Tim Fasano Finds Possible Bigfoot Camp

If Bigfoots had a campsite, would this be it? According to Tim Fasano this peculiar area, located off the hiking trail, looked like a good spot for an intelligent creature to camp. The place looked like it had been cleared out by something, and it even has an old fire pit. This would be the perfect place for Bigfoot to camp says Tim. He explains his theory:

Environmental impact theory is that Bigfoot must leave some trace behind. If they live in groups, there must be some kind of camp. Right? Kevin and I found something deep in the Cypress Creek watershed that I thought looked like a camp area. If we were looking for a place to camp that night, this place gets my vote. It looked deserted and not used for some time. Kevin does not think so. I'm not so sure. We were freestyling throught the brush and were not on any game or hiking trail. We were getting closer to the Lake/swamp we found of Google Earth. In fact, this place was right next to it


  1. Bow to me! For I am first! Muuhaahahahaaa! Cough, cough

    1. meh.

      'freestyling throught'
      'found of Google Earth'

      Typical Timmy text trip-up. Got to love that whimsical,pudgy cabbie. Fasano rules!

  2. "The place looked like it had been cleared out by something, and it even has an old fire pit." so fire pits are an indicator that a bigfoot calls an area home now?

    1. There's not even any pit, there's no signs of fire and the wood isn't even burnt. It's a 'potential' firepit. I think Fasano tries to call it a "pseudo" firepit but he doesn't know how to pronounce the word and I doubt he even knows what it means. (Hint: it would mean it's a fake firepit.)

      What was the point of that? Why would anyone even upload this video to youtube??? Why did Shawn make us watch it??

    2. Shawn didn't make you watch it! The red flags were there buddy if the name Tim Fasano doesn't warn you away then you will pay for your curiosity

    3. Yeah, you're right. I really really should know better than to watch a Fasano video and expect anything other than a stumbling, bumbling fool in a forest saying infuriatingly dumb things. :(

  3. You'll get nothing and like it.

  4. Fasano needs to quit hoaxing and find another hobby.

  5. That could possibly be a birthing station or even a bigfoot nursery!

  6. What a frickin' idiot. I mean, really? You come across someon's old campsite and assume it was a bigfoot "campsite"? We're talkin' U.S. congress levels of intelligence here. I feel dumber just by reading this. I think I'm going to take a shower too, just to be on the safe side.

    1. Apparently brush piles are Bigfoot nests, and not the result of a flood or a person clearing an area.

  7. I think bigfoot has been toasting marshmellows and making smores on this very spot - come on - work with me here.

  8. "freestyling throught the brush", what a jackass.

  9. It's a well known fact Bigfoot is sponsored by Zippo. Just ask Moneymaker.

  10. Damn a campsite in the woods... Who would of thought...

    1. Next thing you know it will be Boy Scouts in the distance shown as his skunk apes.

  11. Its clear to any casual observer, that a group of squatches camped here.

    1. You are correct. It has to be a BF camp. What else could it be? We need momeymaker's take in this.

    2. Were any Zagnut wrappers found? That would clinch it.

    3. If they can just find a used condom, it will prove its a bf camp forsure.

    4. The evidence for bigfoot's existence is absolutely overwhelming and awe inspiring. Why wouldn't a pack of them camp at this site?

    5. Anon 12:00-Valid point, but it would have to be a Magnum condom to make me a believer.

    6. If it is a Magnum then hopefully it will be full of DNA evidence too!

    7. We don't even know if bigfoot has a penis. I figured since they mindspeak, BF would just mindfuck it's partner.

  12. Old campsite? Bigfoot! Broken branches? Bigfoot! Footstep sounds? Bigfoot! Rocks being thrown? Bigfoot! Vague human-shaped blur in a video? Bigfoot! Random hairs in the brush? Bigfoot!
    What's that old saying? Where if you hear hooves it's probably a horse, not a zebra? Yeah.

    1. Don't forget "tree knocks." Don't wanna piss any footers off by leaving this tell tail sign off the list.

  13. Only Enoch ya can prevent forest fires.

  14. Yea I'm going to just Frolic along in the Jungle with my BFF and forget the latest video with a Skunk Ape in it . Yep not going to go back and collect data or look for samples and God forbid looking in that area for sure. Nope instead I'm going to just go about my normal routine of business as usual. Master Hoaxer Extrordinare Fasano , Tim Fasano but you can call me Timothy . Puked in my mouth after that one !

  15. T-FAT is and always be a BAG OF DOGSHIT looking for any attention he can get

  16. I don't think that would be wise for bigfoot to be making fires because of the drought we had this ppast year

  17. I wonder if Bigfoots tell scary stories about MoneyMakers gang is gonna get ya while they are getting ready to tuck in for the night around the campfire.

  18. Really doubtful Sasquatch sits around a campfire , singing Kumbaya, and roasting Marsh Apples.

    Sasquatch is more of an RV kinda creature.
    Look at any guy driving an RV--and tell me it don't look like Patty.

  19. If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it mean that Sasquatch set up a camp nearby? Of course it does...of course it does.

  20. If you find some old stinky palmleaf dipers there then you know the bigfoot had a baby with it.

  21. On his ghost website Fasano is claiming a sacrifice to appease the spirits took place there, but on his UFO site we learn aliens used the sticks to tater-probe him...


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