idea what they are talking about aside from afew posters who get it.

      This is so low profile compared to the real money that gets thrown around in real films it will get laughed out of any courtroom, where it will NEVER make it to....

    14. This blog is seriously sucking ass now, even Meldrum laughs at this joint.

  3. Vague, yes, but sounds to me like Meldrum is calling bullsh*t on this.

    1. The stills yes, but we still haven't heard any confirmation whether this is actually from the Erickson video or not. I bet it's not because the quality reeks VHS.

  4. HaHaHa. At least we now know that Matilda it is just a guy in a suit. I guess it is possible that Erickson is worried about being sued by the the Lucas people. Oh Yeah Disney owns the rights now.

    1. Matilda was a consenting adult.....Chew Dawg don't do juvies...

    2. If they had sold the footage for a million and it turns out to be a wookie costume, YOU BET YOUR ASS DISNEY WILL

  5. If someone really had one or solid footage of one, they'd contact Nat Geo, Discovery or some extremely rich eccentric to handle the publicity. They'd get paid, but if they really had one, someone would want the fame and credit that would go along with the discovery. I'm just saying...

    1. Thank you! Someone with a brain! Someone with a sence of reasoning!!!

    2. Right, Erickson supposedly had all these money problems but he's claiming that he has real video of sasquatch.

      The 'footers should be embarrassed by how stupid their heroes think they are.

    3. Munns did a favor for the people who refused to see the long delay was an awfully good sign Erickson had nothing. And I'm talking about his statement on the BFF last year. This release is just a mop up operation. Are more than 10 people really surprised the doc has nothing good?

    4. I still believe in Matilda.

    5. lol..And does more than one^ person still think the doc will show anything good?


    6. Yep I count another 55 here.

  6. I don't think anybody I'd going to take legal action against an opinion of a video. This is just another I'm going to make this sound legitimate bs ploy tactic. The other looser hoaxers have used the same legal bs talk. Oh I can't show it....you can't see it because of legal problems. Try a different tactic were tired of this one.

  7. Can somone please send me the Ketchum PDF? Please!
    Really would like to have a look at it.


    1. How do we know you're not Melba just trying to get one civil lawsuit at a time? She seems desperate enough.

    2. you might do better to ask in a controlled forum like BFF

    3. Exactly. I'd send a copy but don't trust anyone in this insane BF world.

    4. Dude, if you want it that bad, pony up the 30 bucks. You sound like a panhandler...

  8. Does anybody know a good sasquatch attorney I could contact? I want to comment on the wookie, er, bigfoot but I don't want to go to prison.

    1. Lol. That will be the prosecuting attorney in the erickson case

    2. Someone watches toooooo much SNL.

  9. At least Patterson and Gimlin knew enough to make their own suit and not use a cheap movie reproduction

    1. Bro, does the term COMPLIANT GAIT mean anything to you?! And there is NO WAY a human could walk that fast.

    2. I forgot how compliant his gait was. I'll go back to drinking now

    3. Also, I heard that right after they filmed this a dog was hypnotized in a nearby town.

    4. I hope that dog was compliant

    5. The Patterson/Gimlin film shows a real animal that is not human in structure, measurements were taken using the latest technological equipment available in the crime lab and shows that no human without extensive skeletal changes in the upper body could have been in a suit. Both the arm and leg lengths match perfectly, which means that the one they call Patty can easily walk on all four limbs unlike a human.

    6. I wish I had a COMPLIANT GAIT..mine closes on my big fat ass everytime

    7. It ended up with a mid tarsal bark.

    8. I did Patty in her younger years.....she's like 60 know..

    9. Dr. Twat is only partly correct Patty's no animal though.

  10. Replies

    1. Yes he became lame quite soon after his nose fell off which was a shame because he probably would have been able to smell and outrun the bear he disturbed and got mauled by the only thing that saved him was his terrible halitosis and mange which the bear just could not stomach, he is recovering now from a bizarre accident with cement mixer which meant the amputation of one of his legs and his tail but we still love old Lucky dearly.

  11. How is it that suddenly everyone is jumping on the bandwagon that the Erickson Project footage is fake?

    Oh wait.. I know why because Bill Munns violated a legal contract and released proprietary materials he did not own.

    Of course nobody, even Munns knows if the footage he evaulated will even be in the Erickson Documentary. Nobody knows this, Bill Munns as admited on the BFF does not know this.

    So here we have the whole documentary now having doubt cast upon due to Munn's breach of contract and release of proprietary materials.

    There we have it folks. The possible future financial return on the documentary has been reduced due to the rising opinions on the Internet that it is a hoax.

    These are the damages that Adrian Erickson can sue Munns for. And make no mistake, this could cost Munns a whole lot of money.

    1. Typical idiots above who know nothing about law.

    2. I've been on the receiving end of the law- does that count?

    3. Well, maybe Erickson should release the dam thing to silence critics if he is confidant it's real.
      WTF is the hold up? money, money , money, that's all it boils down to.

    4. I've been on the receiving end of a Sasquatch Mind Rape.

    5. I didn't, nor will I, pay a dime

    6. Love watching footer turn on eachother... Like a bunch of caged starving rats..

    7. Matilda was a ploy to strip hard earned money from unsuspecting footers, if anything I think Adrian Erickson should be sued for fraud. Even the released 'sleeper' has the fakest looking fur, if Adrian baby put this sham together to float his floundering real estate biz, he is the scumbag. Munns is now a hero of sorts, throwing himself on the sword of truth, consequences be damned. He did the right thing.

    8. Bro, in court they would have to testify, under oath, they weren't hoaxing. If they had real, high-def video of an unknown animal. there's no legit reason they woulda sat on it this long. Real, high-def video? Man talk about a bidding war between SyFy,Animal Planet and History, maybe Nat Geo. If the video was good, maybe a network.

      Each week you sat on it, if you knew you had the goods, you would also know you ran a risk of getting beat to market, seriously diminishing the massive payday you could expect. So the secrecy? Hoax. Plain, simple hoax.

    9. Matilda is real.....she just has bedroom hair in the morning...oh keeps calling me too...

    10. Munns has money?From what?

  12. No one talks because they all are hoaxing. This whole bigfoot craze is insane.
    No proof EVER. No bodies, no real clear photos or films, no real footprints that couldn't be made artificially.
    What a money making scam it all is.
    Are any of the scientists involved really credible? One has to wonder.

    1. NO PROOF? How do you explain that paranormal feeling I get in my heart when my dog stares at the woods?!!

    2. Holy cow! I get the same feeling when I take a dump!

    3. Bro, your bathroom might be haunted. If the bathroom ever gets cold, or if you feel like you're not alone EVEN WHEN YOU ARE, move immediately.

    4. I'm packing up my beer right now

    5. I get the same feeling while dropping a turd. It gets so bad that my bung hole clinches. I have to stomp my foot to knock that hanging turd lose.

    6. It's freakin' squatchy in Naussau County.

    7. this is what Bigfoot Evidence is all about

    8. I used to live in Nassau County. I moved Upstate because my bathroom was haunted by the ghost of Sasquatch

    9. I hear Queens is not squatchy,Brooklyn,very squatchy

    10. the Lower East Side is the squatchiest

    11. PGF a clear, extended film, not a hoax. Try watching it, then try studying it. It might help you out of this ridiculous hole you're in.

    12. ^Hoaxed by bigfoot showman Roger Patterson..lol...

    13. ^ In deranged deniers' heads.

  13. I predict Moneymaker will slowly distance himself from Erickson soon and start attacking to make himself look like the voice of reason and honesty, like he did with Melba and countless others whose hoaxing was revealed.

    He'll change his story to suit him like all other scammers.

    1. No shit, what's up with Matt's hair???? And Bobos tooth....it's called a BARBER AND DENTIST!

  14. Munns is easily the biggest attention whore in bigfootery today. Given the current climate, that's saying a lot.

    This has nothing to do with Munns wanting to speak out and do the right thing. It's about his giant ego and getting his name out there with all the other shitflingers.

    Meldrum, Dyer, musky allen, Erickson, hell even Bindernagel has been getting free press from the collapse of figboot.

    Munns has been lost in the wake. His 'report' is at a permanent standstill and people are forgetting who he is.

    He has zero credibility left, on either side of the fence. The word of Bill Munns isn't worth its weight in shit.

    He broke a contract, he broke an agreement, he opened his mouth before he should have.

    Bill Munns is a man without employment or integrity.

    1. Whatever his motivations, dropping turds in the Erickson punch bowl is and was the right thing to do.

    2. Munns did more for bigfootery by releasing this gem, than you ever will by your sarcastic laden bile. Erickson is a playboy scammer. Munns is the honest soul here. A NDA about a lie holds no water. It doesn't matter because doesn't Dyer have a body?

    3. Munns is as much a scammer as Erickson et al.

      Don't think for one second this is about anything but Munns' ego.

    4. Erickson is also Batman,beat you to that one,Munns

    5. Lol over here they say it's like our Jew town is that what it is

    6. Remember this blog slams anyone helping the Bigfoot cause be it Munns or Ketchum, no one's safe from the lying freaks trolling here.

  15. "Inspired by bigfoot"" bogtalk radio show tonight 8 PM, don't forget to listen in everyone!!
    (For your nightly bigfoot fix)

  16. Look at the Big Brain on Bret!

  17. yes, what is "PWNED" mean anyway? It has no meaning to me if I don't know what it stands for...

  18. Ha ha, you naysayers doubted the good Mayor McCheese, behold the glory! I knew you would be back on top before the new moon.

    McCheese for President 2016

  19. Dudes, no one is suing anyone in the bigfoot world. To sue someone, you have to go to court. In court, they expect you to tell the truth and they will uncover the truth. The whole bigfoot scam will be exposed. No one wants that.

    Erickson doesn't want it. Smeja doesn't want it. Melba doesn't want it. Dyer doesn't want it. The list goes on and on.

    Even Wally doesn't want that because it will be his money going to all the lawyers.

    1. You are forgetting that some nut sued Matt Moneymaker 1 or 2 years ago for defamation of character or some bull. Matt said the guy acted like a crazy man on an expedition and the guy's balls got twisted and he filed suit. It was all very, very stupid...

    2. Smeja would take the court DOWN. You forget he is an American hero.

    3. Actually Justin is willing to go through the gambit, he has already passed polygraphs and is willing to go all the way. Melba on the other hand?

    4. Exactly. He's an American hero. It's not his fault he can't produce a shred of evidence that he killed the gentle giant. Can't wait to see him take this ALL THE WAY!

    5. Ken: Justin passed who's polygraph? Would you believe someone that runs through the woods at night screaming and howling, stopping only to shine very bright lights and wood knock, that expresses that this is how to see, capture or whatever, the most elusive, most intelligent, of all wilderness creatures. How can people like that be taken seriously about anything? If the story read Bigfoot shot by Justin while being beeten with a large chunk of wood by Moneymker, and being howled at by BOO BOO and questioned by Renea. That is much more plausible.

    6. Smeja is a fucking poacher and double killer.

  20. You know what's funny? Every time a hoax is revealed, all you footers say "hoaxers should be sent to prison for the rest of their lives for making us look stupid!"
    But then Munns reveals Erickson as the scam artist he is an now all you footers say "Munns is a jerk for violating copyright and ruining Erickson's movie!"
    It's sad, and it's because all you footers are still desperately clinging to Melba and her DNA study. If it's revealed that Erickson is a fraud, then Melba using his footage with her paper will pretty much erase whatever hope you had left that this whole soap opera would prove Bigfoot's existence.
    I feel sorry for you. I can only imagine how terrible it must be to realize how much time you've wasted arguing Bigfoot's existence.


    1. I will tell you what I think is even funnier...you...you know way to much about the subject then a lot of the people you call footers which means you have spent a great deal of your time reading up on everything bigfoot and hanging out on blogs like this, and don't give me that old line about I am just here for entertainment or social observation crap because no one believes it.
      What your doing is wasting your life on an obsession which has no end game, it's hollow and empty and when you are old enough you will wish you could have all that time back you wasted in your life hating on others instead of being a better human being and getting on with the things that are more important in this world, and if you do not know what they are then asking your physician is a good place to start.

    2. ^ How long do you think it takes to bone up on this stuff. Are you kidding? The same shit has been floating around since the 70's. The poster is probably a monster kid...This is the internet, though. Could be a nut, like you say. I am both : )

    3. I like to be a Hater!! It keeps me warm at night when I lay down and bed and think of complete morons like Anon 5:27. I even get hard at the thought of open hand slapping him, ie bitch slapping him Mmmmmmm...

    4. ^Lol..so you are a nut! Are you a monster kid too? I have an excellent copy of "Shriek of the Mutilated" unedited and with the hit song "Popcorn" still in the soundtrack. The versions coming out now all have this song taken out because the band wants royalties...

    5. I have the new Bluray of Return of the Living Dead with the excellent documentary showing why Munns got fired and how bad he sucks at SFX so if he says this costume is bad he should know.

  21. I can hear the Judge now..."Let me get this straight..You are sueing him because he spoke to soon about about your hoaxed Sasquatch Video?" Yes, your Honor. (Judge and courtroom explodes with laughter)

    1. Lol. That would be one of the stupidest cases EVER!

    2. I just hope to the good Lord above it's televised.

  22. You can't prove it's not a Bigfoot in the pic.

    1. Exactly! These buttplugging skeptards fail to reason with us footers.

    2. No, but you can prove that it is a wookiee mask

    3. I see.

      If I had a dildo big enough, and a place to kneel, I would fuck the world.

  23. The above arguments are absurd.

    They are absurd because there are plenty of documentaries and shows about unproven things such as UFOs which are very profitable (think Ancient Aliens, etc).

    This is no different than if the Erickson Project were making a documentary on a new breed of Jaguar in South America that nobody had ever captured on film and was thought to not exist.

    Munns caused financial damages and he is going to pay.

    1. Yes, it is very different. Bigfoot is not real, and his video is of a Star Wars costume.

    2. I'd love to be the attorney representing Munns in such an action. In discovery, I'd be able to force Erickson to produce all the videos and a list of everyone associated with the project. I would then conduct depositions with each one of those people, including the original habituators on whose property Matilda and the bigfoot family supposedly lived. It's a scream that you seem to actually believe that Erickson would file a lawsuit and subject himself to such an inquiry.

    3. 4:09 just got majestically PWNED!

    4. Yes, and the fact that the film was finished God knows how long ago but was never released does not help. Financial damages? He could not sell his home made Monsterquest before Munns pissed on the pancakes. NEXT CASE!

    5. Is that you Matt at 4:18 ?

  24. PWNED means you got schooled in a majestic way.

  25. please do not reply to my post..thank you in advance

  26. what exactly is vague about this?

  27. Ahhh...wouldn't that be Owned! Like Bigfoot just owned that stack of pancakes!

  28. i know a good attorney - he's represented a few squatches in the past as well as some z-list celebs like Andy Dick . If you need his contact just let me know.

  29. Just google it. It's an Internet meme thingy.


  30. Yeah it was some fat fingered games designer and the kids that played the game did not know any different so they spelled it that way ever since its a good way of judging age and literacy.

  31. Replies
    1. We were all just saying how relieved we were that Dr. Jeff Meldrum decided to toss his two cents in. Like anybody gives a fuck what he thinks.

    2. Help me Tim Fasano, you're my only hope.

    3. Good grief, you must be desperate then.

  32. Ken: Now when another of these people add a comment or even a half assed pic or video blob, it's like another spoon full of water poured into the Atlantic ocean. I am slowly loosing all faith and hope in the possibility.

    1. Ken: hey My friend, good to see you on dood. This stuff has become such a soap opera full of jokes that are not at all funny ya know bro. You'd think some of these so called experts would tell one shred of fact or truth wouldn't you man. H.B.

    2. It was like you said yesterday or the day before I stopped didn't have time to comment but I used to say the same thing how do these guys claim expert on a beast never caught I said once it's not like he's coming to the Payless these people work at to get his feet measured or his hair felt how are they an expert on s**t

    3. Ken: Self proclamation my friend. It's the only field you can actually wake up a well driller in the morning, or in the case of BOBO a fishermen, and go to bed a top field researcher. Now that takes some real quick learning wouldn't you think? It's all fun and games and sadly misplaced monies my friend. H.B. we are going to just be what we are, but at least it's honest bro.

    4. Exactly like the commercial you wouldn't want your dr doing your job and the dr pitches then ducks the line drive to the head that's one thing I love is going to work at someone's house and they say oh I'd never do that or I'd never stick my hands in there or my personal favorite aren't you gonna turn the breakers or panel off and I look at them like do I look like a rookie to you if so why would you let me work in your home in the first place

  33. No actually it's a meme from back way back in the days of red faction.

  34. Like I said she looked hot after a few beers....

  35. I know that felling I'm sorry chew. Coyote ugly wakin up like oh OH. Why are you still here? Has no one ever taught you bar etiquett? I gave you a hint with the cab fare.

  36. Diogenes of Sinope visited the world of bigfootery looking for an honest man. His lantern exploded and he was burned to death.

    1. "hey over here! I'm honest....send ME your money!!!" - Jeff Meldrum

  37. Funny how Moneymaker is trying to back out now....

    what a putz.

    and lol @ him being a "researcher"

  38. Don't get me wrong I am all down for some wood knocking but please don't drag me into the hall of shame.....

  39. She was all like.....oh I did Chewy.....bragging to her peeps...

  40. Don't feel bad at least she didn't put a pic of you sleepin on her fb page and change her status to in a relationship

  41. What ever way it goes...if he tries to sell his doc or just tries to sell it one at a time, a lot of us would purchase it....JUST DO IT ALREADY. ...FAKE OR NOT!!!

  42. Worst......her mom who I was trying to hook up with, said I knocked her up....tried to make me Matilda's pappy....getting my DNA and scat.......

  43. I think that's broomhilda ketchum following you.

  44. You need to contact the Maury Show.

  45. The important thing is, I can do a perfect wookie impression.

  46. A costume expert says its a wookie suit. Well the suit fits, its a wookie.

  47. Ilived down the road from the site. and the footage is real. we have been seeing this thing for years. There is a woman down the road that feeds it. just like her mother did before her. the woman never told anyone someone else called the bf people. She kept telling them to leave her alone.

  48. Munns and now Meldrum has exposed Erickson for the fraudulent farce he is. This turd actually thought he could record a few seconds of a reworked Chewbacca mask and fool people. The only people he successfully fooled are the degenerates in this field. The truth hurts you moronic buffoons. If you still believe its legit after Munns and Meldrum have commented on it then you're likely fucking brain dead, period.

    1. Believing Erickson EVER had ANY legit Sasquatch footage was retardedly unfathomable. You degenerates were too stupid to listen when I told you years ago that this documentary was nothing but an attempt at money grubbing off of hoaxed footage. Did you SERIOUSLY believe that if Erickson had legit footage that he would just sit back for all of these years without major networks /news outlets etc etc buying this "legit" (LMFAO) footage? Real video of a Sasquatch would have been an earth shattering discovery and Erickson would have been world famous. Did you really think Erickson wouldn't have been all over something like that?

      You fucktards better smarten up before your brains fall through your anus, idiots, all of you.

    2. No Erickson would not. If you got the real thing the last thing you want to do is create a circus at your study site. I know everyone in this project and also met the homeowners. I have also talked to over 12 local people who have seen it with their own eyes. I have seen the video not just a still. You calling people fucktards shows real education on your part.

    3. REALLY, you ever met Meldrum. come on dude !!!!!!!!!! you really care what he thinks . Did you ever see him and curt nelson at the cabin . LOL

  49. Funny how everyone likes to blast on everything someone else gets. I seen the comp. with the masks and I dont think it is a mask. I seen something very similar in tenn. back in the early 80s. plus wasnt that star wars thing supposedly copied from someones eyewitness of a bigfoot.

  50. I also looked very closely at the comparison of matilda and the mask.I see differences in the mouths and the noses and in the bottom frame I see a eyelid on matilda that I dont see on the mask.The chin on matilda also looks smaller.

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