Makers of new Bigfoot film "Exists" promises to be "respectful"
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Image from Syfy's "Bigfoot" |
One of the last Bigfoot movies we've seen had an actor named Danny Bonaduce and another guy named Barry Williams who totally butchered the movie. It's was a Syfy movie about a DJ and a conservationist who teamed up to fight against the big-bad-deadly Bigfoot. This didn't sit well with many in the Bigfoot community (and perhaps outside the community), especially with those belonging to the "Forest People Friends" group who believe Bigfoots are partly human. When we learned that Eduardo Sanchez and longtime producer/now co-director Gregg Hale (THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT) are approaching their new film from a more "respectful" point of view, this caught our attention. If they do it right and don’t F-it-up, this could actually be a Bigfoot movie that everyone, including the "Forest People Friends" might agree with.
Sanchez and Hale recently sat down with FANGORIA magazine to explain their approach of creating a creature that "feels real":
With found footage often used as a grounded, humanizing window into more paranormal horror, Bigfoot straddles a line as well. Unreal, yet a creature of the earth, it is this connection and roots which fascinate Sanchez and allow him to still find fear and even tribute in the legend. “To me, it’s the fact that it feels real. We lit it, but there’s never a scene where you’re like that’s a fucking huge light hitting those woods,” Sanchez says. “Everything is very realistic and the creature looks and sounds like it’s really there. It doesn’t do any supernatural—it can’t lift a car, but it is powerful . It’s just the idea of these young people going in kind of cluelessly.”
“Also, we’re trying to be as respectful as possible to the Bigfoot community because they have this belief of this thing that’s out there. I share these sentiments, I want to believe. I love everything about it, so we try to get into it as scientifically as possible. And the whole thing with the Bigfoot people is we didn’t want to make it this killing machine doing Godzilla-like things. We wanted it to be a real character and we thought about that. By the end of the movie you realize there’s more to why it’s doing this. It has human characteristics. I came to the sound mix last week and it really is this cool amount of ape and man and something unknown. To me, it’s this unknown thing coming after you and it’s of this earth. It’s not from outer space. It’s an animal that is chasing you.”
ReplyDeleteSomeone help me lose weight.
DeleteOk . put the fork down !
DeleteI hate it when an evil skeptical nogoodnick simplifies the bigfoot conversation to "are they real or aren't they"
DeleteThat kind of logic really limits me. It's not fair.
10:16 ^^^
DeleteSuffering from PGF-itis, AKA PGF avoidance syndrome.
This condition is characterized by uncontrollable head and neck jerkings which avert the sufferer's gaze from the PGF.
This irritating syndrome results in a state of denial and stagnation on the part of the sufferer: the individual with PGF-itis will never see the evidence because of the uncontrollable spasmodic nature of the physical jerkings of the head and neck.
This condition is frustrating to reasonable people in the vicinity of the sufferer, becauase of the sufferer's inability to look at evidence. The violent jerkings and writhings simply prevent the sufferer from holding his or her line of vision onto the PGF, so the evidence will never be seen by them.
Treatment for this condition involves such activities as removing the sufferer's head from holes in the ground and other dark, tight spaces. A special head and neck brace may also be obtained, in order to force the sufferer to view the PGF and whatever portions thereof repeatedly until the evidence is recognized and assimilated by the viewer.
Hey tits go to cam4.
DeleteHey 11:36,
DeleteYou appear to be suffering from a severe case of jealousy which has brought on an attack of reality denying.
Whenever you see someone smarter than you you fly into a wild bulling frenzy whereby you attempt to vent your frustration by spouting lies and insults. Your anger at your own retardation, tiny penis, and inferior genetics is never truly abated so you return to this website day after day in a fruitless attempt to escape the reality your inadequacies.
In an effort to self-justify your own evil actions you have driven yourself into a state of advanced delusion whereby you must constantly lie to reassure yourself while also seeking the company of like-minded liars. Were this website shut down you would be unable to sustain your fantasy for long and the overwhelming weight of your evil would come crashing down upon you and you would be forced to self-terminate.
For the sake of humanity and for your own good you should immediacy slit your wrists. I assure you that the relief you will experience while waiting for your imminent exsanguination will be the greatest pleasure you will ever have in your entire sad existence
What the fuck did I tell you hitler it didn't work the first time
DeleteTelling assholes to kill themselves isn't eugenics you dumb ass.
Maybe it's a good thing that the foot-yard yokels have a silly group delusion to distract them from reality. Can you imagine what would happen if these insane dingbats actually attempted to function in normal society?
DeleteOh right Anon 1:02, that makes LOADS of sense. When you read Brave New World did you actually sympathize with the dystopian government? All this “just let the retards have their delusion” crap might seem cute to you, but when there’s crusaders breaking down your door you’ll change your tune pretty quick. Lies can be harmful, and truth has value, and if you don’t understand that then you shouldn’t be a skeptic.
DeleteWell, the movie sounds like it might be better than the other Bigfoot movies out there. Abominable is still my favorite.
DeleteYep Abominable was cool in a Rear Window meets Sasquatch way! The costume was also good for faking trail cam photos!
DeleteThere's only one really good movie treating it seriously, Hammer Film's 1957 Abominable Snowman.
ReplyDeletefirst to say 1st anyways
DeleteYes, keep it respectful. Be sensitive to the bigfoot community. It might make a difference and instead of a few dozen people seeing it, a couple hundred might turn out.
ReplyDeleteYeah because found footage movies do so badly at the box office these days, Paranormal Activity, Last Exorcism, End of Watch, Cloverfield, Chronicle and of course Blair Witch all tanked. Yessir no money to be made there at all
DeleteHey captain false analogy,
DeleteHow are BIGFOOT movies doing these days?
Name one that's not made for TV or direct to DVD / pay per view! With found footage movie the subject doesn't really matter especially when it's horror based and cheap to make so this will make money, I'd bet on it.
DeleteAh yes, the old “if I make a movie cheaply enough I’ll have to make money as a few poor saps are bound to see it out of curiosity” routine.
DeleteI’ve got one word for you Mr. Business major: DISTRIBUTION.
The Legend of Boggy Creek
DeletePrimal (2007)
DeleteGreat fucken movie
DeleteAnon 12:58 how many Paranormal Activity movies have there been? Why is that do you think? It sure as hell isn't because they're good movies, it's because they're cheap movies that make good returns for the studio. Like I said Blair Witch was the original, what was it made for $1000 (or was it $100,000) sold for $1000,000 made over $100,000,000 domestic. As long as it's got a good marketing campaign and cheap scares it's bound to make cash
DeleteHere's another film that sounds similar on youtube called shadow of bigfoot:
DeleteIs there actually a magazine called "Fangoria"?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to pretend you didn't say that and then I'm gonna tell you to fuck off.
DeleteOh sorry, I thought they meant the band Fangoria.
DeleteSomeone didn't get the memo. Fuck off.
DeleteDoes Fangoria refer to Eva Longiria'a vagina?
DeleteOnly once a month
DeleteI think its Fagoria. Paradise of the fags, nothing but taterhole'n is an abomination.
DeleteHomophobes are imbeciles by there very nature, anyone who chooses to remain an ignorant bigot deserves our pity.
DeleteHomosexuals are evil by their very nature and deserve punishment.
DeleteThankfully they often do a good job of inflicting that on themselves.
-Captain "we really shouldn't cure AIDS even if we could" Reality
Homoprobes are gay by their very nature, any homo that chooses to probe another homo is an ignorant Gaylord and deserves a taterprodding lubed with Tabasco sauce and a splash of lemon.
Delete12:43 - Wow Captain, you sound like one of those hardcore preachers that rail against "homos" for years until he's caught in a men's room Larry Craig style.
DeleteYou wish faggot.
Yeah he's too busy molesting kids to go all gay on you
DeleteAnon 1:01,
DeleteI can see that you and I are going to become very well acquainted.
-Kaposi's sarcoma
Dear Anon 1:15,
DeleteWe would like to inform you that we will soon be producing adult diapers in extra extra extra extra large for the plus sized sodomite such as yourself. So remember Depend© brand diapers are available for all your anal seepage needs.
You're pathetic Anon 1:15. You’re a pedophile, yet you falsely accuse others of doing exactly what you do to try to distract yourself from your own guilt. Any reasonable person knows that homosexual is just a “politically correct” code word for child molester. If it wasn’t then there wouldn’t be homosexual indoctrination programs in the public schools. You freaks try to “get them while they’re young” so you can “open their minds” to being fucked in the ass. You people are a disease.
DeleteI say good if god don't let gays in let them be gay more room for me. And usually a man secure in his manhood has no reason to be homophobic but just as I leave displays of affection with my wife in my house so should they I don't care what they do in their own time just don't keep pushing it in my face cause I'm sorry but it is disgusting when dudes make out
DeleteAnon 1:51,
DeleteYou shut your faggoty face you subhuman scum. The only people who talk about being “secure in my manhood” are closet fags like you. Real men never had any doubt that they were straight. Unlike you I don’t have any need to go on the internet and insinuate that other people are “insecure” to reassure myself of my own sexuality. Don’t be a bully you stupid dickhead.
Who the fuck is being a bully you dumb son of a bitch I said I don't care what they do learn to read you dumb motherfucker
DeleteYou are dickhead!
DeleteIf ALL they were doing was fucking each other in the ass I wouldn’t give a fuck. But that’s not ALL they’re doing, and that FACT is self-evident. Do you feel real tough bulling people while hiding behind the fucking fags? You think your brave mocking on behalf of those who have gone to extraordinary lengths to get “special rights”? The bravery of those who hide behind the mighty (and are thus mighty themselves) is not but cowardice, so shut your fucking face faggot.
Man you people are seriously fucked up, what the hell does it matter if people are gay or straight? As for the retarded inbred that said homosexual was just a PC way to say child molester should look at the facts which clearly show that the majority of paedophilles are white heterosexual men. You are intolerant dumb pieces of shit the fact that you're both saying homophobic shit and arguing with each other it just shows how dumb you are. Dude if you don't like gay men kissing in public then quit watching them ! As for special treatment that gay people are supposed to be getting what you talking about? How can you say they have extra rights when you can go get married to which ever dumb backward sewer skank slut in any state in the US but two people of the same sex can't do that. What's the Constitution say that all men are created equal and have a right to life, liberty and happiness surely the rights that you have every other guy should have straight or gay?
DeleteHello mcfly I wasn't arguing holy shit I did only the post at 1:51 and 2:07. I didn't say anything wrong it is nasty to me. I leave my intimacy at home so it's not like I'm bashing them. Or asking that they make special treatment for me. I'm not being a hypocrite just asking for the same respect I give so chill out. So I'm not allowed to ask for the common courtesy I give. Where exactly is my hate and intolerance you speak of.
Deleteso this is gonna be a tv movie on syfy? or like a real movie?
ReplyDeleteA real movie as found footage movies as cheap as hell to make, they don't need famous actors to be sucessful and unless it's superhero based like Chronicle or giant monster attack like Cloverfield the effects are cheap too. They're a gold mine for the studios, cost a million to make and bring in hundreds of millions at the box office maybe more if released strategically at certain times like Halloween or they have a great viral campaign a la Blair Witch. My guess is as it's Sanchez who made Blair Witch they'll have a viral campaign with hoaxed YouTube videos making the way on the net in the months leading up to release, they pretty much created viral marketing in '99 for Blair Witch so bound to have tricks up their sleeves for this too. Like I said it makes money and the template's there already if it ain't broke don't fix it.
DeleteI believe the viral fake videos have already begun. (forest ranger who found a camera..?)
DeleteWill someone please buy this sonofabitch a ticket to see "the suit"
ReplyDeleteHe's been abusing me longer than he's been abusing his PGF privileges and I can't take it anymore.
I'm shutting down and calling bullshit on the whole operation.
So is that dropped a Danny in my panties?
ReplyDeleteI think it is safe to say that all films of this genre suck like Jenna Jameson at her prime.
ReplyDeleteI would rather watch a Melba Ketchum donkey show than suffer through another bigfoot movie.
It would be nice if someone produced a film. As cheaply made and silly at times as "The Legend of Boggy Creek" was, it probably is the best one I've seen. I'm not a film maker, but a film watcher, and since this phenomena is real, why doesn't someone capture it with the terror and creep factor that humans feel at THINKING something is out there and it may be a sasquatch? They can use the idea of not showing it too much, which works especially well with this subject. I don't think it should ever attack, but just focus on the stalking it's said to do, the noises, the rock or branch pelting,found footprints, quick sightings of something blurry and know, what has been documented by people over and over when they have been in the woods for whatever purpose. Couldn't someone fictionalize a composite experience on film with good actors and a good script? I guess we need Spielberg or M. Knight Shyamalan here. Do the Hitchcockian thing of focusing on the fear that people experience and make the audience feel that.
ReplyDeleteOr hitch your cock into the movie theater and make the audience feel that.
DeleteBigfoot's not real and you're a faggot.
DeleteLike I said earlier on this thread this is one of the guy's who made Blair Witch so expect the same. Beginning : Maybe high schoolers or college kids who are into Squatching and doing a project with a video camera on Bigfoot. Expect to see unedited footage of them being cynical and sceptical of it's existance cept maybe one of them who is a beliver or the other way round where one of them is a stone cold sceptic who later will eat crow. Expect interviews with fake eye witnesses who recount experiences out in them there woods while the film makers mock them off camera as been hokey inbred towns folk. Middle: of course you can't make a fake documentary bout Sasquatch without going into the scary forest and camping out with or without a so called expert in tow to try and lure the beast in so the kids can capture it on camera. Expect, strange howling noises, rock throwing, grunting and eyshine in the tree line and character's saying things like "Did you hear that?" repeatedly and trying to explain things as wolves howling etc. Expect this to intensify to maybe tent prodding and things moved around, most of the film makers will now want to leave but one (either the sceptic who thinks the locals are Scooby Dooing them or he's a real believer who thinks they might trump PGF) will want to stay and will persuade them. End: Sasquatch activity will increase but creature is never shown all but one character will freak out and disappear mysteriously leaving the sceptic/believer character left till the end when the camera is dropped in the forest and maybe we see a big hairy foot in shot with an accompanying grunt as the camera turns off and the credits roll.
DeleteYou can actually find out what this movie is really about instead of making up your own small minded script. There's this thing called Google and you can find out all sorts of information.
DeleteYes that's right there is a thing called Google and from the brief synopsis available on IMDB and Dread Central they went with the tired old teenagers out for fun and party in the woods and get stalked by Jason Vorhees, er sorry I mean Bigfoot. By the way my movie above was kinda taking the piss and bears a striking resemblance to a certain other movie that Sanchez was involved in.
DeleteHey bud, is it true that Mary Ann from "Gilligan's Island" and Kimberly from "Different Strokes" were in that Baggy creek flick?
ReplyDeleteThey were stroking my teabag when we were skinny dipping in the creek.
DeleteSpeaking of shitty bigfoot movies, how is Rob Gaudet making out with his Louisiana "bigfoot" investigation?
ReplyDeleteAdmit it was a black bear yet?
Mulder fails to understand the difference between abiogenesis and evolution and fails to understand the concept of burden of proof. He thinks that because no one has any evidence to go against the report (well we do) that therefore the report must exist and be scientificly valid. Yup folks you can't make this shit up. He also says anecdotes are just as credible as scientific observations. Yes folks these are his words. Its one thing to lie a about a sighting because you had an uneasy feeling in the woods once but just think about what you are saying. Jesus.
ReplyDeleteFooters are sophists and hypocrites. If they applied their flawed logic consistently (instead of selectively and when it benefits them) then they would be unable to function.
DeleteHi JerryM. Pouting I see...?
DeleteThe forest freinds Kult needs to be investigated do to thie use of terroristic tactics.
ReplyDeleteBigfoot is not real. But the forest fags are nothing but trash.
Yes, I am the Director, and I promise to be respectful to the Bigfoot content at hand... that is exactly why I am making Bigfoot 60ft tall... and adding Willie Aames and Scott Baio in this film.
ReplyDeleteLittle known fact: The first documented use of douche-bag as an adjective was used to describe Scott Baio.
DeleteCarry on...
I'll shit in all of your mouths. Eat a bunch of tacos last night. Line up footers and open wide.
ReplyDeleteIve always loved watching documentaries and films about bigfoot. My mum spotted that this film was on and asked me if I wanted to watch it. I recorded it and watched it that night with such excitement...WORST film ive ever seen !!
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