The Hair In This Video Was What Originally Sparked Dr. Syke's Interest In Bigfoot DNA

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor Vicki W.

Follow along as this multinational team travel through Bhutan in search of the migyur, the local name for what we know as the Bhutanese yeti.

This is the National Geographic sponsored expedition that turned up a hair with the DNA-rich root still attached, subsequently examined and tested for DNA by Oxford University's esteemed Professor Bryan Sykes. "We found some DNA in it," he said, "but we don't know what it is. It's not a human, not a bear not anything else we have so far been able to identify. It's a mystery and I never thought this would end in a mystery. We have never encountered DNA that we couldn't recognize before."

It begins as Professor Sykes discusses a proposed migyur skin that he was given to analyze. It turns out to be a type of previously unknown bear. Highlights include a look at footprint castings, a spooky story by locals who may have crashed a migyur's cave, and a woman who claims to have actually lived with a migyur. Seems rescuers were looking for her in the forest, but her companion had stashed her in a cave. Sadly, she bemoans that her family is keeping her from returning to her hairy Romeo.

Along the way, they pick up the King of Bhutan's lead migyur tracker to take them to find the creature. This is how the mystery hair is found within a tree. The tracker claims to have seen the migyur hanging out inside the hollows of the large cedar. It concludes with Professor Sykes speaking about his surprising findings when he performed DNA testing on the hair's root.

Short clip

Much appreciation to "mike44920" for uploading this fascinating British documentary to Youtube. Watch here:


  1. Replies
    1. It's gonna be a good day after all


    2. Is Sykes going the same route as Ketchum?
      Perhaps his findings will be released in 2015.
      Wasn't he supposed to have this thing wrapped up, last year?

      I smell conspiracy.

    3. Conspiracy?!?!
      That's crazy talky! You be one crazy ass mother fucker. Quit being so damn crazy.

      -man in black

    4. What's your explanation for the delay?

    5. I thought the last we heard of Sykes was that he was still gathering samples.

    6. The process calls for data sequestration until the end of the process.

    7. He has a bias against the existence of Bigfoot. He'll do everything in his power to disprove them.

    8. ^^^^
      Ha! Ha! You're a retard. I strongly suspected you didn't have a valid grievance with Sykes, but I wanted to make sure. And sure enough you're just jealous of him.

    9. This is the same old hashed out shit we have been thru with the Ketchum bullshit. Just wondering which tabloid this turd is going to be published in?

    10. What specificially are you saying she's done wrong scientifically?

    11. You mean other than starting at her conclusion and working backwards?

    12. Am I the only one going WTF about that statement?

    13. It means she didn't follow the scientific method dude.

    14. The results will rise and fall on the quality of the lab work and the quality of the lab work alone.

    15. Um, no actually the scientific method matters.

    16. Unless YOU have an alternate source for DNA other than biological samples from an actual critter?

    17. Notice it's been pretty quiet lately all around from Lindsay to Ketchum, paper's due soon guys very soon now with much hectic behind the scenes to prepare it. Robert should have his first hint out shortly.

    18. Well actually Ketchum seems to have a lot of time on her hands, well more so than someone like Jeff Meldrum: she responds to most comments on her facebook, well the compliments anyway..

  2. Replies
    1. Finally somebody's talking sense. I hope you don't mean hairy titties.

  3. Its Melba ketchums crotch hair with dried wookie spunk on it.

  4. I don't think anyone with his credentials would even allow his name to be attached to anything "bigfoot" related unless he already knew there was something to the study that DMK et al. are performing.

    1. Wonder how Ketchum's camp is taking it.

    2. At first I thought that was a Fallacious appeal to authority, then I realized it’s actually just either or fallacy. You really suck at this dude, and you also suck at life. Did you learn sophistry by lying to children?

    3. Did you take out a loan to buy that much straw for your army of straw men?

    4. ?

      Dude, straw is cheap.

      Straw man fallacy is when you attack an argument that someone didn't make.

      And who the hell are you taking to?

    5. I have a very large problem with that statement. No real scholar should ever be reluctant to engage a topic of inquiry simply for what the topic is.

    6. I disagree. I have discovered that footers will simply lie whenever they attempt to argue, so now I just skip the arguing part and go straight to insulting them. It saves time.

    7. Bottom line: truth is not a matter of how many people accept it. Nor does rejection (even unanimous) of a truth render it false.

    8. That would make you the sophist anon 5:42. because you're making up an argument to be misleading and deceptive. by saying all footers are liars. Then you also say we lie in any argument so you skip the argument and just go to insults. This I believe is the other way around also you have no argument. So you go straight to insults.

    9. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

    10. Of course, Skeptics being what they are, they then turn around and tar researchers and proponents for "not providing evidence" to support their claims.

    11. You’re chalk full of shit Anon 7:47.

      If a group of people demonstrate themselves to be evil people I can (and will) treat them however I please because they do not respect my rights. Those who do not respect the rights of others do not have rights. You footers would not like to be lied to, yet you lie to others. Therefore you are hypocrites and reasonable people such as myself are justified in lying to you.

      When I first came here I attempted to initiate dialogue with the footers, and whenever it became apparent that I was winning an argument they would immediately resort to verbal abuse. Therefore I no longer attempt to initiate dialogue as it’s a total waste of time to argue with people who don’t argue honestly or fairly.

      You also don’t apparently know what sophistry means you stupid retard.

    12. The main reason the 'bigfoot skeptics' cannot be taken seriously is their utter refusal to confront the scientific proponents on science's ground.

    13. Footery has no scientific proponents you dumb ass.

    14. Foot footery, foot footery, foot-foot faroo, I've got a Bigfoot riddle for you.

    15. Anon 8:12 you can't have dialogue when you come into the argument thinking that your always right. Your talking to yourself Moron ! It's called a lecture or a one way conversation ! It's your close minded attitude that keeps you single and unemployed Fuck nut! You love to group all footers as one group and all people ( 100 percent) as liars! That's what makes you the most stupid person on here! Just like if said all sceptics are the same and they all lie! No that's not the case ! There are many types of sceptics and not all lie! I never see anyone agreeing with you on here because people don't want to be aligned with a Retard!

    16. Hey retard,

      Are you going to refute any of the points I made? You're not? Can't say I'm surprised. An anti-intellectual degenerate such as yourself has no mental capacity for debate. You’re only capable of goat fucking, incest, sodomy, and sophistry. When presented with an argument you try to distract because you know that your inferior mind can't actually formulate a rebuttal. You're the absolute scum of the earth and you should end your pathetic parasitic existence as quickly as possible you stupid cum guzzling dickhead.

    17. How would you like me to give you a rebuttal when you have not made any sort of argument? the only thing you keep pressing is we are all liars, since someone lied to you before.That's like saying every german was an ss guard it doesn't hold water because it's make believe. I can't argue a point you've never made.

    18. You sure put way more value into your intro to logic class than it deserves, and as a side note when you think everyone is lieing to you, it's time to up your meds

    19. Leave me alone Jim just told me to tell you paranoid schizophrenia is a bitch because then all 4 of us have to be nervous


    20. Science obviously hides it from us, people are seeing what is presumably alien spaceships too that's a fact yet it's lied about so the same is probably true here. If life on other planets is a reality and governments deem it important enough to forbid the knowledge and information made public that means mainstream science MUST be instructed to say a certain thing, if this reality is somehow crucial enough which obviously seems the case. Might go for squatches as well which again leads to the question of the species' origin.

  5. Hairs, blurry videos, sounds, footprints,DNA, blah blah blah! Bring a body or two and display it at the Smithsonian and on TV then that will be the best credible evidence there is. Until then it doesn't exists to me. 98% fake!

    1. The reproducibility is built into the Ketchum study by having samples blind submitted to multiple labs.

    2. Tard harder retard. Reproducibility means that others can duplicate your study, not that you tested your samples multiple times.

    3. That very much depends on whether or not Science (the institution, not individual scientists) actively engages either study in a meaningful way.

    4. No it doesn't. The definition of reproducibility doesn't depend on how science regards bigfoot.

    5. If I'm wrong I'll happily be wrong. But Science doesn't have a good track record when it comes to engaging BF evidence.

    6. Actually science has determined that real apes are visible to anyone with adequately functioning eyes, whereas Bigfoot is only visible to retards. Therefore Bigfoot is not real.

    7. Indeed, a prime example of unscientific thinking.

    8. It's not at all unscientific. The properties of apes are known to science. Science states that apes are visible to anyone. Bigfoot can only be "seen" by idiots. Therefore Bigfoot is not real.

    9. We know it doesn't match any primate on record. Therefore it must be a new species of primate, of classification yet to be determined.

    10. But you can't "win for losing" with Skeptics, can you?

    11. We have this exchange:

      AnonymousWednesday, January 30, 2013 at 4:32:00 AM PST

      The reproducibility is built into the Ketchum study by having samples blind submitted to multiple labs.

      AnonymousWednesday, January 30, 2013 at 4:37:00 AM PST

      Tard harder retard. Reproducibility means that others can duplicate your study, not that you tested your samples multiple times.

      The second commentator here has stumbled into retardation. The first poster already said that reproducibility = other labs. The samples were sent to other labs for blind studies.

      The first commentator was clear in this. The second commentator was unable to see that he/she/it was only repeating what commentator one had already said, though tried to couch it in an insult of 'retardation'.

      Some of these comments are by Sharon Hill, 'I Doubt It' of

      She brags about her 'punning skilz'.

      As you can see, in the attempts at clever attacks and insults, he/she/it fumbled and fell into his/her/its own black hole of retardation, the dregs of stupidity.

    12. Wow, you broke that case wide open. We know now, not to troll this place while you're standing guard.

    13. @ 8:56,

      Well now you’re just overtly lying. You’re obviously a retarded douchebag who hasn’t the slightest idea what the scientific method is. If you disagree with my description of what reproducibility means than Google “cold fusion” and you’ll learn what reproducibility really means and see what happened to Pons and Fleischmann when their experiment wasn’t reproducible. Rather than making up bullshit (in typical footer fashion) go educate yourself then maybe you’ll understand what I’m talking about. Morons like you really need to learn not to speak when you haven’t any I idea what the fuck you’re talking about. A simpleton like you should really only speak about what you know personally, namely sodomy, and child molestation.

    14. No.

      You guys really should read about Pons and Fleischmann. They are actually a very good example of what happens when you do bad science.

  6. Dear bigfoot evidence. You should change the discussion to only registered people. This is just stupid every single article its just people writing garbage never the chance to talk something productive.

    1. You should make sure to register with the state so they can track you and make sure you're not going near playgrounds or schools.

      -a concerned citizen

    2. +10000000000000000000000000000

    3. maybe there's a real chance that she actually very much cares about these critters. I know Melba pretty darn well and I can say without a doubt that she has great compassion in her heart for them. Not many here will believe that but that's expected I guess. I know it to be the truth. Maybe her timing is strange but apparently it makes sense to her.

    4. Ketchum has had her chance for 2 plus years and going... If this woman had any substancial proof of Bigfoot it would have been made public by now. If she was truly concerned she would have made some kind of gesture of proof when Spike TV put a bounty on the head of a BF. I have a feeling her time as goddess of the BF community has run its path... Now it will be back to cutting out cats fur balls

    5. Arguing that this is a giant hoax and that there was no study and is no paper at all, ignores the facts

    6. Arguing that bigfoot exists ignores the facts.

    7. It doesn't ignore the fact that you're arguing with random quotes from Mulder.

    8. Is it not fact that a Canadian lab tested a piece of the Sierra Kills that showed bear and human DNA? Don't know what fact you could be basing your argument on, other than the word of Ketchum. She has produced a big fat ZERO in the terms of evidence. Yet for believers she brought claims and hear say, which lead believers to blindly follow her in hopes of BF being real.

      All anyone ask is for proof!! Just a quality photo, video or body.... she has said she has "mind blowing" photos! If she did they would have been published in hope of more funding for her closed DNA lab. Its really not all that tough to think logically unless you follow a blind belief.

    9. @ 8:36, what verifiable facts are there that Dr. Ketchum's paper and study are legitimate? I have yet to see anything but press releases and hearsay.

  7. This site is in desperate need of a mod to filter all the dumbasses. It would be a full-time job.

    1. WHAT? WHAT WAS THAT? I can't understand what you’re saying with that cock in your mouth.

    2. Anon 4:52 not gay- just enjoys smoking cock.

    3. 4:52 quit with the pissing and moaning. If you are so prudish you can't handle it go to FB/FB, they are pretty soft over there and anything submitted will be considered REAL evidence for the weak minded individules like yourself. Just get... go ... leave ... good bye!!!!

  8. Now for sale: a piece of squatch crotch with Melba ketchum bullshit on it!

    1. Go ahead, have your fun, but the Ketchum study is still on. You can't stop it with your criticism. For some reason, there is a group of people that don't want to see these creatures discovered. The proof is inevitable so sit back and watch.

    2. There is no Bigfoot, and you can't change that with your lies. For some reason there is a group of retarded footers who just won't admit they're wrong.

    3. The skeptics get entirely too much air time if you ask me; you must have a thesis to be a valid entry in a scientific debate. They don't; they just toss stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Why should the scientific proponents care about either the silly sideshows or the skeptics, who seem able only to attack the sideshows?

    4. Nobody asked you.

      It's a hypothesis not a thesis you dingleberry.

      And we do have a hypothesis. Our hypothesis is that you're retarded.

    5. We have N American accounts going back untold 1000s of years.

    6. Ha ha - Anon's 7:36 post refers to DWA's post over at the BFF in which he also states he thinks like a scientist and that the bigfoot proponents have won decisively. Obviously Mulder and him are roommates. Of course the next step is to criticize the mainstream scientific community - oh wait - he does that as well. The stuff they write over there is almost as funny as the stuff here except they are SERIOUS!

    7. ATTN ANON 7:40:

      'It's a hypothesis not a thesis you dingleberry'.

      Really? Let's look it up:

      thesis (n)

      proposition, theory, notion, hypothesis, idea, opinion, view, proposal, argument
      antonym: antithesis
      dissertation, paper, essay, composition, treatise




    8. No they are not asshole. If you would post the entire definition you would realize that a thesis is a document. You are intentionally confusing a thesis with a thesis statement. Your sophistry is pathetic. Your life is worthless. Your penis is small. And your genes are of inferior quality. Now go lick a wall socket you worthless sodomite.

    9. Why you gotta be so mean like that?

    10. Because without all the shit steadily dribbling from his mouth he would have nothing.

    11. For a troll to say bigfoots don't exist is the best proof of actual bigfoot existence you could ever ask for, they destroy their own troll agenda everyday by that shit. Very old tactic by the system to ridicule and lie within a truth it's called disinformation.

    12. ^^^^
      Now this retard believes in trolls. He's getting dumber by the second.

    13. Hey retard @ 1:24. That's taking ad hominem fallacy to the extreme. When you argue that the opposite of what someone says must be true because you don't like them (because you're jealous) then you're truly reached an extreme of retardation. You should immediately kill yourself to prevent genetic contamination of human kind.

    14. yeah the tactic of giving them enough rope to hang themselves

  9. The Bhutanese are not concerned, they know it is there and no need to prove it. This sounds very familiar to how the Native American Tribes have traditionally viewed the sasquatch. For years purported sasquatch hairs have been turning out the same results, it just does not match anything in the record.

    Thanks Vicki, I have never seen this before.


    1. The Clackamas Indians (a branch of the Chinook), maintain that in the lands of the headwaters of the Clackamas river, adolescent Bigfeet beings have to pass a test to become an adult members of the Bigfoot tribe. They must jump in front of a human on a trail, and wave their hands in front of the humans face, without being seen.

  10. Never EVER use ziplock bags on their own...the retention of moisture promotes decay of the sample.

  11. Im tarding as hard as I can! I can tard hard in the yard with bard lard cards.

    1. You fail a rhyming
      And the flaw is not your timing.
      Though I can see that you tried very hard
      There’s still no such thing has a bard lard card.

      -Doctor mother fucking Seuss

    2. But I do not like green eggs and ham.
      I do not like them Sam I am

    3. Yes keep tarding as hard as you can Sharon Hill "I Doubt It."

      I must say, you are doing an excellent job at appearing retarded today.

      Nice "punning skilz."

  12. One foot two foot red foot blue foot
    If I can’t prove there’s Bigfoot then my hoax is kaput!
    When my paper is published I don’t know how it will fair
    But they better not realize that I’ve sequenced a bear!
    Since I fired Sally things just aren’t the same
    For her prodigious tongue put my vibrator to shame!

    -Melba “mind rape” Ketchum

    1. *in an outrageous falsetto*

      Why I have never been so insulted in all my life! I‘m a professional god damn it! These outrageous allegations that I went down on Melba numerous time are totally baseless. I assure you that the claims that Dr. Ketchum spent the better part of the last two years sitting on my face are entirely without merit. The severe tongue infection I acquired while working for Melba was entirely coincidental, and not at all cunnilingus related.

      -Sally Ramey

  13. Shawn: We have been discussing this over at the Tar Pit and we have come to the conclusion that the posters here are going to far. If you want to allow these juvenile, spoon-fed, brainwashed, potty mouths who worship at the alter of the scientific mainstream to continue than that is your prerogative. But when they cross the line and besmirch the good character of a noble scientist like Dr. Ketchum then we must protest. We at the BFF DEMAND that you put an end to this or face the consequences. You are all going to look silly and stupid once the results are made public. This will be an earthshaking revelation and it's important to get it right and that takes TIME. We who believe, know that DNA is indisputable and the ONLY way this study will fail is if it is suppressed by the close-minded scientific community. I would normally would never dirty myself by posting here (the other's were all fakes) but enough is enough. You can make fun of me, the BFF, and all the believers in Bigfoot but STOP with the vulgarity of attacking the good doctor.

    You have been warned.

    Mulder (the real one)

    1. Are you referring to Vulva Scratchum?

    2. Vulva Scratchum is hilarious!

    3. Mulder that sounded an awful lot like a threat.

    4. That is not Mulder,Believe it or not.

    5. They are posting in the Tar Pit under the thread called "How big an asshole is Melba ketchum"

  14. MMMMMM, so when he finds "peculiar" DNA is ok, but when Ketchum finds it she is a quack, OIC....DOUBLE STANDARD...

    1. Ketchum = cat vet

      Sykes = world famous biologist

      Ketchum = "I found bigfoot DNA"

      Sykes = "I found DNA I can't identify"

      Ketchum = Makes claims & offers no evidence

      Sykes = Makes no claims yet

    2. Sykes = Nat Geo documentary

      Ketchum = Facebook wall

    3. Sykes = the system

      Ketchum = pioneer

    4. Ketchum = pioneer in retardation

      Sykes = tried and true methods

      You = homosexual

  15. how's that study coming along?

  16. You've been warned by a delusional blogger...Oh no, whatever shall you do?

  17. I'm late to the party but i'm sure someone mentioned above that it was later determined to be a known animal. Pretty misleading article.

  18. If you're late to the party, all you've missed for the last several years has been a bunch of Horseshit. Now that you're caught up, brace yourself for more Horseshit. I hate to be like that, but nobody can argue otherwise. If you think you can, I'd like to hear it...and don't tell me to prove a negative. That argument is weak and exhausted.

    1. Weak and exhausted? It's not just weak and exhausted it's outright bullshit. If the footers believe that negatives have to be proven then they must automatically believe in absolutely everything no matter what. Because they don't they obviously don't believe that negatives have to be proven. They're just sophists who are attempting to bullshit reasonable people.

  19. ^^^Someone who loves to eat HORSESHIT.And a bunch of Horseshit.

    1. You must now proclaim your belief in fairies, gremlins, and Sylphs. If you don't you expose your own hypocrisy. You must also proclaim that I have an 18 inch penis because you can't prove that I don't.

      Do it faggot.

    2. Your mother just told me you don't so stfu.

    3. But you can't prove that I don't so by your own logic you have to say that I have an 18 inch penis. Do it you stupid fag. If you don’t you’re admitting your own hypocrisy.

  20. It tastes so good when it hits your lips.

  21. Somewhere in the above is a comment worth reading, but I can't find it amid the taterholes. They don't like a legit scientist in this do they? Fortunately, comments here are meaningless and simply fun sport and go tater yourself you anon taterholes!

  22. Why can't we all just Squatch along?

  23. That Migyur must be packing some serious meat if that girl wants to go back to her "Romeo" so badly.

  24. Did they test for mtDNA in the video?

    Because if they did, then these results contradict the "results" from the yet unpublished Ketchum study or at the least the information that was leaked by press statement.

    If it was indeed mtDNA that was tested for in this documentary, then Sykes did not find human mtDNA (as reported by the Ketchum camp) but the mtDNA of a yet undiscovered species.

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