Should Finding Bigfoot Announce Where They're Going?

It's extremely rare for Matt Moneymaker or his crew to ever tweet their location on Twitter. We've heard that the main reason for this is to prevent hoaxers from hoodwinking the crew. On Monday, the Saline County Sheriff's department got a call about suspicious vehicles near a rural residence. When they arrived at the scene, they were told by crew members that they were part of "Ping Pong Productions" filming an investigation. News of the crew being in the area traveled fast and caught the attention of the entire town, including local news station Channel 22. T.K. in Saline County wrote on Facebook, "Currently in Kansas a reported "crew" From Ping Pong productions out of L.A. is working in Saline County in search of a bigfoot. Seriously Channel 22 ticker about 3:30. Hope BigFoot had a good hiding space."

The next morning, after the news got out, Facebook user Krazed Evony wrote, "Animal Planets Finding Bigfoot guys were just up the road a bit yesterday. Guess they didnt tell anyone so the sherriffs went out to check them out. seems that there have been sightings of a large "Strange" hairy creature just outside of Salina. I swear, i was only out of the car long enough to pump gas and get a coke."

According to News, members of the crew told deputies they were unable to find any signs of Bigfoot that night.


  1. Replies
    1. I think there are just a few of you jack-offs that even care.

    2. Monkeyfaker Smeja Ketchum Patterson and anyone else promoting Bigfoot as real are LIARS doing it for money!!! Bigfoot is a scam and a BIG LIE!!!!!Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 7:07:00 PM PST

      Its so obvious that Monkeyfaker and his rain of shame are as real as Amish Mafia. Retire and go to rehab Matt

    3. Yep, super duper envious he's probably foaming at the mouth.

    4. YOU stupid COP SUCKERS!!! DICK RYDER IS A CORNHOLEING FAGG!! DONT YOU DULL TURD"S GET IT????????????????? bloody wanker stoodges.. thanks as always MELLISSA H!

    5. That person, anon 9.16 is a hating racist loser, there aint nothing rong with trailor trash,

    6. Why do trailer park girls have to be so good in the sack!?!?!

    7. Because they don't have shit better to do then be on their backs all day

  2. Replies
    1. dont say sasquatch or Finding Bigfoot is real

    2. Finding Bigfoot is totally real. If you slow the footage right down and look at the way Matt's hair bunches up and moves as he walks there's just no way that could be recreated by a person in a costume.

    3. If you play ranae's part backwards in slow motion you can hear her chant to satan to kill Matt so as to replace him with a fem dyke

    4. Matt's already started to transform into a fem dyke, starting with his hair

    5. lol so that's what they're doin grooming him to be renaes' soul mate

    6. Matt and Bobo are really Sasquatches in Human suits.

  3. well,, they are kinda famous..

  4. I've mounted cameras underneath my car in case I run over a bigfoot.

  5. Well gotta have some kind of excitement before going to commercial

  6. Bobo is happy to be Falstaff to MM's Prince Hal.

    Cliff is satisfied being Horatio to MM's Hamlet.

    And Ranae is content with being the Fool to MM's King Lear.

    1. North of a hundred large per season....lots of people would be content to be the tater to his hole. Not me, though!

  7. Ahh Moneymaker...

    The true lord of the sith. Let us take a moment and bask in the dark glory that the BFRO begat.

    I revel in how the master defined the path to profit through deceit! His masterful machinations and expeditions are now legend.

    Oh how he inspires us! Let us follow his example of having them tell us THEIR story and then playing it back to them for maximum enthrallment. Gather the stories, glean from them the essence, and create for them their belief!

    See how his empire grows! Behold his genius of hiding intent behind a name too ironic to be taken for its literal meaning!

    He is shadow in broad day! Numerous now are his disciples. (Ketchum,Standing,Dyer and those still masked)

    His power is without equal until as all sith he will be overthrown by his own disciples.

    Hail to thee Dark Lord Moneymaker!


    1. That's some funny stuff right there.

    2. Wrong. I'm sure he doesn't mind making a few bucks, but he believes (most of) what he says.

    3. ^^^^That was so eloquent. It brought a tear to my eye. Thank you VVVV.

  8. Hell yeah, they should announce it. That way all of the towns white trash will show up and not just half of it.

    1. It's only racist if you're singling out black people. You're safe to criticize any other race.

    2. MM is a man of cultured tastes and highly refined sensibilities who avoids the yokelry of the shithole towns that the show visits. You can be assured that he is careful not to allow leaks of FB taping locations.

    3. What in the fuck are you talking about dickface?

  9. Wouldn't it be good just so the rest of us know where NOT to go?

    1. Yeah, that would suck, if you were going to a local fish fry for lent or some shit, only to find out that it was an FB meeting...that would really suck.

  10. Moneymaker would show up at a fishfry because hes hotter than fishgrease

  11. Assault of the sasquatch is on chiller. Very scary, indeedy.

    1. Oh man, squasquatch is eating that guy, he just don't give a shit.

    2. Oh no, Bigfoot's in the greenhouse now and he's smellin' the flowers.

    3. Bigfoot took that guy's pizza.

    4. Uh oh, samsquanch is
      now stalking people in a warehouse.
      Oh and he's looking in that girl's window.

    5. Oh shit, he stomped on her chihuahua.

    6. The Bigfoot researcher guy is morbidly obese, how did they know?

    7. Oh fuck, Bigfoot's throwing rocks and tires at that guy, I think he broke his arm.

    8. That blond girl kicked Bigfoot's ass.

  12. Sasquath you say? I'm on it!

    -Flash Casey
    Hard Boiled Detective/Ace Photographer

  13. I don't get it: Don't they always give away the location by inviting local residents to a town hall meeting?

  14. All of you clowns post your negative crap (which by the way is funny as crap!) but deep down you are hoping for something real to be unearthed. How do I know this ? Because"first" to" taterhole" to who the hell ever keep reading and posting on this site! Hey "first" get a life.

    1. I LOVE this site!! I'm interested in Bigfoot (won't believe until I see an actual dead body, but still find it fascinating). But there are some witty mother f's on here. Comedy and Bigfoot, my two favorite things all in one local. Doesn't get any better.

  15. They can't reveal the location becuase there town hall would be full of pimps and distributors asking for there money.
    Squatch Nuts

  16. What difference does it make. Announced or not, they won"t find him>

  17. If they did, all the gay men would come out in droves. Moneymaker would be tickled pink. He could have the finest selection anywhere he went…

  18. Don't care--quit watching this dumbass show last year.

  19. Moneymaker will find a "Blue Oyster" bar in any town they visit. His homo senses are very heightened.

  20. I spent 20 years in the United States Navy, and was stationed at NSSF in Groton, Connecticut in the late 90’s. I spent a good deal of my free time playing pool in a local league.
    One of my teammates, also in the Navy, occasionally filled in as a warm body for WWE wrestlers to stomp on whenever the show came to an area he was stationed. He had told me an ex-girlfriend of his had made some introductions sometime during his career, and he would wear a mask and costume from time to time, and be involved in some of the opening matches.
    One night while we were playing pool, he had another guy with him that I had never met before. He was a large guy who was apparently a wrestler himself. I wasn’t that interested in wrestling to know who he was, or maybe he was also a low guy on the wrestling totem pole. He was still an impressive 6’ 6”, 260 pound man by my guess.
    After our pool league finished up for the evening, the three of us turned our attention to drinking, and tipping a couple strippers that we were friendly with. The new guy at some point said he needed to get going because he needed to drive up north. He and my buddy started laughing for some reason which I assumed was an inside joke.
    They invited me to walk out to the guy’s car. (I wish I could remember some names. Everybody in the Navy pretty much goes by their last name, or a nickname, and after meeting literally thousands of people in a 20 year career, they tend to slip the mind. I really only remember my buddy was an HT1 at the time.)
    Anyway…. The three of us walk out to the big guy’s car, and he pops the trunk. He shows me this complete, head-to-toe “Man-Beast” costume that he says a few wrestlers have drug from show to show for years apparently. He said it was originally fabricated to be used as a wrestling gimmick, but had been cut from the act before it was ever used.
    Those two just kept laughing, and joking about how many times that one of the larger wrestlers has donned the costume in various towns, and made an appearance out on some backwoods road or wherever, getting spotted by at least one or two people before beating feet.
    The newcomer left to meet up with some other guys and head somewhere north of Groton after that. I never really thought about the whole thing too much after that night, but it’s popped back in my head a few times lately after catching advertisements for Bigfoot TV lately.

  21. I've been waiting for the day when a person dressed in a Bigfoot costume gets shot by a hunter or scared farmer with no sense of humour for a prank.
    I think it was last summer in Montana some drunk doofus in a ghillie suit got hit by a couple cars playing Bigfoot prank along a highway.
    People say, "why would Bigoot hang out along a highway if it's elusive"?. I think they collect and eat road kill, it's an easy meal if fresh enough.

  22. This is the dumbest website ever, very unintelligent people on here as well! #justsayin


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