M.K. Davis Reveals Juvenile Bigfoot Video

This latest footage from M.K. Davis was filmed near the location of the White Bigfoot video. If this is real, it's probably the clearest footage of a juvenile Sasquatch ever caught on tape. This was supposedly filmed in total darkness. "The camera barely records it, but with enhancement, perhaps we get a peek into little known world," says Davis.


  1. Replies
    1. MK knows where the hot spots are

    2. He just bought a box of VHS tapes. The fact that they are connected to a known hoax doesn't seem to matter to him.

    3. What an awesome video. Great work MK. I like the fact u can see the arm length and other features . Nothing is definitive, but this is one of the better enhancements I've seen. Keep up with the tech and keep giving us great vids.

    4. Hoxer 9:16

      KEEP IT UP

      Granted it takes all kinds to make a community, but this guy in my anonimous opinion is no good

    5. Anon 6:04 can you elaborate more with some solid facts on your comment?

    6. Retard 9:34
      This is not an Ed Smith hoax. See for yourself. That lying bastard Dyer has a blog called "Bigfoot Evidence News". Click the link and see for yourself, it's full of his typical delusional bullshit, much like yours you ignorant goon. I did my part and left a comment. We will see if he takes it down. Don't be a coward, thanks for calling me a Hoaxer, but go see for yourself. Rick Dyer beat his then live in girlfriend while the poor thing was pregnant. He has scammed poor people out of their hard earned money selling non existent cars on eBay. He chummed up with the phony prick Tom Biscardi to pull the freezer hoax of 2008. Now the punk is swimming in the glory of your stupidity.

    7. Anon 10:02. I was in agreement with you I just did not know how to list your post name. You gotta lighted up buddy. Take a deep breath and relax

    8. Anon 10:02. And by the way I am what you would call "retarded". Can't help it I was born this way. And when I read some of the comments on here I feel like I am not so different after all

    9. Ever Been Arrested-hell son, that's my picture!

    10. I really liked this one. It was very animal like following the ditch that way

    11. Great work MK!! Keep it coming...Don't pat any attention to the jealous trolls here. You are the real deal!!!

  2. And yet Mike Sells' legacy lives on...

    1. Mike Sells Melba Ketchum Justin Smeja Matt Moneymaker are liars promoting Bigfoot as real to make money!! There is NO BIGFOOT!!! Bigfoot is a lie and hoax nothing more!!Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 8:12:00 AM PST

      Anyone who says they have "evidence" of Bigfoot is delusional, a liar, or a delusional liar...there is NO BIGFOOT

    2. WHY do people who think Bigfoot aren't real waste their time on blogs and chat boards? WHY? I don't believe in a lot of other things, but I don't waste my time arguing with people who do.

    3. ^^^^^^^ It's Saturday morning and there favorite cartoons are overs

    4. LOL And then it's time for them to forget they're being bullied in school, and how they really do think this is real but in order to feel like one of the hard boys must pretend they don't.

    5. Looks real. No indication of a hoax. Obviously bipedal and solid form. (No indications of clothing, etc.) So, I guess it will be claimed that it is a giant man riding a unicycle by those who are self claimed "educated, skeptical people".

    6. Skeptics don't really laugh at this, not the smart ones anyway they know very well this in likelihood is all real. It's the idiot toddler skeptic who laughs and always out of ignorance.

  3. I'm pretty sure this is from Texas / Arizona. Taken while Biscardi was in town filming...

    1. Put the bottle back in your rear end, Smokey.

    2. YEP! this IS THE FAMOUS BISCARDI arizona footage called NIGHTWALKER!!!

  4. Very cool video! The sideways gait is typical of chimps, other apes.

    1. And if you gift them with their favorite treats, they'll do back flips...just like Chimps.

  5. More Mike Sells hoaxer videos being promoted by M.K.Davis....

    1. PROVE IT! Honestly prove it was filmed by Sells. You can't! You can only continue to run your mouth without a shred of evidence.

    2. It's what the real hoaxers do - these cynical haters here - say everything with cool bf footage is a hoax, hoax, hoax, hoax it's all a hoax to them. Or so they'd like, they'd never be able to sleep if they agreed it's not fake as they secretly do.

  6. ridiculas

    the same area where he filmed the white Bf flms and other BF figures. its either a hive of BF activity where brown and WHITE ones seemingky walk about the countryside and farmland all the time.

    they may be wise to invest in HD cameras so tney can record tis behviour and have undisputable evidence rather than the blurry gray film which show a figure that is eithe a man in suit or a BF

    i dont belive in BF[ the p/g film is hel up a the mo 1 evidence on film. it was taken by a guy 'down on his luck' ,he drew a female Bf a year beforehand, the films the EXACT creature he drew walking across the only open piece of ground for miles around. why would an elusizve animal not run and walk into the forest behind her /side of her. it didnt becauseit was set up. myown thought is Gimlin was a patsy,as he ws of good character,and his presence and gravitase to the event. the fact he was carrying agun was a huge chance they were taking. so they were either stupi or gimlin was involved too or it was the real deal,lol]. that means a 8=10ft 80pd ape man and family walk about foaging mating[which menas for a successfull population to exist they would have to be in their thousands]. if thats true why havent we anything other than the P/g film as visual proof.thats impossible ad surey any right minded person has to adit its 'stranhge' nothing has been found to prove its existance.

    id love to be wrong and a ape man appers in the world.religion,science etc...would all change ,it would sjake up the world in a great way for us all! but there is nothing to say that its real no dna ,no bones,body,decent films, anything u can hang your hat on! what is it peopke believe this story so much. is there somthing im missing out on.please post the link to what im missing someone

    smeja is leary a story.if the ample ws real wed know by now. it s a bear. thereports we have been waiting on and here bits and pieces about are cleary telling us there will be nothig of substance in anything to come from them

    so all we have is eye wtinss accounts. i realise hey arent all liars,athough many are as you can see 'finding Bf' programme town hall meetigs. peole stand up andcome out withthe most fnciful stories yet not 1 has a pic /film,not ONE, = shite!

    ill pop in in the vague hope im wrong

    ps no point in the rabid blievers poting abuse at me or anyone else who disagrees with you. you look stupid and it doesnt add to the debate ,is there an aoe an out there, if u know something r have has=d a experince surely sharing that is better than calling peole like me a close minded prick[for example]

    1. English isn't your first language is it? Not your second or third either, right?
      Don't worry, eventually you'll be able to form a comment or response people will understand. But in the meantime, keep reaching for the stars! It's encouraging to see the mentally retarded try and communicate in public forums without crayons.

    2. Fuck off ... You all got his point...

    3. Anon 5:25, you understood exactly what he meant to say, I understood his point, I guess he must have hit a nerve with you and you don't want him ruining your wishful fantasy of a magical ape. So what if English is not his first language, at least he's got the balls to try. How many languages do you know you ignorant asshole?!

    4. Bigfoot is fake as hell and only exists so hoaxers like Smeja and the BFRO can make money!!! Bigfoot is a BIG LIESaturday, January 26, 2013 at 8:17:00 AM PST

      Let me summarize for anon 5:06- Bigfoot is fake as fuck and anyone who says they have evidence, or killed one, sightings, vids, etc is 100% full of SHIT.

      Hope you didnt mind me chiming in 5:06

    5. Cougars or grizzlys find mates just fine and they are really spread out and in very low numbers. Not to mention they are restricted to very scattered ranges compared to what they used to be. The grizzly was nearly absent from the lower 48 and after migration from Canada and reintroduction programs were able to mate and reproduce with an extremely low population (<50) dispersed over large territorial ranges. So I dont buy that shit sceptic throw out there about low breeding populations. Given the long lifespan and breeding age of Sasquatch reproduction is very possible.

    6. So Bigfoot is a lie what are you specifically trying to do here? Find truth? What are you seeking ? You're Bigfoot is Bullshit and you told everyone you left, but in reality your lame ass never left! 40,000 people don't lie so stop with your complaining . I think personally you're a very lonely individual who seeks attention positive or negative and this is where you seek it. Sad to be you you pathetic attention seeker!

    7. Bigfoot is Fake is teamed up with anon 5:06 the English IQ challenged retard! That explains it. Two mentally challenged people seeking out love on a Bigfoot site! Hey dick weeds this is not a dating site geared to find man love in a trailer park! Go back to the site " Gay retards with low IQs looking to hook up at Americas trailer parks for man love.com"! Sissy pants!

    8. Lol! I friggen peed my pants .

    9. Bigfoot is Bullshit is a single mother of 2 who is going to collage in New York.

    10. At least he made an attempt at paragraphs !!

    11. Someone needs to go to college to spell it.

    12. Is'nt the JRF purpose to expose frauds? Yet you come here and spend you time I insulting and picking on those who deam to be inferior and would by your own definition be the victims of the fraud. So it looks like you are nothing more than a group of cyber bullies picking on people who are doing nothing more than going out in the forest and enjoying themselves.

      Grow up you fucking morons and get a life.

    13. I want to go to Collage, sounds like a fun mix.

    14. There are several posts explaining how there is a possibility bigfoot could exist. I myself did one not long ago. Using bears and gorillas I explained how populations can exist, the environments they live in, food, etc. I will look tonight for the posts and direct you to them. You can also just keep going several pages in this site as there was an entire article recently too.

    15. We didn't get 5:06's inane point at all, except that he's retarded for saying there's no evidence or the pgf is fake, it's not and there's loads of evidence in favor of it and bigfoots existing. Some of the geeks with their endless no bigfoot body or bone song and dance routine, really know or believe it privately but they've learnt not to say it publicly because their profession doesn't allow it and they fear the consequences. In fact, most likey they know the consequences will actually be their dream scenario of splitting institutionalized religion to atoms with this discovery so they only pretend how cool it'd be they don't really mean it because their jobs are at risk.

    16. Bigfoot is a myth and you all know it. Just hard for you dumb ass believers to back out after wasting so much of your lives seeking magic monkeys. Until there is a body, there is no bigfoot. It's 2013 footers, we have over the top technology, yet you all can only produce blurry bs photos and film.

      As for the PG film... Something those two were on a mission to film a bigfoot. By God they did... Yeah right. Never since then has there been any films so clear. If so all hoaxes..... Including PG's film.

      You want to shut us nonbeliever up. Bring something to the table. Fake ass prints and tree knocks don't cut it. But hey if that's the best you footers can do, we'll continue to call you out on the bs.

    17. Anon 1:28 if you convince everyone on this blog that BF isn't real will you feel that you have made the world a better place? If so you wrong. If BF isn't real it doesn't matter the important part is that the people that are here enjoy thinking and talking about it. All that you seem to enjoy is insulting someone else for doing and thinking about what you don't believe in.

      Please tell us what you do believe in and what would make anyone here want to be anything like you.

    18. You (footers) just can't seem to get it. You have become good at one thing and one thing only ( and its not producing a specimen.) sidestepping any way you can, when proof is asked.

      Proof should be simply, no? I mean there must be thousands of you romaning the wilderness in search of magic monkeys with cameras in hand.

      To be honest, I was opened minded at one time. That all ended with stupid ass moneymaker and his show, mouthing ridiculous bigfoot facts. Footers claiming bigfoot appears from magic windows, mind speaking , piloting ufo's and the list of stupidity go on.

      I would love to be proving wrong about bigfoot. Not gonna happen, cause footers can't prove anything worth wild. That fact just burns your asses in a big way.

      What do I believe in? Easy.... What I can see and touch, anything more is questionable.

      Did you see that pre-dated Pg film? The one just posted a day or so ago? You really can say those prints are real? Those perfect place prints, perfect shaped toes? Come on now.

      It seems as time is ticking in this technology age to show some hard proof, the crazier reasoned why bigfoot has not been captured.

      This is why we sceptic laugh. Make your claims to as why no creature has been captured, filmed, photo a little more believable. We might be more opened minded.

    19. If anyone sidesteps questions its you mutha fucker! You have Never answered one persons question Why you spend so much time on here and what you think you can accomplish ! I don't believe in mind speak And UFOs ! Just because someone says says that doesn't mean the majority of us believe that crap. In fact that stuff keeps coming up from morons like you not footers ! You're an Idiot anon 5:06!

    20. And there u have it folks. The simple mind of a footer... Us skeptics burn ur simple mind to no end... Do a few tree knocks, you'll feel better about yourself simpleton....

    21. There you won! Now go find some kid who still believes in Santa Claus or the Easter bunny and tell them they are not real.

    22. So are you saying footer's mindset hasn't evolved from pre / pubescent stage to adult? Then that really answers many many question.

    23. No. I'm saying your an asshole who has nothing better to do than criticize what others believe. Yet you offer nothing of your own because you don't believe in or care about anything. Now go find a bug to pull the wings off or something.

    24. Can't offer my belief in something that has not been proven...

    25. Girl, don't go away mad. Girl, just go away.

    26. Plus the only asshole is you and your magic monkey.... See I can stoop to your childish mentality too.

    27. I never said that I believe in Bigfoot. However I do respect others believes. Just because you can post something anonymously on the Internet doesn't mean that you should. Would you go into a church on Sunday morning just to tell them God isn't real? Please behave yourself in cyberspace as would in the real world. And if this is how you act in the real world it explains why you spend your time here instead of with people with whom you share a common interest.

    28. Religion and bigfoot comes up a lot. I find it to be strange, but if looking at bigfooting as a type of cult, then that makes some sense.

      I would respect it more, if it wasn't for the nonesense that goes along with it. Like I said, one time I was open minded. Found this fourm to learn more, but footers did more to make a nonbeliever out if me. Then the otherway around.

      Nope I avoid church, I cannot stomach organized religion. If I was forced to go, no problems voicing my options and feelings.

      I wish you were a believer. Would love to have some questions answered.

    29. The only Thing I can say to that is I truly feel sorry for you. If you don't believe that's fine but to insult others for what they believe is just sad. And as I posted earlier if you actually believe that you are intellectually superior than you are nothing more than a common bully.

    30. You feel sorry for me...cause I don't believe. Why?

      That statement alone sounds so cultist. Plus this coming from another nonbeliever. Very strange.

      Try to get past me hurting whatever bigfoot feelings you have. It's too bad you are not a footer, as I would love a civil back and fourth dialog on bigfoot.

    31. You don't see footers on sceptics blogs telling them they are real ! Your wasting your time peon!

    32. Correct, you won't find footers on skeptics blogs cause you don't have a lick of proof. Damn that was a stupid statement

      Starting to see a real pattern of intelagence amoung you footers.

    33. I'm the first Anon reply and the owner of the comment condemning the lack of spelling and English skills. I speak 3 languages fluently and can write them as well fluently.

      The above atrocities to the English language is a reason cryptozology isn't taken serious enough. The more people that speak or comment without proper spelling and so on, is the more the skeptics get to say "only idiots and the uneducated believe in this crap". The sad part is they're justified in that observation due to the continuing lack of effort shown by believers who can't even spell. Really, are you going to believe an educated heart surgeon or a person who can't spell "ridiculous" about why you're having chest pains? C'mon eh?!? Smarten up and then people will start thinking sasquatch is possible cause the information and evidence is from reliable sources and not "Bobo and the Moneymaker gang"
      Take yourselves seriously so others can as well.

    34. Very well said.

      Many do post from smart phones and could be the reason for miss wording and such. Auto correct off my iPhone does in fact misspell some of my intended words.

    35. First reply Anon here again. @Anon 9:39, I understand the some people are posting from their mobile devices, but, I still stand by my opinion about spelling and using the English language properly is important to bring validity to the subject at hand. People shouldn't need to rely on "spell check". Who will believe the guy that says "wassssup Yo! I'ze fink'in deez sascwotch R fer realz YO!" or will people take a person who says "over the last 25 years of research and collecting evidence, I have proof that a hominid and simian hybrid still exists today" If people would just take the extra couple seconds to make sure they are communicating correctly, the skeptics wouldn't have so many arguments.

      Also, a side note here, wouldn't it be prudent for everyone to wait until the Dr.Melba Ketchum peer review is available or either proven wrong or right before making comments about it? Seriously, it's been how many years we've all waited to get proof of the Big man? What's the harm in a couple more weeks or months? Every speculation or comment is premature until the review is public. So really, what's the point in arguing about it before it's public?

    36. I'm the first reply Anon with one last comment.
      I forgot to say that I couldn't understand or get OP's comment and that's why I "attacked" OP. If OP made a relevant comment, I'd like to read and understand it, especially if it had value.

      Why is grammar and punctuation so important for communication online? Here's why;
      First, with no punctuation "Lets go eat grandpa" and now the second example "Lets go eat, grandpa".

    37. By staying the trolls show they want to believe.

  7. Shit.... But on the bright side, the farmer who took this video thinks I'm a juvenile sasquatch not they guy who just plowed his daughter! Soooowwweeeeetttt!
    And FYI, yes it was cold, that's why I'm in a jacket with my hoodie up. No sideways gait though, just some sticky man sauce making my underwear stick to my leg. Guys, you know what I mean, just adjusting my junk on the move without using my hands.

    1. great job mk davis.. you are a blessing in this field, unlike the self absorbed pretencious dirtbag Steven Streufert who makes it his number #1 priority in life is to discredit you by any means nescessary!! continue being the class act that we have known you to be and ignore his jealous ass,,

    2. MK might be a blessing if he refrained from all the ridiculous stuff. While being nice is great, ultimately you are judged by the work you do.

      In contrast, I agree Steven Streufert can come off as a pseudo-intellectual ass. When comes to things like the PG film location project though, he does very good work.

    3. Streufert is a self absorbed, egomaniac, idiot.

    4. digital? HD? Im filming a vhs tape on my blurry screen so you can see a Bigfoot

    5. not to mention an asshole with bette davis eyes...

    6. She probably had an affair with Peter Lorre and he's their retarded bastard great-grandson.

    7. Wow... Lighten up, have a laugh. That's why I posted the comment anyhow. I even am a Sasquatch believer! But, until 100% proven, I'm not going to pretend videos like these are proof or facts.

  8. Clearly the footage wasn't blurry enough to start with so MK reshot it while it played on his monitor to make it twice as fuzzy and indistinct. :facepalm:

    If you have to draw circles all over the screen (or point with your finger if you're not tech savvy enough to be able to draw a circle) or run the footage through 15 filters before people can see what you're talking about then it's crappy worthless footage. Quantity is no indicator of quality either - if you have 15 terrible videos that doesn't make your case 15 times as convincing and your 'evidence' is still embarrassingly awful and completely inconclusive. If you then go on to make a big deal about each of your terrible videos and upload a bunch more videos arguing about what's supposedly in the footage you don't come across as a serious investigator, it just makes you look like you're a crank and/or schizophrenic.

    1. I often wonder what MK's reasoning is. Is it some sort of mental illness? Does he like to analyze video so much he just overlooks the obvious contradictions? The whole massacre thing is just weird. It's almost as if he like stirring the pot with stuff like this.

    2. ^ Says a troll doing exactly that.

  9. Shawn you are as bad as the hoaxers themselves by posting their videos.

    1. You could make that argument. I guess he could claim he tries to cover everything, as he doesn't necessarily endorse it. I bet he would probably be covering Rick Dyer had he not gone off the deep end.

    2. He says I just show you judge for yourself and I judge shitty video

    3. Anon 6:27. Everybody here knows a lot of these subjects are a hoax. But havent they sharpened your skills on picking them out? I know they have mine.

      Mid Michigan calling

    4. No, but the material has sharpened my conception that the field of bigfoot research is filled with frauds, scammers, and intellectually lazy psuedoscientists who do not have the ability or fortitude to work or be accepted in the legitimate scientific community.

      It's become a landing place for amateur hacks who take shortcuts around the scientific method and who then complain about their work not being taken seriously.

    5. Maybe so but it's still easier today to tell the hoaxes apart from the fakes which is why the hating trolls are all over everything especially the real stuff like PGF, etc. With time you learn what to look for like 35 years ago lots of people probably thought Ivan Marx might have something there, it fooled some but not all. Today nobody's fooled by it because the more we see thanks to Patty we know what to look for and compare to meaning only a small handful of clips today make the real test, these also get attacked of course because a troll wants nothing to be real but their points are weak and easily dismissed. This one doesn't strike me as fake or some guy passing through but it could be surely.

  10. Mk is slurping a little too much off the end of moneymakers tap.

    1. I don't know if MM would be claiming this is legit.

  11. I believe this stuff that MK Davis is showing is from the 1990's, it's all VHS recordings

  12. MK stands for Mostly Krap!!!!!!!!!!!!lame as always, so not real, EPIC FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. ^ Sorry for my missing lollipop rant there but this morning's cartoons were particularly bad today so I'm pissed and bemoaned.

  13. I'll be back... Have an ingrown nail killing me at the end of my penis.

  14. Hey this is MK Davis and i want to show you another bad lame ass bigfoot video for all of you who don't believe in bigfoot, here is another reason to doubt the subject, thank you i suck ass like my lame old useless videos!!!!!!

  15. Shawn: are you writing all those ridiculous comments on this blog yourself? Come on, confess: people who write such infantile bullshit cannot be real!!!;-))

    1. Of course they do, you really think such arrogant guys like Ro & co. just sit on their hands and READS all this shit and THEN laugh ?

  16. I'm so thrilled MK is reviewing these kinds of films and making them as sharp as possible so we can see what appears to be the best juvenile BF video ever.

    1. I agree he took a not so good video an did a great job enhancing it! Bravo!

    2. It is nice that you like your own work MK. "thrilled" is a word that only you use in real life. Otherwise, it looks like you are stuffing the ballot box in trying to turn public sentiment to support your attempt to be the goto man for video analysis. So far, you have demonstrated a distinct inability to provide anything useful.

    3. He isn't trying to prove anything Dink Tip! He analyzes stuff so you/ I can come to our own conclusions. Get your crap straight or STFU! PS at least he spends time doing this and you what spend ten seconds commenting and cutting him down? He's trying to bring content to Morons like you to look at and you have nothing to contribute . Welfare asshole!

    4. Precisely and that's what the anti bf mob doesn't understand they think everything can be proven when it's just as much about drawing one's own conclusions and thinking for yourself. They're hoping and counting on you not to do that but they are of course wrong.

  17. Biscardi originally released this clip back in about 2005. MK's implication that he is revealing this for the first time, would be a misrepresentation of the facts. And one more thing, what responsible parent would allow there juvenile to wander around the countryside at night, where there are a lot of things that would want to kill you, like Justin Smeja, mountain lions, bears and snakes? Everything on two feet that runs around the countryside at night, is not a Bigfoot. There are many types and sizes of forest people. For a better understanding, read the news in an unbiased country, like Iceland.

  18. Thanks for the support everyone. I appreciate all comments. Now its time for me to go put on my wifes high heels and lip stick. I'm going to be tranny tonight.

  19. Let's look at three possible explanations here:

    1. A video of a person pretending to be some type of bigfoot/apeman to hoax people.

    2. A video of a monkee/chimpanzee filmed in a zoo/rehabilitation refuge/on private property and then used to hoax people in believing it is a young bigfoot.

    3. An actual bigfoot which has never been proven to exist.

    How do you jump to conclusion #3 so easily without any conclusive evidence that #1 and #2 are wrong?

    1. ^moron who has no idea what he is talking about . Nice try butt plugger !

    2. I'm a believer that something could be there and that is the best argument I've heard instead of the attacks and fake bullshit good job anon 10:53

  20. Wow a blurry video of something alive. Must be a Bigfoot!

    1. Ah did he mention it was taken in the middle of the night freak? That's why he enhanced it! Watch it Dick head!

    2. drunk.. watch it.. dh..lol

  21. Shooosh! Do u hear tree knocks?

    1. No I hear low groans from someone bein butt plugged

    2. U need to stop listening at the door of ur mommies bedroom.

  22. So MK would like us all to believe that this "bigfoot" activity was going on for an extended period of time and all of these blurry videos are proof of it. The people that filmed this were researchers who wanted to capture proof of this.

    Then after dozens of hours of recording, they let these videos sit for many years afterwards, before finally taking this big box of VHS tapes that contained all of this proof to MK Davis to get him to authenticate it. They didn't take it to the public themselves, for some reason they needed MK's seal of approval.

    I'm sure they were well aware that if authenticated, this could be one of the greatest discoveries in modern times. But what do they do? They just let this box of "proof" sit for years until the technology that it was recorded on became outdated and the already low quality worsened due to the nature of VHS tape. Apparently they had a lot on their plate at the time.

    MK - you do realize how totally improbable your whole story is, right?

  23. History of activity, or history of hoaxing?

  24. Knock three times on the tree if you want me...

  25. I like the shit for brains person who said the toes were to perfectly placed to be real. Right now I am showing you a perfectly placed middle finger!
    Shit on the dick

    1. How bad is your ass burning? You can see those fake tracks with your own eyes. Yet blinded with magic monkeys dancing in your head.

      Could you explain why you belive they are real? Without showing your adolescent verbal skills?

  26. Bigfoot ins't real. Therefore it is a HOAX!

    1. ^ Actually knows the exist but likes to pretend they don't.

  27. Yup. Mike Sells as a kid. Right? No other explaination.

  28. That farmer sure is getting alot of useage out of the velour costume. Is it a coincidence that the subject always seems to know where the cameras are and know exactly how far away to stay so that we cannot see any facial or costume features? I doubt it. Walking sideways is nothing extraordinary. The arms are not extraordinarily long. The subject does not walk through tree branches where he has to be concerned about poking his eyes out. There is nothing here that says that this cannot be hoaxed. However, since Biscardi released it back in 05, that tells me that it is a hoax.

    1. You are a know nothing asshole. This stuff is the real deal and MK rules the Squatch world.

  29. Anonymous 5:06 Your sentence construction is way to good to be selling that "I'm an idjut" routine. You have to work on screwing up your sentence construction at the same time that you are screwing up your spelling. It is kind of like wearing farmers coveralls with $1000 shoes. They don't match.

  30. many questions with MK's films
    1 why are cameras pinte in these same areas
    2 why does he ave so many
    3 why are they conviently dark[this one] when they need to be so we cant see figure when its close up
    4 why are oters always so far away that they could be oaxed

    etc etc etc... where did all these videos from the same area come from. some appear quite good,not the ridiculas white ones which are hoaxes or a pony, but the chimp type figure climbing up a tre[ it would appear t be a cchimp but yu wouldnt get it back so experst say. not sure myself,i think f ou had a pet chimp and let it go up a tree and shouted on it it would return back to its saety/food sourse. how do they use chimos in films etc..if al they did is run away. same point with NY baby ' footag,pet gibbon clearly]

    there simply snt any credible witness films for me

    p/g anf freeman are the 2 obvious ones but both come fro unreptuable sources for me. p'g- whats the chances, you draw a female squatch-then film exact squath on a rente camera in daylight out in the open when all it had to do was step 20yards to is left to be lost in rees= hoax
    freeman- the guy is an admitted hoaxer in the past[- making prints with a wooden stomper- then he finds real ones that lead to a bf ambing along- the chnces of a known hoaxer seeing real prints then a bf in g=daylight are very slim= just another hoax. the commentary to it doesnt help

    erickson and ketchum were supposed to be the 2 areas where bf would be proven to science.we all know what happened there.

    1. A mostly nocturnal creature mostly moves around in the dark, if you are hair covered and bulky then you would have heat dissipation problems on hot days. To be able to survive you find a niche which is different from others similar to you hence the daytime open land long running sweating MAN´s and predecessors opposite is the nocturnal and/or wood/mountain dwelling primate like orang-utan's, chimps and gorillas and perhaps BF,. They all live in forests. We do not live in the deep woods but prefer open land along water.

  31. MK is the greatest Squatch researcher of all time. This stuff is amazing. I can't stop watching it!! Keep it up MK!!!


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