Was This A Hoax?: Woman Calls In Pleading For City To Move Deer Crossing Sign

I can't believe anyone can be this dumb-- calling a radio station and asking for help getting deer crossing signs moved to lower traffic areas. The caller actually said, "The government can guide deer to lower traffic areas." LOL! Oh, I can't stop laughing. The following clip from Y94 Playhouse Fargo, ND radio station is so bizarre that a law professor used this video to illustrate how stupid people can be:


  1. First bitches - I did it again!

  2. I guess I'll settle for sloppy seconds...

  3. First bitches - I did it again!Because I'm special Ed!

    1. I guess I'll settle for sloppy seconds...Cause Im special Ed too!!!!

    2. . . . hurt my feelings. I don't want to be first every again.

  4. First? I feel so ..... Empty

    1. Doh! Doe, Dough, Do do do do do do do!!!

    2. 4 minutes off! Look, no offense, but you need practice. Try a blog with less traffic. Tim Fasano has half a dozen or so...

    3. First? I feel so ..... Empty, Fucking Waaaaaaaaa!!!!

    4. Good grief, 12 posts about nothing just to start. You first 12 are about as dimwitted as the lady who wants the deer crossing sign moved.

  5. First bitches - I did it again!Because I'm special Ed!

  6. First bitches - I did it again!Because I'm special Ed! I mean super special Ed!!!

  7. can't believe anyone can be this dumb-- calling a radio station and asking for help getting deer crossing signs moved to lower traffic areas. The caller actually said, "The government can guide deer to lower traffic areas." LOL! Oh, I can't stop laughing. The following clip from Y94 Playhouse Fargo, ND radio station is so bizarre that a law professor used this video to illustrate how stupid people can be:

    1. Yeah she said that the government was causing accidents by making the deer cross right there that they should move the sign to a less congested area I laughed my fuckin balls off that was too fuckin funny

    2. This is a few months old and the lady and DJs said it was a bit.

    3. I didn't say real or fake I just thought it was one of the funniest things I've ever heard

    4. Oh I agree. When it hit yahoo a few months back I must have played it 5 or 6 times. I couldnt believe thid person was that dumb. Almost in the Fasano-Dyer category.

    5. Oh yeah I believe it one of my customers called me for an emergency job his house had the old buss fuse panel it started sparking from rain coming in the pipe and he tried to pull the service disconnect with a fuckin metal broom handle I almost pissed myself

  8. What a dumb bitch! She must be a Bigfoot believer.

    1. I put my poop in a jar. How about you special needs Ed?

  9. Replies
    1. Uh, first to be sucking my balls!!!!!!!

    2. What a dumb bitch! She must be a Bigfoot believer

    3. What a dumb bitch! She must be a Bigfoot non-believer. She must be a skeptic and a oriental cock sucker on them lil penises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Are they covered in chocolate?

    5. Nothing is dumber than spending your time on a web blog that you think is fake, just to write "First". But then again, REALLY FUCKING STUPID would be thinking people who are interested or believers in the possibility of "Sasquatch or Bigfoot" give a flying a fuck about what you think and your input.

      The biggest argument all the skeptics have is, "We would have caught or found one by now, cause humans know everything.

      YET!?!?! COULD IT BE THAT ONLY RECENTLY (the last 5 years) a LARGE Hominid Simian creature was found.
      IT's Name? you ask? It's Called the "Bili Ape"

      So skeptics, stop being such douchebags, stop thinking you're so intelligent, or that you're biologists with all the answers. Think it doesn't exist? Prove it! Prove it the same way you asshat twatwaffle skeptics ask the believers and hopefuls to prove the existence Sasquatch, I have 2 words for all you TWATWAFFLES, here are my two words

      "FUCK OFF"

  10. First? I feel so ..... Empty, you are a skeptic, therefore your a dumb motherfucker and a china man cock sucker of the oriental cock lover's society!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!can't believe anyone can be this dumb-- calling a radio station and asking for help getting deer crossing signs moved to lower traffic areas. The caller actually said, "The government can guide deer to lower traffic areas." LOL! Oh, I can't stop laughing. The following clip from Y94 Playhouse Fargo, ND radio station is so bizarre that a law professor used this video to illustrate how stupid people can be:

  11. Yeah she said that the government was causing accidents by making the deer cross right there that they should move the sign to a less congested area I laughed my fuckin balls off that was too fuckin funny, yeah, Then I ate my own testicle's with some fava bean's and a nice glass of MD 20/20!!!!

  12. This story is so old, I feel like the "Bigfoot Chicks" are behind this not Shawn.

    1. Are they still around? Have they disbanded?

  13. Who the hell is moderating this blog?? You've got 12 yr olds battling over and bragging over who is first to post??
    If you don't care about people who may take your blog even a little serious and delete these morons then you are as pathetic as they are.
    I never saw the appeal or "coolness" of posting first on any damn thing let alone a stupid bigfoot blog that no one reads...and how the hell does it make a difference anyway if your sign on is "anonymous"??

    Get a life! Please!

    1. You are reading you complete idiot.

    2. Geez Andy - can't us 12 year olds have a little fun? What a party pooper. Serious? WE ARE TALKING ABOUT BIGFOOT!!! Hahahahahaa

      I just want to be first - is that so wrong?

    3. Wonderful use of sentence structure ^

      Now hurry off to bed, you have a long day of being beat up tomorrow on the playground.

    4. Hey boner head, I have to read the damn thing before I know what the hell it's freaking about! Think before you type you hillbilly yokel!

    5. Geez Andy - do you always pick on us 12 year olds? Your just a big bully. Why don't you head over to the BFF - they are serious over there . . . . about BIGFOOT - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

      I have to go to bed now because I plan on knocking some sense into the bigfoot believers at school tomorrow. See ya.

    6. When you're in school tomorrow, maybe you'll learn the difference between "your" and "you're."

    7. I didn't understand it when it first started on you tube and they talked about it on the news that people were doing it. the back and fourth on this post was too much normally I don't care it's one comment no sweat off my ass to skip over it though

    8. I never saw the appeal oe coolness of posting "first" either. Until I posted "first" on Bigfoot Evidence. I never knew how empty my life truly was. There is absolutly NOTHING that compares to the rush you get when you click on a new post and see "No Commnts".

  14. School zone should be a safe place to let the deer cross!!

  15. I'm pretty sure that was Rick Dyers wife, only person in the world who would be that fuckin dumb!!

    1. Why is she dumb? other than marrying him.

  16. Can't believe Shawn would let one of two people to take over the comment section, its disgusting. All they are doing is copying and pasting and adding a few different remarks each time.. Sure wish they would just grow up and move on.

    1. If comments aren't approved before being posted there is always a chance of that. It looks like they were taken care of fairy quickly.

  17. This is about 2 or 3 years old. Old news kid.

  18. You are stupid if you think this was a real call. She is joking.

    1. You are stupid if you think it was a joke, that bitch was for real, dumb as shit, & 100% Rick Dyers real life wife!!

      100% proof, and you read it here first folks!!

    2. She isn't the world's greatest orator, but she was a little too well spoken to be that retarded. Also, she was a bit insistent near the end that she did indeed mean the sign was the cause of the deer crossings and not vice- versa.

  19. Could it be, could it be? An actual posting on here that may not have been a hoax???

  20. It was a hoax by bigfoot, who called in.

  21. Bifoots are known to place deer crossing signs in high traffic areas to guide the deer into oncoming traffic in hopes of getting an easy meal.

    I've been tracking sasquatches for 25 years.

  22. I once knew some French interns working in Montreal, both very intelligent people.

    They went on a ten day road trip as a vacation, driving around Quebec.

    Upon their return they admitted to having pulled over beside the moose-crossing sign, as they wanted to see a moose. They sat in their car for an hour, thinking the sign indicated the designated moose-crossing point. They finally figured out that moose do not follow road signs.

    True story.

  23. The comment section is starting to get out of hand. Out of control. I try to ignore the idiots as much as possible. I'm sure some dumb fuck will make a retarded comment about this too.



    This is NO DIFFERENT that anyone who reports seeing bigfoot. All they want is attention, and to troll people. People report seeing bigfoot for the exact same reasons.

  25. This is an ongoing joke that people have been doing for years


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