M.K. Davis Discusses The Bloody Dog Print at Bluff Creek [Massacre]

Uh Oh. Here we go again, folks. M.K. Davis originally brought up this theory called the "Bluff Creek massacre" theory back in 2008 at a conference. The controversial theory was immediately rejected by the Bigfoot community and Davis was shunned from ever speaking about it again. According to Davis, based on his expert film analysis and color enhancements of frame 352 of the PG film, he theorizes that the Patterson party had been to the Bluff Creek site at least once before returning to capture their famous Bigfoot video. His theory also suggests that the party probably murdered a family of Bigfoots and buried their bodies. Davis points to an enhanced anomaly resembling a bloody dog print and a pool of blood as proof of his theory.

In the following video, Davis responds to one critic named, St. Michael, who left this comment on a blog post:
M.K. Davis lost all credibility with me when he started creating his "massacre" theory.
He added more fake colors into th PG film than Ted Turner has old movies.

Please keep unearthing the truth, the BF community can use all it can get.

And yes. Henry May is still mad as hell about M.K. Davis:


  1. Replies
    1. Your fed up alright. Fed up with too much junk food

      Squeeze out the door and go outside

    2. Bigfoot is Bullshit and so are BelieversThursday, January 31, 2013 at 4:28:00 AM PST

      MK actually backs up what Heironomous said about a skinned red horse, and its hide used as part of the costume. Well done sir, and the dog track just shows a lot of time and planning at that site to get the film just right...so the hoax would work. Heironomous does the patty walk perfectly btw.

    3. Omg, this is fucking Jr high all over again. Davis, one messed up dude, thinking a piece of bark on the river bed is a bloody dog print. And the Fat Boy all shitty because he got his poor little feelers hurt when some wacko called him out... you can't go to the Bigfoot confrances anymore... neener neener neener.

      The flash is interesting though, this might be the evidence needed to finally show the whole thing is a hoax from the begining. Why else would the freaky wierdos get all upset with the complete wacko? Too fucking funny!!

    4. the dude should put on a bigfoot suit to do that sorry stuff.

    5. Unidentified primate DNA is unidentified primate DNA, regardless of "provenance". It can only come from an unknown primate.

    6. So, like...is the paper coming out or what?

    7. Why only one bloody paw print? Was the dog hopping?

    8. To anyone who tells me that science is primarily about the advancement of knowledge, I just smile and point to this topic.

    9. In what way could you possibily think these two loons would advance knowledge in the scientific community? This is a fine exmaple of the state of the Bigfoot community!! Whinie pathetic losers and totally crazed freaks. Keep up the good show you f'd up footers! LMFAO

    10. ^^Likes to lick dog taint.

    11. Red rocket red rocket red rocket

    12. Hieronomous was a liar! Look at the hair of Patty! Look at her size! Stride between foot prints! Size of foot prints with mid tarsal breaks which means, no flat footed wood plank feet! Try to fake this costume with 60's technology and get the breast size too on the costume and no one can do it and you can't fake a natural living creature!

    13. Bob H also was on tv last year with the guy from Morris costumes saying he made the Patty suit, whether he's lying of not at least Gimlin seems consistent

    14. Bob H. is lying through his fat ass Gimlin might be too but not to hide any hoax that's for sure, main reason Davis is shunned by the bigfoot community is likely because he hit their sore nerve. Who knows what these critters are but it's definitely being covered up from both sides of the fence, the trolls want to hoax a bigfoot away the footers want to keep Gimlin their gentle star witness.

    15. Some of us here in the Bigfoot community are frankly sick and tired of Henry trying to just mount a guy at random, not every guy in the Bigfoot community is gay, and I'm sure Henry knows this!

    16. Not even the gay Bigfoot researchers & of course specialist want Henry to just try & mount them like that, he is so super sneaky about trying to just crawl up on a guy + he weighs like 400lbs. I heard about how he screwed up MK's back pretty bad at a Bigfoot convention trying to mount him out of now ware ! JUST HORRIBLE

    17. No ware you stupid fucken asshole ! You mother fuckers need to stop ripping on Henry May, I know of course it may seem a little strang that Henry has a bad habbit of trying to mount a guy out of NO WARE but he is part of the Bigfoot community and he is a perfect example of what makes the BIGFOOT COMMUNITY SPECIAL! So there I said it- and learn how to spell you fucken prick!!!!!

    18. Henry May is one of the BEST Bigfoot researchers in the United States - Let's remember people he has read like 6 or 7 Books on the subject of Bigfoot/ Sasquatch

    19. I heard Henry May posted a video on YouTube that showed one of his new Sasquatch research areas! This should be really exciting stuff, I can't wait : )

  2. You aint worth a dime dog breath!

  3. Were not all perfect MK! People have made stupider claims over the years even though your claim tops them all! Haha jk! Keep up the good work buddy! Fuck all you unemployed trolls who spend all fucking day in here. Get a goddam job ffs!!!

    1. Yeah, keep up the good work ya stinkin liar!

  4. Im disabled, 3 vertebral fusions. Worked at least 40 hours a week since I was 16, 34 years ago. Whats a ffs?)

    1. sorry for th lack of respect yoouve been shown by people on here. ff isnt something worth mentioning,its just initials for swearo=ing using the f-word, typical of younger peoples txt speak1 IGNORE them and their wiless comments. you must despair at the curent state of youth in the world nowadays

  5. Saw this yesterday for the first time, and boy MK is stretching, even for us footers.

    1. Yeah I just watched it. Assuming that a dark spot on the ground is a bloody paw print and that a reddish/brown area in the soil is the remnants of a blood pool is pretty hard to accept.

    2. And I forgot that what ever was reflecting some light just had to be a gun shot flash.

    3. It's the alien inter dimensional thing duh...

    4. I have wondered, numerous times: where is Ted Turner when you really need him?

    5. It is an indisputable fact that river rock varies in color tremendously when wet vs dry. The pool is simply that, a pool of water.

      The "bloody" paw print, if that's truly what it was could just as easily be explained by saying the dog got a cut on his paw!

    6. MK is stretching because Henry May tryed to mount him out of no ware at a Bigfoot convention a while back! This is not the first time Henry has done this! For those of you out there in the Bigfoot community that know Henry May you know he is well respected and a great all- around guy, yeah, a round guy...lol but seriously he has to stop trying to just mount guys at the conventions! Some one is going to eventually get hurt, i mean for fucks sake!

  6. M.K.Davis has finally slipped off the deep end. However it is kind of interesting, increasing the contrast too reveal a single solitary bloody dog print.
    Needless to say, one can also increase the contrast on the very photo M.K. uses in his video's of him standing beside the Bluff Creek sign. with a bit of Contrast added in suddenly the flower/plant at the lower left side of the screen becomes, omg! Bloody!! its a blood soaked plant. if you increase the contrast again all the plants below the Bluff Creek sign all become...wait for it... Covered in BLOOD!. OMG the Bluff Creek sign itself is all BLOOD!. wow, the world is insane?
    However just as easy as that, if one again increases the contrast and zooms in a little bit, one can very clearly see very suspicious looking stains on M.K.Davis' pants, (oh my M.K., what have you been doing?)
    This whole M.K.Davis thing is ridiculous

    1. haha, thats funny right there"...

    2. Thanks Phil! You still aren't any better.

    3. What a poor bit of timing. Just when stock in MK Davis had reached an all-time high. His shareholders, aka Biscardi, will be out doing plenty of anonymous damage control today.

  7. Well, I have talked with old timers up there and they do say that after 67 those tracks, and it was several individuals, were not seen again. Maybe they moved out after the filming.

    1. Excuse me? Why should I take the word of a physicist on primatological research?

    2. Because your heart's been broken too many times.

  8. My God! The forest is on FIRE in the picture with MK's thumb in it! They smoked Patty out into the open and murdered her!

  9. Are any big footers in shape? Wow

    This is the craziest thing I have read here..well since yesterday.

    1. No, they're all fat, dumpy and disgusting.
      And I'm guessing all of this fat kid's underwear has skid marks on it.

  10. Who is Harry May?
    Who the hell are all these sasquatch 'celebs'?? Why the fuck do we care what they 'think'?

    1. We don't! Neither should you.

    2. Hell the last time I talked in so many circles and the same thing over and over was when I was 17 and doin downers and a little bit of an upper just lose my place go right on talkin through

    3. So this happened last night that you talked in so many circles and being the pivot man in that circle with all your 17 year old butt buddies?

      Word of advice,quit doing the downers.

    4. Yeah you're right it was I apologize. but on the upside those buddies happen to be women. I'm sorry your mind only goes right to gay. But I understand why but hey some women like heavy guys don't quit.

  11. Footers are a special kind of crazy.

  12. Why haven't several of these people come forward and said something by now? Why didn't they pack up a body and haul it out of there? Why doesn't Gimlin say "Yeah, we shot one." I don't think it happened. If it did, someone else would be using dogs and killing the hell out of them by now.

    Let's just stop the Bluff Creek shooting theory and move on with the great footage MK has obtained and continue to analyze and improve upon it. Thank you, M.K. Davis. You don't have to explain yourself so much. Trolls gonna be trolls.

    1. I can see why you put so much thought into this shit...you're a dumbass, that's why.

    2. ^ Troll in defensive denial.

  13. When Henry May poops his pants, he squishes it around and calls it a 'sasquatch massacre'.
    This is a FACT.

  14. I have it on good authority that Henry May IS Mulder.

    1. I would have to say that Henry May is Mayor McCheese.That nut has sure had his share of Big Macs.

    2. Nope, confirmed as Mulder.

    3. Nope, confirmed as Jabba the Hut

  15. After watching both videos tell me who you think is acting like they are off their rocker. My vote goes to Henry with his acting like a teeny bopper who just got the coodies. I have much more respect for MK with the way he has handled this with class.

    1. Didn't uber boob Davis retire from Bluff Creek bidness? Twice?

      It's like finding out a gallon of milk is sour and putting it back in the fridge.

      "Maybe tomorrow it will be better."

      Fuckin footers are funnier n hell!

    2. These days, it's hard to find comedy, this good.
      And what makes it even better is that they're not trying to be funny.

  16. Henry May is right up there with T-FAT for irrelevant award of the year

  17. This dude is in love with MK. He's jaded big time. It came across as homo love gone bad.

  18. So why don't all the footers go out to Bluff Creek, dig up the slain squatch bones ( there must be plenty of them right?), and prove the existence of BF via some actual remains? So..go do it footers. Return with something actually useful for once.

    1. I'm sure they will come up with a witty tail why they can't .

    2. Because it didn't happen. Only one person believes it did. He claims that he found the film site and visited it. Must have forgot his shovel.

    3. Well, I can't get away this weekend. I have to pick up all the shredded up diapers that were flung all over my yard and side of my trailer. These damn Bigfeets are totally out of hand! Next weekend I can't go either... I have a bigfeets researcher coming out to check these shit eating bigfeets out.

    4. It's BIGFOOTS dammit, spell it right!

    5. Are you sure it isn't a gorilla? Shawn had a post on that a while ago.

    6. Achtung!
      *damn it. Spell it right!

  19. For anyone interested, Steven Steufert's blog has some posts that are critical of this dumb theory. That is one of the reasons he gets trolled-this massacre nonsense does have supporters in the community. It is NOT universally reviled.

    1. Ol'Fish Eyed Fool is pushing his site.^

    2. FWIW, I don't think you could even imagine a single thing that does not have some support in this community. Glowing eyes, mind-speak, teleportation, dimension hoping, shape shifting....etc

    3. 8:10 True. We are like a "big tent" political party-widely disparate groups united by the fact that there is nowhere else to go.....

      8;05 Not Steve. Just giving newbies a source of info on this....

  20. I just came from MK Ultra's site.

    I right-clicked without permission :)

  21. I wanna see a 4way cuntpunching match between MK & BobH versus Munns and BobG

    1. Who do you think would win?

    2. M.K's Mom most likely, not unless BobG can lasso and hog-tie her down in under 8 seconds.

  22. I bet MK would send his 10yr old boy over there to beat his ass if he wasn't afraid of him getting molested.

  23. Even if it is an excavated pit , who's to say the blood is BF? This area is also prime bear territory an in season a hunter could easilt of field dressed a bear and buried the carrcass. If the investigators had done the process then they should of taken some hide/hair or blood and this contrversy would of been solved. ImO no use beating a dead horse over matterts that will never come to a proof positive reselution. ptangier.

    1. You're speculating about a conspiracy, related to something that wasn't real to begin with.

      What a dumbass.

    2. There you go again troll denying.

  24. Fact remains. The shadows do not add up in the film. It was taken on two different days. Fact remains. When looking at the two scenes, the asses on the two figures are very different. Gimlin is a liar pure and simple. When I see such lies in the film, I wonder what else went on. I, for one, do not think that Davis is full of it on this one.

    1. Whatever else happened I'm sure there was lots of nudity involved.

  25. This is what is so great about coming here and why there are so many skeptics (or should I say non-deluded). Everyday you get a fresh batch of crazy to make life interesting.

    What escapes all the true believers and makes it so much fun is the sheer absurdity of their religion. Their god is an 800 lb, 8-10 feet tall, extremely smelly, possibly telekenic hairy apeman, numbering in the tens-of-thousands, that are running around most of the continental United States for hundreds, if not thousands of years. They have never been properly photographed or video taped and just about every respectable scientist states it is virtually impossible for something like this to even survive in such a habitat, let alone go undiscovered for centuries. But like so many other cults that easily dismiss such non-believers, only the 'chosen' can witness it.

    1. They're not all 800 pounds, some are 750-775.

    2. Have PhD in Physics, Math, and Astronomy.
      Have Biology Post-doc.
      Have 200 papers.

      Saw 'squatch looking back at me from the woods one afternoon.

      Am now a believer.

    3. 8:47 troll sleeps with all at BE.

  26. WOW< what a stupid theory from MK! U can see the Color of the leaves turning r the same as the "um" "Pool of blood", Orange, not Red! But Please Henry May, next time u do & post a video where u r talking, do it when u dont slur ur words all the way thru it! To much drink-y B4 u talk causes this slurring Mr May :/

    1. No more stupid than you actually commenting on it.

    2. Hey Anon 10:06,

      If commenting on something stupid is stupid (according to you) and Anon 9:15's comment is stupid (according to you) then by your own logic you are stupid because you commented on his comment (which you consider stupid).

      Therefore you fail at logic and life and are a stupid hypocrite.

    3. It's all so clear to me now.
      You're a fucking genius.

    4. @anon 11:51am , Two words, Simply Brilliant.

  27. Once again, MK fails to see the obvious because he is concentrating on proving his crazy theories.

    MK - When you increase the contrast, why does the log behind the "dog track" turn the same color which you describe as blood red? Did someone drag the log through the massacre site too? This right here tells you that the "dog track" is being artificially manipulated.

    The basic problem with all of your theories is that you have no understanding whatsoever of digital imagery.

    1. I know...I know. I'm living a lie.
      - M.K. Davis

    2. M.K. would like people to believe he is a photogrammetrist, however, all he is able to do is take an original file. Add his own manipulations to it, sometimes completely distorting it with his "New Magic software' in which he then is able to see anything he wants to see. He has the ability too turn a common Pony into something right out of one of Wes Craven's worst nightmares.

    3. Slow days here at BE yanking out old MK videos now.

  28. All that red looks brown to me. Maybe dirt or mud or dokie water.Most of MK's stuff is pretty good, but he is taking a big leap. Patty's family had been murdered and had time to bleed out all over the place, had time for a dog to walk thought the blood and walk out of frame? Why is Patty walking so slow with everbody shooting at her. Then once she gets shot in the leg, why doesn't she react in any way? MK has a big imagination.

    1. They have rifles, why would they shoot just once in the leg and why not the head. They were at close range and a slow moving target.

    2. If rocks are raining down on you, what do you do?

  29. OK, Shawn is a ASSHOLE, Henry May is a DUMB FAT ASS BASTARD...nuff said..

  30. Do bigfeet's balls hang low ? Do they swing to and fro? Can he tie them in a knot ? Can he tie them in a bow? Do bigfeet's baaalllsss hang low?

    1. Have any of you put any thought as to how you would react/what you would do if you encountered a BF that was agitated and potentially ready to attack?

    2. Yup, click my heels three times and say, " magic monkey , magic monkey go away."

    3. Yes! Bigfoots balls hang low!
      They hang and also glow!
      And they hang low at the mall
      they hang low in the fall
      and they hang low when you call
      Yes, Bigfoots balls hang low
      and when we find them you'll eat crow!

    4. Can he toss them over his shoulder? Can he toss them in the air? Do bigfeet's b-a-l-l-s hang low?

    5. Yes! He can toss them in the air!
      and he can toss them at the fair
      and he can toss them over his shoulder
      And when you see it, you'll believe like Mulder!

    6. Do bigfeet's balls hang low? Does he soak then in a creek ? Does he kick them with his ? Do bigfoots balls hang low?

  31. Oh THANK GOD!!! After working the ol' Schlong between Patty's AWESOME tits, she allowed me to enter her (Squatch snatch is NOT up and down it angled-well known fact by Moneymaker DEBUNKED by me of course). It was heaven!! After our lust filled evening, reality set in… what if I knocked her up?!?! Thank you MK for putting my mind at ease. It is obvious she started her period!! Load off my mind. Patty, I will be back for seconds, damn that shit was GOOD!

    1. Has moneymaker tap that ass too?

    2. Are any of you taking prevention measures to assure this doesn't happen?

    3. I brought condoms with me, but she grunted something about being allergic to Latex (I think that was what she said. Ended with a lot of chattering sounds). May have to use the old school sheep skin next. Just takes away from the sensation though.

    4. Tap the ass? Students of the film have repeatedly demonstrated that Patty does not have a taterhole. This dovetails neatly with field researchers' inability to recover scat.

    5. Next time surprise her with a French tickler ...

    6. Anon 10:31-Now that you mentioned that, I don't remember ever seeing a Taterhole!!! Dang it, now I have to change my plans for our next encounter. I'll beat Moneymaker's fat ass if he touches her. Cliff said there are at least 30,000 in the US, Moneymaker can go find his own. Oh I forgot, he can't find anything in the woods.

    7. ^^^ you just have to catch her while she's in heat... Oh boy!! Good time there.

    8. Are there any laws prohibiting marrying a bigfoot?

    9. The ONLY negative thing was the smell. I tried to wash it off before I got home (so the wife wouldn't suspect anything), but that was a futile attempt. I had to lie my ass off so she wouldn't kick me out of the house. Told her I stepped in dog shit before walking into the house. I think she bought it…

    10. Good thinking. Your damn lucky the wife didn't give you the float test.

      You know.... If your balls float or sink while in the tub.

    11. Luckily she doesn't know about that test!

    12. Funny how a fat unemployed unmarried pedophile is allowed on the Internet to talk about his fantasies about having sex with a Bigfoot. Just by his language you can tell the fat ass pervert has never had sex with anything but his hand and a stack of mags! In fact he probably rubbed one off just describing it. Anon 10:06 stay away from playgrounds and places people gather you PERVERT!

    13. Anon 11:57 Don't hate brother. Don't knock it until you tried it. It's really ironic how you know so much about me? Yes I am fat, unemployed, uneducated, unmarried BUT HOW DARE YOU LABEL ME AS A PEDOPHILE!! I'm only into Squatch twat. I guess that makes me a little bit of a pervert. Jealousy will get you no where. Peace and love.

    14. Plus Patty is well over legal age!

  32. As goofy as MK is, it's really hard to get mad at this guy.

    1. Is it because M.K.Davis is 'Tho Spethal'? He does have that Peter Griffin thing/look down pact.

    2. Ding, fries are done. Ding, fries are done. Ding, fries are done.....

  33. MK stands or Mary Kay.… he should give the image/video enhancement gig up and start selling Mary Kay products. Maybe start with Renae. She really needs some help.

    1. Hey the top earner get the pink Cadillac Mary Kay car

    2. Then he can pimp it out with some 22's!

    3. Hell yeah Rollin on dubs. Bitches

  34. Assume for a moment that the creature in the PG film is a genuine bigfoot. If there was a large massacre then it stretches credibility that the bigfoot Patty is simply walking away? Why isn't she hooking it full bore through the woods? As far as a film existing showing dead bodies, as someone suggested, then reveal it...prove it...hiding it in secrecy is a tell tale clue to a hoax..just like Ketchum's DNA study, Smeja's and Dyer's supposed killing, et al. etc. Secrecy is a smoke screen for a hoax.

    1. Who knows, I bet she's just one of several sasquatches caught on film there but it's the only part we've seen. We probably weren't even meant to see this much but no one figured back then we'd one day be able to see all those details of her body hence the insane ridicule campaign. That is what most people see here, a smearing campaign that Davis' work only intensified because it's obviously a real primate and simply calling it a suit doesn't work anymore because people are too smart and seeing through that nonsense understanding we're dealing with some primate species very humanlike.

  35. My recollection is that MK Davis did use the word "Massacre" when he first aired his color contaminated version in Portland Oregon for Ray Crowe in 2009. David Paulides may now own that video of MK using the word "Massacre".

    In 2009, MKD contaminated various P-G still shots from the video by isolating and then removing green and blue primary colors from the large brown muddy pool, from a small reflective pool and from the dog print, in order to leave that isolated area tinted red. Contaminating a photo is contamination of evidence, which makes is inadmissable as evidence.

    In 2013, since MKD has learned from his previous fraud, he now contaminates still shots by boosting the contrast on the dog print. Contrast turns faint shadows into black shadows. From that phony black shadow, he then attempts to convince the viewer that black is the new red. For the large pool, he attempts to convince the viewer that brown mud is the new red. The dog harness scene was shot several weeks before the Patterson-Gimlin film, but MKD is not interested in informing viewers of that sticky little detail that blows his theory out of the water. Anyways in the dog on harness scene, MKD first describes the small pool as reflective. Then, he incredibly describes it as tinted red, except no red is apparent. Why would a large supposedly red pool not reflect the background, when this small supposedly red pool does reflect the background? If a small red pool could reflect the background as MKD claims, then surely a large red pool should do the same. Obviously, MKD's logic is flawed and his observational skills leave a lot to be desired.

    MKD does not appear to be a man that can easily admit that he made a huge mistake and committed a huge fraud. Therefore, he now appears to have modified his fraud and is attempting to resell it to the viewers. In so doing, he disrespects the viewer because he is assuming that they are complete idiots and cannot see through his litany of scams.

    1. Also, consider this - if the Bigfoot in the area had not been previously aware of human activity, an eight foot plus Ape has no reason to flee from a human. She easily could have overpowered the cameraman if she had wished.

    2. That or ask him to dance. It is a fact bf are highly intelligent creatures , of course they know what humans are.

    3. He figures enough time has passed and there should be some fresh meat to sell his bullshit to. Grendal Films might finally release the DVD "Incident at Bluff Creek"....Blood! Blood! Blood!

    4. 11:16 secret agent alert.

  36. In the still photo shown at the top of the page, John Green has stated that the person with the rifle was the aircraft pilot that flew in the dog handler and his faithful dog. MK apparently thought that he could place Titmus on the scene by misidentifying that individual.

  37. Why did MK not acknowledge that a possible feline or canine print could be either a coyote print or a mountain lion print, since coyotes and mountain lions are much more abundant than dogs in the forest? Furthermore, why did MK not acknowledge that the simple sun shadow caused the depth of that print to appear slightly dark. From there, he contaminates the photo by boosting the contrast to make it look very dark that he then describes as blood? Why did MK not acknowledge that a brown muddy pool was photographed? In the background, I have never seen that brilliant red in autumn leaves. It appears that the colors were distorted significantly to the red side, by the ektochrome film, yet the muddy pool still maintained it's brown coloring. Why is brown not a word in MK's vocabulary? Why is coyote not a word in his vocabulary? For MK's information, all interdimensional forest people can emit flashes of light. I have witnessed it dozens of times. That flash of light in the film looks to be the same forest people caused flashes of light that I have witnessed. Therefore, there is no muzzle flash. I noticed with the video of the dog moving near a small pool, that this time MK did not capture and then contaminate a still shot by inducing red tint into that small pool. Same goes with the initially larger brown muddy pool. In the past, he was able to really put some red into both pools. Today, he is attempting to go commando and simply convince the viewer, THAT BLACK AND BROWN ARE ACTUALLY RED, instead of tweeking the colors as he did in the past.

    In conclusion, there is no blood in either of the pools nor in the print, the possible flash has other explanations than being a muzzle flash, the cat or canine print has other explanations than being a dog, brown is not red and MK does not have a leg to stand on for making a sound arguement that there ever was a Bigfoot massacre at Bluff Creek.

    1. Oh yeah the forest people. How did we miss that one.

    2. I like to call them my forest friends.

    3. When I'm in the forest, I enjoy tea and biscuits withe the friendly forest people. Just darling creatures they are.

  38. Let's take a giant leap for a moment and entertain MK's wild theory that there was a bigfoot massacre and several were killed. If so:

    Why on earth would these supposed bigfoot hunters keep it a secret all the way to their deaths when they were trying desperately to prove its existence? Keep in mind, this is the 1960s so killing things was encouraged.

    And even so, how could you possibly keep a secret like this with so many people involved? Inevitably, someone will talk.

    MK, like so many other 'bigfoot' researchers, lacks the one thing that is crucial to be taken seriously - common sense.

    1. Well, after about three weeks they're back!

      We've been trying to have campfires out behind the house as often as possible as we did again last night. As always I used my barred owl call along with doing a screech owl call throuought the evening. It was quite warm for this time of year (near 70) due to the approaching cold front and storms we are having today. The wind was blowing on and off with a few gust. While standing at the edge of my back yard I noticed a very dim but visible greenish blue eyeshine in a dark area of the woods about 50 yards away. I kept watching out of the corner of my eye as it would disappear and reappear multiple times. Each time it was in a slightly different spot (a few inches to the left or right, up or down.) I continued making barred owl calls every few minutes. About 10 minutes later I noticed it was gone. Well, I made a few more calls, but was looking toward the other side of our yard. Just as I finished a call I turned back toward where I saw the eyeshine and right there about 10 yards into the woods (in complete darkness) was a very bright glowing "eye" glimmering white in color staring right at me! About 5 seconds later it ducked down to its left and behind a thicket of brush. It moved so quick that the light seemed to "streak" away. Almost like a shooting star appears to leave a trail behind it from moving so fast. There was no sound whatsoever and it was definitely a glow, not a reflection. I just stood there in amazement! I did have a friend with me, but he didn't see it. A few minutes later another eye appeared about 50 yards away, but very bright (white in color). At first it seemed very still, but after a moment it dropped down very quickly about a foot then was still again. I told my friend to slowly make his way over to where I was standing and tell me if he saw it too. I walked away once he got to where I was. He did see it and while he was watching it started to move left and right multiple times before fading out. No sound was heard during all of this. We stayed out by the fire a good hour or so more, but nothing else happened. I did however toss a couple snicker bars out toward where they were at after eating one out in the open. I spoke to them telling what I was doing and that it was a gift for them. No idea if they took them or not.

    2. Your suppose to mindspeak. How many beers did you have? Few more and you would of seen a bigfoot without question.

    3. The white eye would normally be a forest person of some type, having what to them amounts to an out of body experience. Except, wherever they happen to be when they choose to cease that experience, their body seems to be at the same place and at the same time. The white flash in the P-G still photo with a rooster tail below it, has been photographed before when a Bigfoot was caught on camera changing into an orb. Kewaunee has a copy of that photo because I believe that it took place on his deck.

    4. Why would they keep it a secret? Because they were under contracts either some governmemt thing or logging.

  39. Henry's tits look just as pendulous as Patty's.

  40. I would write one of those posts where I say something completely retarded and absurd and then sign it -M.K. Davis at the bottom, but I just can’t think of anything stupider than what he actually said.

  41. In defense of MK Davis a lot of what he is describing when he made this video gets twisted just a bit when you read other peoples comments, and I guess that's natural when people view a video like this - maybe it would be a good idea for some to watch this video twice.

  42. KETCHUM was on this show last week post this up Shawn, should trigger some good comments:


  43. Not to be mean... is Henry... "Special"?

    1. M.K.'Peter Griffin' Davis, enough said

    2. CHRISTMAS IN PETORIA is always spethal

    3. Okay the question was about neither Peter or M.K. But I take it from the responses that no one here is aware of any handicap on the part of the fat guy yelling about M.K. Davis.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. No I don't think Henry is mentally disabled. But I'm not certain so don't quote me.

  44. MK DAVIS is most likely pushing a good 40+ IQ over most of the people in the Bigfoot community

    1. MK may have a high IQ but he needs to gain at least 80 - 100 lbs. to get any real respect from the Bigfoot community!

    2. MK may have a high IQ but he needs to gain at least 80 - 100 lbs. to get any real respect from the Bigfoot community!

    3. I I remember a few years ago at a BF convention Henry got a little drunk and tryed to mount MK Davis! I think that must be what started all this ranting...Henry was so drunk he just kept yelling stabalize & enhance me MK!

    4. M.K.Davis is nothing more then the Peter Griffin of bigfootery, is bogfootery is even a word. M.K. Davis an virtually every single one of his most recent 'breakdown' videos has literally proven to the world he cannot be taken at face value seriously no matter what he says or dreams up in his wildest imaginings.
      M.K.Davis has lost all but that last shred of credibility with his 'new special software'.

    5. It maybe the simple fact the the word 'Special' maybe the key to anything related too M.K.Davis, so perhaps we might give the poor fellow some leeway with his imaginings. it would be of poor character to critique someone of M.K.Davis' IQ.

  45. Henry has tryed to mount some of the fellas at Bigfoot conventions in the past, I'm sure he hurt MK's back, I saw that!

  46. For those of you who are like Robert Lindsay, and are new to this interest and don't have a clue as to the previous MKD massacre theory, here is an excellent summary of MKD's delusions leading up to that previous massacre theory, as well as a detailed description of how MKD tampered with the evidence.


  47. Henry dose get a little frisky at times that's for sure, what's really weird is before Henry try's to mount a guy he will lick himself like a house cat - with his leg straight up in the air, it's so strange how he is so flexible like that, he dose it just like a house cat and then he will charge like a Rhino and just try to mount a guy! WTF is wrong with him?

  48. I have to say sometimes MK Davis puts out some interesting videos, but his thinking there was a massacre at bluff creek is unfounded and just totally hard to imagine. I think there is only a handful of people that believe his story because it sounds so made up. A lot of old films look sepia in color and thats all it looks like to me, doesn't look like blood, just a reddish brown tint to the film. If someone did shoot one im sure they would just go dig up the bones to prove it. Won't watch anything else by MK Davis on this subject, it's just a waste of time.

  49. OMG!!!!! The poor dog. I want some of what MK is Smoking

  50. I hear the words bigfoot conference and I just laugh & chuckle

  51. M.K.Davis is the quintessential fool of anything to do with Bigfoot.
    He would like you to believe he is a Photogrammetrist.
    He fails to understand the simple fact. if you have a photo or video, you cannot start adding 'special software' to it effectively butchering the original evidence too suit your own needs or gain. Yet this is exactly what he does. he fails to show clear evidence of the before and after.
    Every single one of his Mike Sells's videos he promotes so adamantly can only be viewed as extreme bias.

  52. Makes one wonder if M.K.Davis was actually on site as Mike Sells Created all these Hoaxed bigfoot video's and as too why all of a sudden after Mike Sells' death that suddenly M.K.Davis suddenly came into 'possesion' of all said video's.... was he an actualy memeber of these hoaxed creations that he is still to this day years and years later still trying too sell too the bogfoot community?... i think we really need someone serious like Steve Kulls or someone who will take no shit to really look into M.K.Davis' end game playbook.

  53. interesting. full of holes though

    the pit could be anything. if it was a pitful of blood it would be easily seen without the need of contrast.dog print being bloody is really dumb MK.
    look like 'blood' in our eys! it could easily be the showdow that makes it darker.

    more probable it could be a coyote,a dog veen there a few hours beforehand etc etc... all leaving a print that the sun shows as darker not bloody. why just 1 too?
    and on disecting the whole theory.

    what i do appreciate,even though i think u r a victim of hoaxed films, all these bf films from the same area seems deeply that doesnt identitfy it cleary is very convient anda clear red flag. surely at least 1 of these plethary of films would show the BF in a full fronatl pose so we can say. ' you have a BF on film. all we have is shadowy bfjumping over garden fences, walking through farmland. surely you must admit if BF did this in daylight[and being WHITE] we would have dozens of HD shots by now

    I do appreciate your work ,at least yo are out there, at least you are putting up film worthy of discussion. all these armchair BF'ers find it esily to sit back, the guy below is typical, who couldnt walk the length of himself yet disses everyone elses work. he should put up or shut up. At least you produce interesting work wether u agree with it or not.

    if it wasnt for people like u bigfooter wouldnt existas there wouldnt be anything to look at

    keep up the good work. i doubt yuou or anyone wiever ll capture a HD film of 1 as its a myth imo! im just a gu who lovesthe idea that science is wrong and they dont have al the answers

    sadly with each passing year/decade the more imporable thousands of giant apemen families are walking amongst us[lol]

  54. cringe

    this chubby couch potatoe is typical of the nobodies that diss people who at least try and put up theories and films we can discuss

    what has this guy given to footery. NOTHING

    its easy to be a critic.

  55. Are you fucken serious! Henry May is one of the best researchers of Sasquatch in my opinion - his last video he posted on YouTube shows a new area he has some plans for doing some research, and I must tell you it looks very promising - we also have to bow down a little to Henry May in the Bigfoot community, let's remember out there people - Henry has read like over 7 or 8 books on Sasquatch wich makes h a valuable tool in the Bigfoot community!

  56. why does he use the still phot of homslef at bluff creek. standin there with his dirty ockets at the knee. that photo is almost as amous as 'patty tuning round' photo
    as for his views expressed.othes have expressed the hoseliquently the absurd anomolies. 1 dog print[if its a dog ] supposedly blody. why has it got to be bl0od and not mud or just the shadow.

    pit- hmmm, full of blod. ridiculas

    etc etc etc

    i do respect the work Khas done though bt he has become a victi of hoaxers too. all those videos ofthe Bf holiday camp where the seem to be running about, in the same area, at least a dozen times. yet np HD cameras have been set up and co incedently te film always hides the BF just enough for detail not to be identified. MK is a clever and knows this is the case too.

    too many red flags in the analisys andhisfilms]
    ]i appreciate all his work thoughand gives us interesting film to look and discuss.

    Thanks MK

    ignore the stupid hater below you here,he i nvody who has contributed nothing to footery.we can all be vcritics.at least u put up material. he does nothing but bitch like a school kid at those who do

    stay healthy sir and keep up the good work

    chubby PC couch man- get a life yo come acrooss as a bitter lonely ma with no intelligence and full of jelousy and bitterness towards the doers in this field

  57. Henry May is such a Badass! I think I can take him. Let's do ths Bro! Whoo (taking my shirt off and swing it around)!!!

  58. Why is there only one dog print? where is the rest?

  59. ive comented so many x on this theory of MK. i guess i do because i did respect the guy so much,although i thought he was the victim of hoaxed material 99% of time. i or 2 films are interestig which is way more than most.

    whats so special thats only him in 45years who has seen these anomolies.im not edotitor and dont know whats real or not. i do know their are thousands in this electronic world who are though,ye he is the only one to see these anomolies.

    it seems,like most BF bloggers,he has fallen into craziness,they all do.usualy it takes the form of crazy theories and not hoaxing[i don think]. blood filled pit[yet no body! the pit just looks darket brown sand to me not red[ie wet sand],if a flood came through here surley it would have moved the whole area about of logs etc..and whats with the fire nnsense. surely if he thought heir were dead bodies there. we seem him at bluff creek why nor walk down with a few volunteers and spades and start digging. i gess he wants his 15mins. shame its destroyed his reutatio

    get well soon sir as i enjoy your videos[efven if i know there are nonsense]

  60. I believe Mr. Davis is being a little fast and loose with his analyses. I see but one dog print; man, my dog would have it all over him and he would been all over frame 352. Most other outdoor working dogs would as well. Strike one.
    Second, I don't see the red color. He says he hasn't added anything, but he has changed something..the contrast. Darks get darker,brights get brighter and the difference becomes sharper...what he calls red blood looks like dark mud, or darker wet sand...whatever, it ain't red. The pool reflection of the dog? It's mostly in shadow and again, the color of it is highly questionable, but it ain't red. Strike two.
    Finally, it is implied that the film was shot during a mass killing of 'squatchs. Does patti look like she is escaping for fear of her life? Not to me; she acts like she was startled getting caught in the open by P-G on horseback when they came into view of the sandbar. With her stride, having witnessed her clan being killed, and they were shooting at her, she would not have just strode across the sand bar, she would have ran for all she was worth...and Patterson would not have been able to get the video he did. Strike three, you're out.

    Machinery in creek bed...salvage logging, totally expected. Tracking dogs during daylight...BF kills the dogs before you get close.
    Bigfoot don't parade around in Daylight...what about the Freeman footage? It's not proper to personally disparage Mr. Davis, but his argument is not very tight. He criticizes others about interpreting on basis of what's not on other 'poorer' copies of film, but what if it's his copy of the film that's the anomaly? Who's to say and who's to know? Why is he the only one that can correctly interpret film footage? He's not. The PG film site has been re-located after all these years, and theoretically, one could locate the kill site and dig for bones. Logistically, it would be impossible without heavy machinery and burdensome permits by the US Forest Service.

  61. That is allot of blood in the excavated hole.Why would they skin a squatch?


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