The Only Thing That Looks Faker Than The CGI Abominable Snowman In Syfy's Movie Is The Somersaulting

Last Saturday a brand new original Syfy film featuring a huge creature/ape monster called the Abominable Snowman had a scene where an actor was attacked by the giant beast from behind. I'll admit, I haven't watched it yet, but I knew "The Soup" would show me all I needed to know about the movie. Check out the acting-- Syfy style:


  1. Replies
    1. I think most of your competition is sleeping.

    2. Hey Ragin Cajun, whatever happened to that Louisiana bigfoot? Finally realize you were hoaxed by a common black bear by your Cajun buddies?

    3. I just got done streaming this movie.. The acting is great, the story-line is solid and the creature effects are awesome and the creature looks real... (But to get this "Awesome movie" effect, you have to watch Syfy channel's "Bigfoot" first lol)

    4. tzieth go back to the forums.. u are NOT welcome here by us trolls u fag..

    5. Tzieth Don't listen to the big meanie... Just as long as you put on your big boy pants, your more than welcome here. By the way, you have horrible taste in what would be considered a good movie by most normal people. Oh, thats right your just a kid sorry.

    6. Do you comment and then answer your own comments often?

      I was being sarcastic you no-life having, non-believe-spelling, sad little cuss. Since it is obvious that you are an adolescent (If your not then that is just creepy.) Perhaps you should be doing your schoolwork instead of having full blown conversations with your self on this blog. Then maybe you would stop spelling it "beleeve"... Just a thought :|

    7. You've paid your due Tzieth and done and seen more than these guys,rock on

  2. Ahh so your the one that got attacked from behind. Your tater hurting. Rub some ointment on it and put in that golden butt plug back in . You'll be right


  4. He's done. He quit. On blog the other day. Off of bigfoot crap.

    1. Good riddins, this Bigfootery is reserved for the strong at heart... Damn quiters don't deserve a voice in this fake crap anyway!!!


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