There May Be More Than One Bigfoot In The 1962 Bouvier Footage

A Colorado man named Gary Bouvier was only 13 when his father filmed a Sasquatch-like figure hopping from rock to rock as if it was trying to avoid stepping in the snow. This footage is older than the Patterson-Gimlin footage of 1967. Gary's father was so weirded out by the incident that he and the other scout leaders had a very stern talk with the boys and asked them not to leave the camp at night. According to Gary, even on his deathbed his father still referred to the figure in the video as an "animal," and not a man. Finding Bigfoot's Cliff Barackman recently posted an update about the video on his blog and revealed something that was cut out of the Colorado episode. A digital forensics lab detected a second anomaly in the half-century-old footage:

What was most interesting was something that was not shown in the episode (although I understand this segment is in the Canadian version of the show, as Canada has fewer commercials than here in the US, and the episodes are a bit longer). We were able to take the footage to a company called CinemaLab, based out of Englewood, CO. They are a film laboratory that specializes in media restoration, preservation, and analysis. They have done media forensic work for law enforcement agencies including the FBI.

Due to the way the file was transferred to digital format (see above), little more info could be squeezed out of the footage. However, they verified the presence of another possible figure in the woods nearby, as well as the trailing “coat” or “hair” that was mentioned above. They said that if they had the original film, much more could be determined from the footage. Since the episode is now in its final form and has already been aired, I will be taking this on myself to get the analysis done. I have contacted Gary about this and have his blessing to do the follow-up work. I will announce any further findings on my blog in the coming months.

You can read more about this on Cliff Barackman's blog,


  1. Replies
    1. I wonder how Cliff's work may effect the estimated population of Bigfoot. Oh, we now estimate a population of 10,000,001 instead of 10,000,000 ! I am sure glad that we got that cleared up.

    2. I'm so excited that I'm first I think I'll walk around the rest of the day with my junk hanging out. It will proudly pose in the shape of number 1!

    3. Let us know how that works out for you. I realize it might not be for few days depending on bail.

    4. The people who live on farms are the ones that have the most encounters.

    5. Yes, they know horseshit and have no problem spreading it around.

  2. I would have ratcheted watch that particular segment than 10 minutes of bobo and moneymaker barking at the sky.

  3. There is always "another bigfoot" in bigfoot video it seems.

    1. That's because they have Angel DNA runnin' through their veins.

    2. And blue veins for making more bigfoot DNA! They multiply like rabbits. That's why Smeja and Dyer can't kill all of 'em.

  4. Of course this is a bigfoot hopping from rock to rock. It's a well known fact that they don't like to get their feet wet in the cold snow if they could avoid it.

    Give me a freakin' break already.

    1. Easter Bunny Bigfoot. He comes 'round once a year.

    2. It was hopping around because Grandpa just got done giving it a brutal taterhole'n. I bet it walked like it had a stick in its ass!

    3. Is Gary Bouvier related to Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis? And if so, what does he know about the JFK assassination? It's also possible that he is related to Marge Simpson.i

  5. Thanks for the constant 1 second glimpse!

    1. They were obviously paying per second to use his footage.

      Meanwhile, people across the country are combing through their boring old 8 and super 8 reels to see if they have anything that they can hoax the show with.

    2. On a serious note, if I may do you know it was a Bigfoot who took the eggs?

  6. So do you think the guy that writes Bo Bo cue cards uses capitals or bold letters to tell him to exagerate certain words in his deadpan delivery?

  7. Where's that Sasquatch and baby picture/video that we heard about last weekend?

    1. Lots of question to begin to unravel and if you do it carefully you might not frighten them off when you find them.

    2. There's no squatch tool in Photoshop yet, so it takes some time.

    3. The Squatch and mini-sas were crap from South Carolina. There was a vid of some kind of critter laying up under a downed tree and you can't tell what it is.

    4. Don't worry, no matter how shitty or ridiculous it is, it will soon end up on here with a headline declaring it to be the concrete proof everyone has been waiting for.

  8. Lokk up on the hill! There's two of them!

  9. Looks like a Dogman to me.


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Important note: The "re-enactment" was not at the same location.

    "we found that the film site could have been anywhere along a 10 or 15 mile trail that pushes into the Rawah Wilderness Area. It was impossible to do a recreation at the actual site, so we did our best trying to recreate the movements of the figure."

    1. Oh, well now. This changes everything.

    2. Of course you know that that completely invalidates the reenactment and that any findings are utterly useless.


    3. And so we now have implied confirmation that Finding Bigfoot wasn't about to attempt to hike into the Sylvanic site either. But instead, MM turned around that FB access inability, as the primary reason that Todd Standing was hoaxing. This is why MM should no longer be on the show.

    4. Absolutely true. Moneymakers slandering and libel of legit people is going to bite him in the ass.

    5. It's no use suing Moneymaker and he knows it. All he has to do is take the stand and he'll be certified insane and not responsible for his words or actions. There's tons of corroborating video to back it up.

    6. You know they did say in the show it wasn't the same location as if was filmed in 1962 so all they could do was find something similar

  12. You can't rule out it being a human? REALLY?

  13. Gary Bouvier is a distant relative to Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis. The implications are much larger than one could imagine.

    1. This of course proves the government cover-up conspiracy. It also explains why Ketchum's leaked paper mentions the name "Lee Harvey" over a dozen times.

  14. Everyone talks about Moneymaker's gay ass hair cut, but I have to say Cliff has some fine hair. Not a strand out of place! Impressive…

  15. I bet Bo Bo would give his Eye Tooth for a Class A sighting, it looks like it didn't work. I think he should have put that one under his pillow,at least he has a shot at getting the Tooth Fairy on a thermal camera.

    Squatch Nuts

    1. You'd think he would take another trip down to TJ and have that Mexican dentist do so more work for 50% off.

  16. havent read the others comments.surely its been treated with distain it deserves. there isnt 1 BF never mind 2. the main figure is a hiker jumping on rocks to avoid getting covered up to his knees in snow,its very clear its no apeman thats bald and skinny.crazy,now we are told theres stuff.why does the guy allow uploads of this qual;ity. it makles footery look even motre crazy with claims like this

    1. How do you know dip shit?
      I guess you're going to say that you were the one jumping from rock to rock.
      Were you there?

      "it makles footery look even motre crazy with claims like this"

      Oh,you're so smart.

      YEA,THAT'S THE TICKET,you jack ass


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