See Bluff Creek Without Actually Going Anywhere

Steven Streufert has posted a series of videos about their "Winter Adventures" at the Patterson-Gimlin film site. For noobs, this is the place where "Patty", the female Bigfoot, was filmed in October 20, 1967. It was here that Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin filmed the legendary apewoman of North America as it walked away, briefly looking back. Almost half a century later, a special team of Bigfoot investigators is set out to answer the question: Are there any Bigfoots still in the area? That's what the "The Bluff Creek Camera Project" is about and our old friend Steven has the scoop:

Winter Adventure Series Part # 1 of # 2. Bigfoot Field Researchers Kipp Morrill and Robert Leiterman attempt to reach the P.G. Film Site before the Thanksgiving Holiday. Every October / November researchers, hunters and outdoor enthusiasts try to squeeze in one last visit into the Bluff Creek Country of Six Rivers National Forest before the heavy winter rains and snows beat them back. Winter conditions are give and take. The snow and mud may restrict travel but it also provides a canvas for animal sign. Due to the rugged conditions and isolated terrain of the P.G. Film Site, travel to and from, with the right frame of mind, can be a rewarding challenge.

Part 1:

Part 2:


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Cannot believe someone used harsh language on this site.

      Sheriff Shawn is gonna clean up this town.

      As well as providing more info on those awesome Dogmen.


    2. Uh oh, I better pay more to my posts now. Shawn, it is true? Are we re-entering the era of actual debates on here? That would be sweet.

    3. I've seen a lot of crude nasty comments on here but this must have been really bad. Moderation is a good thing.

    4. Shit I missed it! "Capital Locks Guy" likes to mess with Steven S. He must of said something really nasty this time......

    5. Always moderation my fucking Rush loving compadres

    6. WASN'T ME ANON 11:17AM!!!

    7. Sorry Caps. Bad guess. Have a good week, man.

  2. SECOND....BIOTCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Shawn you and your website rock! That is all....

  4. A few errors in your post shawn:

    They did not film a female bigfoot, they filmed Bob h in a suit.

    Asking are there any bigfoots in the area is a silly question as we know there never were any in the area (they don't exist).

    You're welcome.

    1. yea and the world is flat. how long have you worked for the forestry service. where are the could someone have the capability to use the computer and the invisible internet and ignore the billions of bites of info on the bigfoot.and then come to a website full of info and to what end to comment that they don't exist. how retarded.

    2. The bodies? Is that a reference to the Bigfoot Massacre?

      Please direct any and all massacre questions to MK Davis.

      Oh, and learn how to write. You're not doing your side any favors by sounding retarded.

    3. If you believe Bob H with that stupid suit he had then you have a screw loose! That piece of junk suit wasn't even close!

  5. Disappointing. They didn't even get to the film site.

    1. These videos are about a winter access attempt. If you want to see them at the actual, now proven PGF site check out their 72 other videos on YouTube under the BLUFF CREEK FILM SITE PROJECT title. There are also three other videos under the BLUFF CREEK CAMERA PROJECT, showing the film site and installation of trail cameras around it.

  6. Hope they did their part by littering the place with fake tracks . Have to keep that hoax alive.

  7. what did he say. ive seensome comments on here full of profanity,ive used it yself,and ive never seen a post removed. cant be a bad thing

  8. Shawn, your going to loose clicks by cleaning up this blog. No "F" words and no horribly nasty comments. This will become just another stupid BF site that not worth the read.

    Will check in from time to time tho....

    1. No actually he will replace 5 idiots who fill this comment section up with useless garbage with hundreds of others who want to comment. Same stupid argument in my town when they banned smoking in bars and restaurants . They complained they would lose business or close and just the opposite happened. They gained customers and business and not a single bar closed as a result of this action. Now they gained more people that never came! Good Luck Shawn. Nice to see all the profanity blocked though.

    2. It's fucking great,thanks

  9. The comment Shawn removed was likely a highly personalized attack on a contributor of this article. He (Shawn) has been threatened SEVERAL times with lawsuits over "libel" and "slander" here so it's in HIS best interest to ensure he addresses the potential when it comes to certain ariticle contributors.

  10. I glad somebody is finally monitoring you foul mouth immature Mutha Fuckers!
    Know I can start letting my kids back on, Thanks Shawn
    Squatch Nuts

    1. Apparently he still hasn't removed this post^

  11. Personally i dont care for the Fs and other language that degrades this site. I want info about BF..plain and simple. Now..i like a good lol and there is some funny stuff..thats cool. So..sharpen your wit and keepem coming! Engarde..!. I saw a bigfoot with my own two eyes..thats right. With both of them wide open..eye to eye..freaked me out. No schrooms involved...... Hmmmmm...these hoaxers givin footers a bad rep.....gggrrrrrrr..

    1. I too saw a bigfoot once but unfortunately I was borrowing a set a eyes that weekend so I can't trust them.

    2. Melba Ketchum sucked Justin Smejas giant Bigfoot DickSunday, January 27, 2013 at 11:44:00 AM PST

      fuckity fuck shit ass fuckers.....bigfoot is fake as fuck

    3. Apparently Shawn only singled out one post. It's a free for all. Cuss every word under the sun and let's make it a Cess Pool . Make it rated X! C'mon Shawn this is ridiculous^

  12. I tend to believe that Squatch hunting should be more than two days of driving around in a truck.

    1. Then why are on a computer? They weren't "squatch hunting" they were trying to access the PG film site in the winter...

  13. These videos are about a winter access attempt. If you want to see them at the actual, now proven PGF site check out their 72 other videos on YouTube under the BLUFF CREEK FILM SITE PROJECT title. There are also three other videos under the BLUFF CREEK CAMERA PROJECT, showing the film site and installation of trail cameras around it.

  14. If I had just invested 3 days and 2 nights in the hottest Bigfoot spot in American, and had absolutely nothing to show for it, I would quit!

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