New Evidence Found In Colorado By Ken Collins Proves That Gatito O. Really Found a Genuine Bigfoot Print

This latest footprint found in Estes Park proves that Bigfoots do exist in Colorado  Last week, a 14 inch long footprint was discovered by Ken Collins and his buddy while hiking near a snowbank. Ken is quite familiar with animal prints in the area and he's confident that what he found does not belong to a bear, or a mountain lion, a snowshoe or a human foot. He tells EPNews, "I’m pretty confident that you have the real deal here!"

Bigfoot In Estes Park? Estes Park News Weekend Report 2/1/2013

Last December, another Colorado hiker named Gatito O. discovered something similar, but this print was discovered in Pikes National Forest, about 150 miles south of Estes Park.

Pikes National Forest Colorado Hiker Finds a Footprint!


  1. You'll get nothing and like it.

    1. Yes a faked print in busy Pike proves humans fake Bigfoot tracks everywhere they go.

      Next Bigfoot Debacle please...

    2. Musky Allen will settle this once and for all. He who knows will share his knowledge and we will cower in awe.

    3. Musty Allen can go to hell.

    4. Maynard G. Muskelunge and Freddie J. Sixpack have no place in your argument.

      Titmus had his shot at greatness. He blew it. He didn't start off with the beard.

      Meldrum sports the photo negative of a Donegal Beard and the world of footery sucks his cock.

      This is why 'Footery amuses me.

      More excuses than a one night stand.

    5. I tried to watch the last video. But shortly after "eenches" I couldn't listen a second longer.

      ^^^ Bob Titmus was a limp wrested wannabe. I would absolutely love to see him duke it out with Rick Dyer. RD was in the Army and would whip his azz

    6. The Estes Park prints are simply bear tracks that were cast in partially melted snow. The tracks are clearly a triangle shape, which completely represents a Bear paw.

      If you have ever hunted or even been in the outdoors much, you would discount this as well. Its almost embarrassing to see people so naive about the outdoors.

    7. Bob Titmus worked for Tom Slick, knew Roger Patterson and never saw a figboot in his life.

      Dyer's not even close to Titmus.

    8. ^^^ I think we all understood the naivety fairly quick. These poor saps have never been outside eyeshot of concrete. The national parks all absolutely packed to the gills with these "Adventurers". I wish they would do a real pack in trip and sleep in the bush. The darkness alone would straighten them right back to their urban jungle campground pretty damn quick.

    9. Anon 7:06. Dyer is real tough. I saw him fight once he knocked guy out flat. Bob Titmus was a hack. Rick Dyer could walk circles around Bob. Wait until the Minnow Film comes out Rick will knock you out to

    10. Anyone else think this is Dyer doing some shameless self promotion?

    11. Dyer coulnd't fight his way out of a wet paper sack let a lone a real fight. But he could be the top prospect in the MMA of the Bigfoot community. All the fat asses that are about as smart as to stone rub together, yes he might stand a chance.

    12. Our fine young skeptard spotted above.

      How many skeptards does it take to install a light bulb?

      The answer to that enquiry is up for debate.

      If more than one skeptard is involved in this challenging endeavor, they will argue about the existence and science of electricity. If they cannot settle that debate, they will form a committee. They debate and have their findings peer reviewed.

      If the committee solves that debate they move on to the light bulb. The skeptards will argue if the wattage of the bulb will make it compatible with the light socket. When they find they cannot agree on this nor the science of wattage, they will form a committee. They debate and have their findings peer reviewed.

      If the committee decides this debate for them, they will next argue about the placement of the light socket, and if it will provide the most efficacious light to the dimness which surrounds them. When they find the cannot come to an agreement in this scientific matter, they form a committee. They debate and have their findings peer reviewed.

      However, while they continue to bicker and have their impressive work peer reviewed, they have failed to notice another person enter the room. This is an "open-minded" type. This person sees the dimness, sees the burnt out light bulb, sees the fresh new bulb on the table. The person replaces the burnt out bulb with the new one.

      Light ensues.

      The person throws the burnt out bulb away and exits the room.

      The bickering scientific skeptards freeze momentarily, shocked by the light which pours over them. They look around, and at each other, confusedly wondering how this "miracle" occurred.

      They shrug, and immediately begin arguing about the nature of the light, if it is serving its purpose within the correct bounds of science, and contemplate the moving of the light fixture, the changing of the wattage, and many other variables which result in an unholy uproar of an argument.

      They then, you guessed it, formed a committee, and had their findings peer reviewed.

      We are still awaiting the results of the committee, but you can be assured that the scientific skeptards are all benefitting from the glorious light provided by the open-minded person who has no peer review, no argument, and has formed no committee.

    13. You gotta be fuckin kidding me all this time and I never just realized my employees arent retarded they're skeptics son of a bitch that is why everything takes these mother fuckers so long thank you for illuminating my mystery hint hint

  2. Replies
    1. Kt Everyone look alive, Ketchum is ready to release paper and Erickson video soon.

    2. Any publication that doesn't have a website must be real journalistic like.

    3. I don't care about publication websites. But you will care real soon. This Ketchum report will turn the scientific world on it's ear. Add in Ericksons hi-def footage of Matilda and you can call this thing finished. Once and for all. You will see

  3. Let me guess, the prints had "dermal ridges."

    1. Ortiz is nothing more than a horny Rican trolling for women on Facebook then gets mad when they don't fall for his Rico Suave ways.

  4. I guarantee you. One hundred percent. No guy named Gatito O has ever been close to a Genuine Bigfoot Print.

    I also 'fake' Melba's headshots on various fileshares.

  5. If I strategically teabag the snow in front of my boot print, it suspiciously looks like someone was wearing a boot with multiple nutsacks hanging off it, maybe this is scrotfoot.

    1. Scrotfoot! Lol. The sound of that reminds me of my Aunt Leona's goiter. Jeezus talk about nut sacks hanging off it. Everytime I think of her it turns my stomach. Nice lady, but having a skin bag watermelon flapping around is not cool. I should buy her a scarf.

  6. No, I think that's evidence of SACKSQUATCH

    1. So does Sacksquatch's nutsack drag in the snow behind him and leave ball trails?

    2. Gatito says "Si, drags theem like a border mule dragging a seventy pound sack of dope"

    3. Quick, cast those ball tracks for evidence.

    4. He's got balls that won't quit!

  7. I gotta squatch crotch that I wear as a toupei

    1. Did you snip off its hairy sack and wear it like a hat? The balls could hang down on each side and keep your ears warm.

    2. Haha squatch nut ear muffs.

    3. Very warming I must say but a little.on the ripe side!

  8. This is the real deal folks - he even said so!

    1. You need to be here to know! And this guy is not a minister.

  9. Someone please post a link to the video some guys made with that 70's era camera where the dude in the Ghillie suit charges the camera on all fours at the end. If all we get are hoaxed videos these days, may as well play that one. It's better than most the turd sandwiches that have been served up as of late.

    1. As fake as that was, it was one of the better pieces out there.

  10. A Plea to Your Ignorance [a collective]Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 6:55:00 PM PST

    Roger Patterson admitted to hoaxing an upcoming film to a local store owner. He took the owner's advice on how to make his casts more squatchy.

    Bob Gimlin has lied every time he has spoken in public. Every. Fucking. Time.

    No sasquatch has ever been found.

    The only academics looking for sasquatch have already had the truth handed to them (skookum cast, pattersonprints, dermal ridges, a man can't walk like that and so on).

    No Bigfoot has ever been found.

    The only proponents you have left are a bunch of youtube attention whores and delusional bleevers at the bff.

    When this happens it's time to turn the bigfoot dial to a different audience. Even Munns knows it.

    Good luck with your gifs sweetie. Good luck with your personality Kerchak. Good luck with yourself Mulder. Christ knows you'll need it.

    Have fun on the other side of the rainbow, boys.

    there's no bigfoot there either

    1. Rainbow Boy,
      Thank you for your thoughtful and wisdom filled diatribe. Bob Gimlin may or may not be telling the truth. Phil Munns may or may be telling the truth. That is logic. Bigfoot may or may not exist. I just don't know. If only I could be an omnipotent human polygraph like yourself I could push my lies on others and try to come off as having true knowledge. Sadly, you and I just don't know. Could be, might not be, possibly.


    2. Polygraph?

      Roger Supposedly passed one.

      Smegma passed one.

      Bob Gimlin won't take one because he's lying. Always.

      Bob H passed TWO OF 'EM!!

    3. If you want objectivity you might want to consider that applying critical thinking to bigfoot is akin to putting bacon on a veggie burger.

    4. stupid fucking libtard. You are completely full of shit and it reeks of your ignorance.


      Shut the fuck up and go bother people that would appreciate your complete bully mentallity, ignorant as it is!

      Take a hike cum breath!

    5. Not a libtard. I didn't vote for a color.

      Take your caps lock off and show me a goddamn squatch.

    6. Who needs a polygraph when we have "A Plea to your Ignorance" clearly he has blessed us at this humble blog with his presence and intelligence. One of these days I will grow up to be smart like him. And when I do I will troll the fringe freak sites and display my superiority against the teens and basement dwellers.

      I think Smeja could be telling the truth, as Patterson. Bob Gimlin might be telling the truth too. As Bob H. We might not ever know. BUT if only "A Plea" would just tell us.... Because that dude knows it all.

    7. So Smeja could be telling the truth, as Patterson. Bob Gimlin might be telling the truth too. As Bob H. We might not ever know. Pick your bias. Show your fucking bigfoot.

      "A Plea" knows a helluva lot more than you will ever know about the subject.

      Bigfoot's only complicated if you're unfortunate enough to believe in it.

    8. If Smegma shot and killed a couple of bigfoot where are they?

      If Ketchum has DNA where is it?

      If Meldrumb has a skookum lay and various prints where are the animals that made them?

      If no human can replicate the gait why has it been replicated numerous times?

      If there has never been a confirmed hoax please explain the fucking melbe trackway, the Marx footage, the snow walker, freeman, Wallace, the pgf or any other piece of bf related shiite in the last fifty years.

      That's a lot of ifs.

      I can point you to a nuclear bomb.

      I can point you to a bigfoot costume.

      Can you point me to a bigfoot?

    9. Anon 7:19 - Comparing bacon on a veggie burger, yes I agree. But objectivity in 'Bigfootery' is warranted. If we as believers are so far below your radar why do you visit a Bigfoot blog? And comment? And discuss with us uneducated philistines? A veggie burger is still a veggie burger regardless of the trimmings, a moot point as far as semantics are concerned (plus bacon is yummy!) Don't you feel the number of sightings, a few of the vids/pics, the first nation oral tradition of this creature COULD be a sliver of something? It might not be, it could all be a hoax, but I will try to be the better man and keep an open mind either way.

    10. A Plea to Ignorance is a Liar! Don't Believe anything he says because he has mental problems! He's my brother and he isn't capable of rational thought or common sense.

    11. Raging skeptard spotted at 6:55.

      Assume normal reaction, no sudden movements.

      Do not challenge this individual with rational thought. Enormous tantrum will result.

      Give wide berth.

    12. Polygraph's don't prove anything which is why they are in admissible in court. So you can't really use that to prove anything whether it's Smeja or Bob H

  11. Wetbacks and bigfoot do not mix.

  12. Occam's Razor: Compare a print of dubious origin to another print of dubious origin, and if they match you can safely conclude that you have two fake prints.

    1. Show me a Bigfoot. That should simplify things for you.

    2. Your both so closed minded, you'd pass out if I showed you one. Your already making it quite clear you don't have the mentall capacity to understand things beyound the simple norm.

    3. Unless you have a picture of a sasquatch you can fuck off now.

    4. Yes Occam, because every time I leave a footprint my foot COMPLETELY changes. The last series of footprints I left contained 3 prints with seven toes, 2 prints had a tire like tread, one was backwards, 5 had two split heels and one was six inches longer...

      Do you think or just type as the shit leaves your mind? A foot will leave a print like the last print. If you don't believe me just walk on the snow, or on the concrete after you get out of the pool. Same same same. No added toes, no changes in size, no shapeshifting reptilian claws. Please don't use Occams razor like it proves your point, your point proves you're an idiot.

    5. Occam's Razor shows Bigfoot is Bullshit.

  13. Goodnight bitch tits.

    Talk to you when you have evidence.

    1. Good night, I'll only talk if you promise to release the video of you and Fasano tag teaming Dick Ryder. Sleep tight don't let the squatch bugs bite.

  14. The repetitive I-think-I'm-clever skeptard on here, well, the problem with that person's claims is that the PGF shows movement of muscle mass, spinal erectors, mass through trapezius and shoulders, bizarre arm length (study end of film). The vibrating flesh and muscle mass in the right thigh is obvious in the turn and stumble. That is flesh and muscle, without covering other than hair on the skin.

    You have an extended film, now stabilized, showing muscle and meat movement, not a short clip, not a photograph, not a blursquatch, but an extended film you can study and find evidence in in favor of the subject being, not homo sapiens, something else.

    It's all there and as you continue to suffer from PGF-itis with your hysterical neck and head jerkings you will never see it.

    Focus, for God's sake! Calm down and focus!

    Also please remove your skull from dark confined spaces, such as holes in the ground and other orifices which prevent the entrance of light.

  15. While trying to evade detection, I always walk across open spaces that leave me in direct line of sight for the maximum amount of time.

    I'm a real fart smeller!


  16. Squatches are real. I've shaved-um.

  17. You might have noticed that our friendly local raging scientific skeptard is the individual whom yesterday informed another commentator that he was "retarded", claiming he misused the words thesis and hypothesis. The skeptard in ignorance didn't realize that the two words are synonyms.

    Note that this is the caliber of skeptardness we are confronted herewith, and you are recommended to hold that awareness in your mind as you enjoy the Bigfoot Evidence Blog.

    Please disregard the vociferous demonstrations of arrested emotional development exhibited daily by our unfortunate, local, raging skeptard.

    Have pity, for she, he, and them, is/are, after all, only (a) skeptard(s).

    Tard on, skeptards!

  18. Wow, you can almost feel your IQ dropping when you're reading this shit.

  19. Estes Park news is so quaint. There must be at least 8 people living there and that includes the cameraman.

    1. Guess ou have never been here or you would know that we have oever 6000 people living here.

  20. That Collins guy is a moron. Attention seeking fool.

    1. Love the name your mother gave you. Reminds me of that time no one game a fuck

  21. If Smeja is telling the truth then he knowingly and willfully murdered two innoscent creatures and one of them being a very young one

    If this is true and they find BF is real he should be brought up on charges. Also he IS a sick man in my opinion and should be interviewed by he authorities

    1. You can't murder a non-human, dumb fuck. Go back to grade school and learn this time.

  22. Is anyone else's dick growing sideburns? /I'm 16 and started shaving it when I was 13 but I didn't know any better and started trimming the sides of the shaft. Now my dick has fucking sideburns! True story....


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