Melba Ketchum - Claims, rumors, secrets and the possible fall of her Bigfoot DNA empire? WTF! (Part 1) (Update: Bart Cutino clarifies)

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor, Damian Bravo. You can join his Facebook group, Sasquatch Lives? or follow him on Twitter @Sasquatchlives1.

Is the world of veterinarian Dr. Melba Ketchum starting to unravel around her? This is stuff that could be part of a Hollywood movie. For a long while, rumors have been flying around the Bigfoot community grapevine that Melba’s DNA business dealings are not doing well and she is not the laid back, easy-to-get-along with person that many think she is. Richard Stubstad is a prime example of how she supposedly does business. She has never publicly admitted that it was Stubstad who found the anomaly that potentially showed the existence of Bigfoot and opened her eyes to this possibility. Well, at least this is what Java Bob and Stubstad claimed back in 2012. Some have even said that after his death, she should have at least mentioned him and say he was an important part of her supposed findings that as of today have still not been published.

After Ketchum made her announcement that the DNA study had discovered the creature we call Bigfoot is a half human/hominid hybrid; claims, rumors, and discrepancies regarding Ketchum and her business dealings started coming from blogs and other sources. We already know about the issue concerning her DNA Diagnostic business receiving a poor rating from the BBB, another is the secret shut down of her lab. Now there are more rumors coming out, saying Ketchum has a past full of information that is damaging to her credibility, honesty, and ethics. One blog even made a statement saying Ketchum is operating her DNA study like a snake oil salesman.

Another issue causing the pointing of fingers is the results from an independent lab on the Justin Smeja DNA samples, which showed results of having bear and human DNA. Some are wondering if Ketchum’s study is based on bad science since Robert Lindsay claims an inside source told him that Smeja’s steak was a vital part of Ketchum’s DNA study. Now it seems like Melba is saying that Smeja and Bart Cutino sent her bad samples. Smeja and Cutino both have distanced themselves from the Ketchum study, and Cutino has made it publicly known that Ketchum, based on his dealings with her, is unprofessional and even questioned her character and integrity. It seems like something is going on behind the scenes and whatever it was, it was enough to make Smeja and Cutino lose their trust in Ketchum’s DNA study.

[Update: Bart Cutino clarifies the above statement] "I read Damian's article this morning and just wanted to clarify some things as the last thing anybody wants are mistruths/misinformation out there (there's enough of that) as it's not fair to either myself or Dr. Ketchum. One, as anyone behind the scenes can attest, I've been concerned with Dr. Ketchum's study from day one and therefore was never associated with her in any capacity. I also never had any personal dealings with her other than one email a year and a half ago in which I recall her being very pleasant. I've also never sent out any sample to Dr. Ketchum as Justin had sent her the retrieved Sierras tissue 6 months before I ever entered the picture in July 2011, therefore Dr. Ketchum has never made this claim in fairness to her. Dr. Ketchum only recently (to our knowledge) claimed Justin sent myself and Tyler bear tissue when she learned of conflicting results with our independent testing. The explanation & logic put forth for Justin doing so was "fear of prosecution." Justin has maintained this suggestion is ridiculous, and that he has no fear of prosecution and would never sabotage himself solely to discredit Dr. Ketchum."

Now a dispute over a simple drawing has come to light between Ketchum and a known Bigfoot artist named Alex Evans. I contacted Evans to get her side of the story, and she stated that the dispute is over the rights of intellectual copyright regarding a drawing she created. Evans claims the dispute started after she was commissioned by Ketchum to recreate a composite drawing from a picture of a supposed Bigfoot. Initially, from the interchange of emails, Evans seemed excited early on to be asked by Ketchum to create the drawing of a Bigfoot for her.

You can see Evans enthusiastic response to Ketchum in the email below:

Click on image to enlarge

In Ketchum’s response above, she uses an earlier email and for whatever reason she omitted the date she received the email from Evans, which seems suspicious. In the email, Ketchum claims that Evans created the image without her permission. Looks confusing so far, but this is where things start to get interesting. I contacted Evans and she wanted to be transparent about the whole issue. Evans claims she wants people to see what Ketchum is capable of and her tactics. In the email below, Ketchum gives Evans an ultimatum and basically writes to not force her hand.

In the email below, Ketchum references an email where Evans discussed artwork Ketchum had commissioned with her. In the email, Ketchum does not refute Evans, so it is assumed that Ketchum had indeed requested artwork from Evans. Judging by the tone of Ketchum’s response, it seems that she thinks she owns an unrelated drawing that Evans created on Aug 15, 2010, long before being contacted by Ketchum.

Click on image to enlarge

In this exchange, Ketchum still claimed the drawing called “Come On” belonged to her, even though it was created a year prior to Evans knowing Ketchum. Below, Evans even sent Melba a screen shot of her original drawing posted in the Bigfoot Oregon site in August 2010.

Click on image to enlarge

Below is the two drawings mentioned in this post. On the left is the drawing called “Come On” that Evans created prior to knowing Ketchum and on the right is one of the drawings commissioned by Ketchum.

Alex Evan’s drawing from 2010 named “Come On” (left)
Drawing Evans created from Ketchum’s Bigfoot picture (right)

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor, Damian Bravo. You can join his Facebook group, Sasquatch Lives? or follow him on Twitter @Sasquatchlives1.

Even after confronting Ketchum over email, Alex Evans tried to clear up Melba’s confusion between the two drawings and certain rights under copyright laws in her interchange with Ketchum. Evans even offered to sell the exclusive rights for the drawing she created from Ketchum’s photo for 75 dollars, but Ketchum responded claiming the drawing Evans created in 2010 titled “Come On” is the drawing Ketchum actually commissioned her to create from her real Bigfoot photo.

Click on image to enlarge

Besides the dispute over the drawing, Evans appears to have had problems receiving payment for her work from Ketchum. In the email above, Evans wrote back to Ketchum and stated “Since you gave me such a hard time over paying for the two paintings you commissioned from me well over a year ago, I no longer want my art associated with you.”

A payment issue like Evans even reportedly led Thom Cantrall to question Ketchum’s ethics; I thought he was a great supporter of Ketchum!?... He allowed another site to publish a statement he made in a private group regarding an issue similar to Evans, involving a friend he recommended to Ketchum. This is what Thom allowed to post on the Crypto Crew Site:

"I was first introduced to this aspect of Dr. Ketchum's ethic when I recommended the work of a friend in California who has some spectacular photos and casts of footprints and trackways. Dr. Ketchum would not license their use, as everyone else who publishes does, but was insisting that he GIVE HER full rights to his works... i.e., she would OWN his work without any kind of compensation whatsoever! In the world of intellectual property, unless that property is SOLD to another, it remains the property of the creator of said property. NO ONE can usurp another's work, no matter WHERE they find it!"

If these claims are true, it would be shocking that a woman like Dr. Ketchum would be capable of trying to avoid compensating people for their hard work. Many viewed Ketchum and the DNA study as a noble cause to officially recognize and protect the species of Bigfoot, so she has been held in high esteem by many people. If these claims are true, it would be devastating to her reputation.

So here we are now, some rumors are been revealed about Ketchum and red flags are starting to come up from all the sides that used to support her. What does this all mean? I do not know, but if you have been reading so far and looked over the claims, you can judge for yourself. Alex Evans is a talented woman going through some hard times right now. Four years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and says Melba knows she would not be able to afford a lawyer if she takes Evans to court over the drawing. It seems like Ketchum is using this as a heavy-handed card to get what she wants out of Evans. If true, all this makes Melba Ketchum appear to be the bully in the Bigfoot schoolyard.

More claims and rumors are coming to light, and it seems that this issue with Evans just may be the tip of the iceberg regarding Ketchum, her DNA study, and business dealings. As people come forward to share their side of the story, we will be working to make sense of all of this. Stay tuned because there is more to come…

As for Evans, she gave this statement and I wish her well and based on Evans claims hope that Ketchum comes to her senses.

“I suppose I would like to say that it's been hard to comprehend just how someone can claim copyright to an artist’s work when, not only I didn't get any compensation but this is all I have worked for with eyewitnesses over a long time. They belong to me and to some extent, the witness, I feel… No one should be able to run roughshod over someone's work. At no time did I sign anything over to her and there was never any contract of any kind even an NDA.”

Alex Evans gave me permission to use her drawings.

[Update #2] Please stay tuned. There's more to come and we'll be posted part 2 soon.


  1. Replies
    1. Isn't this the same article the Crypto Crew did 10 days ago?

    2. "Now it seems like Melba is saying that Smeja and Bart Cutino sent her bad samples"

      Writer of article - do you know what a motherf*ng footnote is? This is where you back up claims in your writing by including a numbered reference to the location of document/media that includes the reference. This way we weed out your paraphrasing, out of context bs, and other bias that you might include to oversensationalize.

    3. She's acting on confusion originally, but If Ketchum comes across art that looks like a proprietary photo she made available - she should react appropriately (that is until author shows prior sketches). Ketchum is also right to be upset that artist believes she owns the rights to a reproduction of a Ketchum proprietary photo. In the end this is why Melba has to shove an NDA in your face, and request license to control distribution of photos, samples, casts and other evidence. Otherwise she can't control the context of bits of a narrative she's trying to put together with all these yahoos running wild.
      Alex - your work is awesome. But if you reproduce a proprietary work and are not a copywrite licensor of the work, and you understand the nature of it to be proprietary - you have created a derivative of someone else's intellectual property with a very restricted license and likely can't distribute without creating some legal uncertainty and risk.

      Another example: If Ford Motor Co gives you access to a blueprint of a new-not-yet-unveiled car for making a sketch and labels it proprietary and has a conversation with you about the nature of the blueprint, and you produce the sketch for them, and then turn around and try to sell distributions of that sketch to national car magazines for a scoup article - do you not think you will be sue'd for unauthorized use of their IP? In this case, that mag is this site, and the blueprint is the original photo.

      The author must have authorization by the owner of the IP to use it in reproductions (just as Evans want Ketchum to purchase) - Evans does not, in the case of the photo sketch she produced for Ketchum. Ketchum can probably sue for that.

      The author may also be able to claim this was not a work for hire, though if those words were used in any email or phone call leading up to the produced artwork - it may stick in court. Otherwise, the artist may force Ketchum to buy the rights to transfer the copyright. However, what rights were stipulated in terms of use and is Ketchum exceeding those?

      Summary - Artist may own copyright of derivative work if she owns license for distribution of derivate works of original material (the photo) , but the work is a derivative for which the artist did not secure a license to reproduce, distribute, etc. Therefore, Ketchum could probably sue artist for distribution of her IP. Artist could sue Ketchum for distribution of the derivative if Ketchum did not secure distribution rights and used beyond agreed terms.
      If Ketchum stated verbally the payment to artist is to produce artwork for my site, research paper, and products for an unpublished copywritten (proprietary and unlicensed to author) work - Ketchum is probably within her rights to consider this a right to use the work as she claims. It would not fall under a "work for hire" with full rights transfer, but the author would not be able to rescind rights willy-nilly either. Use outside of prior stipulations could result in lawsuit by artist against Ketchum.

      Ketchum is protecting her IP. Artist is trying to claim ownership of derivative which she has no license for. Both have misunderstandings. I am not a lawyer, but I understand IP laws. :)

    4. Good point@1:12. I have a feeling it will fall on deaf ears.

    5. Thanks for clearing that up David Paulides.

    6. I didn't bother reading that novel above by one of Ketchums fan club. Footing has become a complete circus. Literally a bunch of tooners.

    7. 2:25 - Your statements are factually correct, but are you referring to the "Come On" drawing, or to the commissioned artwork that Evans is demanding Melba not use (2 separate issues)?

      The "Come On" situation is anything but clear, definitely not something I would immediately label as a 'derivative.' Melba would have to prove Evans had access to the original at the time Evans' drawing was created, which doesn't seem likely given the timeframe.

      And regarding the 'commissioned' artwork, Evans' statements suggest to me that it may not have been properly commissioned as a 'work made for hire.' In order for this to have happened, both parties must have signed a written agreement which expressly stated that the work was to be considered 'made for hire.' As Evans has stated she never signed anything, that makes Melba's claims suspect.

    8. Anon 4:48 and I would go further, but not here.

    9. The full title of that drawing is actually, "Come On My Tits".

    10. Money money money. Money money money. Money money money. Money money money.

      I can imagine Ketchum and Paulides singing this:

    11. Article is so slanted it does not properly tell if Evans was paid by Ketchum for the original Commission. It only says Ketchum would not pay for ADDITIONAL rights the artists wanted to grant.

      This is a bit like getting your portrait taken, and being handed one photo. When you go to use the photo on your web site, the Photographer claims - "I did not give you reproduction or distribution rights for your one photo."

      Artists/Photographers who are not clear that they are deliberately retaining authorship of works involving other people's personal intellectual property may also be viewed as "shady" in my book.

      While Ketchum mistook similar artwork as derivative, it's the artist here who's playing games with ownership of derivative - all why understanding how Ketchum wished to use the work.

      ARTICLE AUTHOR please clear up whether Ketchum paid for original commission. Or be banished to the cess pool of sloppy journalism and one sided slanted political hit pieces.

    12. 6:51 - You can feel as angry as you want about people who get paid to create something, but still retain copyright ownership - but it is the law.

      Payment for a material object or service means completely nothing when it comes to copyright.

      Copyright belongs to the author (the person who created the work) and it can be transferred only by written agreement or operation of law.

      If a work is 'made for hire,' the employer is the author, but there are strict guidelines in the code about how a work must be created in order to be legally considered made for hire. You can't simply call something "made for hire" and expect it to be so before a judge.

      Hope Melba knows this before she threatens to take people to court. (Actually, no I don't.)

    13. Only angry about people who understand how you are going to use the derivative work, but don't tell you up front that what you are paying for isn't what you think you are getting. That's deceptive.

      There are separate matters here, best to tease them all out.

      I hope the artist knows that by publishing a work that is a derivative product that she does not own the IP for (as Ketchum did not grant her distribution rights for her proprietary photo) that the artist could likely be sued for that.

      I agree Ketchum would have a hard time turning the email and communications into a valid "work for hire" arrangment, but if Ketchum comissioned her, paid her, and the arrangement included the use of the artwork on her site, products, and paper Ketchum does not need to full rights unless she wants to transfer them (sell her co). However, the artist is still prohibited from publishing the derivative until the artist gets rights from Ketchum granted to do so.

      The two both made gaffes in my book. Ketchum mistook prior works as derivatives. The artist, Evans, mistook creating a derivative work under contract as securing the rights of the original to publish the derivative.

      In terms of bluff charging LOL, they are both engaging in it.

      In terms of slanted reporting the article feels anti-Ketchum when I read it.

    14. Anony 2:25 AM .... You are completely missing the point that Dr. Ketchum was trying to assume control over a piece of artwork done more than a year before her association with Ms. Evans. Your entire post is irrelevant.

    15. 2009- Ketchum Pitches Movie and Book Deal on Bigfoot with copyrights.
      2010-Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Study "In Peer Review" and will be published soon.
      2011-Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Study "In Peer Review" and will be published soon.
      2012-Ketchum Gets Cash From Public for Bigfoot Protection.
      2012-Ketchum Starts up Bigfoot Clothing Line.
      2012-Ketchum Starts UP Bigfoot T-shirt Line
      2012 Ketchum DNA Study "Still In Peer Review" And Will Be Published Soon
      2012-Ketchum Shops Her DNA Study to Russian Magazines Because Her USA Magazine "Peer Review" Is Going So Well.
      2013-Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Study "In Peer Review" and will be published soon.

    16. The study for the Giant Pacific Squid took over twenty years to peer review. You are just a impatient little boy that has NO IDEA how the scientific arena works on their side. Pathetic!!

    17. "You are completely missing the point that Dr. Ketchum was trying to assume control over a piece of artwork done more than a year before her association with Ms. Evans. Your entire post is irrelevant."

      No, that's my first line. Ketchum is originally confused by coming across art that resembles the proprietary photo and over reacts. That's presumptious, but Ketchum has the sole responsibility for protecting her IP, or she loses it legally. Did she overreact - maybe. Can she control works done prior - no. Did the artist provide proof positive that the amazingly similar work was done prior to clear up the confusion? I don't know. But you have to remember, Ketchum is the only one who can police and bring complaints about intellectual property abuse. Did she play the strong arm card before she fully understood - probably. Ketchum is operating as if she has no time for games when confusion arises.

      None of that changes the ability of the Artist to publish the unlicensed derivative.

      I'm sure the Artist asking Ketchum for more money without the whole matter being cleared up only exacerbated Ketchum's responses toward the litigous side.

      From the Artists perspective, I can also see why she feels hurt. It's all a misunderstanding on both sides that has escalated. I don't believe she can legally retract permission to use the artwork (especially if Ketchum paid a commission fee and there is an written or verbal arrangement about the rights that can be inferred as an expectation based upon the dialogs.)

      Why didn't the Artist slap a nice clear contract down? That's how I do biz.

      Should Ketchum apologize for mistaking the prior work as a derivative - YES.

      Was either party hurt by the other? Evans has feelings hurt. Ketchum had proprietary sketch published. Neither will go to court over this, because damages would be hard to prove and very small. Ketchum will likely have to commission a work made for hire and pay for another sketch.

      There's a few great lessons here: (1) Get the work for hire contract from artists unless you just want one copy of the work. (2) Artists, you can't publish derivative work on derivative that is not substantially different when you do not have license to distribute (not talking about the prior confused art here). (3) Always lay out a simple contract that clearly states the what is to be delivered, what is to be paid, and what the IP understanding is between parties.

    18. Damn, I must have missed the giant squid T-Shirt and Clothing Lines.

    19. Did you contribute to the Giant Squid protection fund?

    20. Ketchum didn't pay for anything. Also cryptocrew broke this story last week(how about some credit damien?). All of the manipulation from Ketchum was not in this article. She threatens litigation and states how she doubts Alex can afford a court battle. Basically Ketchum says you hsve cancer and no money so i'll do what ever i want to you. Ketchum is not a good person. In fact she gets an F on everything, including her so called "study". This case is cut and dry. If you commission work, you bought it, hand over the money. You do not receive the rights to every work the artist has ever created. Might i add that you are a disgusting human being for trying to use cancer against someone. What a Bitch. Really melba, $75? Just fucking pay the woman, my cell phone bill is more than $75.

    21. Alex has never been paid for anything. She clearly states this in her email requesting her work be removed from the websites it was still used on. Then the websites "disappeared", just like melba's business, believability, and credibility.

    22. Melba Ketchum has nothing but good intentions.

    23. melba the f-ing mooch! she told a diffrent story on coast to coast! she was spouting off about how she wished she never got involved with this sasquatch dna stuff. & she said she is a victum from others in the bigfoot world. here this royal bitch is eye ball deep into grabbing all the loot for herself! oink, oink pig melba! match maid in bigfoot land melba&tampaFATsano two of a kind a full house couldn't beat!

    24. Is it even legal for this blog or Bravo to reproduce these e-mails? I bet not. Maybe Melba should sue you guys. LOL But hey at the end of the day there ain't no smear trick big enough to bring this dna study down, hate her all you want if you like but if not her it'll only be someone else's study sometime showing exactly the same findings you don't like now. And you still won't like them then so you might as well take the defeat now.

    25. And what findings has Ketchum found?

      I guess we will find out soon

    26. Unlikely we'll find out soon you mean? Lol

    27. Melba threatening an artist for a painting dome a year before, then stating it would "cost a lot to defend yourself"=frivilous lawsuit and dismissal by judge. Especially if the judge hears "Sasquatch".
      Like I've told all you toons, Melba is a bad, bad person and is completely full of shit. There is no evidence, NONE, for the existence of an apeman/hominid/lost tribe living in North America. The end

    28. Ketchum is a money-grubbing pig, not a scientist, and her lame brained apologists on this board are the lowest form of scum-sucking slime.
      If she's promised you a cut of the tee shirt sales, scumbags, be sure to get paid up front!

  2. It comes with great sadness and a heavy heart to inform all of Henry Mays untimely passing. At approximately 1:30 pm yesterday,while in a heated argument at a local nearby Burger King, May 45,while in a fit of rage reached into A drive-threw window and severed a main artery on a faulty metal change holder.

    "DA FATASS WHITEBOY KEEP SAYIN MO MAYO MO MAYO AND SHIT" claimed witness Beatrice Rodriguez.





    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. what a fucked up thing to say about someone!! there are a few things in life that you just DON'T do, and joking about someone dying is one of them.......

    3. This is the lowest crappy thing to say! To stoop to so low to tell people someone died that didn't is PATHETIC! Then make fun of him ? Your a worthless piece of shit!

    4. This must be written by the "reasonable " jerk off. You're sick MF'r! Trailer trash . When Henry passes away he will be remembered in a good way, when idiots like you anon 12:27 pass away people are Like- Good Riddance!

    5. Not funny and over the line.....

    6. I laughed so hard I sharted

    7. ^ That's because when you have such a low IQ you laugh at Rude comments and you have issues with your body functions Dipshit!

    8. I troll this site for a laugh, but even I agree thats a bit too much.

    9. Another one bites the dust, another one gone, another one gone..... So it would seem another Bigfooter will go away and simply drift into nothingness. Only to be remembered in the occasional out burst on a blog (most likely the topic will be "bogus DNA"). This person will go back to recomending the right flea dips and treating cats with fur balls. All the while she will remember the glory of being in the fore-front of a poorly run hoax that stemmed from a known poacher. Good bye, (boo hooo hoo, single tear down my cheek) good bye, my darling hoaxtress, good bye.

    10. ^ Your Dilusional ! What the hell are you talking about? She isn't going away over a dispute of a picture ! If you come here for your evidence than your a Moron. Melba is doing just fine.

    11. Fuck the photo copywrites!!! Its all over a total sum of $75, big fucking deal!! This woman is a total fraud and her world is just starting to fall apart. What would you expect when you put your charater on the line with a self admitted poacher. Melba is all washed up, we have other hoaxes to focus on now

    12. ^ still have no idea what your talking about? Nothing is falling apart. You seem very angry over nothing!

    13. Don't be mad, it's only Bigfoot.

    14. Not mad at all but rather amused by a vet doing DNA work, then coming up with another result from an independent Canadian comany as "bear and human" DNA. What a slap in the face to everyone backing this fraud. Why, in the first place wasn't a simple detrmination done on the hair rather than doing a DNA study? Could it be that someone would have rather been in the lime light for a short period? If this wasn't all just a simple hoax the vet needs to show up with her other so called evidence... That will NEVER happen tho!!!!

    15. Where or when has Justin ever admitted to being a "self confessed hoaxer"? Quite the opposite.

    16. 10:44 obviously in denial why else write that much shit on a bigfoot blog any idiot against this study only reveals his or her motive is keeping it in the dark.

    17. Anon 10:57... hey I know getting a good education in the land of rednecks but he said self proclaimed "POACHER." And yes he admitted his buddy and him were poaching when he began this hoax... ZERO evidence of anything ever happening, but take the word of the poacher and the furball vet. Simple minds believe simple things!!

    18. "any idiot against this study only reveals his or her motive is keeping it in the dark" WTF Maybe people are just using their brains and looking at the evidence about Ketchum and thinking it all smells like BS! Seen as nobody has seen this study anon 11:53 you seem very confident in it even though my guess is you haven't read it yet so that makes you sound like an idiot too. Who the hell blindly accepts something without looking at it themselves?

  3. I feel sorry for Melba and all the BS she has to deal with.


    1. Melba is a con artist which will be clear to the world once Wally hauls her lying ass to court fool.

    2. Please back up those allegations with some, any proof?

    3. Now we know who HACKED her email!

    4. I don't feel sorry for her. These events are her doing. I feel sorry for 'Footers.

    5. She is a joke, and it has been apparent for almost a year to all but the willfully delusional and the ignorant that there is NO LEGITIMATE ACADEMIC ENDEAVOR behind the lunacy.

      Move on.

    6. Don't feel sorry for people who are happy Anon 4:55. I'm a footer and I'm happy so don't feel sorry about me! This site spreads lots of garbage and frankly it's becoming a Tabloid site as seen by this story. I feel bad for people who are really gullible and believe what people write on here!

    7. I believe Alex Evans and the documentation of her claim.

    8. Don't feel bad for people who are gullible Anon 5:10. Though the blind allegiance some show for hoaxers and other dubious types in the bigfoot world can be puzzling, remember that it brings a little ray of sunshine into their lives when they can help promote the agendas of their "true friends". Ignorance can indeed be bliss.

    9. No we just don't feel the need after calling something a hoax the first time that we should continue to state our opinion again and again on subsequent articles

    10. Anon 5:51 sounds like Sharon Hill/I Doubt It. It's in her usual snobby language, but without the usual obscenities.

    11. Don't let Ketchum's failure get you down. We must keep searching for the proof. Bigfoot is out there.

    12. You feel bad for a person who manipulates a person with cancer, by using it against them Paul? You are feeling sorry for the wrong one. Unless you like villains.

    13. bbb ratings don't mean shit don't put your money in that fact whatsoever

    14. BE is merely tabloid trash with an anti bf agenda, it's all about clicks not content. Ketchum whether you like it or not is cracking this bf atom wide open, deal with it in more mature ways.

    15. So Paul Graves as the guts to sign his name when kissing Melba's ass But not when he tells lies about other researchers he's jealous of. What a pathetic human being

    16. Shes shown to be a bad business woman from those ratings but we should just blindly trust her every word,its like facebook confirming Dyers bullshit video,another one who says they have actual photos but puts out drawings.You folks are taking gullibility to new heights with this,if you want to keep swallowing this horseshit go right ahead.Don't get angry at the rest of us when we tell you you're eating shit,you are.

    17. Rumferlife hit the nail right on the head there! It's ridiculous how many people blindly accept a study that looks more and more like we'll never see published! Seriously it's staggering the amount dumb shit that Ketchumites post on here just because everyone else but them can hear the alarm bells going off with this study. Look at things objectively before believing in them wholesale or in this case wait to see if you ever get to read it before swallowing it hook line and sinker.

  4. I'm with Paul. I never realized how many people in this community just SUCK. Thanks for your work Melba ! I support you 100%

  5. Why would you need drawings if you had HD video and undeniable DNA proof... lol Looney toons!

    1. Apparently, the drawings were to be used for Melba's marketing materials, website, t-shirts etc for the fashion line she's producing. ycmtsu

    2. Haha its stuff like that, that keeps us coming back. Laughing at footers, can't beat it!

    3. And you believe anon 4:00? You're a Moron anon 4:43! Your the Fucktard ! Your belief system is based on an anonymous poster ! Lol ! It's you we are laughing at you Simpleton Retard!

    4. And 4:43 also didn't believe a single word he wrote.

    5. @7:45^^^^^^ YOU are retard....emotionally. This is how you feel superior? making fun of other people on line? Posting anonymously, and so very bravely. What else is it in life that you are so superior at other than ridiculing people who believe in bigfoot? Certainly nothing in the professional realm. Certainly nothing in the business environment. Else you would not speak like that publicly.

  6. I have a question for the Melba Ketchum supporters. How long are ya'll going to support this woman? What is it going to take for ya'll to realize that she has been not exactly truthful with ya'll about the situation and what has been going on?

    1. Well, they are here now aren't they? What new story will swing the popular tide. This one is ridiculous, over $75, no more.

    2. I will support her forever, I don't care how dishonest she is, I LOVE her with all my heart.

    3. I'll support her just as long as you troll this site y'all! Why do you care fucksickle?

    4. well she said this would be the year of the squatch i stood behind her but if this shits not done by december i am just gonna start hanging out with merchant and get my hate videos goin

    5. Troll traffic only makes us support her more take that clowns and stuff it.

    6. Ha,the greater fool lectures the lesser,at least rally behind sykes,he might save you

  7. Replies
    1. #Fruityloons #toonfruits #fruittoons #tooneyfruits #toonloops

    2. ^ Tin foil hat wearing NERD!

    3. ^ someone who has been banned from JREF, possibly Mulder or munns

    4. Yes I wear tinfoil.

      I am a girl.

      Can you guess which one?

    5. The one that likes to lick man taint?
      Are you that one?

  8. While this article may bring up some valid points, it's not like we haven't heard them before. How many times is it necessary to bring this information up? I am not a supporter of Ketchum but it seems like there has been an effort to continuously discredit her.

    1. exactly, it is getting (extremely) boring...

    2. Nothing of her dispute with Alex was previously reported here. If she is discredited by her actual words or her Grade-F BBB rating, she has only herself to blame. Not so pretty a picture as her 25-yr old glamour photo, is it...

    3. Ketchum has given many cause to question her claims.

    4. ^Name them that were not made up by Morons on this site? .... Crickets... None? Thought so.

    5. I am not a supporter of Ketchum, but I play one on BFF.

    6. If she was credible, then they wouldn't be discrediting her. Very simple actually, she is not what she pretends to be. People are trying to tell you that.

    7. Fool. It's precisely because she's credible they attack her so no matter what they would because it's their scheme.

    8. Actually anon @ 12:04 your statement makes no sense. Because she is credible her credibility is attacked or is it because they would do it anyways? Which one? Are you capable of logical thinking? Probably only emotional thinking. She is either credible or not. The point is that she is not. Can you show me a point if credibility for her? An example of when she has proven herself?

    9. ^^^back at you laissezfairescience....can you prove that her bigfoot dna study is flawed, or that it doesn't exist? If you cannot (which you can't) your point of her science not being credible is baseless. She does after make her living in dna forensics. That is a fact. So, like bigfoot, there is a body of evidence that lends credibility to there actually being a Ketchum bigfoot dna study. After all, if was Paulides who looked her up, not the other way around. You're just a very unimportant person, the wheels of science turn slowly, you have no patience, and unfortunately (risking a temper tantrum) you have been left off of the need to know list. That about sums up you and your viewpoint.

    10. You have not addressed the credibility of her claims, only stated what her job is. If a NFL official is found to be fixing games, his credibility is compromised and it no long matters what his prior credentials were. The same applies here. You feel the need to insult people of opposing viewpoints than that of yourself. What can you enlighten us with oh great and knowing ANONYMOUS contributor who is so in the loop? Have you studied her "peer reviewed" manuscript and come to the conclusion that it is in fact a confirmed new species? Have you informed Dr. Sykes that his analysis is no longer necessary because Dr. Ketchum has already done it? I am sure you have them on speed dial considering how in the loop you are. As for the body of evidence in the Ketchum camp, it is all tales such as the one above. My patience for, and my grasp of, the scientific process was learned through higher education, along with critical analysis. I am waiting patiently for a doctorate with the credibility associated with the most famous and premier institute of learning, OXFORD UNIVERSITY, and Dr. Sykes to complete a legitimate analysis with out bias or questionable agendas. That is how the scientific process is suppose to work. Unbiased. Dr. Ketchum is taking advantage of an artist with cancer and threatening vexatious litigation. I'd say that does wonders for her credibility... Along with her continuous claims of "soon". In reality, soon does not mean years from now.

    11. There's also no evidence so far to prove that Ketchum makes a living from DNA forensics, there is no evidence of her as a witness in any legal case and her involvement in the DNA testing of victims from 9 11 is not clear either. She certainly is not solely responsible for the DNA identification of the victims, she was not leading the team that worked on it and she is not currently still working on the project which has not ended. Face it she made her money DNA testing pedigree pets and horses

  9. Shawn, why didn't you mention that Damian Bravo is a member of Team Tazer? Considering that there has been criticism that there is a bias by that group (which you yourself belong to) I think you should point that out.

    1. I agree, I'm getting tired of the bashing. It is uncalled for. Let this lady create her own demise. It won't take long..

    2. Everybody around these parts, including you, obviously, is aware Bravo is associated with TTBF. What bearing does that have on the content of his piece? Write a rebuttal if you feel it was slanted.

    3. Melba is my queen, I live to serve her.

    4. Team Tator slanted against Melba Ketchum? Say it aint so...

      Team Tator is pro juvenile and parent Squatch Murder Justin, but against someone trying to publish a DNA study on the Sasquatch - there's the WTF of the day, not this article.

    5. Team Tater ! These kooks falling as their own creation, love it !

    6. The entire blog is team tazer, why would he have to state that in every post?

  10. well, always the same old stories. damian, you just have to look at her and you know that she is an evil woman. but we do not care abouth her business ethics and the way she is dealing with people, honestly!!!
    The bloody DNA study is all we care about - if you care about Ketchum at all, I mean. In this respect it would be much more interesting to know, why her main partner, David Paulides, is presenting "DNA evidence" at the Oklahoma Science Museum in 10 days time. Why did he choose this date? Perhaps a sign that the study will really be published this month? And if not: is this presentation the death blow for the study, because the journal will not tolerate this excessive public relations work before the study`s publication is officially announced by the journal?

    1. I think that study is headed straight for pay-per-view. Maybe he'll be humping early-bird discounts.

  11. Look at the few and far in between Ketchum douchebags. The bottom line, from the article and the artist: Ketchum commissioned work which she NEVER PAID for BUT she's trying to bully an artist to get it for free. Sounds like Ketchum is POOR. She.can't even afford $75.00

    Seems like the BBB rating and lab being shut down are true.

    1. No, I think the artist is asking for an additional 75 after the commissioning for "additional rights".

    2. I know Alex Evans. She has NEVER been paid one single cent for her work for Dr. Ketchum.

  12. Celebrating 45 years of the foot

  13. "Weeks not months" lie more delusional footer.

  14. I am neutral when it comes to Dr. Melba Ketchum, but I have to say that I am getting sick of this rumor mongering, biased Team Tazer crap. It's truly having the effect of pointing out the utter ridiculousness of this site and this "team". Oh, I forgot, they're one and the same, aren't they?

    1. We think so yes as anti bigfoot as any openly operating bigfoot group ever were.

  15. "I can afford an attorney but you can't, so don't mess with me."

    Well at least we now have documented proof about what kind of person Melba is. As such, this is a landmark article.

    All other discussion about her character (or lack thereof) has been secondhand speculation to this point. Thank you Ms. Evans for making this public, and heaping the public scorn and ridicule that will follow onto Melba's head.

    Makes me feel better that I can simply ignore her and her "findings." Because I don't pay attention to people who think they are entitled to due process because of their standing, while others are not.

    1. Stubstad's view was not second hand, just few then were willing to believe him. Same with Java Bob.

    2. Stubstad was an asphalt engineer. WTF did he know about DNA?

    3. "I can afford an attorney but you can't, so don't mess with me."

      WHAT!!?? WTF!!??

      She can afford an attorney to fight this but won't cough up a measly 75 bucks to end it!!?? That is insane. She is insane. This whole business is insane.

  16. Interesting that she's had a falling out with her mind-speak "guide" Cantrall. He's a pompous, mushy man-girl and guys like that know how to hold a grudge.

  17. Alex if you read this, you have a prime chance to fuck melba over. You say she gave you a picture to do the drawing off? You didnt sign NDAs, so rrlease that picture she gave you online, she will HAVE to release some other evidence or at least hurry up with this 'project'.

  18. Screwing over artists is fucking LOW!!!
    As an artist myself, I am flaming pissed. Go get her Alex. Don't let her get away with stealing your work.

  19. Mulder here.
    So so angry.
    Jerkin off with left hand
    Can't get hard.
    Too Angry
    Hatred owns me

    1. It's no secret that I'm madly in love with Dr. Ketchum. Soon to be Dr. Mulder.

    2. Sure would you like me to toss the salad for ya too

    3. You think Mulder comes across as angry now just wait until this Ketchum thing completely unravels. He has supported her from the beginning without anything to base it on but his fanatical faith in it's existence. "DNA cannt be disputed" is his battle cry but refuses to entertain the thought that it can simply be Ketchum's interpretation of the data. That is why there is no publication or peer review. It will be a sweet day when Mulder has to eat his words but of course he won't because MULDER IS ALWAYS RIGHT (in his mind).

    4. I think he's already starting to crack up a bit.

    5. Mulder needs to be sued for slander or libel, after publically accusing tontar of a hoax he did not do.

    6. Fuck off creeps you know Ketchum will win with the solid squatch dna goods.

    7. Everyone knows I'm too precious to step out from behind the skirts of the mods.

      If the Melba doesn't deliver the goods it's only cause you scoftics couldn't handle the real truth.

      I'm not crazy, the rest of the world is crazy.

  20. Team Tazer is bad for Footing! They hurt it more than hoaxers and close-minded skeptics !

    1. Footing is bad for footing. You're all a bunch of nutjob wackos.

    2. Exactly why I wanna smack you in the head with a pillowcase with a fist full of marbles inside

    3. We found your marbles. We found your marbles. We found your marbles. We found your marbles.

  21. Melba took me on a wild goose chase to go dig up a supposed Bigfoot skeleton. Of course we didn't find anything because the operation was based on false information she gave me and my partners. She is very, very difficult to work with. I don't doubt anyone who has worked with her came away feeling the same way. I couldn't stand to even be around her after two days.

    1. I can't stand to look at her.

      -any person with eyes

    2. you really worked with her Rush,man,direct me to some good bigfoot pics,Shawns got none and I don't think any of this stuff will pan out.

  22. And we have a Winna!


  23. Where is Smeja? Where is your unimpeachable star witness?

    He vaporized off of the face of the earth because he could not publicly admit that he gave Cutino the coyote hide from a completely unrelated kill.

    Yet this bozo author completely distorts the known facts in the exact opposite way, in order to show Ketchum as the villian. What a smear job!! Hey, they need guys like you down at the National Inquirer!! And you can bring along your tiny little cahoanes, so that you don't lose them.

    1. It's the jealous Tazers so what else could we expect.

    2. Actually he gave Huggings a piece of tisue to send to Canada, he never gave cutino anything other than a piece a long time ago for emerencies that Bart told me he still has. part of the salted tissue which was the other half of Ketchum's piece (FACT)was sent in by Bart to the midwest lab but I believe was gathered from Hersome. that piece came back as bear and Justin and will be public soon.
      How could you be so dumb to believe a game of switcharoo took place as it just shows how desperate she is dude

    3. This Bart fella's just as false as the rest of BFRO just don't trust any of them.

    4. Calling team tazer jealous, while you come to their blog and talk trash every single day. Sounds like a classic case of emotional projection.


    1. I'm not sure why they hate her, but instead of writing all these lopsided articles (and maybe they have to because molecular genetics is too hard for them to cover) why don't they apologize and interview her like real journalists? I'd rather read that then a bunch of one-sided conspiracy crap.

    2. You can't claim ownership over artwork that was done a year before you ever met the artist. Can you people even READ?

    3. True, but you can get confused about it, especially when the prior work looks like the work you just commissioned. Ketchum = confused and is aggressive. Yes, she's guilty of confusion over similar works and showing aggression to litigate to protect what she thinks is a derivative.

      The artist has however published the derivative work that Ketchum commissioned from a proprietary photo. Did the artist secure full rights from Ketchum to publish the derivative work of Ketchum's proprietary photo on this blog? Ooops - It's on the internet now.

    4. Again ... READ. Ketchum CLEARLY states that she has NO INTEREST in the illustration done from her photo ... only the one that was NOT done from her photo. So, she herself released all claims to the derivative work.

      And I don't buy it that she was confused - not when the artist sent her a DATED, year-old post of the illustration to which she was laying claim. Or ... perhaps Ketchum can't READ, either?

    5. How does anyone even know if Dr. Ketchum even has proprietary ownership of the photo in question, anyway?

  25. Her's another golden one from BFF.
    This one's from Sunflower, on how to atract Bigfoots.

    "Try putting a half sheet of 4 x 8 plywood out and be sure to secure it to a tree. Non toxic sidewalk chalk on a chair works best. Draw something simple and maybe stylistic for them. Don't worry that at first it might be ignored. A friend had great success with that technique, actually a couple friends, if I recall."

    I guess Bigfoot draws pictures for them. Next thing you know, they'll be trying to sell art, by Bigfoot.

    1. holy fuck that is time for the looney bin sick your fuckin with me right or did an actual person write this as a serious comment

    2. BFF - the last bastion of the true bigfoot fanatic. They will never surrender to the truth.

    3. Here's a good one julio126.
      BFF gold, I tell ya'.

      "Their observation of people is very spectecular and with out doubt ninja. For them to come in the open is only after they have observe that person for a long time. When they come into the open,it is their way of saying that yes I have been observing you and here i am. By the time you observe them you would have already felt their presence and known that something was not right. Now i cannot be the only one who knows this,it is very obvous on the way they operate."

    4. "I actually drew pictures of a person and a sasquatch side by side, and left them in my squatchy place."

  26. So....this is a tabloid article? I cant tell. It just comes off like an angry letter from a 13 year old girl, trashing another girl at school. Or something like that.

    Ill check back in a few days, maybe there will be some actual bigfoot news. But that seems to be a rarity on this site.

  27. What I don't understand is all of the confusion from some of the posters here. Dr. Ketchum was trying to assume control over a piece of artwork completed AND POSTED online more than a year BEFORE her association with Ms. Evans began. It seems to me that a lot of the posts here are merely to try to confuse people.

  28. Replies
    1. HERB!!!!!!! Back from "squatching" in Washington and Colorado!

  29. she gets over $300,000,,,,,,,,,,,,and she can't pay $75,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,now that's a joke

  30. the other thing i find funny is the people constantly talking shit whether you believe in bigfoot or not you heard growing up it is elusive yet they act like there should be a new article of evidence every single day it's like attention dipshit if it was that easy to get evidence of bigfoot chances are we would have caught fuckin bigfoot by now

    1. It's been 45 years Harry. We've got cell phone cameras, surveillance cameras, dashboard cameras, game cameras, and spy satellites. Yet still only stupid people ever see Bigfoot. Why don't you stop being as ass head and just admit you're wrong?

    2. The wrong ass head is you and your commissioned trolling stunts here you know very well why good photos or video doesn't reach the public and is being withheld. Only stupid people can't see the cover-up here, you're here for one reason to calm the gullible majority of sheep out there knowing that most people are too busy with life everyday to really care your job is to keep it that way - failing miserably I might add.

    3. i didn't say that dick i said if there was so much evidence to find for a site to put up something new as evidence every day we would have found bigfoot it was sarcastic and a retorrical run on sentence question

    4. i do believe there could be something there but i would never force you to believe it because i really just don't give two fucks what you believe just like you should not be forced to see what i believe that's why i left it void of who sees what

    5. i'm sorry neither was directed at you 11:29 thank you

  31. I've already orderd my Melba Ketchum Sasquatch Active Wear top hat and jock strap. Got my Matt Moneymaker ski poles. Got a duck call I can blow out my ass.

    Yep. I'm ready.

    1. I'm getting the furry long johns...squatchy.

    2. I just ordered my "Official Golden Vibrating Butt Plug Of Skepticism"!
      I'm so excited to join my fellow Jrefers in all the anal fun!!!!
      Should I bring lube or do you supply it?

  32. If anyone doubts the Munns' competence, look no further than the yellow cadaver in Return of the Living Dead.

    Forget about determining height and camera apertures, footers should be asking Munns why the fuck the yellow cadaver gained 15-20 lbs after his head was cut off.

    How do bleevers react in the face that their apesuit afficianado has built a sum total of zero ape suits in his professional career?

    They build straw shrines, they draw colored lines

  33. It is SAD at what Bigfoot Research has become it has become a play ground for dishonesty and greed. There are still just a few of the Old School left and they are just disappointed at what it's become. When is the Bigfoot Community going to stand up and clean house ? It's time to take a flea and tick bath and clean this dog up ! The last couple of years you have seen way to much of this type of behavior. Best way to handle it when stuff like this comes up is to NOT give it any fuel. In other words Rebuke it and Call it what it is and NEVER mention it again!

    1. How else would you expect people to act that are living a lie?

  34. Should have gone to Wendy's. Frosty's rule.

  35. Herpity lerpity derpity doo I Melba Ketchum want someone to sue.
    My labs all washed up and Bigfoot is too, but I won’t wash my muff whatever I do!

  36. It's funny how the boards here are always a race to the bottom. Who can out stupid whom or out "gross" the other. Shawn gives us liberty and in return he gets a circus of humanity back.

    1. I'm pretty sure the primary goal here is generating ad dollars. Just take a look at some of the sensationalized headlines leading to non-stories.

      Censorship = less activity = less clicks = less revenue.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Melba is like the Lance Armstrong of the Bigfoot world! Bully, Bully, Bully!

  39. 200th.Last post..
    Woohoo,living the dream.


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